
    The Worst Case Of Gaslighting I’ve Ever Seen (Ep 1665)

    enDecember 10, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Worst inflation in over 40 years hits US economyDespite Biden admin downplaying, Americans face rising prices for goods and potential impact on personal finances. Consider investing in quality, American-made products like firearms from Henry USA.

      The United States is currently experiencing its worst inflation in over 40 years, with a 6.8% increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This is causing concern for many Americans, as prices for goods such as cars, gasoline, beef, and steaks have risen significantly. The Biden administration is attempting to downplay the severity of the situation by encouraging media outlets to frame the economy positively, despite the clear evidence of rising prices. It's important for individuals to be aware of this inflation trend and its potential impact on their personal finances. Additionally, there are options for those looking to invest in high-quality, American-made products, such as firearms from Henry USA.

    • Shifting Narratives and Misconstrued AdviceStrive for accuracy and truth in discussions and debates, and be wary of misconstrued advice or shifting narratives, particularly around COVID-19 vaccines and mandates.

      There seems to be a consistent effort to shift the narrative and move the goalposts in various discussions, particularly around the topic of COVID-19 vaccines and mandates. People are being encouraged to consult their doctors regarding their personal medical situations, but this advice is being misconstrued as being "anti-science." Additionally, there have been instances of high-profile individuals, such as AOC, making incorrect statements and being called out for them, leading to questions about their intentions and intelligence. It's important to approach information with a critical and discerning eye, and to strive for accuracy and truth in our discussions and debates.

    • Media Coverage of Controversial Stories: Hate Crimes vs. Waukesha Parade MassacreCritics question media's handling of politically charged stories, raising concerns about bias and selective reporting. It's essential to fact-check and consider multiple perspectives before forming an opinion.

      There has been a controversial and emotionally charged situation surrounding the reported attack on actor Jesse Smollett, with some high-profile figures labeling it a hate crime and others questioning its legitimacy. The incident has sparked intense debate and raised questions about the media's coverage of politically charged stories. Some critics argue that certain stories receive more attention than others based on cultural capital or political agendas. It's important to fact-check information and consider multiple perspectives before forming an opinion. Another story that received less attention is the Waukesha parade massacre where a Black man was the alleged perpetrator. The media's handling of these stories raises concerns about bias and selective reporting. Ultimately, it's crucial to remain informed and critical of the information we consume.

    • Golden rules of crime and liberal biasRepublicans and Democrats have their ways of committing crimes, with cash being preferred over checks. Liberals exhibit emotional responses and disregard factual evidence, as shown in rising COVID hospitalizations in blue states despite strict restrictions.

      According to the discussion on the show, both Republicans and Democrats have their "golden rules," and if one is going to commit a crime, it's better to get cash instead of writing a check. The hosts also touched upon the liberal bias in the sports world and the media. Another key point made was that liberals are unresponsive to real-world evidence and are more emotionally driven than fact-based. To illustrate this, the speaker plans to share two stories about the rise in COVID hospitalizations in blue states despite strict pandemic restrictions. The first sponsor message was about a teeter inversion table, which the speaker uses to help with his joint problems and highly recommends.

    • Political unwillingness to reevaluate policiesDespite negative outcomes, some political groups continue to push for policies without reconsideration

      Despite claims from certain political groups, including liberals, about their commitment to evidence-based policies and science, there is a lack of willingness to reevaluate interventions and their outcomes. For instance, the implementation of strict COVID-19 measures like mask mandates, school shutdowns, and business restrictions in blue states has resulted in higher hospitalization rates, yet there's no reconsideration of these policies. Similarly, the correlation between liberal policies and increased crime rates, as evidenced by the top 12 cities with significant spikes in murders, is ignored. Instead, there's a doubling down on these policies despite their negative consequences.

    • Public Figures' Contradictory Stances on Religious School FundingPublic figures' criticism of wealthy parents for sending kids to religious schools contrasts with their own use of such institutions, which can be explained through economic concepts like opportunity costs and third-party payers.

