
    Stephen Fry: “Lost, alone and I wanted to take my life”

    enDecember 05, 2022
    What childhood challenges did Stephen Fry face?
    How did Fry's early experiences influence his storytelling?
    What behaviors did Fry engage in during his rebellion?
    How did Fry's perspective on life change over time?
    What impact did love and marriage have on Fry's life?

    Podcast Summary

    • Stephen Fry's Childhood: Overcoming Obstacles and Finding His PassionStephen Fry's childhood struggles with ADHD and social acceptance led him to discover his love for language and storytelling, shaping his future success in these areas.

      Stephen Fry's earliest years greatly influenced the person he became. As a child, he struggled with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and found it difficult to fit in socially due to his lack of athletic abilities and coordination. However, he discovered his passion for language and storytelling, which became his way of connecting with others and making himself less unpopular. Despite being sent away to boarding school at a young age, Fry accepted it as the norm, as both his father and brother had gone through the same experience. Growing up in a class-conscious society, he didn't question his upbringing until he encountered children with different experiences. Overall, Fry's unique childhood experiences shaped his orientation towards language and storytelling, which would significantly impact his future endeavors.

    • Stephen Fry's Journey of Rebellion and Self-DiscoveryUnderstanding the underlying reasons for one's behavior can provide insight into their journey towards self-acceptance and success.

      Stephen Fry's experiences in his early years were shaped by feelings of being an outsider and rebelling against societal norms. His journey of self-discovery and rebellion led him to engage in risky behavior such as stealing and getting into trouble. Fry's intellectual potential was evident, but his actions were driven by a desire to challenge and defy the expectations placed upon him. His rebellion stemmed from a deep-rooted need to find his place in the world and escape the sense of alienation he felt. Understanding the underlying reasons for his behavior helps shed light on his complex journey towards self-acceptance and eventual success.

    • Stephen Fry's Journey: Overcoming Adversity and Embracing EducationStephen Fry's story showcases the power of education in transforming lives, as he overcame challenges, improved his mental health, and achieved academic success.

      Stephen Fry's journey from a troubled and unsettled childhood to academic success at Cambridge University was a remarkable turn of events. Despite facing challenges and being labeled as a "bad lot," Fry's discovery of his mental health condition, bipolar disorder, shed light on his behavior and paved the way for better understanding of children's behavior. Fry's love for literature and his exploration of the lives of queer artists allowed him to envision a world beyond shame and secrecy. Through determination and hard work, Fry was able to overcome his troubled past, serve time in prison, and ultimately receive a scholarship to Cambridge. This demonstrates the transformative power of education and the ability to rise above adversity.

    • Stephen Fry's Passion for Acting: Captivating and Engaging AudiencesSometimes, our true calling and talents are already within us, waiting to be discovered, and pursuing them with enthusiasm can bring fulfillment and liberation.

      Stephen Fry's love for acting was sparked by the joy and connection he felt with an audience. It wasn't about seeking praise or admiration, but rather the experience of captivating and engaging people through his performances. Acting provided him with a sense of liberation and fulfillment, allowing him to temporarily separate from his own identity and become immersed in the characters he portrayed. This deep-seated passion for the stage was evident from a young age, even before self-awareness and concerns about self-worth came into play. It is a reminder that sometimes our true calling and innate talents are inherent within us, waiting to be discovered and pursued with unwavering enthusiasm.

    • Finding True Happiness Beyond External AchievementsGenuine connections, love, truth, and shared experiences with loved ones are the real sources of lasting happiness, not external accomplishments or material possessions.

      True happiness cannot be achieved through external accomplishments or material possessions. Stephen Fry explains that even in the midst of success, such as being in a long-running play, there is still a sense of anxiety and anticipation. Similarly, when an endeavor suddenly ends, like being a pilot in the Air Force, there is a feeling of emptiness and loss. This resonates with the notion that setting goals and acquiring things only provide temporary satisfaction. The real source of happiness lies in meaningful connections, love, truth, and experiencing moments of beauty with loved ones. It cannot be pinpointed or tapped into like a resource, but rather comes from within and is found in genuine interactions and shared experiences.

