
    STBYM Halftober Monsterfest Playlist, Episode 4: Killer's Mask

    enApril 24, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Building Community Connections and Finding Intensity in LifeConnecting with neighbors and forming meaningful bonds strengthens communities and prepares for emergencies. Joy and excitement can be found in everyday experiences like adventures with family. Intensity and passion can be seen in various aspects of life, from sports to horror movies.

      Building strong community connections is essential in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on neighbors and forming meaningful social bonds. This not only helps create a more connected community but also prepares everyone for emergencies and natural disasters. Meanwhile, there's joy and excitement in everyday experiences, like embarking on adventures with family in a new vehicle like the Hyundai Santa Fe. Additionally, the NBA playoffs serve as a reminder that passion and intensity can be found in various aspects of life, from sports to horror movies. In the realm of horror movies, masked killers and their unmasking moments are a popular trope. While it can serve to reveal the killer's identity in some cases, in others, the unmasking doesn't necessarily provide new information. Instead, it might simply confirm what the audience already knows or provide a final visual confirmation of the killer's appearance. Regardless, the unmasking moment often marks the climax of the movie, emphasizing its significance. In summary, building community connections, experiencing joy in everyday life, and recognizing the various forms of intensity and passion are key takeaways from the discussed topics.

    • Discussing Masked Psychopaths in Fiction and Real LifeThe use of masks in real-life murder is less frequent than in horror fiction, and the hosts plan to explore potential reasons.

      While the trope of masked psychopaths is common in horror fiction, it is less prevalent in real-life murder cases. The hosts of the podcast discuss their personal preferences for fictional horror versus true crime, and warn listeners that they will be discussing a few real murderers from history in the context of this topic. They also acknowledge the overlap between these two genres, as true crime and horror fiction can influence each other. The hosts ponder why the use of masks in real-life murder is less frequent than in fiction, and plan to explore potential reasons in the upcoming segments of the episode.

    • Masks add mystery and intrigue in horror storiesMasks hide identities, build suspense, and are practical solutions for filmmakers in horror stories

      Masks play a significant role in horror fiction, both in films inspired by real-life crimes and those that are purely fictional. Masks create a sense of mystery and intrigue, making the audience question the identity of the character beneath it. This can be seen as a way to build anticipation and suspense, as the reveal of the character's face can be a pivotal moment in the story. Additionally, masks are a practical solution for filmmakers, as they are generally cheaper and easier to use than complex makeup effects. They also require less of the actor, allowing for the use of less experienced or less distinctive actors. Overall, masks serve to hide and protect, adding to the fear and tension in horror stories.

    • Horror movie masks serve various functionsHorror movie masks are not just for concealing identity, they add to branding, performance, and create an eerie atmosphere, becoming an extension of the character's identity.

      Horror movie masks serve multiple purposes beyond just concealing the identity of the character. They can be used for branding, performance, and creating an uncanny and creepy atmosphere. Jason Voorhees' hockey mask is a prime example of this, as it has become synonymous with Halloween and haunted attractions. Leatherface's mask from "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" is another favorite, as it adds to the mystery and horror of the character. Masks like Doctor Philip K. Decker's button mask from "Nightbreed," which is worn by David Cronenberg, add an extra layer of unsettling visuals and symbolism to the horror genre. The masks often become an extension of the character's identity, and the uncertainty of what lies beneath can heighten the fear and suspense for the audience.

    • The connection between masks in horror movies and religious/cultural practicesEffective use of masks in horror movies can significantly enhance the horror experience, as seen in films like 'The Wicker Man' and 'Friday the 13th'.

      The use of masks in horror movies holds a deep connection to traditional religious and cultural practices. This was highlighted in the 1973 film "The Wicker Man," where the villagers' masks during their pagan celebration added to the horror experience. However, not all mask designs in horror movies are effective. Some, like the baby mask in "Brazil," can be unintentionally comical yet terrifying. Others, like the Saw films, can try too hard with excessive gimmicks. Classic examples of effective mask use include Jason's hockey mask in "Friday the 13th" and the miner's gas mask in "My Bloody Valentine." Interestingly, there seems to be a lack of horror movies featuring the Greek tragedy mask, which could potentially add an intriguing layer to the genre. Overall, the use of masks in horror movies can significantly enhance the horror experience when executed effectively.

    • Masks in Reality vs FictionSerial killers wearing masks during crimes are rare in reality compared to their depiction in fiction.

