
    Lessons Learned From Thousands of Clients w Coach Jen Case

    enApril 29, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Background and Passions of Dr. Jen CaseDr. Jen Case, with her diverse credentials and experiences, proves that past achievements do not limit future abilities or potential. Her compassion and expertise shine through her coaching and animal fostering.

      Dr. Jen Case, a longtime RP coach, has an impressive background with a variety of professional certifications and degrees, including a PhD in human nutrition, a master's degree in sports nutrition, and a PhD in nutrition and human performance, among others. She is also a registered dietitian, a licensed athletic trainer, and a certified sports specialist in sports dietetics. Outside of her client work, Dr. Case has a passion for animals and has fostered hedgehogs in the past. Despite her impressive credentials, she shared that she was a benchwarmer in high school for cross country, basketball, and track. Her experiences demonstrate that one's background and achievements do not necessarily define their abilities or potential. Additionally, her dedication to helping others through her coaching and fostering animals showcases her compassion and expertise in her fields.

    • Discovering Strength in Unexpected PlacesThrough personal experiences and unique hobbies, individuals can discover and develop their strengths, challenging assumptions about their abilities and the places they come from.

      Strength, whether physical or personal, can be discovered and developed in unexpected places. The speaker, who grew up in a small town in Kansas, discovered her strength through her ability to outlift her mother and her peers during high school sports. However, she didn't realize the potential of her strength as a sport until later. Similarly, Jen's unique hobbies, such as jujitsu flameworking, showcase her personal strength and determination to pursue her interests. Despite growing up in a small town with limited opportunities, both women found ways to discover and develop their strengths. Moreover, the conversation also touched upon the idea that perceptions of places can be skewed based on preconceived notions. The speaker jokingly referred to herself as the second strongest person in Kansas, but the reality of Clay Center, Kansas, may not match the image of a place with flying cars and giant tunnels. Similarly, assumptions about the size and closeness of towns can be inaccurate. For instance, Topeka, Kansas, which the speaker attended college in, has a higher crime rate per capita than some may assume. In conclusion, the conversation highlighted the importance of discovering and developing personal strengths, as well as the need to challenge assumptions about places and situations.

    • Discovering a love for grappling despite initial resistanceThe speaker's determination and resilience in martial arts were shaped by her initial resistance in grappling classes and witnessing gender equality in high school sports.

      The speaker discovered her love for martial arts, specifically grappling, after trying out a self-defense class. She was initially drawn to karate but was later introduced to grappling and fell in love with it. Despite facing resistance from some male grappling class members, she persevered and eventually became skilled enough to submit them. The speaker also shared an experience from high school where a male wrestler was pinned by a female opponent, and their coach handled the situation by emphasizing respect for all competitors, regardless of gender. These experiences shaped the speaker's determination and resilience in her martial arts journey.

    • Judging Opponents Based on Appearance or Skill Level Can Lead to Surprising OutcomesUnderestimating opponents based on appearance or skill assumptions can lead to unexpected outcomes, including learning experiences, frustration, and aggressive behavior. Recognizing potential in every opponent is crucial for growth and avoiding conflicts.

      Underestimating an opponent based on their appearance or assumptions about their skill level can lead to unexpected outcomes in jiu-jitsu. Jennifer, a highly accomplished jiu-jitsu practitioner, shares her experiences of facing various opponents and how they responded to losses. Some men take it as a learning experience, becoming stronger and more respectful towards their opponents. Others, however, can become frustrated and turn aggressive, leading to a back-and-forth battle. Jennifer's unique ability to challenge her opponents and help them grow is a testament to her skill and sportsmanship. Throughout her career, Jennifer has amassed an impressive number of titles, including 10 world titles from the IBJJF and one from MMA. Her dedication and expertise in jiu-jitsu have earned her a reputation as a formidable opponent. Despite her success, she remains humble and continues to enjoy the process of training and helping others grow. The conversation also highlights the importance of recognizing the potential in every opponent and not making assumptions based on their appearance or perceived skill level. This lesson applies not only to jiu-jitsu but to various aspects of life, where underestimating someone can lead to missed opportunities or unnecessary conflicts.

