
    Specialist Guest: Mark Pusey RNLI Volunteer

    enApril 11, 2023
    What roles do lifeboatmen and women perform at sea?
    How long did Harrison Okene survive underwater?
    Why can't lifeboatmen consume alcohol while on call?
    What is Ringo Starr known for in music history?
    How does emotional intelligence contribute to artistic collaborations?

    Podcast Summary

    • The Heroic Role of Lifeboatmen and Women at SeaLifeboatmen and women are essential lifesavers at sea, often risking their lives to rescue others in distress. They are mostly volunteers for organizations like the RNLI and must remain sober while on call to respond quickly.

      We learned about the crucial role of lifeboatmen and women in saving lives at sea. These individuals, who are mostly volunteers for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), are the ambulance workers of the sea. They are on call and rush out to rescue people in distress, often in life-threatening situations. We also discovered an intriguing story about a man named Harrison Okene, who survived 60 hours underwater after his boat capsized 20 miles off the coast of Nigeria. Despite being at the bottom of the ocean, he was discovered alive, which highlights the importance of these brave individuals and their life-saving work. It's important to note that lifeboatmen and women cannot consume alcohol while on call, as they need to be ready to respond at a moment's notice. This conversation also touched on the Fascinating Twitter account, which shares incredible stories of survival and adventure. Overall, this discussion emphasized the heroic actions of lifeboatmen and women and the extraordinary stories that come with their line of work.

    • Joe's Experience with a High-End Audio InterfaceUsing a high-end audio interface like Focusrite Scarlett can significantly improve microphone sound quality by enhancing it with a preamp and two capsules.

      During a conversation with someone, Joe shared his experience with using a high-end audio interface, a Focusrite Scarlett, for improving the sound quality of his microphone setup compared to a USB mic. He explained the process of connecting the interface to the computer and adjusting the gain knob. Joe mentioned that the interface has a preamp and two capsules, which work together to enhance the sound. He also shared his background, including growing up in London and moving to Devon due to safety concerns, and his childhood fascination with lifeboats, which he developed after attending open days and watching them launch. Joe invited the other person to visit him in Chiswick, London, to experience a boat ride and see the Focusrite Scarlett interface in person.

    • The River Thames: A Busy and Dangerous WaterwayThe River Thames in London is a tidal river with strong currents, making it the busiest area for rescue operations in the RNLI network. With numerous boats and constant risks to people's safety, rescue volunteers are always on call.

      The River Thames in London is surprisingly busy and dangerous, making it the busiest area for rescue operations in the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) network. Despite its scenic beauty, the Thames is a tidal river with strong currents that can sweep people away at 6 knots, which is faster than an Olympic swimmer's speed. The river is also home to various types of boats, including commercial river taxis, which can break down, leading to numerous rescues. The Thames has two busiest stations, Tower and Chiswick, with over 700 and 255 shouts, respectively, last year. The danger lies in the powerful currents, which can suck people under or trap them under piers, barges, or commercial vessels. Rescue volunteers are always on call and often face busy shifts due to the constant risk to people's safety.

    • Unpredictable shifts for Thames Rescue volunteersThames Rescue volunteers have flexible, unpredictable shifts including nights, fitting around other commitments, and respond to emergencies on the Thames with a prepared team.

      Being a volunteer for the Thames Rescue team requires flexibility and commitment due to the unpredictable nature of emergency calls. The team, which operates out of a few full-time stations in London due to the time-critical response required, operates on 12-hour shifts, allowing volunteers to fit their duties around other commitments. Shifts can include nights, during which volunteers stay at the station and are ready to respond if needed. The timing of calls is unpredictable, with no particular pattern to the busy periods. Volunteers receive a rough briefing on the way to an incident, and the team on the boat develops a plan based on the specific circumstances. Despite the unpredictability, the team is always prepared and ready to respond to any emergency on the Thames.

    • Thames Rescue Team's Quick Response and Specialized BoatsThe Thames rescue team ensures swift rescues with specialized e-class boats, covering a wide area from Richmond to Battersea, and additional ribs during major events for complete safety.

      The Thames rescue team ensures quick response times, with their patch extending from Richmond in the west to Battersea, Chelsea in the east. They utilize Thames-specific jet boats, called e-class, which operate in shallow water and don't have propellers, ensuring safety for those being rescued. During major events like the Oxford and Cambridge boat race, additional ribs are deployed to ensure safety along the entire course. A person's safety in the water depends on various factors, including tide, swimming ability, and cold water shock. The team's quick response and specialized boats enable efficient and effective rescues.

    • Dangers of Cold Water ShockCold water shock can lead to losing the breath, increasing risk of aneurysms, strokes, heart attacks, and hypothermia. Enter water slowly, acclimatize, and ensure safety measures for safe swimming.