      While masks are commonly used in horror movies and stories about serial killers, in reality, their usage is less frequent. When examining actual cases of serial murderers who wore masks during their crimes, the examples are limited. We discounted masks used purely as disguises and required that the mask be used during the commission of the crime itself. Notable examples include the Zodiac Killer, who used a mask during some of his crimes in the 1960s and 1970s in Northern California. However, it's important to note that not all of his crimes involved mask usage. Another example is the Boston Strangler, who is believed to have used a mask during some of his attacks in the late 1960s. These cases highlight the rarity of mask usage in real-life serial killings compared to their portrayal in fiction.

    • Serial killers rarely wore masks during crimesContrary to horror movie depictions, most serial killers did not wear masks during their crimes, using them instead for intimidation and psychological advantage

      Mask-wearing in serial killings is not as common as depicted in horror movies. The use of masks in crimes, such as the Zodiac attacks and the Phantom Killer case, was likely intended to intimidate victims and establish a psychological advantage. However, most serial killers, like Ed Gein and Martin Ney, did not wear masks during the commission of their crimes. Notable exceptions include John Wayne Gacy, who wore a clown suit but not a mask, and James Holmes, who wore a gas mask for tactical reasons. Overall, mask-wearing in serial killings is a less frequent occurrence than popular culture suggests.

    • Masks in Horror Fiction: Beyond RealismMasks in horror stories serve for identity concealment, intimidation, or role-playing, but real criminals usually don't wear them due to potential drawbacks.

      The use of masks in horror fiction serves a deeper psychological purpose beyond mere realism. Masks are not common in real crimes, but they hold significance in horror stories as tools for identity concealment, intimidation, or role-playing. However, wearing a mask during a crime can also have drawbacks, such as conspicuousness, limited senses, and potential evidence left behind. Real serial killers often operate under the guise of normalcy, making it more effective for them not to wear masks. The use of masks in horror fiction is likely rooted in tradition and our fascination with understanding the human capacity for crime, rather than reflecting actual criminal behavior.

    • Connecting with community and securing financesBuilding strong community connections and financial stability are crucial for personal growth and preparedness. Engage in community activities, help neighbors, and focus on financial education and empowerment.

      Building strong community connections and financial stability are essential for personal growth and preparedness. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of connecting with those around us, whether it's through lending a helping hand or standing together during natural disasters. State Farm shares a similar belief, focusing on financial education and empowerment. Meanwhile, the Purge concept, while fictional, raises questions about the potential consequences of anonymity and the masks we wear, be it physical or metaphorical. Whether it's through community engagement or financial management, understanding the impact of our actions and identities is crucial for creating a better future. So, whether you're building a more connected community or striving for financial freedom, remember that every step counts.

    • Historical and cultural practices involving masks and anonymityMasks and anonymity can alter behavior and perception of power, with historical examples like the Feast of Fools and modern groups using masks for anonymity influencing behavior in various ways.

      The way we dress or mask ourselves can significantly impact our behavior and the perception of our authority. This is evident in various historical and cultural practices, such as the Feast of Fools in medieval Catholic France, where people disguised themselves to assume power and engage in mischief. Masks have also been associated with impunity to do evil and deindividuation, allowing people to feel detached from their individual responsibilities and behave in ways they might not otherwise. The use of masks by groups, like the anonymous organization embracing the Guy Fawkes mask, further highlights the power of anonymity in influencing behavior. However, it's important to note that the relationship between anonymity and antisocial behavior is complex and not fully understood, with some studies suggesting that it may not be the sole factor.

    • Anonymity and group dynamics influence behaviorsMasks allow individuals to behave differently in groups, symbolizing role-taking and even primal forces.

      Anonymity and group dynamics can influence people to engage in behaviors they might not normally consider, such as carrying a sign promoting masturbation or participating in antisocial activities. This concept is explored in various cultural traditions, including the Morionis Festival in the Philippines, where masked executioners chase and execute a figure representing Longinus. The use of masks in these rituals can be seen as a form of disguise, allowing individuals to behave in a frenzy as a group without revealing their identities. Similarly, slasher films can be seen as public mask rituals, where the masked murderer characters allow audiences to experience fear and excitement in a communal setting. The mask itself can symbolize the wearer taking on a role and even the authority of a primal or divine force. These cultural and cinematic examples highlight the intriguing ways that anonymity and group dynamics can shape human behavior.

    • The hockey mask transforms Jason into a mythical figureMasks in horror can dehumanize killers and add supernatural elements, reflecting beliefs about inner distortion or sinfulness, and have roots in ritualistic traditions.

