
    Stories of Week 6/26: Roe v Wade Overturned, Dem Inaction, NATO Expansion, Uvalde Coverup, & More!

    enJuly 01, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Impact of Roe versus Wade overturning on midterm electionsMajority disapproves of Roe versus Wade overturning, Democrats more motivated to vote, and societal polarization

      The overturning of Roe versus Wade is an unpopular decision, with a majority of Americans viewing it as a step backward for the country. This sentiment is particularly strong among Democrats and independents, who disapprove of the decision, while Republicans approve. This decision, which is likely to impact the upcoming midterm elections, has made 50% of Democrats more likely to vote, compared to only 20% of Republicans. The divide over this issue further highlights the polarization in American society and the importance of creating trustworthy and unbiased sources of news.

    • Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade Decision: Era-Defining Moment in American PoliticsThe Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade creates uncertainty and potential shifts in the political landscape, with both parties facing internal fissures and the need to navigate primaries and appeal to various voter groups.

      The Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade marks an era-defining moment in American politics, introducing significant uncertainty and potential shifts in the political landscape. This decision could put Republicans on the defensive for defending unpopular decisions, particularly regarding social issues. The traditional Republican coalition, which included social conservatives, neocons, and tax-cut advocates, is now fractured, leaving questions about how the party will navigate primaries and appeal to various voter groups. Similarly, the Democratic Party faces internal fissures and a growing divide between progressive and moderate wings. The ramifications of this decision will unfold in the midterms and beyond, shaping the political discourse and coalitions for years to come.

    • Cultural and Political Shift Post-Roe v. Wade OverturningThe Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has emboldened the religious right, potentially damaging the institution, and criminalizing women seeking abortions is increasingly unpopular, posing challenges for the Republican Party.

      The Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has shifted the cultural and political landscape, with the religious right showing renewed energy and determination to make abortion a nationwide policy. The court's disregard for public opinion and potential damage to the institution may have emboldened this coalition, leaving those against the decision feeling a sense of complacency being overturned. The issue of criminalizing women seeking abortions is increasingly unpopular, and the Republican Party, which had previously focused on free speech and cancel culture, may now face challenges in defending such a stance. The momentum of the culture wars has significantly changed direction.

    • Progressives Frustrated with Democratic Leaders Over Inaction on Abortion RightsProgressives are urging Democrats to use their power to enact policies, not just fundraise and campaign, in response to the leaked Supreme Court draft decision and growing frustration over perceived inaction on key issues.

      There is growing frustration among progressives towards Democratic leaders for their perceived inaction on key issues, particularly regarding abortion rights in the wake of the leaked Supreme Court draft decision. The logic used to justify inaction on abortion should be applied consistently to other issues. Democrats currently hold power but have not pushed boundaries, such as eliminating the filibuster or using executive orders. Progressives like AOC are calling out this inaction and demanding more than just fundraising and elections. They want policy responses and the use of full power when voters deliver it. The lack of trust in Democratic leadership is palpable, with some even seeing their rights being used as fundraising points. The leaked draft decision has only intensified this frustration and highlighted the need for Democrats to take bold action.

    • Democratic Party Split on Abortion RightsThe Democratic Party's lack of a clear plan and organizational structure on abortion rights, compared to groups like the Federalist Society, could lead to significant political consequences following the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

      The Democratic Party is facing a significant split on the issue of abortion rights following the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. This issue has seen pushback from liberals and younger women, who feel that the party has not shown enough commitment to the cause beyond fundraising and campaign points. The Democrats currently lack the votes in the House to codify Roe versus Wade, and their lack of a clear plan and organizational structure, compared to groups like the Federalist Society, has been noted. The right's success in overturning Roe can be attributed in part to their collaboration with capital and corporate power, making abortion a window dressing issue for their constituency. The absence of a serious response from the left could have major political consequences.

    • Republicans push for nationwide abortion bans while Democrats lack a clear strategyRepublicans aim to enact nationwide abortion bans, while Democrats lack a clear plan or strategy to challenge these efforts, allowing Republicans to avoid accountability on the issue and weakening progressive impact due to internal conflicts

      While conservative groups have been strategically and consistently pushing for restrictive abortion laws, progressive organizations have been in disarray, focusing on internal conflicts and lackluster funding for long-term goals. The Republicans are determined to enact nationwide bans and further restrict access to abortions, while Democrats lack a clear plan or strategy to challenge these efforts. The failure of progressive groups to prioritize their mission and organize effectively allows Democrats to avoid accountability on this issue. Additionally, the distraction of internal conflicts and cancel culture debates among progressives further weakens their ability to make a significant impact.

