
    Stories of Week 6/19: Recession Coming, Uvalde Coverup, Ukraine War Sanctions, Fed Policy, & More!

    enJune 24, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Culture, Trends, and Inspiration on 'The Bright Side' and Exploring Co-Parenting Dynamics on 'The Black Effect presents Family Therapy'Stay informed about current events, trends, and personal stories through various podcasts while recognizing the complexities and nuances of the issues at hand, as the economy faces challenges and potential impacts on labor organizing and inflation.

      There are various podcasts offering different perspectives on current events, trends, and personal stories. Danielle Robet and Symone Boyce host "The Bright Side" on Iheart, discussing culture, trends, and inspiration. Joe Piazza shares family stories on his new podcast. Elliot Kayne explores co-parenting dynamics on "The Black Effect presents Family Therapy." Meanwhile, the news landscape is filled with divisive content, but new efforts are being made to build a more trustworthy and healthier mainstream media. The economy is facing challenges, with potential impacts on labor organizing and inflation. Janet Yellen, the treasury secretary, doesn't believe a recession is inevitable but acknowledges high inflation, which most economists expect to reach 7% by the end of the year. Amid these uncertainties, it's crucial to stay informed while recognizing the complexities and nuances of the issues at hand.

    • Impact of Fed's Inflation Fight on Consumers and EconomyThe Fed's efforts to combat inflation may impact consumers' affordability of essentials, but addressing inflation requires dealing with both demand and supply-side factors, and the Biden administration's response has been to focus on the strong job market without a clear plan to address root causes.

      The Fed's efforts to combat inflation through increasing interest rates may continue to impact consumers' ability to afford essentials like housing and wages. While it's crucial to address inflation, relying solely on the Fed's actions may leave other contributing factors unaddressed. The current inflation isn't solely caused by the Fed's stimulus measures; other factors like supply chain disruptions and increased borrowing are also contributing. The Biden administration's response to inflation has been to defend the strong job market and unemployment rate, but addressing inflation requires dealing with both demand and supply-side factors. The historical parallel to the current situation is the post-World War 2 era, which saw high inflation and labor market chaos. To effectively tackle inflation, a combination of demand reduction through a recession and addressing supply-side issues is necessary. The interview with Biden revealed his belief in the U.S.'s ability to overcome inflation and his focus on the strong job market, but no clear plan was presented for addressing inflation's root causes. Additionally, the hanging of FDR's portrait in the White House was an interesting aside from the interview, revealing that Biden had no involvement in the decision.

    • The end of cheap money and its economic implicationsThe Federal Reserve's efforts to normalize interest rates are causing asset bubbles to deflate, leading to potential recession, increased debt distress, and challenges for businesses and individuals. Adjustments to the economy's reliance on low interest rates may require significant pain.

      The end of the era of cheap money led by the Federal Reserve is causing significant shifts in the economy, leading to increased debt distress, potential recession, and challenges for businesses and individuals. The easy money regime for the past 40 years allowed consumers and companies to borrow easily, and the Fed's interventions kept the stock market afloat even during times of economic downturn. However, with the Fed's efforts to normalize interest rates, asset bubbles are deflating, and the economy is facing a new reality with increased costs for businesses, potential job losses, and potential impacts on retirement portfolios and labor market mobility. The economy's reliance on low interest rates may require significant adjustments, leading to potential pain for many.

    • Economic struggles and lack of transparencyThe current economic climate features excessive debt, failed businesses, and poor consumer sentiment, worsened by government interventions and lack of transparency, leading to record-low consumer sentiment and calls for bold solutions.

      The current economic climate is marked by excessive debt, failed businesses, and poor consumer sentiment, which have been exacerbated by massive injections of money into the market through cheap loans and special purpose acquisition companies. This situation, with parallels to the 1970s, has led to record-low consumer sentiment, even surpassing that of the 2008 financial crisis and the high inflation era of the 1970s. Politicians, including the Biden administration, are struggling to address these issues and alleviate the suffering of the American people. Meanwhile, cities like Uvalde are withholding information related to the Uvalde school shooting, citing potential emotional and mental distress, adding to the growing sense of transparency issues and lack of accountability. The situation calls for bold, creative, and experimental actions to tackle the root causes of the economic crisis, but the current administration's approach appears to be limited and reactive, leaving many feeling let down.

