
    DDC Podcast

    Welcome to the DDC Podcast, wher we dive into the world of fitness and mindset, helping you unlock your true potential.

    I am your host, Daniella Del Carpio, and I am thrilled to have you join me on this journey.

    Each episode is packed with practical tools and valuable insights to empower you on your fitness journey. Whether you are a fitness lover, just getting started or seeking to take control of your life, this podcast is for you.

    This episodes will be relased every Wednesday at 4pm NZT.

    Get ready to unleash your full potential and transform your life.

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    enDaniella Del Carpio74 Episodes

    Episodes (74)

    PODTALKS: Unvealing The Long-Term Diet Mindset

    PODTALKS: Unvealing The Long-Term Diet Mindset
    In today's Podtalks with Richu, we discussed the long-term diet mindset and how we can change our perspective to make healthy eating a lifestyle rather than just a restrictive diet. The word "diet" often carries a negative connotation, leading us to immediately associate it with fat loss and low calories, which is not necessarily the case.

    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Join me in my mission to transform the lives of 100 women in 2024.

    Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

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    PODTALKS: 5 Tips to Not Give Up If You Don't See Fat Loss Straight Away

    PODTALKS: 5 Tips to Not Give Up If You Don't See Fat Loss Straight Away
    In today's podtalks with Alyssa, we shared 5 tips to help you continue with your fitness journey even if you don't see results straight away. We understand how frustrating it can be to put in the work and hours into your training and nutrition and not see any change in your body. It makes you feel discouraged and as if you are wasting time.

    Alyssa and I felt like that when we started our fitness journey over 10 years ago. We were doing so much, but we felt that we were not getting much in return. We know that many of our clients feel the exact same way when they embark on this new journey which is why we really wanted to share these tips with you guys.

    Just like any other journey, results take time. I know that you know this, but I also understand that you don't want to wait too long to see those changes. However, trust me, those changes are worth it 100%.

    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Join me in my mission to transform the lives of 100 women in 2024. Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

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    DAZ SIDHU: From a McDonald's Employee to Running 2 Successful Businesses

    DAZ SIDHU: From a McDonald's Employee to Running 2 Successful Businesses
    In today's episode of the DDC Podcast, I have something very special for you guys. If you know me, you know that I am a strong believer that our minds are powerful tools that can either make or break us. The person I am interviewing in this episode is someone who is using this tool to its full potential, and someone whom I truly admire.

    Daz Sidhu is a very successful online fitness coach who also has a successful clothing line and is about to launch his third business in a few weeks. Daz's story is one of those tales you find in movies, which is why I admire him so much. He migrated to New Zealand at the age of 18, started working at McDonald's, then pursued his dream job in the police force, but it wasn't enough for him; he was not fulfilled with this job.

    In this interview, Daz shares with us how he uses his mind to his advantage and how he has developed a winner's mindset, achieving every goal he sets for himself. He also talks about his failures and why they are essential in any journey.

    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Join me in my mission to transform the lives of 100 women in 2024.

    Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

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    PODTALKS: Q&A - Joints, Social Events, and Learning to Say No

    PODTALKS: Q&A - Joints, Social Events, and Learning to Say No
    In today's podtalks with Richu, we answered some of the questions you guys asked us on our social media. We touched a little bit on joint problems, social situations, how to say no, and how to lose 10 kgs.

    Don't forget to send us your questions so we can keep making more episodes like this!

    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Join me in my mission to transform the lives of 100 women in 2024.

    Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

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    PODTALKS: What to Expect from an Online Fitness Coach?

    PODTALKS: What to Expect from an Online Fitness Coach?
    In today's podtalk with Alyssa, we discuss what to expect from a fitness coach. We often talk about mindset, nutrition, fitness, etc., but we haven't really touched on this topic too much.

    Everything we share in this episode is from our personal experience only. Don't forget that every coach is different, so everyone has their approach and way of doing things, and that's amazing. As I always tell you guys, work with a coach that you can relate to, someone you can connect with, and someone you trust. Having a great relationship with your coach makes a huge difference and makes your journey much more enjoyable.

    A coach can and will coach you, but don't forget that you also need to do your part if you want to make this work ;).

    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Join me in my mission to transform the lives of 100 women in 2024.

    Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

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    SPECIAL GUEST: Yani's Journey From Overwhelmed & Overweight to Content & Happy in Her Own Skin

    SPECIAL GUEST: Yani's Journey From Overwhelmed & Overweight to Content & Happy in Her Own Skin
    In today's episode of the DDC Podcast, I am excited to introduce a very special guest. My client, Yani, is joining us to share more about her success story and how she went from feeling overwhelmed and overweight to feeling happy and amazing in her own skin.