    • Democrats under fire for perceived inaction on abortion rightsDemocrats are facing criticism for promising funds but lacking a clear plan to protect reproductive rights following the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

      Democrats are under fire from their base for perceived inaction on key issues, particularly regarding abortion rights in the wake of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Despite the administration having ample time to prepare a response, there seems to be a lack of concrete plans or ideas being put forward. Kamala Harris, in a recent interview, discussed the possibility of expanding abortion access on federal land, but no clear action has been taken. The Democratic Party is facing criticism for promising funds to protect reproductive rights while failing to present a comprehensive plan. The lack of a tangible response from the Democratic leadership has left many feeling disillusioned and questioning the party's commitment to addressing these critical issues.

    • Republican candidate's insensitive comments on pregnancy and rapeThe 2022 political landscape shows the challenges for GOP in balancing conservative values and broader electorate, highlighted by a candidate's insensitive comments on reproductive rights in a toss-up district.

      The 2022 political landscape continues to showcase divisive and controversial statements from some Republican candidates, particularly on the issue of reproductive rights. Abigail Spanberger, a Democratic incumbent in Virginia, faced a challenge from a Republican nominee, Yaceli Vega, who made insensitive comments about pregnancy and rape. Vega's remarks, reminiscent of Todd Akin's infamous statement in 2012, have highlighted the challenges the GOP faces in balancing their base's conservative values with the need to appeal to a broader electorate. This incident, in a toss-up district, underscores the potential consequences for the party in the upcoming elections. The national political climate, with its clear stakes on issues like reproductive rights, could heavily influence the outcome of races, making it tough for individual candidates to break away from the broader trends.

    • Democrats vs. Republicans: Different Approaches to GoverningDemocrats face challenges in making progress on key issues and addressing everyday concerns, while Republicans continue to find ways to get things done.

      The Democratic Party's approach to governing contrasts significantly with the Republican Party's. While Democrats seem to believe they are powerless to change the political landscape and make significant progress on issues like codifying gay marriage into law, Republicans continue to find ways to get things done. The stakes are high in the upcoming election, particularly regarding abortion rights and the potential appointment of a secretary of state with extreme views. The GOP has a major advantage at the state level due to decades of concentrated efforts, and the Democrats' perceived impotence and lack of creativity is a cause for concern. Meanwhile, inflation is impacting everyday life, with July 4th barbecue costs rising significantly. The Democrats' inability to address this issue, along with their unwillingness to tackle other pressing matters, underscores the need for a more proactive and creative approach to governance.

    • Rising Costs of Living: Food, Cars, Gas, and InsuranceThe cost of living in the US has increased significantly, affecting essential items like food and non-food expenses such as cars, gas, and insurance. The Federal Reserve's rate hikes have contributed to car financing costs, causing financial strain for many individuals and families.

      The cost of living has significantly increased across various essential items in the United States. This includes food items like ground beef, chicken, pork, beans, potato salad, and hamburger buns, which have all seen price hikes. Additionally, the cost of non-food items such as new and used cars, gas, and insurance have also risen dramatically. The Federal Reserve's rate hikes have contributed to the increase in car financing costs. These rising costs are causing financial strain for many individuals and families, especially those who rely on public transportation. The disruption to daily life caused by the pandemic, including travel and airline disruptions, have only added to the stress. The government's lack of focus on these basic areas of life and the unexpected pops in various markets have left many people feeling uncertain and frustrated.

    • Government inaction on underlying issues leads to harder affordability for essentialsDespite government inaction on underlying issues causing inflation, the Federal Reserve's response may make essentials like cars, houses, and even wages less affordable. The public's outrage is lacking, but government action, such as holding corporations accountable for price hikes and easing supply issues, can help.

      The political system's failure to address underlying issues, such as supply chain problems and inflation, has led to a situation where the Federal Reserve is being pushed to make it harder for individuals to afford essentials like cars, houses, and even lower wages. This approach may not even effectively address inflation due to other contributing factors. The public's outrage during past financial crises led to significant regulatory changes, but that energy is lacking now. The government can still make a difference by using the bully pulpit to hold corporations accountable for price hikes and setting expectations for easing supply issues. Nearly one-third of inflation is driven by expectations, making government action crucial. It's concerning that it took a crisis involving children and baby formula for the government to take action, but the situation for many people remains challenging.

    • People grappling with inflation and geopolitical tensionsPeople are facing rising costs of living due to inflation, while geopolitical tensions near the Russian border escalate. Leaders must address these concerns effectively.

