
    Podcast Summary

    • Moving Beyond Content Creation for Profitable ClientsFocus on strategies to sift and sort interactions for profitable clients, beyond just content creation.

      While creating content is important and feels productive, it doesn't necessarily lead to profitable clients or income. Content creation, such as publishing podcasts or videos, can be addictive due to the ego boost from likes, followers, and views. However, these interactions have no inherent value and do not translate to financial gain. Instead, focus on strategies that sift and sort interactions to generate and keep profitable customers. As a copywriter, marketer, subject matter expert, or consultant selling high-ticket services, it's essential to move beyond content creation alone and explore alternative methods to create a steady stream of leads and billable work.

    • Focus on generating leads before creating extensive contentIdentify audience needs through landing pages, tailor content to meet those needs, and attract leads to save time and resources while ensuring value to a qualified audience

      Instead of investing vast amounts of time and resources into creating extensive content, businesses should focus on generating leads first. By building a landing page that addresses a specific problem and attracts potential customers, businesses can identify their audience and tailor their content to meet their needs. This approach saves time and resources while ensuring that the content has value to a qualified audience. Instead of writing a book or creating a course without knowing if there's an interested audience, businesses can create targeted, smaller pieces of content and use them to attract leads. This strategy can lead to consulting clients or projects and ultimately, a finished report that resonates with the audience.

    • Focus on building relationships with a specific audienceInstead of creating content for an unknown audience, develop relationships with a targeted group to establish credibility, understand their needs, and offer valuable solutions.

      Creating and sharing content is important, but focusing on building relationships with a specific audience and positioning yourself as an expert is crucial for delivering high-ticket services. Instead of trying to reach an unknown audience with endless content, it's more effective to develop a relationship with a targeted group of people who have specific problems. This approach allows you to establish credibility, understand their needs, and ultimately offer valuable solutions to them. Writing content tailored to a specific audience can lead to opportunities for consultations, webinars, and other events where you can engage with them one-on-one. Remember, time is money, and wasting it on creating content without an audience to share it with is not productive. Instead, focus on establishing instant credibility with your audience and offering them solutions to their problems.

    • Creating and delivering valuable content to specific audiencesEffectively engage audiences by providing targeted content addressing their pain points or needs, using various means like landing pages, white papers, blog posts, podcast interviews, or sponsored content, and building stronger relationships through co-creation and repurposing existing content.

      Effective content marketing involves creating and delivering valuable, targeted content to specific audiences. This can be achieved through various means such as landing pages, white papers, blog posts, podcast interviews, or sponsored content. The key is to provide content that resonates with your audience and addresses their specific pain points or needs. Use paid advertising or guest appearances on other platforms to reach your audience effectively. Once you have their attention, engage with them to co-create more content tailored to their unique requirements. By focusing on delivering relevant content to the right people, you can build stronger relationships, establish thought leadership, and ultimately grow your business. Don't be afraid to repurpose existing content and tailor it to different audiences to maximize its impact.

    • Focus on connecting offer, audience, and topic for effective content creationDeliberately write about specific offer, audience, and topic to reach high-ticket buyers, know which channels and topics attract customers, and avoid duplicating efforts.

      Instead of focusing on creating a large volume of content, it's more effective to connect your offer, audience, and topic to write specifically about that three-legged stool. This deliberate approach allows you to reach more high-ticket buyers, know which channels and topics attract customers, and avoid duplicating efforts. As a subject matter expert, the content itself comes easy, but answering questions for the right audience is what truly matters. By following this strategy, you can avoid getting lost in the sea of content and gain credibility as an expert. To learn more about how to implement this approach, visit www.addbriefings.co.uk and join a group voting call or ask your questions through the contact page.

    • Approach content creation strategicallyConnect with audience under specific topic, develop products with buying audience, and have a clear plan before producing content to increase productivity and high ticket sales.

      Creating thought leadership content should not be approached as a random or haphazard process, but rather as a deliberate and strategic one. This means connecting with an audience under a specific topic, developing products with a buying audience, and having a clear plan before producing any content. The speaker emphasized this approach especially for consultants, copywriters, and high ticket professionals. He also mentioned having a clear plan and financial commitment from clients before creating content. This approach not only ensures productivity but also increases the chances of high ticket sales. For more information on productivity and content creation, visit www.adbriefings.co.uk. Justin Hit, the speaker, encourages a mindset shift from creating content for the sake of it to using content as a marketing tool for developing opportunities.

    Recent Episodes from AdBriefing Copywriting Tips

    A sure fire way to lose subscribers (and clients)

    A sure fire way to lose subscribers (and clients)
    Don't do this if you want more clients. I make this mistake all the time. It makes my life more difficult as a copywriter or marketer.