      Cold water shock can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening. Before the instinctive scream, a person takes in a breath of cold water, which can lead to losing the battle for survival. This shock causes the body to rush blood to the organs, increasing the risk of aneurysms, strokes, heart attacks, and hypothermia. Swimming in cold water, such as the River Dart, can be safe if proper precautions are taken, like entering the water slowly, acclimatizing, and ensuring safety measures are in place. The RNLI, a publicly-funded organization, showcases their rescue missions on documentaries like Saving Lives at Sea to raise awareness and funds for their cause.

    • Focusing on saving lives without politics or funding interferenceThe Thames lifeboat volunteers prioritize humanitarian needs over politics and funding, allowing them to save lives effectively and efficiently as a charity with community donations.

      The Thames lifeboat volunteers prioritize saving lives above politics and funding, preferring to operate as a charity with donations from the community. This allows them to make decisions based on humanitarian needs without interference from government funding or political agendas. The volunteers are dedicated to their mission, saving lives regardless of background or circumstances, and leaving border control and other post-rescue procedures to be handled by appropriate authorities. This unique approach allows them to focus solely on their life-saving mission, creating a strong sense of community outreach and a vital service for London's busy waterways.

    • Discoveries from the murky depths of the River ThamesThe Thames in London, despite its brown appearance, has clear water and a rich history, offering opportunities for mudlarkers to find historical treasures with a license from the Port London Authority.

      The River Thames in London, despite its brown appearance, has clear water when tested, but the bottom is mostly silt. Over centuries, people have likely dumped various items into the river, some of which have been discovered by mudlarkers, individuals who make a living by finding treasures on the foreshore during low tide. These items range from everyday objects to historical artifacts, and some even end up being sold online. The Thames is not only a source of history but also an economic opportunity for mudlarkers. However, to engage in this activity, one needs a license from the Port London Authority. The river's rich history and the potential for discoveries make it an intriguing part of London's culture.

    • Meeting Elton John and the Depths of the ThamesMark, a session drummer, shares his inspiring journey from meeting Elton John to starting as a drummer after being inspired by a holiday rep. Anyone can learn an instrument with dedication and passion.

      The Thames river has varying depths, from shallow parts reaching only a foot and a half to commercial areas reaching up to 15-20 meters. Mark, a freelance musician, shares his experience of meeting Elton John, who is known for his sharp wit and exceptional talent in the music industry. Mark explained that musicians like Elton John need session musicians for their albums and tours. Mark himself is a session drummer who has worked with renowned bands like U2. He started playing drums after being inspired by a holiday rep in Greece who played drums during the cabaret shows. Mark believes that anyone can learn to play an instrument with dedication and passion.

    • Mastering drumming: Coordinating foot and handDedication, practice, and physicality lead to mastering drumming's basic beat and potential showmanship.

      Mastering the art of drumming involves coordinating your right foot and right hand to create a basic beat, which sets the tempo for the entire band. This simple yet essential skill requires dedication and practice, as shown by the speaker's personal journey of obsessively playing drums throughout his childhood and adolescence. The cool factor of drumming comes from the physicality, energy, and showmanship involved, making it an attractive and rewarding pursuit for those willing to put in the effort. Ultimately, becoming a skilled drummer involves paying your dues, starting small, and gradually building up to bigger opportunities.

    • From law to drumming: Adapting to unexpected career changesPersist and adapt: Unexpected career changes can lead to opportunities, but require flexibility and determination to succeed

      Persistence and adaptability are key in pursuing a career in the arts, even when faced with unexpected challenges or setbacks. The speaker shared their personal experience of transitioning from studying law to becoming a drummer, which involved making adjustments and taking opportunities as they arose. At the university level, they switched to English and drama due to financial reasons and a newfound passion for music. They paid their way through school by performing at various gigs and eventually landed opportunities to work with well-known artists through word-of-mouth recommendations. The speaker emphasized the importance of being easy to work with off-stage and being willing to adapt to various situations, as it can lead to valuable connections and opportunities. Ultimately, their determination and adaptability allowed them to succeed in their chosen field despite initial obstacles.

    • The value of trust and relationships in building a teamTrust and relationships matter more than technical proficiency when building a team. Having a good rapport with those around you can lead to better outcomes.

      Having a network of trusted, competent people around you is valuable, even if they're not the absolute best in their field. This idea was expressed in the context of building a crew for a TV or comedy shoot, but it applies to all areas of life. Trust and relationships matter, and having a good rapport with those around you can lead to better outcomes than simply relying on the most technically proficient individuals. Another interesting discussion point was the idea of boundaries and personal space. The example of a postman entering a home office to deliver mail sparked a debate about the appropriateness of such an action. It was agreed that while it may seem strange, it is arguably less intrusive than other potential alternatives, such as the postman leaving mail on the doorstep or coming to the door and dropping it without entering. In the realm of music, the conversation touched on the topic of identifying the best drummer of all time. It was acknowledged that opinions on this matter can change, and that there are several drummers who have made significant contributions to various genres. Carlos Vega, a studio musician who worked with artists like James Taylor and Linda Ronstadt, was mentioned as a personal favorite. Ultimately, the discussion highlighted the importance of individual preferences and the richness of the musical landscape, with its many talented artists.