    Yani started her fitness journey with me almost 5 months ago. Before this program, she had tried many different approaches and training styles, as we all do when we first start our journey. She always got amazing results, but she was never able to sustain those results. Last year, after coming back from her trip to America where she got married, she was feeling extremely overwhelmed, overweight and unhappy with her body. She just knew that she needed to make a change then, or else she was going to gain more weight, and it was truly impacting her mental health.

    Five months later, Yani is literally killing it and smashing her goals. She shares with us that she's making time for herself and her fitness, even with a very busy schedule, and she reminds us why it is important to invest in yourself.

    Yani is the true definition of "If you want it bad enough, you will make it work." I have watched her transform physically and mentally, and it has been a beautiful journey to be part of.

    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Join me in my mission to transform the lives of 100 women in 2024.

    Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

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    4 Tips to Stay On Track During the Weekends

    4 Tips to Stay On Track During the Weekends
    In today's episode of the DDC podcast, I share with you my four tips that have helped me stay on track during the weekends. I understand that maintaining focus on weekends is challenging, especially for those with kids or a busy lifestyle/social life, but I assure you, it's possible. I've successfully implemented these tips in my own life, and many of my clients have found them effective as well.

    One of the main reasons why I believe we struggle to stay on track during the weekends is because our minds shift into this "holiday mode" mindset, where the last thing we want to worry about is our fitness. However, consider that weekends constitute about 20% of your week. If you consistently deviate from your routine every single weekend, achieving your desired results and establishing a positive relationship with food becomes more challenging.

    Remember that we are working towards building a lifestyle, so it's essential to gradually incorporate small changes like these into our routine.

    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Help us spread the message so that together, we can empower more women to become the best versions of themselves.

    Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

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    PODTALKS: How is Your Relationship Affecting Your Fitness Journey?

    PODTALKS: How is Your Relationship Affecting Your Fitness Journey?
    In today's podtalk with Alyssa, we discuss a topic we don't often talk about: relationships. It's a great topic for this Valentine's week. In this episode, we explore how your relationship can positively and negatively impact your fitness journey.

    Everything we discuss here comes from our own personal experiences. While we are not experts in this particular topic, we can share all about what we have lived.

    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Help us spread the message so that together, we can empower more women to become the best versions of themselves.

    Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

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    PODTALKS: This Is Why Intermittent Fasting Is The Answer to Fat Loss.

    PODTALKS: This Is Why Intermittent Fasting Is The Answer to Fat Loss.
    In today's Podtalks with Richu, we discussed a diet approach that has become very popular in the last couple of years, especially in the last few months. We have seen it all over social media, so we wanted to share our opinion about it—intermittent fasting.

    Intermittent fasting is an interesting approach. It is not only done for fat loss purposes but is also a part of some cultures. Some people adopt it to address specific health problems unrelated to fat loss, while others choose it for its simplicity and its alignment with their lifestyle. In this episode, we also discuss some of the pros and cons of this approach and share our experiences trying it.

    As always, we suggest that you choose something that works for you and your lifestyle. You are the one who will be following this diet or approach, so we always encourage you to do what is best for you.

    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Help us spread the message so that together, we can empower more women to become the best versions of themselves.

    Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

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    PODTALKS: You Need to Get These Supplements if You Want to Lose Fat - Part 2

    PODTALKS: You Need to Get These Supplements if You Want to Lose Fat - Part 2
    In today's PodTalk episode with Alyssa, we discussed some of the most common supplements in the market, their purpose, and whether or not we recommend them. We have already covered protein, aminos, creatine, and multivitamins in the first part of this supplements PodTalk, so make sure to listen to that if you haven't already. In this episode, we talk about other very common supplements:
    • Fat burners
    • Pre-workout
    • Green powder
    • Glutamine
    • Electrolytes
    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Help us spread the message so that together, we can empower more women to become the best versions of themselves. Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

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    Why Eating Healthy Is Not Enough To Help You Lose Body Fat

    Why Eating Healthy Is Not Enough To Help You Lose Body Fat
    In today's episode of the DDC Podcast, I discuss why eating healthy is not enough to help you lose body fat. This is a mistake I used to make when I started my fitness journey, and I would get extremely frustrated because I was eating healthy but not getting the results I wanted. I know many of you might be making the same mistake right now.

