
    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected Consequences of TechnologyTechnology can lead to unintended consequences, even during mundane tasks like email testing, causing unexpected outcomes and potential issues.

      Technology, no matter how advanced, can still lead to unexpected and unwanted consequences. In today's Syntax podcast, Scott and Wes shared spooky web development stories sent in by listeners. One story involved an email storm that went wrong. The developer was testing SendGrid's email API and accidentally triggered a loop of out-of-office replies. This email storm continued, with each response triggering another, until the developer's inbox was flooded. This story serves as a reminder that even the most mundane tasks, like sending emails, can lead to unintended consequences. The podcast was sponsored by LogRocket and Netlify. LogRocket helps developers understand user behavior and debug issues in web applications, while Netlify simplifies the process of deploying websites. Scott also shared some personal experiences, including a modern dental visit with a water sprayer instead of the traditional scratching with a pick. He also talked about starting to floss regularly and using an app to help him do so, which earned him praise from his dentist. Overall, the episode was filled with banter and entertaining stories, making for an enjoyable listen.

    • Stories of miscommunication and lack of collaboration between teams leading to serious consequencesEffective communication and collaboration between teams are essential to prevent serious consequences from miscommunications and mistakes. Understand each other's roles and responsibilities, and establish processes to prevent misunderstandings and errors.

      Miscommunication and lack of collaboration between teams can lead to serious consequences, as demonstrated in the story of the "Dirty Dicks JSON" incident at Dick's Sporting Goods. The front-end and back-end engineering teams were separated, leading to a lack of understanding of each other's work. The front-end team discovered a JSON file containing banned words being loaded onto the client-side, which could have caused significant issues if it fell into the wrong hands. A month later, this issue was exposed on Reddit, causing embarrassment for the company. On a different note, another story involved a developer accidentally triggering a webhook that caused an exponential growth of email notifications, leading to a catastrophic email storm. This incident highlighted the importance of understanding the implications of the tools and configurations used, as well as the potential consequences of mistakes. These stories serve as reminders of the importance of effective communication and collaboration between teams, as well as the potential risks of not fully understanding the systems and tools being used. It's crucial to ensure that all team members have a clear understanding of each other's roles and responsibilities, and that there are processes in place to prevent miscommunications and mistakes from causing significant damage.

    • Small mistakes can lead to major issuesBe mindful, double-check changes, and communicate effectively to minimize the impact of mistakes in a production environment

      Making simple mistakes in the wrong places can lead to major issues, especially in a production environment. The speaker shared several personal experiences where small changes resulted in significant consequences, such as bringing down an entire marketing site or accidentally deleting important data. These incidents caused chaos and required immediate attention from senior leadership to rectify. One common theme was the importance of being aware of the potential impact of actions, especially when working with content management systems, databases, or other critical systems. In some cases, the speaker mentioned that they were able to revert changes due to thoughtful UI design, but in others, they had to manually fix issues in the database or rely on backups. Another important lesson was the value of clear communication. In one instance, the speaker accidentally sent test push notifications to the entire user base, leading to confusion and frustration. By promptly notifying the team and addressing the issue, they were able to minimize the damage. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of being mindful, double-checking changes, and being prepared for unexpected consequences. They also highlighted the importance of good UI design and effective communication in mitigating the impact of mistakes.

    • Importance of Thorough Testing in Software DevelopmentThorough testing prevents costly mistakes, operational issues, and frustrated customers in software development.

      Thorough testing is crucial in software development to prevent costly mistakes. The speaker shared several anecdotes from his experiences, including a broken database on the launch day of a web app for a DVD retail chain, a regex error that alerted users with inappropriate messages, and a variable error that prevented certain cards from being paid for a year. These incidents resulted in operational issues, frustrated customers, and even job consequences. The importance of testing and double-checking code cannot be overstated to ensure the functionality and integrity of software applications. The speaker also highlighted the power of music in evoking memories and transporting us back to specific moments in time.

    • Unexpected challenges in software developmentDevelopers must be adaptable, persistent, and detail-oriented to overcome unexpected challenges in software development, including long hours, complex dependencies, and security breaches. The desire for faster development processes and efficient tools is also a common theme.

