
    Podcast Summary

    • Consistently putting out quality content and learning from failuresTo succeed, focus on creating quality content, testing new ideas, being patient, and embracing the fear of failure.

      Success requires consistent action and a willingness to learn from failures. Gary Vaynerchuk, in his podcast experience, emphasizes the importance of putting out quality content, testing new ideas, and being patient. He shares his own experiences of working hard while others were partying and how that paid off in the long run. For local businesses, having a great product and getting the word out are crucial. This can be done through various means, including content creation, advertising, networking, and cold calling. However, inaction and overthinking are not effective strategies. Instead, it's essential to be in motion, constantly evolving and adapting. Additionally, embracing the fear of failure and learning to love losing can help entrepreneurs take calculated risks and ultimately succeed.

    • Take action and make a differenceFocus on doing rather than consuming, take risks, leave a lasting impact, and make progress towards your goals.

      Action is key to success, and consumption should not replace doing. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of putting in the work and not just reading or learning from others. He encourages people to stop making excuses and take risks, even if it means failing. He also values legacy over material wealth and aims to inspire and make an impact on people's lives. It's not about having a large following or making a lot of money, but rather about making a difference and leaving a lasting impression. The fear of trying new things and the desire to consume information instead of taking action are common obstacles, but with determination and a focus on action, anyone can make progress towards their goals.

    • Taking Action is Key to Business SuccessInvest in your business, focus on long-term goals, and take action to grow, rather than relying on data or short-term gains.

      Action is key to success in business. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of putting your fears into action and constantly moving forward, rather than just thinking and pondering. He believes that every dollar invested back into your business has the potential to make it healthier long-term. Vaynerchuk also shares his experience of growing VaynerMedia from a small company to a large one by overselling his reality and investing in people, advertising, and resources during non-profitable years. He encourages entrepreneurs to focus on their long-term goals and not get distracted by short-term gains. The practicality of building a successful business lies in taking action and investing in its growth, rather than relying on data that may not be relevant to the reality of the business.

    • Patience and long-term planning are crucial elements of financial successBeing disciplined, saving, and investing wisely leads to financial success, not getting lucky or working hard alone.

      Patience and long-term planning are key to financial success. Contrary to popular belief, most people don't win in the market because of a lack of patience rather than a lack of hard work. The speaker shares his personal experience of working diligently while his peers were enjoying their youth, saving every penny, and waiting for the right opportunity to invest. When that opportunity came, his small investment grew exponentially. It's important to remember that financial success is not about getting lucky but about being disciplined, saving, and investing wisely. The speaker emphasizes that had he spent his money frivolously or bought expensive things, he wouldn't have had the capital to seize the opportunity when it presented itself. In essence, patience and long-term planning are crucial elements of financial success.

    • Staying focused on long-term goals in entrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship offers freedom but can lead to financial strain if we prioritize short-term wins over long-term goals. Stay authentic and resilient, recognize misfortunes as opportunities, and find balance between financial success and personal fulfillment.

      Entrepreneurship offers the freedom to pursue what makes us happy, but it's essential to stay grounded and focused on long-term goals. The allure of short-term wins, such as buying luxury items or seeking validation through social media, can distract us from our true happiness and lead to financial strain. The speaker shares his personal experience of prioritizing material possessions over self-discovery, leading to a 13-year setback. However, he emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing misfortunes as opportunities for growth rather than dwelling on them. The key to standing out in the long term is to remain authentic and resilient, rather than relying on gimmicks or short-term growth hacks. Ultimately, the goal is to find a balance between financial success and personal fulfillment.

    • Values fairness and inspires confidenceSuccessful game industry figure values fairness, instills confidence, and uses positive communication to inspire others.

      Despite the comforts and riches that come with success in the game industry, the speaker values the fairness of the game above all else and feels a strong desire to instill confidence in others. He acknowledges that mistakes and market forces can set one back, but believes that the game is fundamentally fair. The speaker's upbringing, including his immigrant background and the influence of his mother, have instilled in him a deep sense of confidence and a desire to give back to the community. He sees his role as a source of positivity and encouragement, using his communication style to inspire and uplift others in the face of negative influences. Ultimately, the speaker's gratitude for his own success and circumstances drives him to make a difference in the lives of others.

    • The Power of Connection and PositivityDRock values connection and positivity deeply, derives fulfillment from helping others, and remains committed to staying optimistic despite challenges

      The speaker, DRock, values connection and positivity deeply and is willing to give freely of himself to those he cares about. He finds joy in being a source of support and optimism, even when it's difficult for him. He is not motivated by material possessions, but rather by the admiration and acknowledgement of others. He is open and generous with his knowledge, tactics, and connections, and strives to provide the best content and advice he can. Despite the challenges of staying positive and optimistic, he remains committed to doing so and to helping others do the same. Ultimately, he sees himself as a giver, not a taker, and derives fulfillment from the connections he makes and the impact he has on others.

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    (0:51) - Close ones as critics; failure makes their "I told you so" easier.

    (2:11) - No risk, no success; inaccurate risk understanding. Inaction is riskiest!

    (4:32) - Opposition for safety: most people oppose most of the time.

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

    LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | Acquisition

    Episode 7: Patience

    Episode 7: Patience

    I’m Amber Millman and I have been an entrepreneur for the past thirteen years. In late 2015 I closed my brick and mortar business of eight years and never looked back. I had this deep desire to help women so I received my certification in life and business coaching. I’m on a mission to show women they can make a change in their life or business at any stage. I’m on this journey to help as many women as I can by showing them how to create a life and business they love. I write all about my life as an entrepreneur in my book, Boss Up, Beautiful!

    Website: www.ambermillman.com

    Instagram: http://bit.ly/ambermillmanIG

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/iamambermillmanbusiness

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