
    Hilaree Nelson On The Virtues Of Living An Adventurous Life

    enMay 07, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Facing Fear and Testing ResilienceEmbrace discomfort and challenge yourself to face your fears for personal growth and fulfillment. High-quality products can support you in pushing your limits.

      Experiencing discomfort and pushing beyond our limits is essential for personal growth and feeling fully alive. As Hillary Nelson, a world-renowned adventure athlete, shared on the Rich Roll podcast, facing fear and testing our resilience in unfamiliar situations allows us to learn, expand, and understand the depth of emotions like elation and fulfillment. This idea was emphasized throughout the episode, which explored fear, risk, adventure, and potential. Hillary's impressive accomplishments in ski mountaineering, including climbing and skiing down some of the most exotic and treacherous mountain ranges, serve as a testament to the power of stepping outside our comfort zones. This concept was further reinforced by the episode's sponsors, Momentous and On, which focus on providing high-quality products that enhance performance and support individuals in pushing their limits. Moreover, the episode's mention of Go Brewing, a new sponsor, highlights the importance of making choices that align with our values and goals, even if it means abstaining from alcohol. By embracing discomfort and challenging ourselves, we can experience the magic and personal growth that comes from facing our fears and testing our limits.

    • Discovering Delicious Alcohol-Free Beers and Inspiring StoriesGo Brewing produces alcohol-free, lower calorie, and delicious craft beers. Hillary Nelson shares her experiences and insights on fear, risk, resilience, and the importance of stepping outside of one's comfort zone.

      Even though alcohol can be enjoyable, it comes with negative consequences such as disrupting sleep, causing hangovers, and in extreme cases, ruining lives. However, there is a solution for those who don't want to give up their favorite brews entirely. Go Brewing is a new company that produces alcohol-free, lower calorie, and delicious craft beers. The founder, Joe, was inspired to start the company after attending a talk given by the podcast host. Go Brewing's beers are made with natural ingredients and are brewed to perfection, making it a worthwhile discovery for those looking to reduce their alcohol intake without sacrificing taste. Another inspiring figure discussed in the podcast is Hillary Nelson, an adventurer and single mother who has tackled numerous extraordinary expeditions while balancing her responsibilities as a mother. In the conversation, Hillary shares her experiences and insights on fear, risk, resilience, and the importance of stepping outside of one's comfort zone. Overall, the podcast offers valuable insights and stories of individuals who have overcome challenges and achieved great things, whether it be through innovation in the beer industry or pushing personal boundaries in adventure and motherhood.

    • The allure of The Peak of Evil draws adventurer backAdventurer returns to The Peak of Evil for personal growth and to conquer unknown challenges, facing extreme conditions and mastering new skills.

      The peak of evil, a challenging and remote mountain in India, has held a deep fascination for this adventurer since his first encounter with it in 1999. Despite a long career of never returning to the same mountain twice, the peak's unattainable allure and the personal growth he'd experienced over the years drew him back. The steep, intense descent required mastering new skills and facing extreme conditions, taking 4 hours to cover just 3000 feet. The mountain represented a circle of life for him, a place of both beginnings and potential endings. The decision to return was driven by a desire to conquer the unknown and face the challenges that came with it.

    • Mental fortitude crucial in extreme mountaineeringExtreme mountaineering demands mental toughness. Train with intense long-duration climbing, exposure to dangerous conditions, and master various techniques to build mental fortitude.

      Extreme mountaineering, such as climbing Denali without acclimatization, requires both physical and mental endurance. The high altitude slows down the pace and compromises decision-making, making mental fortitude crucial. Training for such challenges involves intense long-duration climbing, exposure to dangerous conditions, and mastering various mountaineering techniques and gear. Ski mountaineering, a specific subculture within mountaineering, adds the complexity of skiing up and down the mountains, requiring a unique skill set and multidisciplinary approach. The community is small but dedicated, and the challenges faced are both physically and mentally demanding. Developing mental toughness is essential for success, and exposure to extreme conditions is an effective way to build this skill.