    • Texas Authorities Obstructing Uvalde School Shooting Records ReleaseDespite having the ability, police did not attempt to open the classroom door during Uvalde school shooting, raising concerns of incompetence or cover-up. Authorities are stonewalling the release of crucial details, including body camera footage.

      The Texas authorities, specifically the attorney general, are obstructing the release of records related to the Uvalde school shooting, raising concerns about a cover-up. Key figures, such as Pete Arradondo, the former chief of Uvalde's CISD Police, are avoiding public scrutiny. New information from the San Antonio Express reveals that the police did not attempt to open the classroom door where the gunman had children trapped, despite having the ability to do so. The doors were unlocked, and officers had access to tools that could have forced entry. The inconsistencies and inaction point to gross incompetence and potential cover-up at every level, from the city council to the governor and attorney general. The public deserves transparency, but the authorities are stonewalling the release of crucial details, including body camera footage. The body camera footage was supposed to ensure police accountability, but in reality, it's the police departments themselves that decide what gets released. The lengths to which the authorities are going to keep information hidden suggest there may be more revelations to come.

    • Lack of transparency and accountability in Uvalde school shooting investigationThe authorities involved in the Uvalde school shooting investigation are blocking the release of records and footage, fueling suspicion and undermining trust in those responsible for keeping communities safe.

      Transparency and accountability are lacking in the aftermath of the Uvalde school shooting. Despite the public's interest in understanding what happened, local and state authorities, including the police department, city council, and even the governor's office, are blocking the release of records and footage that could provide answers. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's call for a full investigation and the appointment of new leadership in the Vivaldi police department and CISD is a step in the right direction, but more needs to be done to bring transparency to the situation. The national conversation around gun control has moved on, but the families of the victims and the public deserve to know the truth about what happened that day. The ongoing efforts to withhold records and footage only fuel suspicion and undermine trust in those responsible for keeping communities safe.

    • Inflation caused by more than just stimulus checksThe pandemic's trillions for the wealthy, gov't spending, supply chain crisis, and Fed's market intervention all contributed to inflation, not just stimulus checks

      While inflation is a complex issue with various contributing factors, it's important not to oversimplify it as solely being caused by stimulus checks to working class people. The trillions of dollars given to the top during the pandemic and the subsequent government spending, as well as the supply chain crisis and the war in Ukraine, have also significantly fueled inflation. The stock market's unprecedented intervention by the Federal Reserve during the pandemic, which prevented a potential crash, also played a role in the current economic situation. It's crucial to acknowledge the interconnectedness of these factors and not focus solely on one aspect when discussing inflation.

    • Understanding the Significance of the 2020 Market CrashThe 2020 market crash was a pivotal economic moment, but the current economic situation is unique with tapering stock market demand and consumer savings. It's crucial to delve deeper into these complexities for a nuanced understanding.

      The market crash in March 2020, following the initial reports of the coronavirus outbreak and resulting lockdowns, was a pivotal economic moment with significant implications. This period, which included the largest stock market crash since the 2020 crash, is equivalent to quantitative easing post-Great Recession and monetary policy during the Great Depression. However, it's essential to understand that the current economic situation is different and presents unique challenges that don't solely stem from this event. The stock market demand inflation and consumer demand resulting from stimulus checks and savings have tapered off. The American people are being fed a non-nutritious diet of information regarding this crucial moment, and it's essential to delve deeper into these complexities to grasp the full picture. I had the opportunity to discuss these topics on a cable news panel, but the format didn't allow for a nuanced exploration of the subject. As someone who values in-depth understanding, I found it challenging to represent our perspective effectively and felt a sense of responsibility to do so.