      People are cutting back on expenses due to inflation, and the cost of essentials like food and energy has significantly increased. Politicians are proposing inflationary measures, but people are feeling the pinch viscerally. The cost of basics like paper towels has risen dramatically over the past five years. The NATO summit saw Turkey lifting its hold on Finland and Sweden's NATO membership, and the US is expanding its military presence in Eastern Europe, marking a significant shift towards the Russian border. The cost of living crisis and geopolitical tensions are two major concerns for people, and it's crucial for leaders to address these issues effectively. The US military buildup in Eastern Europe is a seismic change that warrants attention, and the ongoing inflation crisis is a pressing concern for individuals and governments alike. It's essential to hold politicians accountable for their actions and to find practical solutions to these complex issues.

    • NATO Allies Not Meeting Defense Spending CommitmentsDespite Russia's invasion of Ukraine, only 19 NATO members have clear plans to reach the 2% defense spending target by 2024, increasing the risk of escalation and potential threat perception by Russia.

      While nine out of the thirty NATO allies will meet the 2% defense spending target this year, only 19 have clear plans to achieve it by 2024. This means that a significant number of NATO members are not meeting their defense spending commitments. Finland and Sweden, who are applying for membership, have not committed to the 2% target in perpetuity. The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has led to increased military spending and the potential addition of troops and bases in Europe, which could be perceived as a threat by Russia. This development, which is the biggest upgrade of NATO's military presence in Europe since the end of the Cold War, increases the risk of an existential threat perception by Russia and could potentially lead to dangerous escalation. The lack of debate and discussion on these issues in the West is concerning and could have serious consequences.

    • Concerning lack of public debate on potential US troop deployment to Finland and SwedenThe importance of public involvement and debate in significant decisions regarding potential US military commitments, especially those with far-reaching impacts on resources and potential conflict.

      The lack of public debate and involvement in significant decisions regarding the potential deployment of American troops to Finland and Sweden in response to Russia's actions is a concerning sign of our political culture. These decisions, which could have far-reaching impacts on resources and potential military conflict, should not be made without serious consideration and discussion among the American people. The future of our country and its resources should be carefully considered before making such commitments. Europe, while having cultural ties and historical significance, may not be the best place to focus our military efforts and resources, especially when considering the potential future of global economic power and innovation. It is crucial that the American people are involved in these discussions and that their representatives make a strong case for why such actions are in the strategic interest of the United States.

    • Concerns over suppression of info & intimidation of journalists covering Uvalde shootingJournalists covering Uvalde school shooting faced intimidation, arrest threats, and access denial. A free press is crucial for accountability and transparency.

      During the discussion, the speakers expressed concern over the suppression of information and intimidation of journalists covering the Uvalde school shooting. They highlighted how local reporters, including Spanish language ones, have been stonewalled, threatened with arrest, and barred from public spaces, making it difficult for them to report accurately on the event. This situation, according to the speakers, is part of a whole-of-government cover-up, as media organizations are being intentionally shut out and blocked from access to records and data. The speakers also mentioned the treatment of a courageous mother who spoke out about the shooting and was handcuffed and intimidated by authorities. They emphasized the importance of a free press in holding those in power accountable and ensuring transparency.

    • Chaos and lack of accountability in Uvalde and Ghislaine Maxwell trialCity officials in Uvalde fail to address community needs amid finger-pointing, while the Ghislaine Maxwell trial brought closure but didn't fully expose Epstein's crimes, highlighting the importance of transparency and accountability

      The situation in Uvalde, Texas, remains chaotic and lacking accountability, with city officials pointing fingers at each other instead of addressing the community's needs. Meanwhile, the Ghislaine Maxwell trial provided some closure for victims of Jeffrey Epstein's crimes but failed to fully expose the extent of his and Maxwell's wrongdoing, as the FBI focused on specific cases and evidence was sealed after the trial. Maxwell, now sentenced to 20 years in prison, remains tight-lipped about her involvement and the potential implication of famous associates. Overall, both situations highlight the need for transparency and accountability, with many feeling let down by those in power.

    • Focused on specific charges against Ghislaine Maxwell, leaving many unanswered questionsThe Ghislaine Maxwell trial failed to provide a comprehensive understanding and accountability for her involvement with Jeffrey Epstein and other powerful figures, focusing only on specific charges and closing the door on further investigations.

      The Ghislaine Maxwell trial focused narrowly on specific charges against her, leaving many unanswered questions about her involvement with Jeffrey Epstein and other powerful figures. The FBI's strategy was to "go thin to win," focusing on a few charges rather than presenting a broader picture of decades of criminal behavior. Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years in prison, but many believe she has valuable information that could implicate other high-profile individuals. The trial also closed the door on further criminal investigations and the public airing of evidence seized from Epstein's estate. Maxwell's placement on suicide watch ahead of sentencing adds to the intrigue and speculation. Despite extensive coverage of the case since 2019, the trial failed to provide the comprehensive understanding and accountability that many had hoped for.

