
    Staying Grounded With Author Brad Stulberg

    enDecember 12, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • From studying health to coaching elite performersBrad Stolberg, a health expert, transitioned from academia to coaching, drawing on his athletic background and positive psychology principles to help professionals and athletes flourish.

      Brad Stolberg, a Michigan alum and former athlete, transitioned from studying organizational behavior and public health to becoming an author and coach for professionals and athletes. He was drawn to the idea of focusing on health and human flourishing rather than just treating sickness. Growing up with an athletic background, he noticed the similarities between the principles elite athletes use to flourish and those that can be applied in other domains, such as business or creativity. Stolberg's work, which emphasizes evidence-based excellence and doing good and feeling good over the long haul, is influenced by positive psychology and its focus on navigating both the highs and lows of life. An early indicator for him was his interest in endurance sports, which taught him the importance of perseverance and resilience.

    • Understanding patterns for sustainable progress through periodizationPeriodization highlights the importance of balance between stress and rest for long-term success in various domains. Embrace the process and build a solid foundation for future growth.

      Successful progress in various domains, be it sports, entrepreneurship, or personal growth, can be understood through the lens of fundamental patterns that promote balance between stress and rest, or stimulus and response. This concept, known as periodization, was first identified in the context of endurance training but can be applied to other areas as well. The author's work focuses on identifying and sharing these patterns to help individuals make sustainable progress. The concept of groundedness, for instance, emphasizes the importance of focusing on the process rather than just the outcomes and building a solid foundation for future growth. The author's book "The Practice of Groundedness" explores this idea in depth. In essence, groundedness is about embracing the slow progress and the challenges that come with it, and recognizing that the seemingly mundane aspects of our pursuits are crucial for long-term success.

    • Focus on the process, not just the end goalStaying grounded in daily practices leads to more sustainable progress and a healthier mindset than fixating on specific outcomes

      Focusing too much on the end goal and ignoring the process can hinder progress and make it harder to bounce back from setbacks. Instead, setting behavior goals and staying grounded in the process can lead to more sustainable progress and a healthier mindset. This applies to various aspects of life, including weight loss, nutrition, and fitness. When we get too attached to specific outcomes, we may become discouraged and give up entirely after a slip-up. However, if we focus on the behaviors that lead to our goals, we can more easily overcome obstacles and stay on track. The research on the "what the hell effect" supports this idea, showing that people who are process-focused are better able to recover from failures than those who are outcome-driven. So, the next time you're working towards a goal, remember to focus on the small steps and the daily practices that will get you there, rather than fixating on the end result.

    • Embrace the practice mindsetTo succeed in any practice, view it as a long-term commitment, set healthy boundaries, show restraint, seek support, understand limitations, and maintain self-awareness.

      Practicing something, be it nutrition, weightlifting, or parenting, is an intimate relationship that requires deep care, focus, and patience. It's essential to view it as a practice rather than a goal to be achieved quickly. Setting healthy boundaries and showing restraint are key to maintaining consistency, while having a supportive community can help during tough times. Remember, it's okay to make mistakes and seek help when needed. The author, who wrote a book on the topic, emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and understanding one's limitations. Parenting, for instance, can be particularly challenging in this regard, but taking a long-term perspective and staying focused on the process can lead to success. Additionally, even for authors, who face measurable and external outcomes, it's crucial to maintain this mindset.

    • Focusing on the process vs outcomesFocusing on the process rather than outcomes can lead to greater fulfillment and productivity. Be aware of the difference and strive for balance, focusing on present tasks and actions to feel nourished and grow.

      Focusing on the process rather than the outcomes can lead to greater fulfillment and productivity as a writer or in any profession. The speaker uses the analogy of eating Skittles (outcomes) versus brown rice (process) to illustrate this point. While outcomes may provide instant gratification, they can leave us feeling empty and unsatisfied in the long run. On the other hand, focusing on the process, or the present moment tasks and actions, can lead to a sense of nourishment and growth. The speaker encourages listeners to be aware of the difference between the two and to strive for balance, rather than trying to be perfect. Additionally, having an internal locus of control, focusing on what is within our power to change, can help us stay focused on the process and reduce the temptation to get caught up in external outcomes that are beyond our control.