    The biggest takeaway is that "monthly regular, better than weekly irregular." When it comes to prospect communications, regular is better.

    Listen carefully if you use podcasting or periodic content to build your client list. My last episode was in December for one of my channels; now it is February.

    I wasn't slacking. I had billable client work, published in other channels, and been engaged elsewhere. Fortunately, I have so many channels, but I could see the drop in analytics.

    This is for freelance copywriters or marketers who feel overwhelmed by content creation. Remember, you aren't in the content business. You are in the business of marketing copywriting services.

    Want to improve your ability to write copy that sells? Want to learn the business of copywriting? Join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

    #PublishPodcast #VideoLogging #SocialMedia #SocialMarketing #VideoMarketing

    Content Creation Best Practices You Will Ignore

    Content Creation Best Practices You Will Ignore
    Publish, promote, promote some more: The truth about content creation. The content treadmill is real. Let's answer the question of how content marketing can generate leads.

    Everyone's scrambling for trends in the content creation gold rush. They seek the next big algorithm hack. But amidst the noise, a question whispers: What content helps create new customers?

    I'm not about about chasing clickbait or fleeting virality. You know something isn't right about content creation "best practices," the gurus proclaim.

    There is an attraction to being popular, but I'm more interested in you being profitable. As a content marketing agency, my team tests what works and what doesn't.

    Results come from hard work and by design. There is no shortcut to content that transcends trends. Yet there is a proven approach to speaking directly to prospects' desires.

    Join me as I delve into timeless principles of effective communication. I'll focus on content marketing strategy rather than trying to nail the latest trend. It starts with evergreen content.

    If you'd like to go into more depth, we can explore the art of storytelling that captivates. Learn how to craft writing that resonates with your audience. Join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/?utm_source=006-l0427a&utm_medium=spreaker&utm_campaign=n1127b&utm_content=content-creation-best-practices-you-ignore

    Forget the fads and algorithms. I celebrate the slow burn of evergreen content. Write the kind of content you can measure, optimize, and improve for lead generation. A lead can tell you what works.

    If you'd like me to look at your back catalog, many best practices increase conversion rates. Ask your specific questions here, https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/contact/?utm_source=006-l0427a&utm_medium=spreaker&utm_campaign=n1127b&utm_content=content-creation-best-practices-you-ignore

    As a copywriter, I want you to build your legacy on substance, not hype. Learn quiet perseverance that is amplified with foundational direct response principles.

    Every freelance copywriter, marketer, or business owner has a story to share. This podcast is your sanctuary from the content chaos. I'm here to help you share that story with clients who will pay, stay, and refer.

    Here, we find solace in the power of genuine connection. A place to build business relationships through words that sell. I'm looking forward to your comments below.

    #ContentCreation #ContentDevelopment #ContentMarketing #LeadGeneration

    A $20k a Month Podcast, Is It Possible?

    A $20k a Month Podcast, Is It Possible?
    Do you have a high-traffic website but no revenue to show for it? That's typical for podcasts, YouTube channels, and content websites.

    You must do something different to earn $20,000 a year or more. That's what this episode is about. How to add additional streams of income to any periodic audio or video podcast.

    The office is so busy lately that I cannot get through a podcast without an inbound call. That's a great place to be. But not the kind of distraction I need.

    Start with understanding current earnings. Use a measure called CPM. This is "cost per mille" or "cost per thousand." The number doesn't matter; improve it each month.

    But advertising alone won't get you to $20,000 a month. That's where so many podcasters, influencers, and publishers make a huge mistake. As a copywriter or marketer, you can help.

    Want to grow your freelance copywriting business? This is only one example of the hundreds of ways smart copywriters grow their bottom line. Join us for more ideas at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/?utm_source=007-k0225a&utm_medium=spreaker&utm_campaign=n1127b&utm_content=is-20k-month-podcast-possible

    #MonetizePodcast #Podcasting #PodcastMagic #LeadGeneration

    Stop writing content! Get clients instead

    Stop writing content! Get clients instead
    If content got you clients, then every copywriter and consultant would be rich. Churning out content is the de facto standard.

    Writing content is easier than ever before. AI writing tools can write hundreds of articles in seconds. Folks focus on content because it feels like progress.

    Instead of writing content, there is a better, more reliable way to get clients. Big technology doesn't want you to know about this productivity hack.

    Writing for clients rather than clicks is what this episode is about. Stop working for Google, YouTube, and Facebook without getting paid.

    Are you a copywriter or marketer who wants more clients? Get client attracting insights, join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

    Do you want more sales and grow your opportunity? It starts by becoming a recognized expert. Learn how here, https://www.jwhco.com/product/establish-instant-credibility/

    Justin Hitt is an expert in helping subject matter experts attract high-ticket assignments. With his help, clients have gained more than a billion dollars in growth in the last two decades.