    • Embracing challenges for personal growthPersevering through failures and learning from past experiences leads to new insights and success

      Having the passion to pursue challenges, even in the face of failure, is key to personal growth and success. As illustrated in the discussion about the speaker's ski mountaineering experiences, going back to a challenging peak a second time can lead to new insights and success due to previous knowledge and experience. The speaker's career in ski mountaineering, filled with numerous expeditions and both successes and "missteps," demonstrates the importance of perseverance and redefining what success means. The lessons learned from these experiences are what the speaker shares with others to inspire and motivate them.

    • The beauty and struggle of passion and obsessionPassion and obsession bring suffering and success, essential for self-understanding and growth. Embrace the journey, balance is a moving target.

      Passion and obsession, while beautiful, come with their own struggles and suffering. These experiences are essential for self-understanding and growth. Without suffering, it would be difficult to appreciate the elation and fulfillment that come with success. Passion is a close companion to obsession, and the pursuit of it involves both suffering and elation. The ability to experience and learn from failures is crucial for appreciating the successes in life. Many people lack a true north or passion that drives them, and a culture that prioritizes comfort over suffering contributes to a population disconnected from this experience. When faced with the question of how to find passion, it's important to embrace the difficult journey ahead and stop looking for shortcuts. Balance, a moving target, is the ever-evolving goal of striving for harmony in various aspects of life.

    • Everyone's path to balance is uniqueTrust and honor your experiences and desires to find balance in life, even if it means prioritizing personal goals over intense pursuits.

      Finding balance in life is a personal journey and what may appear unbalanced to others can be an essential part of achieving one's own equilibrium. The speaker shares how her love for challenging experiences and periods of suffering contribute to her sense of balance. She also highlights how the highs and lows of intense pursuits, such as climbing expeditions, can even out over time. The speaker's decision to prioritize family time by reducing her number of expeditions and participating in an Ironman race instead, shows how personal goals can help find balance in one's life. Overall, the key message is that everyone's path to balance is unique, and it's essential to trust and honor one's own experiences and desires.

    • An uncharted mountain adventure in MyanmarFaced numerous challenges during a two-week jungle trek to climb an uncharted mountain in Myanmar, adapting and finding solutions on the go.

      The expedition to climb an uncharted mountain in the northern part of Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) was an anti-Everest adventure due to its complete unknown nature. The team had to travel overland from Yangon, walk through the jungle for over two weeks to reach the base, and face numerous challenges such as running out of food, lack of infrastructure, and unforeseen obstacles. The adventure began when things started going wrong, and the team had to adapt and find solutions on the go. Despite the challenges, the expedition was exactly what they were looking for - an authentic and epic adventure with no existing information or infrastructure to guide them.

    • Experience of gender exclusion in team dynamics during high-pressure situationsOpen dialogue and inclusion of all team members in decision-making processes are essential for effective team dynamics and preventing gender bias.

      Effective communication and inclusion are crucial in team dynamics, especially during high-pressure situations. The speaker, a female team member of a National Geographic-sponsored expedition to climb a mountain, shared her experience of feeling excluded from the final push to the summit. The team leader, who had personal motivations, manipulated the situation, leaving the speaker and another female team member behind. The speaker felt the pressure to prove herself as a capable climber due to being a female in a male-dominated field. This experience left her questioning her abilities and worth, and she felt the situation was exacerbated by her gender. The importance of open dialogue and ensuring all team members are included in decision-making processes is a valuable lesson from this experience.

    • The importance of repairing relationships during adventures and personal growthAdventures and personal growth journeys require repairing fractured relationships. Balance structured relationships with freedom and know when to let go.

      The journey of adventure and exploration, whether it be in the physical world or in personal relationships, requires repair and reconciliation. The speaker, who has had a diverse upbringing with a mix of structured team sports and wild adventures, found himself in a fractured group during an expedition in Burma. He had to repair relationships with confrontational and temperamental team members, like Corey and Mark, as well as the more stoic and quiet ones, like Renan. The experience reminded him of his childhood, where he had to balance the structured world of team sports with the freedom of wild adventures. The speaker learned that repairing relationships is an essential part of any journey, whether it be an expedition or a personal growth journey. He also acknowledged that some relationships may not be worth repairing and that it's essential to know when to let go. Overall, the speaker's background and experiences shaped his perspective on the importance of repairing relationships in the face of adversity.