    • Impact of Cable News vs Independent Media on DiscussionsCable news restricts discussions due to time constraints and requires a combative approach, while independent media provides more space and attention for nuanced arguments. Putin mocks Biden, maintains domestic support, and uses economic strength to continue aggressive actions.

      The difference in approach between cable news and independent media, such as YouTube, significantly impacts the depth and complexity of discussions. The speaker, who has experience in both, noted that cable news restricts discussions due to time constraints and often requires a combative approach. In contrast, independent media provides more space and attention, allowing for more nuanced arguments. Additionally, Putin's recent speech was analyzed, with the Russian leader mocking President Biden and casting himself as a modern-day Peter the Great. Putin's actions, such as cutting off gas to Germany and Italy, suggest a strong economic position, despite international sanctions. The Russian opposition faces challenges in opposing the war due to domestic populace support and the weaponization of Western attitudes towards Russia. Putin's ability to maintain domestic support and economic strength allows him to continue his aggressive actions on the global stage.

    • Putin Confident in Russia's Ability to Weather Economic SanctionsDespite Western sanctions, Putin believes Russia is coping better than EU, while the global food crisis disproportionately affects the Global South. Negotiations for peace in Ukraine and inflation reduction are crucial.

      Russian President Vladimir Putin appears confident in Russia's ability to weather the economic sanctions imposed by the West following the invasion of Ukraine. Putin has claimed that the sanctions have not had the intended impact on Russia, and that the EU has suffered more from the economic measures. He also accused European countries of losing their political sovereignty and harming their own populations. The Russian domestic population, on the other hand, has grown less anxious about the sanctions' impact. Meanwhile, the global food crisis caused by the war and sanctions is affecting the Global South the most, leading to a massive food crisis. President Biden's repeated emphasis on Putin's price hike has been met with skepticism, with Putin seemingly mocking the US administration's response. The war in Ukraine is contributing to inflation, but the US administration's messaging seems to absolve it of any responsibility for addressing the issue. A negotiated settlement to end the conflict in Ukraine and bring down inflation should be a priority to alleviate the misery caused by the ongoing crisis.

    • Media coverage of Ukraine conflict heavily skewed towards Russia's actionsMedia's unequal coverage of Ukraine conflict can shape public perception and misunderstand international situations, downplaying Western responses to Putin's actions.

      While there has been a bipartisan consensus on economic actions towards Russia regarding the conflict in Ukraine, the media's coverage of the situation has been heavily skewed towards Russia's actions. The New York Times, for instance, had 44% of its front-page coverage dedicated to the Ukraine war during a certain time frame, compared to only 18% during the Iraq war. This disparity in coverage is significant, as it can shape public perception and understanding of international conflicts. Furthermore, the speaker emphasizes that Putin's actions in Ukraine are not without response from the West, as the US has sent multiple packages of arms in response. The media's portrayal of the situation as one-sided is disingenuous and can have serious implications for international relations.

    • Media's Impact on Geopolitical PerceptionMedia shapes public opinion on global issues through coverage, with disparities in reporting impacting perception and policy decisions. Accurate, honest, and comprehensive reporting is crucial.

      The media's coverage of geopolitical events and conflicts, such as the ongoing situation between Russia and Ukraine, has a significant impact on public perception and foreign policy decisions. The discussion highlighted the contrasting media coverage of the Iraq War and the current situation in Ukraine, with the latter receiving extensive coverage of civilian suffering and the former receiving minimal coverage of civilian tolls. This disparity shapes the way people view these countries and influences their opinions on how the international community should respond. The media's role in shaping public opinion and understanding of global issues cannot be overstated, making it crucial to ensure accurate, honest, and comprehensive reporting. Additionally, the consequences of past military interventions, such as the Iraq War, should be acknowledged and considered when analyzing current situations and making foreign policy decisions.

