
    Specialist Guest: Kirsten Pobjoy Wingwalker

    enMarch 21, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Thrill of Wing WalkingEmbrace new experiences, even if they're intimidating, and don't let missed opportunities hold you back.

      The world is full of new and exciting experiences, some of which might seem terrifying but are worth exploring. During a conversation, the guests revealed their fascination with wing walking – a thrilling activity where an individual stands on the wing of a flying plane. Despite initial apprehensions, they expressed their desire to try it out and even suggested creating a podcast episode around it. The conversation also highlighted the importance of persistence and being proactive in pursuing new opportunities, as the guests discovered that they had missed an opportunity to contact a wing walking instructor due to miscommunication. Overall, the discussion underscored the importance of stepping out of one's comfort zone and embracing new experiences, no matter how intimidating they might seem at first.

    • Finding joy in the face of fearDespite the risks and personal fears, wing walking team members find excitement and joy in their unique profession.

      Despite the apparent risks and unusual nature of their profession, the wing walking team members find joy and excitement in their work. The fear of heights for some team members, like the speaker, was triggered by a traumatic experience, but they still choose to face their fear and perform. The rarity of their profession adds to the unique experience they offer. The speaker also shared that they've always been adventurous, and this career choice aligns with that personality trait. Overall, their passion and love for wing walking overcome their fears and challenges, making it a fulfilling experience for them.

    • Unexpected opportunities can lead to amazing experiencesBe open to new experiences and seize opportunities, even if they seem unreal or intimidating at first

      Sometimes, opportunities present themselves in the most unexpected ways. The speaker shared her dream of becoming a trapeze artist and applied for a wingwalking job on a whim, which led her to join the professional display team. Her interview took place on an airplane during a snowy day, and despite the initial shock, she ended up getting the job. The team, which includes her best friend from school, offers the unique experience of teaching anyone to wingwalk. This story highlights the importance of seizing opportunities and being open to new experiences, even if they seem unreal or intimidating at first.

    • Experience of Wing Walking: Fear, Trust, and FreedomWing walking offers a unique perspective, trust, and camaraderie with pilots, despite initial fear. Safety measures ensure a safe experience.

      Wing walking is an exhilarating experience that requires trust and courage. The speaker shared her first-hand account of wing walking, describing the initial feelings of fear and uncertainty before takeoff, but the subsequent elation and freedom once in the air. She emphasized the importance of safety measures, such as harnesses and communication signals, and the camaraderie between wing walkers and pilots. The speaker also highlighted the unique perspective wing walking provides, allowing a bird's eye view of the world and the raw power of the aircraft's engine. Despite the initial fear, she expressed a strong desire to continue wing walking and encouraged others to try new experiences, even if they seem daunting at first.

    • Experience the thrill of skydiving and aerobaticsSkydiving and aerobatics offer unique, exhilarating experiences despite initial fears, with safety measures ensuring enjoyment and minimal risks.

      Skydiving, despite initial fears and anxieties, offers an exhilarating and liberating experience once you overcome your apprehensions. The feeling of flying, even upside down in a plane during aerobatics, is surreal and unlike anything else. Safety measures are in place to ensure enjoyment and minimal risks, with harnesses, seat belts, and steel cables securing participants. The cost and complexity of aviation might explain why fewer companies offer such experiences. Despite the initial nervousness, the joy and fun experienced during these activities make it all worthwhile.

    • Experience the thrill of wing walkingWing walking offers a unique and privileged perspective on flying, bringing freedom, excitement, and a new appreciation for life, despite the high cost.

      Despite initial fears and nerves, experiencing the thrill of wing walking can lead to a newfound appreciation for the freedom and excitement of flying. However, the cost of learning to fly a plane is a significant barrier for many, making wing walking a unique and privileged experience. The sensation of flying close to another plane and the feeling of being a bird in the sky are unforgettable experiences that can change one's perspective on life. Although it may not be accessible to everyone due to financial constraints, the joy and adrenaline rush of wing walking are worth pursuing for those who have the opportunity.

    • Experience the Thrill of Wing WalkingWing walking offers a unique, breathtaking perspective and a sense of freedom, leaving participants with a newfound appreciation for life and adventure despite initial fears and nerves.