    • Defying Gender Stereotypes in Martial ArtsJen Case, a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, challenges gender stereotypes with her impressive athleticism, size, strength, and technique, despite being a woman. Her 23-year journey to mastery includes black belts in Hawaiian Kenpo Karate and impressive lifting numbers.

      Gender should not determine the perceived strength or skill level of an individual, especially in the context of martial arts. Jen Case, a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, defies stereotypes with her impressive athleticism, size, strength, and technique. Her background in martial arts includes a black belt in Hawaiian Kenpo Karate, and she boasts impressive lifting numbers. Despite her gender, she is a formidable force to be reckoned with, leaving her opponents with nowhere to run. Her journey to mastery took 23 years, and she continues to excel in her craft. Jen's story challenges assumptions and showcases the importance of recognizing an individual's abilities based on their merit rather than their gender.

    • Unexpected hobbies of a self-defense coachA self-defense coach, Jen, has a passion for creating glass flowers through flame working and stained glass, revealing a softer, artistic side.

      Jen, a self-defense coach and martial artist, has unexpected hobbies outside of her tough exterior. She enjoys creating glass flowers through flame working and stained glass, which contrasts her intimidating appearance. Jen's interest in glassworking started during childhood family vacations and evolved into a passion as an adult, despite the craftsmens' absence when she returned as an adult. Her journey led her to Italy to learn from the masters, and she continues to practice and create beautiful glass art. Despite her fearsome appearance, her hobbies show a softer, artistic side.

    • Experience Venice: Walking, Cats, and Local TraditionsVenice offers unique experiences with no cars, stray cats, and local traditions like glass blowing, smoking, coffee, and tiramisu. Practice portion control for effective use of to-go boxes.

      Venice, Italy offers unique experiences that contrast with modern, fast-paced living. The absence of cars and emphasis on walking to daily errands, such as grocery shopping, creates a distinct atmosphere. The presence of stray animals, particularly cats, contributes to the city's charm. When visiting Italy, some must-do activities include glass blowing, smoking cigarettes, drinking coffee, and trying tiramisu. Portion control is essential when dealing with to-go boxes. For those who understand portion control, to-go boxes can be beneficial. Otherwise, they may lead to overeating. Jen, a nutritionist, exercise and sports science professor, RP coach, and glass blower, emphasizes the importance of understanding portion control for effective use of to-go boxes. Her husband, Dr. Derek Wilcox, is also an RP coach.

    • Considering options in confrontational situationsIn confrontational situations, prioritize safety and choose responses that de-escalate, not escalate.

      When faced with a confrontational situation, it's important to assess the situation and consider your options carefully. In the given scenario, the speaker described a situation where a man was verbally and emotionally abusing a cashier in a grocery store. The speaker had the option to either leave the situation or intervene. She suggested that if she and her child were present, they could use their imposing presence to intimidate the man and make him back off. However, if the man focused his attention on her and refused to back down, she suggested smiling and waiting him out as effective responses. The takeaway is that in confrontational situations, it's essential to consider the safety and well-being of all parties involved and choose a response that de-escalates the situation rather than escalating it.

    • Effective meal planning is crucial for fitness successMeal planning and meal prep help individuals stay focused, avoid distractions, and increase the likelihood of fitness success.

      Effective planning plays a crucial role in achieving fitness goals. Jen mentioned that clients who plan their meals and meal prep are more successful compared to those who try to wing it day by day. She emphasized that having a clear plan for the week helps individuals stay focused and avoid distractions. Jen shared that 90% of her current clients follow this approach, having seen its success over the years with her long-term clients. She encourages those who prefer tracking to consider planning as an alternative strategy. When starting a new fitness journey, Jen advised that individuals ask thoughtful questions and express a genuine interest in learning, rather than focusing on immediate results that may not align with their long-term goals. These actions demonstrate a commitment to the process and increase the likelihood of success.