      The discussion revolves around the idea that some individuals, including public figures, hold contradictory views when it comes to funding for religious schools. While they criticize wealthy parents for sending their children to better religious schools, they themselves benefit from such institutions. The speaker argues that this hypocrisy can be better understood through the economic concepts of opportunity costs and third-party payers. Opportunity cost refers to the loss of potential gain from other options when one option is chosen. In this context, the government's involvement in funding childcare through third-party payers results in increased costs and a loss of potential economic growth. The speaker encourages listeners to research opportunity cost to gain a better understanding of economic principles and the implications of government involvement in various aspects of society.

    • Government as primary payer drives up costsWhen government pays for services, costs can rise due to lack of financial incentive for buyers and sellers to control expenses

      When the government becomes the primary payer in a transaction, such as childcare or education, the actual cost for the service can increase significantly. This is because neither the buyer nor the seller has a direct financial incentive to control costs. The buyer, who is no longer paying out of pocket, may demand higher quality or more expensive services, while the seller, who is guaranteed payment from the government, has less motivation to keep prices low. This dynamic has contributed to the rising costs of healthcare and education in the U.S. The proposed Biden childcare bill could follow a similar pattern, potentially leading to a significant increase in childcare costs.

    • Politics: Taxes and InflationDemocrats consider repealing SALT tax reform due to pressure from wealthy voters, while rising inflation at 6.8% is a major economic concern. GLP1 prescription medications for weight loss are now available online for eligible patients.

      The ongoing debate in politics revolves around taxes and their impact on different income groups. For instance, the SALT tax reform, which limited the amount of state and local taxes that could be deducted from federal tax bills, has been a contentious issue. Democrats, who typically advocate for taxing the rich, are now considering repealing this reform due to pressure from wealthy liberal voters in high-tax states. Meanwhile, rising inflation, currently at 6.8%, is a pressing economic concern that the Biden administration cannot ignore. In the healthcare sector, GLP1 prescription medications are now available online at TriLifeMD.com for eligible patients, offering hope to those struggling with weight loss. These medications, which may be covered by insurance, have shown significant results for some users.

    • White House accused of manipulating media narratives on economyThe Biden administration is under fire for pressuring media outlets to present a rosy economic outlook, while denying the existence of high inflation and other economic challenges, which some call 'gaslighting'.

      There are concerns about the Biden administration attempting to manipulate media narratives regarding the economy. Reports suggest that the White House has been pressuring media outlets to present a more positive outlook on the economy, despite high inflation rates and other economic challenges. This has been labeled as "gaslighting" by some, as the administration confidently and repeatedly denies the existence of economic issues while isolating people from the truth. The administration's approach has been met with criticism, with some arguing that it contributes to the erosion of democracy. The use of gaslighting tactics, such as lying and manipulating the media, undermines trust and transparency, making it difficult for the public to make informed decisions.

    • Shift in Political Landscape: Confidence in Jobs and EconomyPeople show increased confidence in their jobs and the economy, with fewer criticisms towards power concentration and business monopolies. However, potential challenges like tax season and student loan payments could cause financial difficulties, and there are concerns about the risks of GLP1 medications.

      There's a noticeable shift in the political landscape, with people expressing confidence in their jobs and the economy, and a decrease in criticism towards concentrated power and business monopolies. This is a departure from the liberal skepticism of the past. For instance, Jim Cramer, who was once criticized for promoting Bear Stearns before its collapse, is now a hero for his positive views on the Biden economy. However, there are potential challenges on the horizon, such as upcoming tax season and student loan payments, which could lead to financial difficulties for many. It's important to stay informed and prepared for these changes. Additionally, there's a growing concern about the potential risks of GLP1 prescription medications, and it's crucial to consult with healthcare providers before using them.