    • Father-son conflict leads to self-discoveryConflict with parents can push individuals to explore new passions and talents, leading to personal growth.

      The speaker's relationship with their father significantly influenced their personal growth and passions. Despite their father's initial push for the speaker to pursue basketball, their attempts to force the issue led to a major conflict. However, this experience also motivated the speaker to discover new interests, such as skiing and rock climbing, which ultimately became a defining part of their identity. The father's intense focus and drive, rooted in his own lack of opportunities growing up, played a role in shaping the speaker's determination and diligence. The speaker's journey shows how adversity and conflict can pave the way for self-discovery and the development of unique talents.

    • Lessons from Chamonix: Skiing, Climbing, and Mountain RisksChamonix taught the speaker about skiing, climbing risks and the importance of risk assessment in extreme sports.

      The speaker's experience in Chamonix, France, introduced them to the interconnectedness of skiing and climbing, as well as the inherent risks involved. The speaker's prolonged stay in Chamonix, which spanned a few months to several years, exposed them to the community and the dangers of the mountains. The average of one death per day in the valley served as a stark reminder of the risks. The speaker's lack of risk assessment skills and blind following led to near-death experiences. However, the speaker eventually left Chamonix due to becoming desensitized to death. The speaker's career in extreme skiing began with North Face's sponsorship in the late 90s. The speaker's experiences show that the pursuit of adventure and competition can come with significant risks, and it's essential to assess those risks carefully.

    • Discovering happiness through travel and new experiencesTravel broadens perspective, witnessing true happiness in poverty teaches valuable lessons, and happiness isn't solely dependent on material possessions.

      Travel and new experiences can broaden one's perspective on life and happiness. The speaker shares how she discovered her love for high altitude camping through a chance connection and a life-changing expedition in India. There, she witnessed true happiness and contentment in people living in poverty, despite their lack of material possessions. This experience has shaped her values and influenced how she raises her children, encouraging them to explore different cultures and challenge their assumptions about happiness. As a mother and adventurer, she finds that returning from extended expeditions involves an adjustment period, as one must readjust to modern comforts after living without them for an extended time. Ultimately, her experiences have taught her that happiness is not solely dependent on material possessions and that it's essential to expose oneself to diverse cultures and experiences to truly understand the world.

    • Balancing Identity and MotherhoodMaintaining personal identity is essential for mothers, empowering both them and their children to pursue dreams and be loving caregivers.

      Balancing personal identity and motherhood can be a complex and challenging decision. Hillary's personal experiences highlight the importance of maintaining one's identity while being a mother. Her upbringing and observations of her own mother's regrets influenced her to prioritize her identity. Although she was initially terrified of the potential consequences, her children embraced and appreciated her adventurous spirit. The conservative perspective may suggest putting motherhood above personal pursuits, but Hillary's experience demonstrates the power and empowerment of being unapologetically oneself. This example sets a strong foundation for children to learn that their parents can be role models who follow their dreams while still being loving and dedicated caregivers.

    • Adults' Passions Inspire ChildrenChildren learn from adults pursuing passions, inspiring them to explore their own interests and develop resilience, while parents' support is crucial for their emotional growth.

      Children benefit from seeing adults overcome obstacles and pursue their passions, even if those passions differ from their own. This not only inspires them to explore their own interests but also helps them develop emotional attachment and a sense of direction in life. However, as parents, it's essential to support and love our children even when their interests deviate from ours. By doing so, we can help them develop resilience and learn valuable life lessons. Adventure, whether through ski mountaineering or other pursuits, can provide a simplistic and powerful experience that helps us stay present and focused on what truly matters. It's important for people to understand that the value of adventure goes beyond the final destination and can significantly impact our ability to live in the moment.

    • Lessons from challenging experiencesChallenging experiences teach us about ourselves, deepen empathy, and simplify life. Humility, empathy, and joy are important lessons learned in remote locations, but can be hard to maintain in everyday life.