    • Priority access for premium members to buy tickets for 'Breaking Points Live' eventPremium members get first dibs on tickets to 'Breaking Points Live' event in Atlanta, helping the team prove their ticket-selling ability to potential venues. The event will offer a more production-valued experience and be recorded for YouTube.

      The team is hosting a live event, "Breaking Points Live," and they are asking their premium and lifetime members to buy tickets first. This is to demonstrate their ability to sell tickets to potential venues. The event will be held at Center Stage in Atlanta, and the team is excited to finally connect with their audience face-to-face after a long hiatus due to the pandemic. The team has been planning this for over a year and aims to provide a more production-valued experience with the help of their premium members. The event will also be recorded and made available on YouTube for non-attendees at a later date. The team emphasizes that this is just the first of many shows and encourages those in other parts of the country not to worry, as they are coming to major metropolises and battleground states. The team values the human connection that comes with live events and is looking forward to meeting their audience in person.

    • Western sanctions fail to reduce Russia's oil exportsDespite Western sanctions, Russia earns more from oil sales to countries like China and India, and some oil is resold to Western markets at a premium, hurting ordinary citizens and disingenuously linking high gas prices to Europe.

      The Western sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine have not effectively reduced Russia's oil exports. Instead, countries like China and India have stepped in to buy discounted Russian oil, allowing Russia to earn more money than before. Moreover, some of this oil is being resold to Western countries at a premium, exploiting the arbitrage. The New York Times article discussed how the sanctions have ended up hurting ordinary citizens rather than the Russian regime, and President Biden's attempts to link high gas prices to the situation in Europe are disingenuous. Russia's Gazprom head even mocked the situation, stating that they bear no grudge against Europe despite the falling imports and soaring prices. Furthermore, Putin recently vowed to reroute Russian exports to BRICS countries and work on a unified currency system to trade oil off the US dollar, further reducing the impact of Western sanctions.

    • Russian economy's long-term suffering due to sanctionsThe conflict in Ukraine and sanctions on Russia have immediate consequences like higher gas prices and food crisis, while the long-term impact on Russia's oil business is uncertain. Diplomacy and aligning incentives for Ukraine's president are crucial for a peaceful solution.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the resulting sanctions on Russia have led to a complex geopolitical situation with far-reaching consequences. The discussion highlighted that the Russian economy, particularly its oil business, may suffer in the long term due to the sanctions. However, the immediate implications, such as higher gas prices and a food crisis, are causing significant hardships for many countries, especially those in the developing world. The speaker emphasized the need for a diplomatic solution to the conflict, aligning incentives for Ukraine's president to continue negotiations. The backlash against alternative perspectives, such as considering a future relationship with Russia, highlights the polarized nature of the debate and the challenges in finding a consensus. Ultimately, it's crucial to consider the broader strategic picture and the long-term implications of our actions.

    • Speaker advocates for nuanced approach to international conflicts and energy dependenciesSpeaker suggests US follow Europe's lead in handling Russia, criticizes gas tax holiday as ineffective, emphasizes importance of considering broader implications of energy policies

      During a discussion on Ukraine's EU membership and energy policies, a speaker argued for a more nuanced approach towards international conflicts and energy dependencies. He suggested that perhaps the US should follow Europe's lead in dealing with Russia, especially when it comes to energy. The speaker also criticized the proposed gas tax holiday in the US, calling it ineffective and a subsidy for oil companies. He emphasized the importance of considering the broader implications of energy policies on the environment, economy, and geopolitical relations. The speaker's comments sparked controversy, but he maintained that the US should prioritize its own interests while considering the interests of other countries involved.

    • Ukraine and Uvalde: Complex Issues with Far-Reaching ImplicationsLeaders must be transparent and accountable in their policies, especially during times of crisis. In the case of Ukraine, long-term implications and domestic politics should be considered. In Uvalde, accountability is crucial for those responsible for failing to act.