    • The Importance of Kindness, Reflection, and Personal GrowthTrue fulfillment comes from treating others with kindness, reflecting on our actions, and striving to be the best version of ourselves. Personal growth and self-worth are found in the quality of our relationships and the positive impact we have on others' lives.

      Personal fulfillment and self-worth come from how we treat others and strive to be better individuals. While achieving goals related to work, finances, and basic needs is important, true fulfillment lies in the quality of our relationships and how we impact others’ lives. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being a kind, honest, and compassionate person. They note that religions can sometimes foster a sense of community, but exclusivity based on specific beliefs should be avoided. Ultimately, personal growth and fulfillment come from reflecting on our actions, being accountable for our behavior, and striving to be the best version of ourselves. The conversation raises existential questions about humanity’s unique consciousness and the moral obligations we feel as beings capable of self-reflection.

    • Navigating the implications of creating intelligent beings and the ethical dilemmas surrounding their power and autonomy.As creators of artificial intelligence, we must embrace our inherently good nature, acknowledge our limitations, and ponder the complexities of free will and personal transformation.

      Humanity is grappling with the idea of playing god in the age of artificial intelligence. As we create sentient beings, we are faced with the dilemma of deciding whether to give them power or deny them power. There is a fear that they may turn against us and cause harm, much like the Greek gods. However, a unique aspect of humanity is our innate desire to be good, despite our failures. We must give ourselves permission to be true to our nature and live fulfilling lives, while also accepting our shortcomings and feelings of guilt. Additionally, the conversation delves into questions about free will and the possibility of changing who we are, ultimately highlighting our complex nature as individuals and our understanding of others.

    • The Power of Art and Memory in Reaching Beyond DeathArt and memory provide a means for human connection and immortality, allowing individuals to resonate with others even after death. Stephen Fry's journey showcases the transformative power of love, acceptance, and embracing one's true nature.

      Human connection and communication extend beyond the physical realm. Through art and memory, individuals can reach out to others, even after death. This form of connection allows for a kind of immortality, where the essence of a person can continue to resonate with others. As Stephen Fry reflects on his own journey, he realizes that he has become more accepting and calm, less concerned with proving himself. He has found love and marriage, which has brought about significant positive changes in his life. Additionally, he acknowledges his shift from a social and party-driven lifestyle to embracing the quiet and domestic aspects of his nature.

    • Stephen Fry's Struggles with Face Blindness and Dark Moments in LifeUnderstanding and supporting individuals facing mental health struggles is crucial to their well-being and preventing feelings of isolation and despair.

      Stephen Fry experiences a condition called prosopagnosia, which causes face blindness. This condition makes it difficult for him to recognize people, leading to feelings of embarrassment, guilt, and social isolation. Despite remembering names well, he struggles to remember faces, which can be extremely challenging and distressing, especially in social situations like parties. Additionally, the conversation highlights a dark moment in Fry's life when he received harsh reviews for a play he was involved in. This triggered feelings of unhappiness, disillusionment, and a desire to escape, even contemplating taking his own life. This emphasizes the importance of understanding and supporting individuals facing mental health struggles.

    • Stephen Fry's Journey to Understanding Mental HealthSupport and understanding from loved ones can play a crucial role in helping individuals navigate their mental health struggles and seek help.

      Stephen Fry experienced a moment in his life where he questioned the purpose of everything around him. Despite his success and reputation, he found himself contemplating a life of solitude and escape. However, his father's unwavering support and understanding reminded him that he was not alone in his struggles. When news broke of his disappearance, Fry realized the impact his absence had on those around him and the concern it caused. This event served as a turning point in his journey towards seeking help and understanding his mental health. His subsequent exploration of manic depression through a documentary shed light on the complexities of this illness, consisting of both depression and manic episodes.