      The value of experiences, especially those involving challenges and hardships, comes not just from the destination, but also from the journey itself. These experiences can help us learn about ourselves and others, deepen our empathy, and simplify our lives. The speaker's expeditions to remote locations, such as the Isle of South Georgia and Burma, have taught him the importance of humility and empathy, and have shown him that even in the most difficult circumstances, people can come together to support each other. However, the simplicity and clarity of these lessons can be hard to maintain once back in the complexities of everyday life. The speaker also reflects on the importance of recognizing the joy and happiness in people's lives, even in the face of hardships and poverty, and the goal of uplifting everyone out of such situations.

    • Embracing risks and failures lead to growth and discoveryFailures provide opportunities to learn and inspire young girls, viewing women as role models in adventure genre, and celebrating the journey itself

      Embracing risks and failures can lead to personal growth and discovery of one's true potential. The speaker, who shared her experiences from an expedition to Burma, emphasized that the journey itself, regardless of its outcome, is valuable and worth celebrating. She encouraged the audience to view failures as opportunities to learn and to look up to women as role models, especially in the adventure genre where women often have unique perspectives and tell stories differently than men. The speaker also highlighted the importance of inspiring young girls by being authentic and sharing experiences, rather than focusing on superficial achievements.

    • Empowering Girls and Women to Challenge Gender NormsRepresenting female role models, exploring passions, and promoting gender equality in industries inspire girls and women to confidently occupy male-dominated spaces, influencing positive policy changes.

      Through speaking and sharing experiences, we can inspire and empower girls and women to challenge gender norms and occupy male-dominated spaces with confidence and value. Hilary Nelson, a climber and adventurer, emphasizes the importance of representing female role models in various industries and encouraging young girls to explore their passions. Companies and organizations play a crucial role in promoting gender equality by highlighting the achievements of female athletes and leaders. Nelson's upcoming adventure to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge aims to document the unique beauty of the place and influence positive policy changes. As Nelson continues her speaking tour, she inspires audiences with her stories and encourages them to appreciate the value of diverse perspectives. To connect with Hilary Nelson, follow her on Twitter @hillaryoneil or visit her website, which is currently transitioning to HillaryNelson.com.

    • Explore Tuscany's plant-based culinary tradition with Hillary Nelson and her new cookbookConnect with Hillary Nelson on social media, discover plant-based recipes in Tuscany through her cookbook, or try Rich Roll's meal planner for affordable and customizable options.

      Hillary Nelson, a plant-based nutrition expert, encourages listeners to connect with her on social media and explore the rich plant-based culinary tradition of Tuscany through the new cookbook "Plant Power Way Italia." For those seeking more plant-based recipes, Rich Roll's meal planner offers thousands of customizable options, including grocery delivery, for just $1.90 a week. Listeners are also encouraged to support the show by sharing it on social media, subscribing on their preferred podcast platform, or becoming a patron at patreon.com/richroll. The show is produced by Jason Camiolo, Blake Curtis, and features theme music by Anna Lemma. Don't forget to go out and have an adventure!

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    The Rich Roll Podcast
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    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food

    Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance With Delicious Food
    This week, I’m joined by Dan Churchill, a performance chef redefining what it means to thrive in the culinary world. With a Master’s in Exercise Science, Dan is fueling plates and human performance. As executive chef of Osprey in Brooklyn’s 1 Hotel, a former restaurant owner, coach on Chris Hemsworth’s Centr app, and cookbook author—Dan is at the intersection of cuisine, fitness, and content creation. We talk about his unique background growing up in Sydney, how a passion for food connected his family, and his journey from appearing on MasterChef Australia to self-publishing cookbooks that launched his career in New York City. Dan shares insights from building respected brands like Charley Street, the harsh realities of the restaurant world, the importance of authentic relationships over transactional partnerships, and finding balance as an entrepreneur, athlete, and chef. We discuss his latest projects, eating with intention, properly fueling training, recovery, digestion, and more. We explore performance nutrition facts and myths, managing energy levels, and working with elite athletes like Chris Hemsworth and Lindsey Vonn. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  AG1: get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase  👉 drinkAG1.com/richroll. Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself👉join.whoop.com/roll Brain.fm: Listeners of the show can get 30 days FREE 👉brain.fm/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange.
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

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