
    Podcast Summary

    • Testimony from Stormy Daniels in Trump's Manhattan trialUnexpected developments in Trump's Manhattan trial include Stormy Daniels' testimony about their 2006 encounter, Trump's lawyers' call for a mistrial, and the ongoing legal battles for the former president. While embarrassing, the trial's ultimate goal is to defeat Trump, with more serious issues like January 6th and election denial remaining a focus.

      The Manhattan trial of Donald Trump has seen some unexpected developments, including testimony from Stormy Daniels about her sexual encounter with Trump in 2006. While the judge rebuked Daniels for providing too much detail, Trump's lawyers argued for a mistrial, claiming the testimony was irrelevant to the case. Rebecca Katz, a Democratic strategist, noted that while such testimony may embarrass Trump, the ultimate goal is to defeat him. The trial, which is focusing on Trump's business dealings and potential falsification of business records, is one of several ongoing legal battles for the former president. Despite the distractions, Katz emphasized the importance of focusing on the more serious issues at hand, such as January 6th and election denial.

    • Donald Trump's Hush Money Trial: Implications for a Second TermThe hush money trial highlights Trump's history of scandals and disregard for ethical conduct, which could have serious implications for a potential second term. It's crucial to keep the focus on his actions and potential future plans.

      The ongoing hush money trial against Donald Trump may seem trivial to some voters, but it's important to understand the potential implications of his actions, especially when it comes to his disregard for the law and potential plans for a second term. The trial serves as a reminder of his history of scandals and disregard for ethical conduct. While some may view him as a joke or entertainment, it's crucial to recognize the potential dangers of his policies and disregard for democratic norms. The Biden campaign may prefer Trump focusing on his plans for a second term rather than the trial, as it could help highlight his threats to democracy and disregard for the law. Ultimately, it's essential to keep the focus on Trump's actions and potential future plans, rather than getting distracted by the drama of the trial.

    • Perception of Trump's presidency and political standing debatedDespite low favorability, Trump's ability to connect with supporters and communicate effectively keeps him influential. Outcome of election depends on resonating narrative and base mobilization.

      The perception of Donald Trump's presidency and his current political standing remains a topic of debate, with some viewing him as a threat to democracy and others as an entertaining figure. Trump's unpopularity is evident in his low favorability ratings, but it remains to be seen how much this will impact the upcoming election. Many voters are still undecided and may not fully tune in until closer to the election. Trump's legal issues and campaign events continue to dominate headlines, but it's unclear how much impact these will have on the race. Trump's ability to connect with his supporters and communicate effectively is a significant factor in his continued influence. Despite his unpopularity, Trump's ability to turn himself into a hero figure for some is a testament to his skills as a communicator. Ultimately, the outcome of the election will depend on which narrative resonates more with voters and which candidate is able to effectively mobilize their base.

    • Biden campaign vs Trump: Health care ads and counterprogrammingBoth Biden campaign and Trump supporters engage in media battles, with Biden focusing on health care and job creation, while Trump promotes his policies. Biden campaign uses ads to counter Trump's past attempts to terminate ACA, and Biden administration takes steps to lower drug costs and cap insulin price.

      The ongoing political battle between the Biden campaign and former President Trump continues to heat up, with each side trying to outmaneuver the other in the media spotlight. Trump's supporters have been criticizing the Biden campaign, while Trump himself has been promoting his own events and policies. The Biden campaign, in response, has been counterprogramming with ads and public appearances, focusing on issues like health care and job creation. The ad mentioned in the discussion highlights Trump's past attempts to terminate the Affordable Care Act and Biden's promise to protect it. The discussion also touches upon the importance of clear messaging and being on offense when it comes to health care. The Biden administration has already taken steps to lower drug costs and cap the price of insulin, and it is expected that they will release a more detailed economic agenda in the future. Overall, the political landscape remains dynamic, with both sides vying for public support and attention.

    • Effective communication in politics is crucial but challenging in today's media landscapePoliticians must adapt to reach voters through various social media platforms and engage with them in a relatable way, like Ruben Gallego did at a boxing match event.