    #CopywritingTips #ClientAttraction #RecognizedExpert #BuildAuthority #AuthorityMarketing #LeadGeneration

    Triple Conversion Cleaning Up Content The Right Way

    Triple Conversion Cleaning Up Content The Right Way
    Stop wasting time chasing Google Search updates. Most websites can't convert traffic even if search engines send you traffic.

    Stop deleting content on a hunch chasing rankings. Instead, use a scientific approach that triples conversion.

    You're in the right place if you want double digital conversion rates and more cash flow from your business website.

    This approach looks at extracting best practices for lead and sales conversion. Then turns those best practices into better evergreen content.

    Evergreen content helps you draw consistent visitors and conversion. You'll have more predictable results for your business website.

    Unfortunately, many marketing managers choose to delete content rather than improve it. They look for quick wins without understanding how conversion rate optimization works.

    Copywriters and marketers can provide a valuable service in rewriting poor-performing content. This is value-added because you understand targeting.

    More importantly, as conversion rates increase, so can cash flow. Documenting best practices makes new content creation more predictable.

    I'm looking forward to your questions in the comments.

    Want more consistent cash flow in your freelance copywriting or small agency? Start with lessons on the business of copywriting. Join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

    #SearchOptimziation #ConversionRate #ConversionOptimization #WebAnalytics #FreelanceCopywriting #ContentMarketing

    Do this to read the minds of prospects

    Do this to read the minds of prospects
    What do you do after researching buyer personas, keywords, or industries? Are you increasing capacity or grinding through the boring weeds?

    Do this to read the minds of prospects. Over your copywriting career, you'll be more productive. This concept of information management makes you more productive.

    You don't need any fancy database, software, or even a librarian. Start organizing your research to help you reach hungry prospects.

    I cannot compete with Gary Halbert, Dan Kennedy, Joe Polish, or others teaching copywriting. Why should I? When it comes to improving profits in business, I excel.

    Listen carefully; this episode addresses the real problems of copywriting. The information overload. The hours they were grinding doing research for a campaign.

    If you're tired of the rollercoaster income of freelance copywriting, do this. You'll attract higher-value clients. Write control beating copy faster.

    And most importantly, you'll set yourself up for faster onboarding of new clients. You'll need it because your results will justify being a high-demand copywriter.

    If you're ready to graduate from freelance copywriter to agency owner, join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

    Discover the systems and business of copywriting that grow your earnings. You'll earn more with fewer hours and less headache. Thanks for subscribing.

    #FreelanceCopywriter #StartAgency #MarketingAgency #CopywritingBusiness #MoreClients

    My Strategic High Ticket Selling System Revealed

    My Strategic High Ticket Selling System Revealed
    Do you want a seven-figure agency? Use this strategic system for selling high-ticket solutions. You are five steps away from bankable results.

    Many will ask, "If this system is so powerful, why would you share it?" Most who start listening to this mega-podcast episode won't finish it.

    The majority looks for "marketing secrets" that don't require effort, or somehow magically work in every economy. Those shiny objects are an illusion.

    This high-ticket-selling system is strategic. In teaching it I demonstrate how the system works, but also how you can make it work.

    There is no need to create gobs of content. Content marketing is a distraction. You don't have to design a high-ticket product either.

    Start where you are today as a freelance copywriter, marketer, or subject matter expert. Don't be a part of the distracted masses.

    This proven system is disguised as hard work. That's why I'm not concerned about revealing it to you. Most don't take action.

    Do you want a seven-figure agency? Or at least to earn more income more consistently. If you are an action taker, you'll join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

    #StartAgency #MarketingSystem #FreelanceCopywriter #SellingSystem #ProspectSurvey

    By the way, I have a PDF of my handwritten notes available for those who request it. You'll be the first to see the marketing funnel and ascension ladder I discuss here.

    The only way to get it is to ask for it. Use the form here, https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/contact/

    Related Episodes

    Turns your content catalog into passive income

    Turns your content catalog into passive income
    This new approach turns your old content catalog into new passive income. Recycle your very best marketing, content, videos, and more. Reach more prospects and qualified leads faster.

    There are so many channels available to reach your prospects. Many channels have specialized optimization needs. Your qualified prospects are loyal to these channels, but you aren't there.

    Big tech wants you to focus on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. Yet hundreds of channels exist that they don't want you to know about.

    Your prospects are on platforms like Rumble, Locals, Bitchute, Odysee, and TikTok. Then again, they might be somewhere else. The right marketing analytics and testing reveals all.

    Marketers love stirring up "End of" predictions for these platforms. Most creators can only focus on one or two platforms. The truth is that your collective pool of prospects spans every channel.