    • Living with Bipolar Disorder: Navigating the Highs and LowsWith proper management and support, individuals with bipolar disorder can find stability and empowerment, utilizing medication, therapy, and positive lifestyle changes to navigate the complexities of their condition.

      Living with bipolar disorder is a complex experience. Stephen Fry highlights the contrasting poles of mania and depression, emphasizing the fear of losing the highs and lows that make individuals feel unique. However, he also acknowledges the dangerous consequences of undiagnosed and unmanaged bipolar disorder, such as substance abuse and self-harm. Through his own journey, Fry shares that medication can play a role in stabilizing mood swings. Additionally, he discovers the power of therapies like exercise, gardening, and creative outlets in managing symptoms and believing in the future. Taking control of one's life, whether through weight loss or other positive changes, can be empowering and demonstrate that some aspects of bipolar disorder can be managed.

    • Taking Control and Finding Balance: Stephen Fry's Journey to Personal Agency and Self-Care.By actively shaping his physical and mental well-being, Stephen Fry demonstrates the importance of personal agency and self-care in finding fulfillment and navigating the challenges of modern life.

      Stephen Fry emphasizes the importance of taking control of one's own life and finding balance. He recognizes that he has the power to shape his physical body through exercise and applies that same mindset to his mental well-being. By engaging in activities like walking and listening to audiobooks, he finds a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. Furthermore, Fry discusses his relationship with social media, specifically Twitter, acknowledging both its support and negative aspects. He has learned to navigate the platform without letting it upset him, but also expresses concerns about its changing nature and potential toxicity. Ultimately, Fry highlights the significance of personal agency and self-care in shaping one's experiences and choices in life.

    • The Importance of Free Speech and Addressing Pressing IssuesFree speech is crucial on the path to a peaceful society, but it should not overshadow the need to address pressing issues such as poverty and inequality. Negativity on social media can affect mental health, but individuals can learn to manage it.

      The endpoint for society should be human beings living together in peace, harmony, and happiness, free from war, violence, envy, resentment, poverty, and starvation. Free speech is important on the path to this endpoint, as it allows individuals to freely express their ideas and thoughts. However, some people have misunderstood the value of free speech, making it the ultimate goal instead of a means to an end. While free speech is crucial, it should not disregard other pressing issues such as poverty and inequality. The rise of hate speech and discrimination is a concerning consequence of this misinterpretation. Both Stephen Fry and Steven Bartlett acknowledge the challenges of dealing with negativity on social media and emphasize the importance of protecting one's mental health and avoiding unnecessary distractions. They also discuss the notion of ongoing battles with mental health, highlighting that certain battles and triggers may never be fully cured, but individuals can learn to manage them.

    • Stephen Fry's Comparison: Mental Health Struggles and Living with AsthmaMental health issues are real, uncontrollable storms of negative thoughts and emotions. It is important to accept them and remember that they will eventually pass.

      Mental health struggles, such as anxiety and depression, can feel overwhelming and isolating. Stephen Fry compares these struggles to living with asthma, where one may feel like they have it under control most of the time, but there are moments when the storm of negative thoughts and emotions becomes too intense. It can be challenging to share these feelings with loved ones, even though they are supposed to be there for support. The conversation emphasizes the importance of accepting that mental health issues are real and not the individual's fault. It highlights that these storms in the mind are out of one's control and will eventually pass, providing hope for those going through similar experiences.

    • The Struggles of Mania and the Importance of Channeling Creative EnergyDespite the challenges of manic episodes, finding constructive outlets for creativity can lead to personal success and fulfillment.

      Individuals with manic episodes often exhibit extreme behaviors and risk-taking tendencies, which can be embarrassing and detrimental in their personal lives. Mania can cause individuals to feel out of control and engage in impulsive actions that may lead to negative outcomes. Additionally, the intense power and euphoria experienced during mania can be both exhilarating and terrifying. However, despite these struggles, individuals like Stephen Fry have managed to achieve great success in their careers due to their passion and talent. Writing, in particular, has provided a creative outlet for Fry and allowed him to express himself. This highlights the importance of finding constructive avenues to channel manic energy and creativity.