      Effective communication is crucial for political success, but it's becoming increasingly challenging in today's media landscape. The Obama-Biden administration's accomplishments, such as making birth control pills affordable, are often overlooked by voters. Politicians now face the challenge of reaching voters through various social media platforms and engaging with them in a relatable way. Campaigns must adapt to this new environment by meeting voters where they are, whether that's through social media, events, or other creative means. For instance, Ruben Gallego, a candidate, turned a popular boxing match into a campaign event to connect with voters. Despite the difficulties, Biden's ability to connect with people in person remains a strength, even if his campaign events are more limited as president.

    • 2024 Presidential Race: Abortion and Democracy Deciding FactorsThe 2024 presidential race is a close contest due to voter dissatisfaction with the major candidates, economic issues, inflation, border security, and the abortion debate, which is expected to be a deciding factor.

      The 2024 presidential race is extremely close due to voter dissatisfaction with the two major candidates and a desire for something new and different. Biden's empathetic nature shines through in one-on-one interactions but struggles to come across in larger climates. Trump's attempts to overturn constitutional rights and lack of campaigning have not helped his cause. The economy, inflation, border security, and abortion are top issues for voters. The abortion issue, in particular, is expected to be a deciding factor due to the Republican Party's actions when in power. The debate over whether Democrats should focus on economic issues or the contrast with Trump continues, but the election may come down to the issues of abortion and democracy.

    • Addressing voter concerns about the economyDemocrats must acknowledge voters' feelings and communicate a clear message about lowering costs and fighting against price gouging to win over undecided voters, focusing on key races in blue areas.

      Effectively addressing voters' concerns about the economy and empathizing with their struggles is crucial for Democrats in persuading undecided voters. While economic issues may be a strong point for Democrats, it's essential to acknowledge voters' feelings and remind them of the negative consequences of a Trump presidency. Communicating a clear message about the ongoing efforts to lower costs and fighting against corporate price gouging can help build support. The race for control of Congress is expected to be tight, but focusing on key races in blue areas, such as New York and California, could help Democrats win back the House and provide a check on power if necessary. Empathy, effective communication, and a clear message are key to winning over voters.

    • 2024 Election: Arizona's Surprising RoleArizona, a key battleground state, could significantly impact the 2024 election through its potential ballot measures, house and senate races.

      The 2024 election could see surprising results, as demonstrated by past unexpected wins. The importance of states like Arizona cannot be overstated, as they could decide the presidency, control the house, and impact senate races. Arizona, where Biden won by a narrow margin in 2020, is particularly crucial due to potential ballot measures and competitive races. The environment in Arizona remains independent-minded but has shifted with issues like abortion rights coming to the forefront. Carrie Lake, the opponent in the senate race, may not have successfully positioned herself as less extreme despite attempts to do so. Vote Save America's organizing effort, VoteSaveAmerica.com/2024, offers opportunities to make an impact in key races across the country.

    • Arizona's Senate Race: Carrie Lake vs Ruben GallegoCarrie Lake's extreme election denial and inconsistent stance on issues hurt her credibility and public trust. Ruben Gallego, a relatable Democrat with a compelling personal story and normal speaking style, is seen as a refreshing alternative.

      Carrie Lake, a former trusted TV anchor in Arizona, lost credibility and public trust after her extreme election denial and inconsistent stance on key issues like abortion. Her divisive rhetoric and refusal to moderate her positions have made it difficult for her to appeal to a broader audience, including Democrats and moderates. In contrast, Ruben Gallego, a working-class Democrat with a compelling personal story and normal speaking style, is seen as a refreshing and relatable alternative. His ability to connect with a diverse range of people and his experience dealing with real-life challenges make him an appealing candidate for the Senate. The Democrats could benefit from candidates like Ruben Gallego who can excite and energize the voter base.

    • Discussing Exciting Political Prospects and Upcoming ElectionsRuben Gallego is a promising candidate for Arizona politics, while Bob Casey's strong connection to Pennsylvania makes him a formidable opponent. Biden's campaign is focusing on reaching late voters, and extreme Republican candidates are emerging. Stay informed and engaged in the political process.