    • The trial failed to explore the broader picture of Epstein's criminal activitiesDespite a 20-year sentence, many unanswered questions remain about Epstein's decades-long criminal behavior and the potential involvement of other high-profile individuals.

      The trial of the infamous figure, despite resulting in a 20-year prison sentence, left many unanswered questions regarding her decades-long criminal behavior. The prosecution's strategy, "thin to win," narrowly focused on specific charges, leaving the broader picture of her criminal activities unexplored. Notable figures, including Leon Black, Leslie Wexner, Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Ehud Barak, and others, were implicated but not brought to trial. The sentence, which is less than the recommended, raises concerns about the potential release of the convict in her seventies. The trial failed to shed light on the extensive criminal behavior, leaving many wondering about the involvement of other high-profile individuals.

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    Related Episodes

    Special Episode: Roe v. Wade Is Overturned

    Special Episode: Roe v. Wade Is Overturned

    This episode contains strong language.

    The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, a ruling that eliminates women’s constitutional right to abortion after almost 50 years. “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. wrote on behalf of the majority, while President Biden has denounced the court’s action as the “realization of extreme ideology.” In this special episode, we explore how the court arrived at this landmark decision — and how it will transform American life.

    Guest: Adam Liptak, a reporter covering the Supreme Court for The New York Times.

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    Background reading: 

    • Read the majority decision that overruled Roe v. Wade, with notes by New York Times reporters.
    • The court’s decision was one of the legacies of President Donald J. Trump, with all three of his appointees in the majority in the 6-to-3 ruling. Privately, the former president has called the reversal of Roe “bad” for the Republican Party.
    • Abortion is now banned in several states, with trigger laws in others set to take effect in the coming days. See where women would be most affected.

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday. 

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    The Story of Roe v. Wade, Part 1: Who Was Jane Roe? (From the Archive)

    This week, the release of a draft Supreme Court opinion striking down Roe v. Wade has put a spotlight on the 50-year-old case that redefined abortion in America.

    Today, we revisit a two-part series that first ran in 2018 about the history of the case and the woman behind it.

    In Part 1, the story of Jane Roe.

    Guest: Sabrina Tavernise, co-host of The Daily. As a correspondent in 2018, she reported on the story of Roe v. Wade.

    Want more from The Daily? For one big idea on the news each week from our team, subscribe to our newsletter

    Background reading:

    • The leaked draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade also takes aim at its version of history, challenging decades of scholarship that argues abortion was not always a crime.
    • Remembering a time before Roe: When New York legalized abortion in 1970, three years before the landmark ruling, hundreds of thousands of women traveled there from other states for the procedure.

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily.

    Ep. 1487 - The Left’s Abortion Meltdown

    Ep. 1487 - The Left’s Abortion Meltdown

    In the aftermath of a leaked Supreme Court majority decision striking down Roe, the Left goes absolutely berserk.

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    How Texas Banned Almost All Abortions

    How Texas Banned Almost All Abortions

    In a way, the new Texas law that has effectively banned abortions after six weeks is typical — many other Republican-led states have sought to ban abortions after six, 10 or 15 weeks. 

    But where federal courts have routinely struck down other anti-abortion laws, the Texas legislation has gone into effect with the Supreme Court’s blessing. 

    How has this law survived so far, and where does it leave abortion providers in the state?

    Guest: Adam Liptak, a reporter covering the United States Supreme Court for The New York Times. 

    Sign up here to get The Daily in your inbox each morning. And for an exclusive look at how the biggest stories on our show come together, subscribe to our newsletter

    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit nytimes.com/thedaily. Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday. 

    The Supreme Court Considers the Future of Roe

    The Supreme Court Considers the Future of Roe

    On Wednesday, the Supreme Court heard a case that was a frontal challenge to Roe v. Wade, the nearly 50-year-old decision that established a constitutional right to abortion.

    The case in front of the justices was about a Mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy.

    For the state to win, the court, which now has a conservative majority, would have to do real damage to the central tenet of the Roe ruling.

    We explore the arguments presented in this case and how the justices on either side of the political spectrum responded to them. 

    Guest: Adam Liptak, a reporter covering the Supreme Court for The New York Times.

    Sign up here to get The Daily in your inbox each morning. And for an exclusive look at how the biggest stories on our show come together, subscribe to our newsletter

    Background reading: 

    For more information on today’s episode, visit 


    . Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.