    • The Essence of Being an Artist: Writing and CreatingArtists find their true expression by writing and creating, showcasing their unique perspective and evoking emotions, even if it means shocking or disgusting some people. Art holds a special place and has the power to do special things.

      The true work of an artist lies in writing and creating. While acting and presenting may be enjoyable, the real essence of being an artist is sitting in front of a blank page, letting the imagination flow, and bringing ideas to life through writing. Musicians like Bowie, Elton John, and Lennon Cohen are revered because they write their own music, showcasing their artistry and leaving a lasting impact. Art is not meant to please everyone or conform to societal norms; it is about making something that matters to the artist and evoking emotions, even if it means shocking or disgusting some people. Artists are often uncompromising, having a unique perspective and contempt for societal expectations. Ultimately, art holds a special place and has the power to do special things.

    • The Therapeutic Benefits of Art and CraftEngaging in artistic expression through various crafts can have a positive impact on our mental well-being, allowing us to explore our creativity and experience the therapeutic effects of self-expression.

      Engaging in some form of artistic expression, whether it's painting, knitting, or any other craft, is incredibly beneficial for our mental well-being. Art allows us to express ourselves and explore our creativity, which has a positive impact on our minds. While artists often create from their own unique perspective, there is also value in craftsmanship and making something identical and perfect each time. Both art and crafts have their benefits, but the important thing is to find a medium that brings us joy and allows us to experience the magic of concentrated and relaxed focus. Engaging in low-stakes creative activities can be a great way to start our artistic journey and discover the therapeutic effects of expressing ourselves through art.

    • The Power of Thoughtful and Personal GiftsMeaningful gestures and handmade gifts convey sincerity and authenticity, surpassing the value of expensive presents, and emphasizing the importance of investing time and effort into creating something for loved ones.

      The act of giving something we've found or made can hold immense value and meaning. In a world driven by materialism and monetary worth, the idea of giving sentimental and personal gifts brings a sense of sincerity and authenticity to relationships. The conversation highlights the beauty of this concept, where thoughtful gestures like scrapbooks and handmade items can surpass the extravagance of expensive, shiny gifts. It emphasizes the importance of investing time and concentration into creating something for our loved ones. Furthermore, it touches upon the regret and slight sadness that Stephen Fry experiences for not having children, illustrating that everyone has their own unique gaps or missing ingredients in their idea of a good life.

    • Finding Joy in New Projects and Experiences: Stephen Fry's Motivation for Continued PursuitStephen Fry's dedication to exploring new avenues of creativity demonstrates the power of finding joy in one's work, even after achieving significant milestones in life.

      Stephen Fry's motivation to continue pursuing new projects and experiences even after achieving success stems from his genuine enjoyment and pleasure in the work. He finds excitement and fulfillment in trying new things, such as working on a dinosaur program or being a part of a TV show with big stars. The variation and thrill of different projects keep him engaged and motivated. Stephen's dedication to exploring different avenues of creativity shows that finding joy in what you do can be a powerful motivator, even after reaching significant milestones in life.