      The stakes are high in the upcoming elections, and it's essential to inspire and support strong candidates. Ruben Gallego is seen as an exciting prospect for the future in Arizona politics. In the Pennsylvania senate race, Bob Casey's strong name ID and connection to the state make him a formidable opponent to outsider candidates like Dave McCormack, who have struggled in the past. McCormack's attempts to present himself as a Pennsylvanian despite living in Connecticut have not been successful. Biden's campaign is focusing on reaching voters late in the game with their resources, and it's crucial to understand the importance of every battleground state and the potential impact of each election. The Biden campaign is confident in their ability to reach the necessary voters, but no outcome is guaranteed. Extreme Republican candidates continue to emerge, making it essential to stay informed and engaged in the political process. Don't miss the special new episode of Liberal Tears on Pod Save America's YouTube page, where Tommy and Brian discuss the most extreme Republican candidates running in 2024. The Democracy or Else tour is also coming to a city near you, starting in Brooklyn on June 26th.

    • Engage with Pod Save America through various channelsListeners can purchase tickets to tour dates, join the Friends of the Pod subscription community, connect on social media, leave reviews, and access bonus content.

      The speakers on Pod Save America encourage their audience to engage with their content in various ways. They invite listeners to check out their tour dates and purchase tickets at cricket.com/events. For additional perks like ad-free episodes and exclusive content, they suggest joining the Friends of the Pod subscription community at crooked.com/friends. The speakers also invite their followers to connect with them on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube for access to full episodes, bonus content, and more. They also encourage listeners to leave reviews and engage in discussions. Pod Save America is a Crooked Media production with a team of dedicated individuals working behind the scenes to bring the content to life. The show is produced by Olivia Martinez and David Toledo, with associate producers Saul Rubin and Farah Safari. Kira Wakim is the senior producer, and Reid Cherlin serves as the executive producer. The show is mixed and edited by Andrew Chadwick, with sound engineering by Jordan Kantor and support from Kyle Seglen and Charlotte Landis. Writing support is provided by Halley Kiefer, and Madeline Herringer is the head of news and programming. Matt Degroat is the head of production, and Andy Taft is the executive assistant. The digital team includes Elijah Cohn, Hayley Jones, Mia Kelman, David Tolles, Kyriel Pelleviv, and Molly Lobel.

    Recent Episodes from Pod Save America

    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

    Jon is joined by Carlos Odio and Stephanie Valencia, founders of Equis Research, the nation’s leading polling and research firm focused on the Latino electorate, to talk about what Democrats can do to win back the Latino voters who left the party for Trump in 2016 and 2020. Why are some of them leaning towards Trump? How did they react to Biden’s border actions? And what issues are they most focused on in 2024? Jon, Carlos, and Stephanie dive into the focus groups to answer these questions and Leo Murrieta, Director of Make the Road Nevada, joins to talk about his trip to the White House and offer his advice for the Biden campaign.

    Take action with Vote Save America: Visit votesaveamerica.com/2024  

    Pre-order Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps at crooked.com/books or wherever books are sold. Out June 25th.

    Pod Save America
    enJune 23, 2024

    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

    Joe Biden heads to Camp David to prepare for next week's debate, Donald Trump bungles the expectations game, and both sides prepare for the post-broadcast clip war. Meanwhile, a new Fox News poll shows Biden ahead, and Trump lashes out at the betrayal. Then, former White House Counsel Bob Bauer stops by to talk about playing Trump in debate prep in 2020, the Supreme Court, and his new book, The Unraveling: Reflections on Politics without Ethics and Democracy in Crisis. 


    To pre-order Democracy or Else, out June 25th, visit www.crooked.com/books 


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    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

    Joe Biden makes a big new move on immigration, and Democratic governors and progressive groups quietly make plans to fight back against the second-term agenda that Trump is promising, from mass deportations to bans on medication abortion and gutting the civil service. Strict Scrutiny's Kate Shaw joins Jon and Lovett to talk about the legal challenges in store for both Trump and Biden, the Supreme Court's dangerous decision on bump stocks, and what else we can expect from the justices with so many opinions yet to drop.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Biden Campaign Unloads on Trump's Conviction