    • Misconceptions in Diet Coaching: Unrealistic ExpectationsCoaches must address unrealistic expectations early on, using relatable analogies or humor to help clients understand the reality of achieving desired physiques. Alcohol can be a common obstacle, but coaches can emphasize setting goals and making sacrifices to stay on track.

      In diet coaching, unrealistic expectations can be a major roadblock to success. Statements like "I don't want to get too big" or "I don't want to look like a bodybuilder" can indicate a lack of understanding about the amount of work required to achieve a desired physique. This misconception can lead to wasted time and energy trying to adjust mindsets, and may require coaches to use relatable analogies or even humor to help clients grasp the reality of the situation. Another common obstacle is the belief that alcohol is necessary for social outings or business meetings. Coaches may face pushback on this issue, but emphasizing the importance of setting goals and making sacrifices when needed can help clients stay on track. Ultimately, it's crucial for coaches to address these unrealistic expectations early on and provide guidance and support to help clients adjust their mindsets and stay motivated on their weight loss journey.

    • Discussing Drinking Habits with ClientsEncourage open dialogue, promote moderation, and plan ahead to help clients maintain weight loss goals despite drinking challenges.

      When working with clients on weight loss, dealing with their drinking habits can be a challenge. Some clients may be alcoholics, and it's essential to encourage them to seek help. For others, moderation and making informed choices are key. It's important to have an open and honest dialogue with clients about their goals and the potential consequences of drinking. Alcohol can negatively impact weight loss efforts for days, and it can lead to a slippery slope of unhealthy choices. Planning ahead and preparing for potential challenges, such as weekend events, can help clients stay on track. Ultimately, it's about finding a balance and allowing clients to make their own decisions while providing guidance and support.

    • Staying committed to a plan during challengesEffective coaching helps individuals maintain focus and consistency, even during demanding situations, to reach their goals and develop self-discipline.

      Effective coaching involves staying committed to a plan, even during challenging situations. The discussion highlighted the experience of a coach managing six children's sack lunches while juggling multiple sporting events. This situation mirrors the demands faced by clients trying to reach their goals, whether it's for a wedding or personal fitness. The coach emphasized the importance of maintaining focus and consistency up until the final fitting or goal, after which maintenance becomes crucial. The conversation also touched upon the role of coaching in helping clients make informed decisions and develop a strong sense of self-discipline. Jen, the coach, shared her experience of preparing for her own wedding and the impact of having clear goals and expectations. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the value of dedicated coaching in helping individuals overcome obstacles and stay on track towards achieving their goals.

    • Setting unrealistic goals for wedding physique can lead to stress and disappointmentUnderstand the challenges of achieving unrealistic physique goals for weddings and focus on smaller, achievable goals for better outcomes and a healthier mindset

      Unrealistic goals with insufficient time can lead to disappointment and stress, especially for brides planning their weddings. The pressure to look a certain way can be immense, but factors such as age, family, and career can make it challenging to achieve unrealistic physique goals. It's essential to understand the complexities involved and set realistic expectations. As a coach, it's important to help clients understand the challenges they may face and the time and effort required to reach their goals. Trying to get from 30% body fat to 17-20% in a short period is unrealistic and can lead to disappointment and even giving up. Instead, focusing on smaller, achievable goals and gradual progress can lead to better outcomes and a healthier mindset.

    • Focus on achievable goals for client successSetting small, achievable goals and maintaining regular communication with clients leads to increased motivation, accountability, and ultimately, successful fitness and weight loss journeys.

      Setting small, achievable goals for clients is crucial for their success in fitness and weight loss journeys. By acknowledging their larger goals but focusing on smaller steps, clients are more likely to experience multiple wins, improve their quality of life, and eventually reach their desired outcomes. Regular communication and check-ins also contribute significantly to clients' success. The most successful clients are typically those who plan ahead and stay in touch with their coaches. This consistent contact provides motivation, accountability, and a sense of community, keeping them focused on their goals.