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    Does 10,000 hours make you a master, or have we been sold a lie? David Epstein provides the real solutions to boosting productivity and mastering skills   David Epstein is a journalist, speaker, and New York Times best-selling author of books such as, ‘Range: How Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World’ and ‘The Sports Gene: Talent, Practice and the Truth About Success’.  In this conversation, David and Steven discuss topics such as, how to become more successful at work, the link between phone addiction and life challenges, how to master something new, and the importance of failure.  (00:00) Intro (02:31) Why Do You Do What You Do? (03:04) What Areas Of Self-Improvement Do You Focus On? (05:33) How Can People Get Better (06:16) The Connection Between Fulfillment And Growth (08:06) How To Be Successful And Fulfilled (12:18) How David Found His Purpose (14:34) What Is The 10,000-Hour Rule? (22:20) Why People Focus On Exceptions Rather Than The Norm (24:46) How To Boost Productivity (27:34) The Explore/Exploit Tradeoff (33:11) How To Increase Productivity At An Individual Level (36:27) Experiments You Should Be Running For Success (38:00) What Is Steven Great At But Not Utilizing? (40:23) David's Hidden Talents: What He's Not Using (42:23) How To Become A Better Learner (46:20) The Hypercorrection Effect (47:35) Building Connections Through Knowledge (54:06) What Is A Wicked Learning Environment? (56:11) The Secret Behind Nintendo’s Success (58:51) How Important Is Focus For Achieving Success? (01:01:23) Is Music Hurting Your Concentration? (01:05:58) The Impact Of Notifications On Your Brain (01:09:52) Why General Learning Beats Specialization (01:14:27) The Risks Of Specializing Too Early (01:20:00) How To Discover And Pursue Your Passion (01:22:28) Why Grit Is The Key To Success (01:25:31) How To Achieve Flow In Your Passion (01:27:29) Are Neurodivergent People Geniuses? (01:34:44) Apple & General Magic: How Focus And Constraints Lead To Success (01:38:32) Should We Be Concerned About AI? (01:47:24) The Most Important Idea We Haven't Discussed Yet (01:49:23) Can Trainability Be Measured? (01:50:46) What Are Serial Innovators? (01:54:11) The Most Important Idea In David's Work (02:00:49) The Dangers Of Specialism (02:04:33) What Is Your Biggest Fear & How Do You Plan To Face It Follow David:  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/wckK1TuFsMb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/aPFtIkxFsMb  You can purchase David’s book, ‘Range: How Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/HrmuHjgLtMb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb Sponsors: PerfectTed: https://bit.ly/PerfectTed-DIARY40 with an exclusive code DIARY40 for 40% off ZOE: https://www.zoe.com/daily30 with an exclusive 10% discount on their first order of Daily30+ with the code PODCAST10 Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total

    Moment 177: You're NOT Lazy! This Is The REAL Reason You Procrastinate: The Performance Doctor

    Moment 177: You're NOT Lazy! This Is The REAL Reason You Procrastinate: The Performance Doctor
    According to Adam, procrastination is a natural part of the creative process, and rather than a method of avoiding hard work, it is a defence mechanism. Procrastination can be a method of protecting yourself against what you find to be psychologically challenging, or a way to avoid negative emotional feelings such as confusion, boredom, anxiety and fear. In order to beat procrastination, Adam says that you need to identify what negative emotions are stirred up by tasks that you consistently put off. Once you have identified these you can then change them by reframing them into a more interesting challenge. Listen to the full episode here: Spotify-  https://g2ul0.app.link//vmPPQfk3rMb Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link//1rhbS0d3rMb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Adam: https://adamgrant.net/

    Andrew Huberman: You Must Control Your Dopamine! The Shocking Truth About Cold Showers!