    Eating healthy is great—don't get me wrong; I always encourage you to fuel your body with the right nutrients. However, to achieve specific results, such as dropping body fat, we need to take specific measures. That's why I share 4 steps that helped me in my fat loss journey and have also assisted many of my clients in achieving amazing results.

    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Help us spread the message so that together, we can empower more women to become the best versions of themselves.

    Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

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    PODTALKS: How to Change Your Mindset to Start Believing in Yourself More?

    PODTALKS: How to Change Your Mindset to Start Believing in Yourself More?
    In today's podtalk with Alyssa, we discuss how you can wire your brain to help you start believing in yourself more and be more positive. Being positive 24/7 is impossible and very unrealistic, but there are different strategies you can start applying today to help you be a bit more positive each day and see the good in every situation.

    Alyssa and I consider ourselves very positive people, but that doesn't mean we don't have our down moments, we don't always feel amazing, and we don't always see the positive in every situation. However, something we both agree on is that bodybuilding was an experience that helped us believe in ourselves more and understand why and how our mindsets are so powerful.

    In this episode, we share the strategies that we use to help us maintain a positive mindset to this day. These are some of the strategies we always suggest to our clients, and we have seen the amazing transformations our clients are experiencing, not just physically but mentally as well.

    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Help us spread the message so that together, we can empower more women to become the best versions of themselves.

    Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

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    PODTALKS: Are Personal Trainers (PT) & Online Coaches the Same Thing?

    PODTALKS: Are Personal Trainers (PT) & Online Coaches the Same Thing?
    In today's PodTalk with Richu, we discussed the difference between a Personal Trainer (PT) and an Online Coach. This is a topic we really wanted to address because we've noticed that many people mistakenly think that PTs and online coaches are the same, but they are not.

    Richu and I were both PTs before embarking on our online adventure, so we shared a bit about our experiences and explained why we decided to transition from PT to becoming full-time online coaches.

    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Help us spread the message so that together, we can empower more women to become the best versions of themselves.

    Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

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    6 Tips to Help You Get Back on Track with Your Routine

    6 Tips to Help You Get Back on Track with Your Routine
    In today's episode of the DDC podcast, I talk about the different emotions that you may be feeling at this time of the year and share some tips to help you get back on track with your fitness journey.

    Some of you may be feeling amazing and ready to smash your goals, while others may be a bit anxious or overwhelmed about the unknown or the goals you want to accomplish, and that is completely okay.

    The main key to getting back on track with your routine is to take things slow and remember that this journey is a marathon, not a sprint.

    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Help us spread the message so that together, we can empower more women to become the best versions of themselves.

    Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

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    ALEXANDER LEVY: Hospital Bills vs. Fitness Costs - The Financial Impact You Can Control

    ALEXANDER LEVY: Hospital Bills vs. Fitness Costs - The Financial Impact You Can Control
    In today's episode of the DDC podcast, Alexander Levy, an online fitness coach whom I truly admire, joins us to discuss the reasons why people use money and time as excuses not to get started with their fitness journey. This is a common excuse we often hear from the people we talk to, so we wanted to address this topic.

    Many people are willing to spend 40 hours a week or more working for someone else, but they are not willing to invest 3 hours a week in themselves. Why? Simply because it's easier to make an excuse than to make something happen, right?

    The main key points that Alexander mentioned, and something I love, were:
    • Misconception about fitness
    • Value – most people don't see the value in fitness
    • Priority – this is the last on their list for most
    • Pain – people wait until the pain is too deep before doing something about it
    • Comfort – staying in your comfort zone is much easier than stepping out.
    Hopefully, we can spread this message and help more people understand that fitness is not just about fat loss or muscle building; it's more than that. So please don't wait until you are in the hospital or need to depend on medication to start doing something about it. It's never too late to get started, NEVER.

    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Help us spread the message so that together, we can empower more women to become the best versions of themselves.

    Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

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    Alexander's Instagram:

    PODTALKS: You Need to Get These Supplements if You Want to Lose Fat - Part 1

    PODTALKS: You Need to Get These Supplements if You Want to Lose Fat - Part 1
    In today's PodTalk episode with Alyssa, we discussed some of the most common supplements in the market, their purpose, and whether or not we recommend them.

    There are so many different supplements in the market, but some are more popular than others, such as protein powder, creatine, aminos, multivitamins, pre-workouts, glutamine, fish oil, and fat burners. In this episode, we only had time to discuss the first four, but we will be making a part 2 next week to discuss the others.