      The ongoing debate over energy policy and its impact on the cost of living, specifically gas prices, is a complex issue with far-reaching implications. The ban on Russian oil, while intended to support Ukraine, has had unintended consequences on inflation and domestic politics. Meanwhile, the Uvalde massacre raises questions about accountability and the role of law enforcement in protecting citizens. The failure to act quickly in Uvalde and the ongoing controversy surrounding the response have led to calls for accountability and reform. In both cases, it's crucial for leaders to be transparent and honest with the public about the motivations and outcomes of their policies. In the case of Ukraine, it's important to consider the long-term implications of continued support and the potential impact on domestic politics. In the case of Uvalde, it's crucial to ensure that those responsible for failing to act are held accountable, whether through legal or civil means. Overall, these issues require thoughtful consideration and a commitment to transparency and accountability.

    • Uvalde school shooting: Miscommunication and indecision led to tragic consequencesMiscommunication and indecision among law enforcement during the Uvalde school shooting resulted in tragic loss of life, with concerns about a cover-up and potential loss of crucial evidence.

      During the Uvalde school shooting tragedy, crucial minutes were lost due to miscommunication and indecision among law enforcement officers, ultimately resulting in tragic consequences. Pete Arredondo, the Uvalde school district police chief, was criticized for his handling of the situation, with some officers expressing concern about children being in the classroom where the shooter was barricaded. However, Arredondo prioritized preserving the lives of those already injured and outside the classroom. Despite this, the response was slow, and children inside the classroom were ultimately lost. Additionally, there has been a cover-up attempt to prevent the public from accessing records related to the incident. Texas Governor Greg Abbott's handwritten notes reveal that he was misinformed about the situation, and Arredondo was in the room during the shooting. The school is now being demolished, raising concerns about the potential loss of crucial evidence. The situation highlights the need for accountability and transparency in emergency response situations.

    • Fed's tools limited in tackling supply chain inflationThe Fed's interest rate increases may not reduce energy and food prices, potentially leading to higher unemployment and lower wages, and even a recession

      The Fed's tools are limited in addressing supply chain-driven inflation, particularly in areas like energy and food prices. Chair Powell admitted that the Fed's interest rate increases won't bring down these prices. Instead, the Fed's actions could lead to higher unemployment and lower wages, potentially triggering a recession. Economists like Larry Summers suggest that prolonged high unemployment could help bring inflation under control, but the social and economic costs would be significant. The Fed's actions would not only hurt demand but might not even address supply issues effectively.

    • Fed's interest rate hike could worsen inflationThe Fed's interest rate hike could reduce investment, worsen supply shortages, and hinder the economy's ability to address the root causes of inflation, leading to further cost-cutting, fewer jobs, and decreased revenue.

      The Federal Reserve's decision to hike interest rates could actually worsen inflation by hurting both demand and supply. The reduction in investment due to higher borrowing costs could lead to less construction of houses and other necessary infrastructure, exacerbating the supply shortages. Furthermore, researchers suggest that problems other than demand account for a significant portion of current inflation. The economy needs investment to address these issues, but the Fed's actions make it harder to invest. The lack of investment could lead to further cost-cutting, fewer jobs, and decreased revenue, making it even more difficult to borrow and invest. The window of opportunity to invest and reshore capacity during the decade of low-interest rates has been missed, leaving the economy vulnerable. It's crucial to recognize that the Fed's actions alone may not be enough to address the root causes of inflation, and legislative action, government functioning, and investment are necessary to build resilience into the economy.

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    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/ 

    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    In the struggle to control inflation, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates five times already this year.

    But those efforts can be blunted if companies keep raising prices regardless. And one industry has illustrated that difficulty particularly starkly: the car market.

    Guest: Jeanna Smialek, a federal reserve and economy reporter for The New York Times.

    Background reading: 

    • Many companies have been able to raise prices beyond their own increasing costs over the past two years, swelling their profitability but also exacerbating inflation. That is especially true in the car market.
    • Inflation stayed far above the Federal Reserve’s goal in August, as prices climbed more quickly than economists expected.

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.