    Andrew Huberman: You Must Control Your Dopamine! The Shocking Truth About Cold Showers!
    Your brain shapes your reality, and your reality shapes your life. World famous neuroscientist Andrew Huberman gives you the brain hacks to take control of your reality and life  Andrew Huberman is a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at the Stanford University School of Medicine and host of the health and science podcast, ‘Huberman Lab’.  In this conversation, Andrew and Steven discuss topics such as, how to break bad habits, the impact of pornography on the brain, how to increase dopamine levels quickly, and the best way to cure burnout.  (00:00) Intro (02:41) What Is Your Mission In Life? (05:55) How Andrew Huberman Became The Expert We Know Today (29:06) Unlocking High Performance By Loving What You Do (34:17) The Powerful Letter I Sent To My Parents (38:35) What It Takes To Make A Big Life Change (42:07) Neuroplasticity: How To Change Your Brain At Any Age (51:20) How To Break A Bad Habit For Good (01:00:44) Does Manifesting Actually Work? (01:08:06) Can Competition Be Destructive To Your Growth? (01:14:19) Understanding The Dopamine Loops In The Brain (01:20:13) How Our Body’s Dynamic Systems Help Us Overcome Challenges (01:26:09) Why More Is Not Always Better (01:32:20) How To Raise Your Baseline Dopamine Levels (01:33:33) Introverts vs Extroverts: Managing Your Energy Levels (01:40:26) Replenish Your Energy (01:46:34) The Importance Of Morning Sunlight For Your Health (01:49:42) The Hidden Dangers Of Shift Work (01:53:59) Understanding Food Addiction: Causes And Solutions (02:07:02) Sleeping Patterns: Biology vs Bad Habits (02:17:24) How Extreme Temperature Changes Affect Your Body (02:20:59) Ads (02:21:58) The Link Between Pornography And Dopamine (02:36:37) What’s The Best Alternative To Pornography? (02:42:58) The Surprising Link Between Fulfilment & Pornography Addiction (02:49:04) Why Social Interactions Are Crucial For Mental Health (03:00:51) How To Handle False Accusations (03:10:13) How I Felt Through The Whole Process (03:14:30) Why It’s Hard To Let Go And How To Overcome It (03:30:24) I Was Forced Into Therapy (03:45:18) Did You Thank Your Friends For Their Support? (03:50:50) Lessons A 12 And 9-Year-Old Taught Me (03:52:34) The Medicinal Effect Of Friendship (03:55:59) What Is The True Meaning Of Life & Why Do You Exist? Follow Andrew:  Podcast - https://g2ul0.app.link/0DRgdexCqMb  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/FdIdvMqCqMb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/4qZJRTtCqMb  You can pre-order Andrew’s book, ‘Protocols’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/9mouq1NCqMb Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb Sponsors: PerfectTed: https://bit.ly/PerfectTed-DIARY40 with an exclusive code DIARY40 for 40% off Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total

    The Dating Doctor: "Start Dating Like It's Your Job!", "Dating Apps Are Impacting Us More Than We Realise!"

    The Dating Doctor: "Start Dating Like It's Your Job!", "Dating Apps Are Impacting Us More Than We Realise!"
    If love feels like magic, then Dr Orion is here to tell the truths behind the illusion  Dr Orion Taraban is a psychologist, host of the podcast ‘PsycHacks’, and the author of the book, ‘The Value Of Others: Understanding the Economic Model of Relationships to Get (and Keep) More of What You Want in the Sexual Marketplace'. In this conversation, Dr Orion and Steven discuss topics such as, the importance of sex in relationships, the best way to use dating apps, how monogamy benefits men, and the impact of pornography on dating.  (00:00) Intro (01:38) The Relationship & Sex Crisis (04:01) How The Relationship Crisis Is Affecting Us (06:07) Common Problems Men Are Facing In Modern Relationships (06:56) Are Dating Apps Really Helping? (07:31) The Crisis Of Masculinity: What Men Are Going Through (08:21) How Gender Dynamics Have Shifted Over Time (10:46) Andrew Tate And The Rise Of Performative Masculinity (14:57) Why Men Need To Feel Needed In Relationships (17:14) The Unique Challenges Women Face In Today's World (18:05) My Professional Journey: What Led Me Here (19:13) Understanding The Problems Both Men And Women Face (21:19) Applying Business Strategies To Improve Relationships (23:48) Why Women Seek Marriage: A Deeper Look (27:10) Helping Men Improve Their Lives And Relationships (29:38) How To Increase Your Attractiveness (30:57) The Importance Of Surface Marketing In Dating (33:52) How To Get Better At Meeting Women (36:05) Tips For Men To Boost Their Attractiveness (36:44) How Men Should Communicate Effectively (40:26) Why You Don’t Need Money To Attract Women (41:20) How I Completely Transformed My Life (43:46) Tips On Keeping A Partner Long-Term (46:19) Why A Relationship's First Crisis Is Crucial (48:44) Why The Top 10% Of Men Are Having The Most Sex (50:42) Is A Relationship An Exchange Of Value? (53:43) How Our Communities Have Evolved Over Time (56:25) Why Absence Can Be A Recipe For Better Sex (58:35) Is Monogamy Natural? Exploring The Debate (59:02) Is Gold Digging Just Another Transaction? (01:04:34) Why Men Are Terrified Of Women (01:07:07) What Really Happens To Beautiful People? (01:09:35) How To Turn A No Into A Yes (01:13:36) The Biggest Mistakes Men Make When Attracting Women (01:15:37) The Most Effective Pickup Line I’ve Used (01:18:11) How To Handle Interactions With Very Attractive Women (01:21:36) Should Women Make The First Move? Here’s How (01:25:02) What Is Love? Understanding This Complex Emotion (01:29:08) The Impact Of Porn On Modern Relationships (01:30:01) The OnlyFans Phenomenon: What It Means For Relationships (01:34:27) Libido, Sex, And The Role Of Pornography (01:38:53) How To Change A Man's Behavior For The Better (01:45:33) Advice For Those Struggling To Find Love (01:47:50) How AI Will Change Relationships Forever (01:52:50) How To Be A Man In 2024: Key Insights (01:57:54) Is Being Selfish The Key To Happiness? (01:59:41) Dr. Orion's Selection Criteria Explained (02:06:16) The Most Important Thing We Haven’t Discussed (02:14:53) The Final Question Every Guest Must Answer Follow Dr Orion:  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/oxoUC58LoMb PsychHacks - https://g2ul0.app.link/YmonqmWbiMb  YouTube: You can buy Dr Orion’s book, ‘The Value of Others’, here: https://amzn.to/4dwc71p  Spotify: You can buy Dr Orion’s book, ‘The Value of Others’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/42jhtE1biMb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb Sponsors: Shopify: http://shopify.com/bartlett Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total