    Good news! You already have the content necessary to expand and test across these channels. Yet most content creators want new and interesting. That's a recipe for failure.

    I don't want interesting; I want effective. Your bank account wants boring, consistent, and growth. If you only publish on YouTube and your customers are on Rumble, you miss out on a huge opportunity.

    Platforms are changing faster than most can keep up. That's why it is critical to have a content-recycling strategy. You create content; our team can syndicate that content to every relevant platform.

    By relevant, I mean market-tested to reach the highest percentage of qualified buyers. Do not spray and pray. Coding every message and maintaining a content library helps you know what works.

    You don't need to be everywhere, only where your customers live. With the fragmentation of media sites, don't miss an opportunity to test. Go where prospects are more familiar.

    Subject matter experts with a backlog of content can build their in-house media. In-house media is profitable and low-cost. It starts by bringing prospects back to your website.

    But it doesn't have to be a website. It could be a transaction that puts them in your accounting system. Getting that opt-in lets you make offers on your terms. Converting them in-house is powerful, but you must own the media to do it.

    You will be removing the distractions they face. But building a membership site, course, or community is hard work. It takes technical skills you likely don't have. That's why I've launched a content curation service.

    Even better news! Our team can do all the heavy lifting if you have a back catalog of content. Turn that content into passive income, new revenue sources, and high ticket sales.

    To learn more about content curation that builds on direct response performance analytics, ask your questions at https://www.jwhco.com/contact/

    For insights on recycling your marketing and content to attract more customers, join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

    Turn your back catalog of content into instant credibility! New book shows you how to build authority and credibility fast, learn more at https://www.jwhco.com/product/establish-instant-credibility/

    #RecycleMarketing #ContentMarketing #RecognizedExpert #LeadGeneration #DirectResponse

    Stop attracting clients the hard way with content marketing

    Stop attracting clients the hard way with content marketing
    Turn ideas into customer-attracting content the right way. Stop chasing keywords and attract clients who pay, stay, and refer. Every freelance copywriter with a system like this instantly drives revenue at an agency level.

    Discover a four-step approach that automates your content development so that you get more clients. You can focus on high-paying projects without the worry about an empty sales funnel. Take this approach to automate selling.

    Are you starting in the right place? Most content marketing gurus outright work for Google Search Engine or LinkedIn. If not directly, they fall into the delusion that these platforms promote. Stop working for free writing for some advertising networks' profits.

    Instead, take this systematic approach to fill your sales funnel with highly qualified prospects. Start selling more and syndicating what works in your copywriting business. Do this for yourself before you implement it with clients. Stop attracting clients the hard way.

    For actionable insights that transform your freelance copywriting business into a million-dollar-plus marketing agency without managing staff or having an office, join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

    #CopywritingTips #FreelanceCopywriting #ClientAttraction #ContentMarketing

    Pay more per client and increase your profits

    Pay more per client and increase your profits
    MINI-COURSE: How to pay more money for a customer while boosting profits exponentially. Discover the real math of marketing. Use this to know if your copy is paying its own way. This is direct response implemented.

    You can increase conversion rates with three key numbers. These numbers form metrics that measure marketing performance. Without these measures you are taking shots in the dark. Stop wasting your time and the clients money guessing.

    In this episode you’ll learn about ways to syndicate traffic, reach new prospects, and know which leads are worth getting. Use these insights to transform results for clients while justifying your existence. Stop working assignment to assignment, start building repeat clients.

    If you are a freelance copywriter or marketer who wants more consistent assignments, you’re in the right place. Take the next step. Join us for more free resources at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/n...

    #ConversionRate #DirectResponse #MarketingMath #IncreaseSales #ConversionOptimization

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    Marketing is a complicated and vast method of generating clients and revenue. So, are you using the right strategy for your business? If you run a professional services company, your best approach might be 'Authority based Marketing'. Rather than waste huge sums of cash and time 'selling' what you offer, train your clients to come to you! Listen in as father and son hosts Steve and Travis Smith dive into the concept of using authority to drive sales and build your brand.

    Your first step to becoming a million dollar agency

    Your first step to becoming a million dollar agency
    Are you tired of rollercoaster income? That's where you work a client assignment only, then spend weeks or months finding the next client. Meanwhile, suffering from no income.

    Following this approach, you'll increase efficiency while creating a pipeline of new clients. Methods that increase your billing rate. Clients will love the new attention you can give them to help solve marketing problems.

    You'll spend more time writing copy that sells rather than chasing clients. This episode reveals systems you can implement to attract clients who pay, stay, and refer.

    Do you dream of growing your freelance career into a million-dollar marketing agency? Discover top tips for attracting more clients and getting them to pay on time! Join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

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