    • Ringo Starr's Impact on Music History as a DrummerRingo Starr, despite not being a songwriter in The Beatles, is known for his inventive and unique drum parts that enhanced songs and inspired drummers. His contributions were crucial in driving the recording process and adding energy to the final product.

      Ringo Starr, despite being the subject of drummer jokes and not being a songwriter in The Beatles, is considered one of the best drummers in music history. His inventive and unique drum parts enhanced the songs and inspired generations of drummers. The role of a drummer in a recording session is to bring something fresh and interesting to the table, and Ringo's contributions were no exception. The session experience can be intimidating, as the musician is given a blank page and may be presented with an orchestral arrangement or a simple song idea. Regardless, the drummer's role is crucial in driving the ship of the recording and adding energy to the final product. Ringo's impact on music, despite not receiving the same recognition as Lennon and McCartney, is undeniable.

    • Bringing Artists' Visions to LifeAs a session musician, adapting to diverse projects and understanding the artist's vision are crucial for creating memorable music.

      Being a session musician involves adapting to various situations, whether it's following written music in large productions or bringing creativity to new projects. The session world encompasses a wide range of experiences, from working with established artists like Elton John to helping new artists develop their sound. The challenge lies in understanding the artist's vision and bringing it to life through music. Elton John's iconic status as a songwriter and performer is a testament to the magic of creating something from nothing, a skill that continues to inspire and challenge musicians like Mark. Despite the differences in projects, the ultimate goal remains the same: to bring the artist's vision to life and create something memorable.

    • Writing relatable songs and expressing emotions through musicEd Sheeran's success is rooted in authentic storytelling and emotional expression through music. Clear communication and emotional intelligence are essential for productive recording sessions.

      Authenticity and personal experiences are key to creating songs that resonate with a wide audience. Ed Sheeran's success comes from writing about topics that are relatable to people, such as love, loss, and life milestones, and expressing them through beautiful melodies. The engineer mentioned the challenges of working with difficult artists, emphasizing the importance of emotional intelligence and clear communication for a productive recording session. Additionally, having a long-lasting career in the music industry requires resilience and adaptability, as well as exceptional talent and vocal abilities.

    • Musician's Life: Travel, Long Hours, and FamilyMusicians face constant travel, long hours, visa restrictions, and logistical challenges, but cherish family time and volunteer work during off periods.

      The life of a professional musician, as discussed in this conversation, involves constant traveling and long hours on the road, interspersed with periods of studio work and downtime. The speaker shares his experiences of touring with Ed Sheeran, dealing with visa restrictions, and the logistical challenges of setting up and breaking down for stadium shows. He also mentions the importance of family time and volunteer work during his off periods. Another intriguing aspect of his story is his deep respect for Elton John and the anticipation of finally working with him in a studio setting. The conversation offers a unique insight into the behind-the-scenes realities of a musician's life.

    • Believing in abilities and communicating openlyEmotional intelligence is vital for successful collaborations. Believe in your abilities, communicate openly, and maintain a positive attitude to create a pleasant working experience.

      Emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in successful artistic collaborations. Whether it's playing the drums for a new tune or filming a scene, impostor syndrome is a common feeling. However, it's essential to believe in one's abilities and communicate openly with others to adjust and improve. Being humble, listening actively, and having a good attitude can lead to positive outcomes and potential future collaborations. The ultimate goal is to create a pleasant working experience for everyone involved, ensuring that everyone feels valued and appreciated.

    • The Power of Creativity and HumorCreativity and humor can bring joy and make a difference in people's lives. Even small moments can have a big impact.

      Creativity and humor have the power to bring joy and make a difference in people's lives. The speaker shared how a simple phrase, "How's Your Asshole?", which originated from a funny moment between him and his friends, has spread and brought happiness to many people. He also discussed his successful career in music and how he's used his platform to make a positive impact. Despite the accolades and achievements, the speaker found the most fulfillment in the little moments where his words or actions touched someone's life. He encouraged the audience to remember that even the smallest things can have a big impact.

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    Subscribe or visit AwesomeAtYourJob.com/ep829 for clickable versions of the links below. 

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    • Email: casey@boldtype.us  

    • LinkedIn: Casey Mank 

    • Website: BoldType.us 


    • Tool: WebFx.com 

    • Tool: Hemingway 

    • Tool: Difficult & Extraneous Word Finder

    • Tool: Grammarly 

    • Study: "How Little Do Users Read?" by Jakob Nielsen 

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    • Website: PlainLanguage.gov

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