      Working in software development can present unexpected challenges that require quick thinking and problem-solving skills, even in the most unexpected places. One person shared their experience of encountering a bug in an Electron game during a store launch, which required them to spend 12 hours coding in a taxi next to a client. Another discussed the frustration of dealing with complex dependencies and long build times in their projects. Yet another shared the embarrassment of leaving debug code in a WordPress site, leading to a security breach. These stories highlight the importance of being adaptable, persistent, and detail-oriented in the face of technical challenges. Additionally, the desire for faster development processes and more efficient tools was a common theme. Overall, these experiences demonstrate the unpredictable nature of software development and the need for developers to be prepared for the unexpected.

    • The Importance of Thorough Testing and Best Practices in Tech DevelopmentThorough testing, double-checking, and following best practices are essential to minimize unintended consequences in tech development. Importing posts led to unwanted emails, a password generator had sensitive words, load tests on production servers caused damage, and failing to adhere to best practices blocked search engines.

      Proper checks and double-verifications are crucial in tech development to prevent unwanted outcomes. The first story illustrates the importance of this lesson when importing posts resulted in an email being sent to every subscriber for each post. The second story highlights the unintended consequence of a password generator, which had a 1 in 300 chance of generating a password containing a sensitive word. These incidents underscore the significance of implementing safeguards and thoroughly testing systems to avoid potential issues. Another important aspect is understanding the capabilities and limitations of tools used in development. The third story demonstrates the consequences of running a load test on production servers instead of staging servers, leading to unwanted alerts and potential damage. Moreover, the use of tools like LogRocket can help identify and resolve issues more efficiently by providing session replay videos, network tabs, and console access. Lastly, the importance of adhering to best practices, such as not deploying large changes on Fridays and checking all commits before go-live, cannot be overstated. In the end, the carelessness of a colleague led to blocking all search engines from Europe's largest cooking community. In summary, the key takeaway is to prioritize thorough testing, double-checking, and following best practices to minimize the risk of unintended consequences in tech development.

    • Mistakes with significant consequencesSmall errors can lead to substantial losses in search engine visibility, revenue, and even cause panic and distress. Always double-check code changes and prioritize proper security measures.

      Small mistakes can lead to significant consequences, both in terms of lost visibility in search engines and financial losses. This was evident in an incident where setting "deny all" in a robots.txt file resulted in 50% loss of Google visibility, millions of pages being removed from the index, and a daily loss of 1,000 euros from ad revenue. Another example involved a tool meant to anonymize databases, but due to incorrect array merging, it ended up anonymizing a client's production database instead. In a more serious situation, a bug in a system for monitoring vulnerable individuals led to a false alarm that caused panic and distress for a family. These stories highlight the importance of double-checking code changes, ensuring proper security measures, and being aware of the potential consequences of even seemingly minor mistakes.

    • Tech carelessness leads to financial losses and productivity issuesThoroughly test updates before deployment and avoid deleting important files or databases to prevent significant consequences.

      Carelessness and oversight in tech work can lead to significant financial losses and productivity issues. The speaker shared several personal experiences, including deleting an entire development server and causing a major issue with an ecommerce site's basket function. These incidents occurred due to mistakes like forgetting a forward slash in a command or deploying updates on Fridays without proper testing. The speaker emphasized the importance of testing thoroughly before deploying and avoiding deleting important files or databases, especially during high-stakes situations like product demos or major client meetings. The experiences serve as valuable lessons in the importance of attention to detail and the potential consequences of hasty actions.

    • Importance of a robust deployment process and version controlHaving a solid deployment process and version control system can prevent major issues, minimize consequences of mistakes, and save time. Avoid deleting files without proper backups or version control to prevent website downtime.

      Having a robust deployment process and version control system in place can save time and prevent major issues in production. The speaker shared an experience where they worked on a widely used chat widget for a company with around 500,000 concurrent users. After deploying some UX changes, a bug caused the chat widget to disappear completely for all users. Fortunately, the company had a simple rollback process, allowing the speaker to quickly revert the changes and avoid any significant consequences. However, the speaker also mentioned that they had since moved to a hosting platform that allows for easy version rollbacks and redeployments. Another important lesson from the speaker's experiences was the potential danger of deleting files or entire websites without proper backups or version control. They shared an instance where they accidentally deleted a government website, causing it to go down entirely. To avoid such mistakes, the speaker recommended using tools like `npm install dashgtrashdashcli` to move files to the trash instead of deleting them permanently. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of having a solid deployment process and version control system in place to prevent major issues and minimize the impact of any mistakes.

    • Misconfigured scripts can lead to unintended email consequencesEnsure proper email configuration during testing and use reliable hosting platforms like Netlify to avoid potential email-related issues.