    • A listener shares their experience with a weight loss medication and insurance coverageFollow knowledgeable analysts on social media and learn effective research skills to improve information consumption

      Living a healthier lifestyle with the help of certain medications can be easy and even life-changing. A listener shares their positive experience with a medication that has helped them lose weight and feel better, and they mention that insurance may cover the cost. Meanwhile, in tech news, the free and open internet is being reborn through platforms like Rumble, which aims to compete with tech giants like Amazon and Microsoft. In terms of information consumption, the listener advises following knowledgeable analysts on social media and learning how to research effectively by fact-checking recurring themes and debates. By following the right people and sources, one can improve their ability to vet information.

    • Predictions about US, UK, and international conflictsDespite potential conflicts between the US, UK, and Russia or China, leaders may not take significant action due to domestic issues. Speaker Dan enjoys steak, fatty foods, and broccolini, while the economy's growth continues due to monetary policies and wealthy investors' returns.

      During the discussion, the topic of international politics and potential conflicts between the US, UK, and Russia or China was brought up. It was predicted that both Biden and Boris Johnson may not take significant action if these countries attack Ukraine or Taiwan, respectively, due to their own domestic issues. Additionally, the conversation touched upon personal topics, such as food preferences and cooking. The speaker, Dan, shared that he doesn't eat desserts and instead enjoys steak and fatty foods. He also mentioned his love for broccolini and smoked almonds. Furthermore, the speaker discussed the economy and the potential reasons for the stock market's continued growth despite inflation and high unemployment, attributing it to the government's monetary policies and wealthy individuals seeking higher returns.

    • Discussion on the Importance of Financial Growth and the Role of the Stock MarketWealthy individuals and successful financial managers seek returns greater than inflation, turning to the stock market for higher returns. The continuous rise in stock prices is due to increased demand and government influence.

      Wealthy individuals and successful financial managers understand the importance of seeking returns greater than inflation to maintain their wealth. With low bond returns, they turn to the stock market as their primary investment option. The continuous rise in stock prices can be attributed to more people bidding on stocks and the government's influence on the market. Additionally, Dan shared some personal anecdotes about his experiences and upcoming projects. One listener asked about starting a conservative rideshare business, which Dan found intriguing but hadn't given much thought to yet. Another listener inquired about Dan's favorite music, and he shared his love for country music and Brad Paisley. Overall, the discussion covered various topics, but the underlying theme was the importance of financial growth and the role of the stock market.

    • Dan shares his recent country music discoveriesDan discussed his appreciation for country music, mentioning bands like Creative Vets and Brandon Davis, and expressed admiration for Alison Krauss's voice.

      Dan Pongino, during his radio show, shared his recent music discoveries and his appreciation for country music. He mentioned a few bands and songs he had recently downloaded, including "The Man I Left Behind" by Creative Vets and "This is What I Just Downloaded the Other Day" by Brandon Davis. He expressed his admiration for Alison Krauss and her unique voice, which introduced him to country music. He also teased upcoming content on his Fox show, including a Democrat rebuttal and a spicy monologue about the importance of not moving goalposts. Overall, Dan Pongino's radio show showcased his love for music and his political commentary.

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    I was going through my twitter feeds this morning in preparing for this podcast and found that we as a nation are really controlled by the political and corporate elite in Washington DC.  They are trying to control everything that we do, they tell us men are now women, they can become pragnant, the DOJ and FBI have created a police state and are not long protecting the rule of law, and we can go on and on.  We see lie after lie, and no member of congress or the senate are protecting us from these lies and abuses.  And we have a corrupt president and nothing happens to hold him accountable.

    However, you and I are trying to survive every single day.  We are double checking our food costs, trying to pay our rents, our car payments, gas, utilities.  We are covering the basics of life for our families.  Inflation will be here for quite some time.  You and I will survive, even though how hard it will get.  We have stamina to get through anything.  Keep focused.  Keep your family safe.  Build new businesses.  Keep focused on your spirituality.   

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