    • Being fully present in the moment enhances our experienceFlow, or being fully present and focused, is crucial for enjoying activities, regardless of their nature. As we gain experience, we improve at staying present, but it's essential to avoid distractions and engage in physical activities to reset and refocus.

      The state of mind we're in during an activity significantly impacts our experience of it. This concept, known as "flow" in modern psychology, is comparable to the feeling of Nirvana. When we're fully present and focused on the task at hand, we feel our best. This is true for various activities, including sex, starting a company, or writing. Research shows that our level of presence is more crucial than the activity itself. As we age and gain experience, we often improve at staying present. However, it's essential to be aware of the pitfalls, such as getting too absorbed in social media or other distractions. Engaging in physical activities, like hiking or training, can help us reset and refocus. Ultimately, being fully present in the moment is the key to deriving genuine enjoyment and fulfillment from our experiences.

    • Setting Boundaries for a Healthy Work-Life BalanceEstablishing boundaries and having aspects of life separate from work can prevent work from consuming every aspect of life, promoting overall well-being and success.

      As entrepreneurs, we often struggle with separating our personal lives from our work. The convenience of working from home or having flexible schedules can blur the lines between our professional and personal identities. This can lead to feelings of guilt and the constant pressure to be productive, even during activities meant for relaxation or self-care. The concept of heroic individualism, where our worth is measured by our business success, can exacerbate this issue. To combat this, it's essential to establish boundaries and have aspects of our lives that remain separate from our work. This could be our relationships, hobbies, or personal goals. By doing so, we can prevent our work from consuming every aspect of our lives and maintain a healthy balance. However, it's important to note that this is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and what works for one person may not work for another. Ultimately, finding a balance that allows us to be present in both our personal and professional lives is crucial for overall well-being and success.

    • Define and prioritize what you want to be known forRecognize the importance of focusing on long-term personal and professional growth, while staying resilient to external pressures and setbacks.

      It's important to define and prioritize what we want to be known for in our personal and professional lives, and be deliberate about what parts of our lives align with that. However, there are challenges, such as social media pressure, that can make it difficult to stay focused. It's essential to recognize that no one is perfect and that being a good coach or leader means being supportive and guiding others without trying to micromanage them. Additionally, be wary of external influences, like motivational hacks or bright and shiny objects, that promise quick fixes but lack scientific support. Instead, focus on the long-term journey towards excellence and remember that everyone makes mistakes along the way. Embrace the process and use setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow.

    • Self-discipline and self-compassion work togetherStrong self-compassion supports fierce self-discipline and makes it easier to bounce back from setbacks, while a supportive environment and embracing goal-setting nuances increase chances of success.

      Self-discipline and self-compassion go hand in hand for achieving goals and maintaining motivation. While self-discipline is essential, it's equally important to be kind to oneself during setbacks and failures. Research shows that strong self-compassion supports fierce self-discipline and makes it easier to bounce back. Additionally, having a supportive environment and embracing the nuances of the goal-setting process can increase the chances of success. Overall, it's important to remember that losing weight or striving for a goal is a challenging journey, and it's essential to be compassionate with ourselves along the way.

    • Balancing health and wellness: nuance and trade-offs matterExploring topics in depth, making intentional trade-offs, and prioritizing goals can lead to a healthier, more balanced approach to weight loss and overall well-being

      Finding a balanced approach to health and wellness, including body composition, is essential. Extremes may sell and be tempting in the social media age, but living in the middle and acknowledging the importance of nuance and trade-offs leads to a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. Books offer an opportunity to explore topics in depth and practice mental flexibility. In the context of weight loss, making intentional trade-offs and prioritizing goals can lead to success. It's important to remember that maintaining a healthy body composition is challenging and requires commitment. Additionally, it's possible to embrace body positivity while also striving for weight loss. Overall, striving for balance and understanding the importance of nuance can lead to a healthier, more fulfilling life.

    • Coaching towards dependence and less speakingEffective coaching involves speaking less, asking questions, and empowering clients to discover their own solutions, ultimately aiming for their dependence on the coach.