      It's crucial to be mindful of where and when back-end code sends emails, as a misconfigured script can lead to unintended consequences, such as mass emails being sent out to the wrong recipients. This can result in embarrassment, confusion, and even serious issues for individuals planning important events or companies dealing with sensitive information. The speaker shared an experience where a migration script failed to skip callbacks and triggered emails for every record in a system, causing chaos and potential damage to personal and professional reputations. The incident was so severe that it's debated whether it contributed to the downfall of a company. To prevent such incidents, the speaker now ensures that they use mail catchers or temporal emails during local development. They highly recommend using a reliable hosting platform like Netlify for deploying front-end code, as it offers various features to help developers gain productivity and avoid potential email-related issues. Netlify is a popular choice among developers, with over 1,000,000 currently using it. It allows for easy deployment of front-end code with a git push and offers features like serverless functions, DNS-based analytics, and an identity platform. It's a simple and effective solution for hosting websites and avoiding potential email-related disasters. A word of caution: even during testing, ensure that all email-related functionality is properly configured to prevent unintended consequences.

    • Race conditions and coding mistakes can lead to significant lossesTesting thoroughly and prioritizing proper coding practices can prevent lost leads, sales, and data in international businesses.

      Race conditions and other seemingly harmless coding mistakes can lead to significant losses for businesses, especially in terms of missed leads and sales. A race condition is a type of error where two or more processes try to access the same resource at the same time, leading to unintended results. In the first example, a developer built a wizard for an international flooring company using WordPress, jQuery, and the Gravity Forms plugin. They made the mistake of changing the page location before the form was fully submitted, resulting in 60% of leads being lost. In the second example, a developer in Sweden was preparing to leave their job and was working on a project hosted in SharePoint online. They made a script to make the transition easier for their colleagues, but accidentally ran an old script that deleted the entire site, including all lists and data, with no backups. These incidents highlight the importance of testing thoroughly and being aware of potential race conditions and other errors that can have major consequences. It's crucial to prioritize proper coding practices and ensure that all data is backed up regularly to prevent such incidents from occurring.

    • The importance of deleting old data and having good backupsBe careful when deleting old data or making changes, as mistakes can lead to major consequences. Invest in good tools and always double-check your work to prevent errors and improve performance.

      The importance of deleting old unnecessary data, testing, and having good backups cannot be overstated, especially in high-stakes environments. A simple mistake can lead to major consequences, such as crashed mail servers or deleted Facebook pages worth millions of dollars. Always be careful and double-check your work before pushing changes. Additionally, investing in good tools, like instant-read meat thermomers, can help prevent errors and improve overall performance. Always remember, the cost of not taking these precautions can be much higher than the initial investment.

    • Using a Meat Thermometer for Safe CookingAccurately cook meats to safe temperatures with a meat thermometer, especially for pork. Trust thermometer reading over visual cues, and consider durability and server middleware when choosing a model.

      Using a meat thermometer is essential for accurately cooking meats to safe temperatures, especially for pork which was recently changed to a lower cooking temperature in Canada. The speaker shared his experience with the Mister Cheffer thermometer, praising its durability despite being left outside and dropped. He also mentioned the importance of trusting the thermometer reading over visual cues, as pork can appear undercooked even when it's safe to eat. He also expressed disappointment that the specific model he uses isn't called "Mister Sheffer" in the US and recommended Fastify as a fast and easy-to-use Node.js server for those looking for a new one. The speaker also mentioned the importance of considering server middleware when making a choice.

    • Improve GraphQL performance with DataLoaderUse DataLoader for caching and reducing database queries in GraphQL to improve performance, particularly for complex queries. Check out westboss.com for courses on GraphQL and other topics, or become a pro member at Level Up Tutorials for access to new tutorials monthly.

      When working with GraphQL, implementing DataLoader as part of your server setup can significantly improve performance by reducing the number of database queries needed. This caching solution is particularly useful when dealing with complex queries that could result in a large number of individual queries. The speaker mentioned a specific GraphQL server that integrates DataLoader as a first-class citizen, making it an attractive option for those looking to streamline their setup. Additionally, the speaker mentioned their own offerings, including their website, westboss.com, where they have various courses available, including a recent one on Gatsby. They also promoted Level Up Tutorials, where users can become pro members and gain access to a new tutorial series every month, along with the entire catalog. The speaker expressed excitement for upcoming content, including guest teachers and new courses. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of using tools like DataLoader to optimize GraphQL queries and the value of continuous learning through educational resources.