    We often see or hear from people who spend thousands of dollars on supplements and get very disappointed and discouraged when they don't see the results they are expecting. That's why we want you guys to gain more knowledge about this topic and make wiser decisions next time you are thinking about spending money on this.

    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Help us spread the message so that together, we can empower more women to become the best versions of themselves.

    Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

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    SPECIAL GUEST: How Maureen Went From Someone Who Loved Quick Fixes to Someone Who Loves Sustainable Results in 5 Months

    SPECIAL GUEST: How Maureen Went From Someone Who Loved Quick Fixes to Someone Who Loves Sustainable Results in 5 Months
    In today's episode of the DDC Podcast, I have one of my beautiful clients joining me to share her amazing success story with us. Maureen and I have been working together for the past 5 months, and the transformation she's experiencing has been EPIC. She's not only getting amazing results and dropping body fat, but she also has more control over her foods and has learned how to take fitness with her everywhere she goes (she loves to travel).

    One of the main struggles that Maureen had before she joined my program was that she was used to doing 8-week challenges, so she was expecting quick results when she joined. She wanted to see her body transform after just 4 weeks of starting with my program, but this didn't happen, and it was a huge challenge for her. She talks about how she was so ready to quit after not seeing those changes and how she overcame this.

    A message that Maureen shared with us in her interview and that I LOVED so much was that you can't put your life on hold just to lose weight or get the results that you want, and she's so damn right!! Life is not going to stop for you to be able to achieve your fitness goals. If you want to make something happen, you simply need to make it work for you. If you truly want it, you will make it happen, and if you don't, you will make excuses.

    If you are someone who loves to travel and you are a social butterfly, you MUST listen to this episode. I'm so proud of Maureen's journey, and I hope we can inspire you to get started with your fitness journey.

    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Help us spread the message so that together, we can empower more women to become the best versions of themselves. Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

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    PODTALKS: You Don't Need to Stop Socializing to Make Progress.

    PODTALKS: You Don't Need to Stop Socializing to Make Progress.
    In today's episode of the DDC Podcast, we have the lovely Alyssa joining us to discuss more about how you can eat off-plan. Alyssa and I have decided that we will be doing these Podtalks every single week, so stay tuned for more content like this. One of the main struggles that we used to have when we started with our fitness journey, and a struggle that we hear from our clients before they join our programs, is that they have no idea how to eat off-track without feeling guilty.
    This is something very common as we are used to labeling food as 'good' and 'bad', so every time we have the so-called 'bad' foods, we can't help but feel terrible about it. But it should and doesn't have to be like this.

    We have shared a few strategies to help you with this so you don't feel that you need to stop socializing to make progress with your fitness. You don't need to put your life on hold to lose that body fat or gain that muscle mass; you simply need to be more mindful and gain that control back.

    Please don't forget to send us your questions, challenges, or topics on Instagram so we can make more episodes like this.

    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Help us spread the message so that together, we can empower more women to become the best versions of themselves. Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

    Here are some useful links for you:



    Alyssa's Instagram

    JOSEF RAKICH: Stop Blaming Others and Start Taking Action

    JOSEF RAKICH: Stop Blaming Others and Start Taking Action
    In today's episode of the DDC Podcast, I have a very special guest joining me to share his knowledge and wisdom with us. Josef Rakich, a very successful entrepreneur and online fitness coach, built the empire he has now from scratch, and he's here to talk to us about how he made that happen.

    Josef shared how the discipline he has with his fitness has had a huge impact on the discipline he has with his business. This is why I always tell you guys that fitness goes beyond a pretty and toned body. He also said that believing in himself was a crucial step to help him be where he is right now, and this was something he had since a very young age. The main key points I took from this interview with Josef were:
    • Self-awareness
    • Belief
    • Massive action
    • Give it a try
    • Don't procrastinate
    I truly enjoyed this interview so much, and I hope you do too. Everything in this life is possible, everything, and Josef is a very clear example of that.

    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Help us spread the message so that together, we can empower more women to become the best versions of themselves. Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

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    PODTALK: Who Really Is Daniella?

    PODTALK: Who Really Is Daniella?
    In today's Podtalk with Richu, I'm bringing something completely different for you guys. We often talk about everything fitness-related, but today I wanted to share more about me and who I am.

    Hopefully, you guys can get to know me a little bit more with this.

    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Help us spread the message so that together, we can empower more women to become the best versions of themselves. Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

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