    • Jen's Favorite Things and Holiday PreferencesJen enjoys her leg tattoo as a reminder of her favorite things, including pizza with pepperoni stuffed crust, pumpkin cheesecake ice cream, and the movie 'Practical Magic'. She dislikes giving gifts during Christmas.

      Jen shares her favorite things, including her leg tattoo, movie "Practical Magic," food - pizza with pepperoni stuffed crust, and ice cream - pumpkin cheesecake from Ben & Jerry's. She also mentioned her dislike for giving gifts during the holiday season, specifically during Christmas. The tattoo process was lengthy, with 5-8 hour sittings, and the most painful spot was her hamstring tendons. Jen's favorite movie, "Practical Magic," is a Sandra Bullock romantic comedy that she watched during her undergrad years. Her favorite food is pizza with pepperoni stuffed crust, and her favorite ice cream was pumpkin cheesecake from Ben & Jerry's, but it's no longer available. Jen's tattoo is a significant reminder of her favorite submissions, and she finds comfort in looking at it as she ages. The tattoo process was not painful for her, but the hamstring tendons were the most painful spot. Jen's favorite holiday is Christmas, but she dislikes giving gifts.

    • Jen's Christmas Traditions and Prioritizing Well-BeingDuring the holiday season, focus on self-care and spreading positivity. Jen, a doctor and coach, emphasizes the importance of both.

      The holiday season brings out different emotions in people. Some, like Jen, embody the spirit of giving and joy, while others may be more Scrooge-like. Jen, a doctor and coach, shared her Christmas traditions and encouraged listeners to prioritize their well-being. She can be found on Instagram as @doctorjenjitsu and her coaching services can be accessed through rpstrength.com. The conversation ended on a light-hearted note, with Derek making an appearance and Mickshaw wrapping up the episode. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of self-care and spreading positivity during the holiday season.

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    “Sometimes you're a spectator in your own mind. So you are basically just recording what's being played out in your head.”



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    Imogen Edwards-Jones is an award-winning journalist, broadcaster, novelist and screenwriter responsible for the hugely successful Babylon series, which includes the Sunday Times best sellers Hotel Babylon, Air Babylon, Fashion Babylon. The series has sold over 1.5 million copies in the UK alone, been translated into some twenty different languages worldwide and made into two BBC Primetime TV shows.

    A broadcaster for BBC Radio 4 and 5 and television presenter, Imogen won the Independent scholarship from Bristol University, where she read Russian. She has written for numerous Fleet Street newspapers and magazines for the past 25 years.

    An honorary Cossack, Imogen has travelled extensively in the old Soviet Union writing a travel book, The Taming Of Eagles, Exploring the New Russia and was Editorial Consultant on Belgravia for Julian Fellowes (ITV)

    She is married and lives in London with two children.

    Co-founder of The Great Big Book Club, her latest novel – The Witches of St Petersburg – has recently been optioned in Los Angeles.











    Amy is a Life Purpose Coach, Podcast Strategist, Top 1% Global Podcaster, Speaker, Mastermind Host and Property Investor. Through coaching and workshops, Amy works with businesses to Focus on WHY to create people-centred environments, by improving productivity and employee engagement by focusing on fulfilment, values and purpose.

    Amy inspires and empowers entrepreneurial clients to discover the life they dream of by assisting them to make it their reality through their own action taking. Helping them to focus on their WHY with clarity uniting their passion and purpose with a plan to create the life they truly desire.

    If you would like Amy to help you to launch your podcast or to focus on your WHY then please book a free 20 min call via www.calendly.com/amyrowlinson/enquirycall

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    HOSTED BY: Amy Rowlinson



    The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this podcast belong solely to the host and guest speakers. Please conduct your own due diligence. 

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    15 - Poser ses limites et apprendre à dire non
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    Episode Overview

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    For now, we hope you enjoy this episode!

    Our brand new 3 Steps to End Emotional Eating Mini Course is available today! This course will help you cut through the BS advice and learn how to take back control of your cravings. Click to check it out here.

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    Download a copy of this episode’s transcript here.