      The hockey mask in the "Friday the 13th" franchise becomes a symbol of mystery and potential supernatural elements, despite the lack of overt supernatural elements in the series itself. The mask, which often appears to have a glowing light behind it, transforms Jason Voorhees from a simple killer into a mythical figure. This dehumanization of serial killers through the use of masks is a common trope in horror and mythology, reflecting the belief that physical abnormalities or monstrous appearances can indicate inner distortion or sinfulness. The unmasking scene, where the audience gets a glimpse of the killer's distorted face, confirms this grotesque understanding of the world. The use of masks in horror cinema, as explored in the book "Horror Zone," can be compared to the tradition of unmasking in rituals, where removing the mask can cure an individual overcome by a ritualistic madness. The commitment to realistic gore effects in the Grand Guignol theater in Paris, which specialized in bloodbath dramas, is a testament to the enduring appeal of this trope.

    • Horror and comedy in theater and films create an up-and-down experienceCombining horror and comedy heightens audience engagement by evoking strong emotions through graphic gore and masks, appealing to morbid curiosity and taboo desires.

      The combination of horror and comedy in both historical Grand Guignol theater and modern slasher films serves to create an up-and-down experience for audiences. This "hot and cold" approach, as it was known in theater, intentionally chills and then amuses viewers. Similarly, the emphasis on graphic gore in slasher films can be attributed to the high-quality makeup effects, which filmmakers were tempted to overuse due to the significant investment in creating such convincing effects. Additionally, the use of masks in horror films, such as Jason's iconic mask, serves to establish a cold, mechanical, and faceless killer, separating them from human emotions and enforcing a sense of prohibition. Historically, public executions provided a similar outlet for audiences' morbid curiosity, and when these were phased out, horror and gore continued to satisfy this desire for the fantastical and taboo.

    • Masked killers as embodiment of justice or punishmentMasked killers in slasher films symbolize an inhuman force of justice or punishment, removing human emotion and leaving victims feeling baffled and subservient.

      The masked killers in slasher films, such as Jason Voorhees from the Friday 13th series, serve as an embodiment of an inhuman force of justice or punishment. The masks, which can range from hockey masks to complete darkness, serve to remove any trace of human emotion or vulnerability, leaving victims feeling baffled and subservient. This interpretation is supported by the efficient and systematic way in which these killers dispatch their victims, much like a medieval executioner. The repetitive and predictable nature of the murders in these films further reinforces this idea, as they often feel like punishments for specific sins or character flaws. The mask, as a symbol of the executioner's role, plays a significant cultural role in these films by tapping into something that was lost when public executions ceased to exist.

    • Masked killers as symbols of disembodied justiceMasked killers in horror movies can represent disembodied justice, allowing audiences to experience vicarious punishment of societal taboo-breakers. However, the impact can vary depending on the movie's characters and emotional connection to the audience.

      The use of masked killers in horror movies can serve as a symbol of disembodied justice, allowing the audience to vicariously experience the punishment of those who break societal taboos. This concept was exemplified in the marketing of the movie "House of Wax," which advertised the killing of Paris Hilton as a form of public catharsis. However, it's important to note that not all horror movies with masked killers elicit the same response. Movies with more likable characters and a stronger emotional connection to the audience can make the unmasking of the villain a desired outcome, rather than a public execution. The mask can function differently in these cases, representing a mystery to be solved and a humanization of the villain. Ultimately, the use of masked killers in horror movies is a complex and nuanced tool that can serve various narrative and emotional purposes.

    • Uncovering the Secrets of Horror MoviesExploring the deeper meaning behind iconic horror movie moments reveals complex human desires and universal experiences.

      Even the seemingly insignificant moments in horror movies like the reveal of Michael Myers' face in "Halloween" can hold deeper meaning. The discussion around this scene highlights how our fascination with uncovering the secrets of the oppressive and unjust can be a complex and nuanced desire. Additionally, a surprising anecdote about a colleague getting pulled over while wearing a werewolf mask adds an unexpected layer to the conversation, reminding us that our fascination with the macabre and the unknown is a universal human experience. Overall, the episode underscores the importance of looking beyond the surface of horror movies and recognizing the thought-provoking themes they often explore.

    • Explore California's Attractions and Manage Diabetes with Dexcom G7Explore California's diverse attractions while effectively managing diabetes with the new Dexcom G7, offering painless glucose monitoring and food tracking features.

      California offers various attractions, from redwood forests and wine country to ski slopes, making it an ultimate playground for everyone. Meanwhile, the new Dexcom G7 provides a game-changer for diabetes management, allowing users to monitor their glucose levels without painful finger sticks and track food and exercise effects, leading to better results and more control over diabetes. Boar's Head sweet bees honey barbecue glazed chicken is available exclusively at local deli counters. For more information on California's attractions, visit visitcalifornia.com. To learn more about the Dexcom G7 and start taking control of diabetes, go to dexcom.com.

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