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
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    Show Notes

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    Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: http://bit.ly/SMTP_ShowNotes.

    In this episode, Zach discusses his evolving perspective on success as a Scrum Master. Initially valuing predictability, he now prioritizes the impact of Scrum events over strict adherence. He acknowledges the risk of losing sight of purpose when fixating on predictability and velocity. Shifting from an adherence mindset to a goal-oriented, customer-centric approach, Zach emphasizes the importance of clear product goals in boosting team motivation. Success, for him, is now defined by the meaningful impact achieved through Scrum events, aligning teams with overarching objectives and driving tangible results.

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    [IMAGE HERE] Retrospectives, planning sessions, vision workshops, we are continuously helping teams learn about how to collaborate in practice! In this Actionable Agile Tools book, Jeff Campbell shares some of the tools he’s learned over a decade of coaching Agile Teams. The pragmatic coaching book you need, right now! Buy Actionable Agile Tools on Amazon, or directly from the author, and supercharge your facilitation toolbox! 


    About Zach Stone

    Zach has worked as a process facilitator for over 17 years, as a specialist in behavioral science. He co-founded a firm that uses techniques to rebuild war zones  for organizational dynamics. He has been an agilist for the past 7 years and was recently a speaker at the Global Scrum Conference. He lives in Santa Fe with his Wife and spends his time exploring canyons and trails.

    You can link with Zach Stone on LinkedIn


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    Prismic - Sponsor

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    Freshbooks - Sponsor

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    Business Transformation

    Business Transformation
    In recent weeks we have strongly focused our messaging around "business transformation". In particular, the need to address the client experience that is being provided in order to transform. So often, leaders regularly talk about getting the right people on board, developing the team and the leadership, having the right product, focusing the business plan, improving execution etc. These are all important dimensions; however, they are not all of it.

    GUILLAUME BOURLET une Collaboration Performante

    GUILLAUME BOURLET une Collaboration Performante

    Guillaume prend en charge les joueurs du Pôle Espoirs Beach Volley et de l’Académie du Montpellier Beach-Volley.

     Il accompagne également Arthur et Téo dans la majorité de leurs compétitions nationales et internationales

    Dans ce podcast, Guillaume Bourlet nous parle de son rôle au sein du Pôle Santé Louis en tant qu’ostéopathe-kinésithérapeute .

    À l’image du beach-volley où la collaboration est probante, Guillaume souligne l’importance de cette collaboration au sein des équipes techniques et médicales entourant les sportifs. 

    En effet, la communication entre les divers acteurs (joueurs, entraîneurs, préparateur physique, kinés...) permet une prise en charge rapide, efficiente et efficace.

    À travers la création du Pôle Santé Louis Blanc, il a souhaité s’entourer d’un personnel compétent et diversifié afin d’être au plus proche des besoins du sportif pour l’accompagner au mieux. 

     Guillaume va notamment aborder :

    • Le rôle du Pôle Santé Louis Blanc.
    • déroulement du championnat du Monde U19 en Thaïlande (2021)  
    • son rôle dans la préparation physique et mentale d’Arthur et Téo
    • l’importance de la communication.
    • l’importance de l’installation d’un climat de confiance entre le thérapeute et le patient
    • l’apport de la préparation mentale chez les sportifs de haut niveau.

    Finalement Guillaume souhaite montrer que la prise en charge d’un athlète doit être individualisée au travers une bonne communication entre tous les protagonistes. 

    Par la même occasion, il souligne l’importance d’un bon équilibre psychologique rendu possible par un accompagnement adéquat afin que les sportifs puissent s’exprimer dans un corps libre et léger permettant ainsi une optimisation de leur performance.

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    View the complete transcript for this webcast, along with audio and video, at https://www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths/en/283970/teamwork-workplace-importance-manager.aspx.

    Everybody needs a coach. By becoming a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, you can empower others to succeed. We are teaching and training people all over the world to answer this call. You too can become a coach and learn how to use a strengths-based approach to improve employee engagement and performance and transform your workplace culture. To learn more or discover information about becoming a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, visit Gallup Access: http://on.gallup.com/1i5OXhq.

    Gallup's Called to Coach is a live webcast that targets current and prospective coaches to interact with Gallup experts and independent strengths coaches who have found success in strengths-based development.