      Effective coaching and maturity involve holding two contrasting ideas at once: speaking less and coaching towards dependence. When I was younger, I felt the need to constantly talk during coaching sessions to justify the hourly fee. Now, I understand that powerful coaching sessions often require asking only a few questions, allowing clients to discover their own solutions. Additionally, I aim to coach my clients towards dependence, meaning they no longer need me as frequently. This may seem counterintuitive, but it aligns with the goal of making myself redundant. Lastly, I incorporate more reading and books into my coaching practice to provide clients with language and understanding for their feelings. By naming things, we can address them effectively. These evolutions in my coaching practice reflect the importance of listening, empowering clients, and using language to illuminate complex concepts.

    • The value of a supportive community and coach or mentor for personal growthA supportive community and coach or mentor can enhance personal growth through accountability, self-discipline, safety net for self-compassion, and collective wisdom.

      Building a supportive community and having a coach or mentor can significantly enhance personal growth and development, even in the long-term. The relationship may evolve over time, from frequent meetings to less frequent check-ins, but the value continues. This approach fosters accountability and self-discipline, while also providing a safety net for self-compassion and support during challenging times. The community serves as a reminder that struggles and setbacks are common experiences, and that everyone can benefit from the collective wisdom and encouragement of others. Ultimately, this holistic approach to growth, combining self-discipline and compassion, can lead to greater resilience and success in various aspects of life.

    • Training for excellence in various domains shares fundamental principlesApply principles of vulnerability, patience, presence, and community to personal growth, starting with 'The Practice of Groundedness' and progressing to 'Do Hard Things' and 'Peak Performance' while embracing the mastery mindset from 'Passion Paradox'.

      The principles of training for excellence in various domains, such as sports or nutrition, are fundamentally the same. These principles, including vulnerability, patience, presence, and community, can be applied to other areas of life, making training a microcosm for personal growth. The authors' books, "The Practice of Groundedness," "Do Hard Things," and "Peak Performance," offer valuable insights into these principles, with "The Practice of Groundedness" serving as a foundation and "Do Hard Things" providing the path to progress. "Peak Performance" represents the pinnacle of achieving excellence. While all the books complement each other, one can start with "The Practice of Groundedness" to establish a solid foundation before moving on to "Do Hard Things" and finally "Peak Performance." The idea of the mastery mindset, highlighted in "Passion Paradox," is also a crucial concept that emphasizes the importance of embracing the process and focusing on progress rather than the end goal.

    • The importance of enjoying the process towards masteryFocusing on the process rather than just the outcome can lead to greater fulfillment and mastery in life.

      Focusing solely on the outcome or results of our efforts can be limiting and unsatisfying. Instead, it's essential to embrace the process and enjoy the journey towards mastery. The speaker drew a connection between this concept and the idea of self-discipline, using an example from Jocko Willink's motivational quotes about Sisyphus. The speaker emphasized that in subjects like bodybuilding or figure skating, where results can be subjective, the only thing we can control is our process, such as our workouts and nutrition. The speaker also acknowledged the importance of self-compassion alongside self-discipline. In his earlier work, the speaker wrote about the importance of groundedness and the mastery mindset, which he sees as a precursor to his later work on the Passion Paradox. He noted that while The Practice of Groundedness may not resonate with everyone, it was the first time he articulated this idea. Ultimately, the speaker's message is that the process is where we spend most of our time in life, and focusing on it can lead to greater fulfillment and mastery.

    • The importance of focusing on the process and effort, not just the end resultRemember that before and after pictures are just snapshots, the journey matters. Setbacks and major life events are natural, strive for goals multiple times. Maintaining discipline and performance can be challenging, don't burn out. Identity and goals change us, for better or worse.

      Focusing too much on the end result or the "shiny thing" in life, such as physical fitness or peak performance, can lead us to overlook the importance of the process and the effort required to get there. This is not a new phenomenon, and it's something that many of us experience from time to time. The author of the upcoming book, Brad Stalberg, emphasizes the importance of remembering that the before and after pictures are just snapshots in time, and that the journey towards achieving our goals can be a long and winding one. It's essential to recognize that setbacks and major life events are a natural part of the process, and that it's possible to strive for our goals multiple times throughout our lives. Additionally, once we reach a certain level of discipline and performance, maintaining that level can be challenging, and it's crucial not to burn out. Olympians, for example, train for years to compete, and their focus is on one shot every four years. The author's next book explores this concept further, looking at identity and how our goals change us, for better or worse. To connect with Brad and Steve, check out their Instagram (@bradstalberg) and Twitter (@bstalberg) accounts, where you can find links to their books, blogs, and podcasts.

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