    Moment 176: 5 RED FLAGS Of A Secret Narcissist: The Narcissism Doctor

    Moment 176: 5 RED FLAGS Of A Secret Narcissist: The Narcissism Doctor
    In this moment, clinical psychologist Dr. Ramani Durvasula discusses the characteristics of narcissistic individuals and how to recognise if you are in a narcissistic relationship. According to Dr. Ramani, narcissists are typically entitled, self-centred, lack empathy, and are highly socially perceptive. Early in a relationship, they can be attentive and say all the right things, but Dr. Ramani says that a shift usually occurs midway through the relationship when they become distant and passive aggressive. Dr. Ramani explains that there are key signs you can look for to determine if you are in a narcissistic relationship. By paying attention to the ‘3 Rs’ - Ruminate, Regret, and Recall - you can acknowledge the unhealthy behaviour of your partner and free yourself from the relationship. Listen to full episode here: Apple - https://bit.ly/3T06y39 Spotify - https://bit.ly/3ADaFvG Watch episode on Youtube - https://youtu.be/hTkKXDvSJvo?si=IaPSgnZc4FCAzTgQ

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    EP 191: The Impact of Liars,  ADHD and Bipolar Medication Struggles, and Finding Strength in Faith

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    Prepare for a lively debate about the characteristics that define high-value men and women. We explore the importance of a strong moral code, leadership values, faith, and discipline. This conversation also highlights the dangers of an overemphasis on superficial success and material possessions, and the need to strive for internal success.

    Additionally, we shed light on the challenges faced by a trans woman who was refused treatment by a gynecologist and the current debate about who owns periods and womanhood. 

    The latter part of our discussion touches on the struggles with ADHD and bipolar medication, focusing on Carla's personal experience with Adderall. We navigate through the consequences of the 'highs' and 'lows' of medication and the importance of consistency. You will also get insights on financial literacy, budgeting, and the various avenues for accessing education. Don't miss out on this episode, where we talk about real-life experiences and challenges, providing a platform for you to learn and grow.

    Bible Verse: Psalm 23: 1-4

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    (0:38:02) - ADHD and Bipolar Medication Struggles
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    (0:58:45) - Listener Letter: Unwanted Pregnancy and Responsibility 
    (1:07:46) - Finding Strength and Comfort in Faith 


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