    Biden Campaign Unloads on Trump's Conviction

    The Biden campaign puts big money into a new ad slamming Trump as a convicted felon, fraudster, and sexual predator, and painting Biden as a fighter for working families. Trump courts the Black vote in front of a mostly white audience in Detroit, and CNN announces the final rules for next week’s debate. Plus: Jon, Lovett, and Tommy talk about who’s up and who’s down in the race to be Trump’s VP.To preorder you copy of Democracy or Else, visit http://crooked.com/booksFor tickets to upcoming live shows and book events, visit http://crooked.com/events

    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Trump Returns to the Scene of the Crime

    Trump Returns to the Scene of the Crime

    Trump returns to the Capitol for the first time since January 6th and receives a hero’s welcome from House and Senate Republicans—where he calls Milwaukee a “horrible city,” refers to the Justice Department as “dirty bastards,” and complains about Taylor Swift not endorsing him. Meanwhile, the same Republicans attempting to overturn Trump’s conviction are instead trying to prosecute Attorney General Merrick Garland. Plus, SCOTUS affirms legal access to abortion medication, Biden takes voters’ cost of living concerns head on, and Trump tries to woo CEOs with more tax cuts.

    The GOP Meltdown Over Hunter's Conviction

    The GOP Meltdown Over Hunter's Conviction

    Dan and The Bulwark’s Sarah Longwell break down the chaotic Republican response to the Hunter Biden news and what the conviction might mean for the Biden campaign, which of Donald Trump’s rumored VP picks scare them the most, and the latest from Tuesday’s primaries.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    MTG: Jesus Was a Felon Too

    MTG: Jesus Was a Felon Too

    Donald Trump meets with a probation officer for his pre-sentencing interview just a day after holding an unhinged rally in Nevada where Marjorie Taylor Greene compared him to notable defendant Jesus Christ. Trump's crew of hard-right advisors plots a new round of tax cuts for the rich while the Biden campaign sharpens its lines of attack. Then: Jon and Tommy land the world-exclusive first interview with newly minted reality TV persona Jon Lovett, who suffers through a quiz about all the news he missed during his time away.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Could Trump-Curious Black Voters Swing the Election? (Ep. 3)

    Could Trump-Curious Black Voters Swing the Election? (Ep. 3)

    Jon is joined by pollster Terrance Woodbury and Lavora Barnes, Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party, to talk about the black voters who may cast their ballots for Trump this November. Who are they? Why are they leaving the Democratic Party? And how can we bring them back into the fold? Jon, Terrance, and Lavora dive into focus group tape, the Trump campaign’s strategy, and Biden’s recent speeches to find a message that works for these voters and then John Taylor, co-founder of Black Male Initiative Georgia, reminds us that the work of organizing should always begin with love. 

    Take action with Vote Save America: Visit votesaveamerica.com/2024  

    Pre-order Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps at crooked.com/books or wherever books are sold. Out June 25th.

    The MAGA Plot to Jail Democrats

    The MAGA Plot to Jail Democrats

    Republican voters are starting to second-guess their support for convicted felon Donald Trump, who’s now threatening to lock up President Biden and other Democrats if he wins. Meanwhile, one of Trump’s most loyal henchmen, Steve Bannon, is finally going to jail. In Normandy, Biden makes the case for democracy with a fist bump at the D-Day anniversary, while Republicans block a bill to protect access to birth control.

    Grab your tickets for all of the upcoming shows at crooked.com/events now!

    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    Did a Worm Really Eat RFK Jr.'s Brain?

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    Ein Angriff auf die Demokratie

    Ein Angriff auf die Demokratie

    Um ihre republikanischen Kollegen daran zu hindern, eines der restriktivsten Wahlgesetze des Landes zu verabschieden, verließen letzte Woche die Demokraten der texanischen Parlament das Gebäude. Texas ist nur ein Beispiel für staatliche Parlamente in der USA in welchen die Republikaner versuchen, die frühen Wahlzeiten zu begrenzen, die Briefwahl einzuschränken und die Autorität parteiischer Wahlbeobachter zu erweitern.