      Wing walking is an intense and unique experience that can be both terrifying and exhilarating for participants. Despite initial nerves and fears, the majority of people who try it want to go back up for more. The experience is tailored to individual preferences, with some seeking only to enjoy the views, while others crave the thrill of being thrown around in the sky. Wing walking offers a breathtaking perspective and a sense of freedom unlike any other, making it a memorable and worthwhile adventure for those who dare to try. The speaker shared his own experience of flying over New York in a helicopter, which left him amazed but also petrified, illustrating the range of emotions that come with such experiences. Overall, wing walking is an unforgettable and transformative experience that pushes people out of their comfort zones and leaves them with a newfound appreciation for life and adventure.

    • Embracing Fear and Enjoying New ExperiencesFear can hinder us, but letting go and trusting the experience can lead to joy and excitement. Preparation and expertise can help handle unexpected situations.

      Fear can hold us back, but letting go and trusting the experience can lead to unexpected joy and excitement. The speaker shares anecdotes about elderly passengers who initially express fear before taking a flight, only to end up enjoying the experience despite their initial apprehensions. Similarly, the speaker encourages people not to hold on too tightly during the experience, as doing so can make it harder to let go and fully enjoy the ride. The speaker also highlights the importance of training and preparation in handling unexpected situations, drawing a parallel between the aircraft and a second home due to the extensive time spent practicing. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of embracing new experiences, even when fear is present, and trusting in the preparation and expertise of those guiding the way.

    • Preparation and Training for Wing WalkingWing walking involves extensive preparation and training, including coordination with teammates, hours of practice, and rigorous safety measures.

      Being a wing walker involves extensive preparation and training, both on the ground and in the air. Wing walkers must coordinate with each other to execute complex moves, which require hours of practice in the hangar and in the sky. They also have to be experienced and well-trained to ensure safety during shows. Wing walking is a unique experience that has attracted various famous personalities, including movie stars and celebrities. Training and safety are top priorities, and wing walkers undergo rigorous training for months to perfect their skills. For instance, they learn to climb up onto the top wing, strap themselves in, and even do flybys for landing. While some stunts, like climbing down into the cockpit, may be exciting, they can also pose risks, and wing walkers may have differing opinions on their execution. Overall, wing walking is an exhilarating and challenging activity that requires dedication, teamwork, and a love for adventure.

    • Blue Peter Hall of Fame: A Tribute to Extraordinary AchievementsThe Blue Peter Hall of Fame honors individuals who have made significant contributions in various fields, inspiring future generations with their unique achievements and boundary-pushing attitudes.

      The Blue Peter Hall of Fame is an exclusive list of individuals who have made significant contributions in various fields, from entertainment to adventure and sports. The list includes names like Bez from the Happy Mondays, Jan Leeming, Mike Bushell, Bear Grylls, Roy Castle, Rick Parfitt, Lorraine Chase, Chris Akerbusi, Jeremy Guscott, Richard Hammond, Cheryl Baker, and Elon Musk, among others. The individuals on this list have left their mark in unique ways, some by being the first to do something extraordinary, while others by pushing boundaries in their respective fields. The Blue Peter Hall of Fame is a testament to their achievements and serves as an inspiration for future generations. The individuals on this list have shown that being different and taking risks can lead to great things. The conversation also touched upon the idea of adding new members to the list and the excitement of potentially witnessing their induction firsthand. Overall, the Blue Peter Hall of Fame is a celebration of the extraordinary achievements of individuals who have made a lasting impact.

    • Embracing the unknown and pursuing passionsEmbracing uncertainty and trying new things can lead to personal growth, new opportunities, and a deep sense of fulfillment.

      Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and pursuing your passions, no matter how unconventional they may seem, can lead to incredible opportunities and personal growth. This was emphasized by the speaker, who shared her own experience of initially feeling underconfident about applying for a job that seemed out of reach, but ended up loving every moment of it and traveling the world as a result. She also highlighted the importance of sharing this message with children, encouraging them to believe in their abilities and try new things. The speaker's enthusiasm for her job, which involves teaching trapeze classes in Stroud, was evident as she spoke about the joy and fun it brings her every day. Overall, the conversation underscored the idea that taking risks and following your dreams can lead to amazing experiences and a deep sense of fulfillment.

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