    Die Bemühungen der Republikaner, die Wahlgesetze zu ändern, basieren auf einer Lüge: dass die Präsidentschaft von Donald Trump von einer Intrige aus Demokraten, Wahlbeamten und Wahlhelfern gestohlen wurde, die Wahlbetrug begangen haben. Ihre Bemühungen lassen das Wahlrecht der Bürger - und das Schicksal der US-Demokratie selbst - in der Schwebe.

    Theme Music:  Reha Omayer, Hamburg

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    Die Kongress-Zwischenwahlen 2022

    Die Kongress-Zwischenwahlen 2022

    Während einige Demokraten besser abschnitten als erwartet (Stichwort Pennsylvania), lief es für andere nicht so gut (Stichwort Ohio). Und viele Entscheidungen stehen noch aus, weil die Rennen so knapp sind. Sprich: die Mehrheit im Senat und die Frage, wer den Kongress kontrollieren wird, sind noch immer nicht geklärt. Möglicherweise wird das sogar erst in einigen Wochen feststehen. Und was bedeutet das alles für die Ambitionen von Ex-Präsident Trump? Wir analysieren die Ergebnisse und Wahl-Entwicklungen - was wir erwartet haben, was uns überrascht hat und wie es jetzt weitergeht.

    Theme Music:  Reha Omayer, Hamburg

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    Talkin' Politics | Lawyers, Guns, and Money & Our Midterm 2022 Best Bet Predictions & Last Call Preview!

    Talkin' Politics | Lawyers, Guns, and Money &  Our Midterm 2022 Best Bet Predictions & Last Call Preview!

    Heartland POD on Twitter - @TheHeartlandPOD 

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    Rachel Parker @RaichetP

    Sean Diller @SeanDillerCO


    “Change The Conversation”

    1. Missouri Gun Laws - T/F: Are gun manufacturers about to get the tobacco treatment? (10 -12 min)
      1. STL Post Dist article: https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/missouri-republicans-likely-to-block-any-push-for-red-flag-gun-laws/article_264ab532-fe40-5699-8c5c-f90de0a3a218.html?utm_campaign=snd-autopilot&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter_stltoday
      2. Mayor Jones in STL talks school safety: https://www.ksdk.com/video/news/local/st-louis-mayor-tishaura-jones-talks-student-safety-and-gun-laws-after-cvpa-shooting/63-792b2859-31fc-4078-9f9b-b288094a570f


    1. Yeah… NO - There was a MIchael Flynn lead White Christian Nationalism summit in Branson (5-8 min)
      1. The “Reawaken America” tour: https://mypatriotmarketplace.com/events/reawaken-america-tour-with-clay-clark-and-general-michael-flynn-at-the-rock-church-virginia-beach-va-3/
      2. I thought being woke was bad?
      3. MO Independent article: https://missouriindependent.com/2022/11/04/missouri-leaders-should-condemn-this-weekends-christian-nationalist-rally-in-branson/
      1. Five thirty eight updated shows GOP with edge to win Senate as of Friday Nov 4th at 2pm central
        1. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2022-election-forecast/senate/?cid=rrpromo

      2. Each of us with picks
        1. Your “LOCK” race 
          1. Adam: Mark Kelly, Sean: Ron Johnson, Rachel: Meghan Green (STL)
        2. Your underdog you like to win
          1. Adam: Warnock, Sean: Cortez Masto, Rachel: Tim Ryan
        3. Biggest surprise outcome
          1. Adam: Cindy Axne (Iowa 3rd), Sean: Fetterman wins early and big, Rachel: Kari Lake wins in Arizona (Gov)
        4. Who takes HOUSE majority?
          1. Adam: GOP, Sean: GOP, Rachel: GOP
        5. Who takes SENATE majority?
          1. Adam: Dems, Sean: Dems, Rachel: Dems
        6. Will MO Dems win enough seats statewide to break GOP super majority? - MAP https://www.mohousedems.com/
        7. Awesome article by Galen Bacharier https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/politics/elections/2022/05/17/missouri-statehouse-races-2022-election-candidates-maps/9614683002/

        1. Parson didn’t fill spots, could have had super maj in 2022


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    Rachel Parker @msraitchetp   (Post) 

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    “Change The Conversation”

    Outro Song: “The World Is On Fire” by American Aquarium 


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