
    SUPER EPISODE: Guests Alex Jones on CIA & Silenced Journalist Paulo Figueiredo on Brazil vs. Elon

    enApril 10, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Political Persecution: A Global IssueThe episode highlighted the real-life experiences of Alex Jones and Paulo Figueredo, who faced political persecution in the US and Brazil respectively, emphasizing the importance of free speech and the rule of law.

      Political persecution is a real issue, not only in the United States but also in other countries like Brazil. This was highlighted in today's episode with the guests Alex Jones and Paulo Figueredo. Alex Jones discussed how the American government attempted to bankrupt him despite no concrete evidence of wrongdoing. Paulo Figueredo shared his experience of having his bank accounts frozen, social media accounts deplatformed, and even his passport revoked in Brazil due to his criticism of the government. These events raise concerns about the erosion of free speech and the rule of law. The hosts also emphasized the importance of fact-checking information and encouraged listeners to do their own research. Overall, the episode underscored the need to support and provide a platform to those who have been politically persecuted.

    • Misinformation and misunderstandings can lead to confusion and misrepresentation of factsMisinformation, such as Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's statement that the moon is made of gas and almost as hot as the sun, can confuse and misrepresent facts, emphasizing the importance of factual knowledge and accurate representation.

      Misinformation and misunderstandings can lead to confusion and misrepresentation of facts. The discussion touched upon various topics, from Shania Twain's song lyrics to the differences of opinions and the capabilities of humans living on the moon. However, one instance stood out for its inaccuracies – Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee's description of the moon to children, stating that it's made of gas and almost as hot as the sun. This misinformation not only confuses the children but also highlights the importance of factual knowledge and accurate representation of facts. The moon is not made of gas, nor is it as hot as the sun. These misunderstandings can lead to a lack of trust and credibility, emphasizing the significance of double-checking sources and ensuring accurate information is being shared.

    • Living on the Moon: Extreme Heat and Free Speech ChallengesThe moon's extreme heat and potential censorship pose significant challenges for living and expressing oneself on the lunar surface. Energy production and free speech protection must be carefully considered.

      The discussion touched upon the challenges of living on the moon due to extreme heat, with Congresswoman Jackson Lee's controversial statements adding to the complexity of the issue. The sun's heat was emphasized as a significant concern, with the potential for using gas for energy on the moon raising questions. The conversation also highlighted the potential for censorship and suppression of voices, as exemplified by the case of Alex Jones and the alleged involvement of the CIA in taking down voices they don't agree with. The conversation was a reminder of the importance of protecting free speech and ensuring that individuals and organizations are not unfairly targeted or silenced.

    • FBI used 'nudging' tactic to encourage lawsuits against controversial figuresThe FBI employed a tactic called 'nudging' to encourage civil lawsuits against high-profile individuals like Alex Jones, providing info but not directly instigating cases. This strategy aimed to silence controversial figures without violating federal laws.

      The FBI used a tactic called "nudging" to encourage lawsuits against high-profile figures, such as Alex Jones, to bankrupt them. The FBI did not directly encourage the lawsuits but provided information and let the families of victims pursue civil cases. This tactic was used to silence controversial figures without the need for a federal criminal statute being broken. The FBI's involvement in the crowd during protests, including the Capitol riot, is not widely known, and agents were there to monitor situations and prevent potential escalations. The removal of content and deplatforming of individuals who speak about the FBI's involvement is a common occurrence. The targeting of Alex Jones and others was due to their controversial views and the belief that they were spreading misinformation. The use of civil lawsuits and the removal of platforms is a contentious issue, with some arguing that it infringes on free speech.

    • The Power of Transparency and Public ExposureTransparency and public exposure can deter questionable activities, but the removal of a person's online accounts could have unclear implications and challenges in legal proceedings. Maintain a professional online presence to avoid unintended consequences.

      Transparency and public exposure can be a powerful deterrent against those who engage in controversial or questionable activities, as seen in the case of Dennis Oblennis, whose LinkedIn and Facebook accounts were recently removed. This incident highlights the power dynamic between individuals and powerful agencies, and the challenges faced by private citizens when going up against them. The removal of Oblennis' accounts could potentially be relevant in legal proceedings, but its admissibility and implications are unclear. The incident also serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a professional online presence, as even seemingly harmless actions or statements can have unintended consequences. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the audition process for a Wizard of Oz sequel and Alex Jones' upcoming appearance on the show.

    • The Power of Manipulation and MisinformationGovernment agencies, PR firms, and media outlets can manipulate and misinform the public opinion, potentially targeting individuals. Credible investigative journalism is crucial to uncover the truth and hold those accountable.

      The discussion highlights the power and influence of government agencies, PR firms, and media outlets in shaping public opinion and potentially targeting individuals through manipulation and misinformation. The speaker, who has been a subject of such campaigns, shares his experiences of being falsely accused and targeted, and the emotional impact of seeing the truth come out. He also emphasizes the importance of credible investigative journalism in uncovering the truth and holding those in power accountable. The speaker's reaction to seeing the video that confirmed the allegations against his accusers was a mix of emotions, including elation for confirmation and anger at the blatant admission of wrongdoing. He also discusses the challenges of dealing with the aftermath of such campaigns, including the long-term damage to reputation and financial resources. The conversation also touches upon the importance of staying informed and being aware of the potential for manipulation and misinformation in the media and online.

    • FBI's Role in Speaker's CasesFormer FBI official confirms presence during Capitol incident, raising questions about their role and motives. Democratic-linked law firm involved, and speaker shares past experience of being sued and settling with an FBI agent.

      During the January 6th Capitol incident, there were FBI agents present, as confirmed by a former FBI official. This revelation did not surprise the speaker, but they were shocked that the agent openly discussed his involvement on camera. The law firm involved in the investigation is known for its Democratic ties and has a history of targeting Republicans. The speaker also shared their experience of being sued by an FBI agent in a previous case, which resulted in a large settlement despite no evidence of defamation. The FBI's extensive involvement in the speaker's cases raises questions about their role and motives. Additionally, the speaker mentioned a planned lawsuit against themself and a request for space from Elon Musk.

    • Targeting Individuals to Silence ThemPublic figures face questionable tactics from institutions to silence them, tarnish reputations, and limit reach. Encouraged to be aware and defend against these bad faith dealings.

      Individuals, including public figures like Alex Jones and Steven Crowder, are being targeted by various institutions such as the Justice Department, IRS, law firms, and courts, using questionable tactics to silence them. The ultimate goal is to tarnish their reputations and limit their reach. The speaker, who has experienced this firsthand, is planning to sue these entities to defend his name and expose their alleged bad faith dealings. This is not just an isolated incident, as Elon Musk is also facing similar treatment from the same groups. The speaker encourages others to be aware of this trend and understand that speaking out and being successful can make one a target. The good news is that the tactics are starting to backfire, and the truth is coming to light.

    • Alex Jones' Involvement in Capitol Riots and Its ConsequencesAlex Jones' involvement in the Capitol riots led to consequences like social media account removals and potential congressional hearings, highlighting the need to protect individual rights and resist efforts to divide and conquer.

      The recent revelations about Alex Jones' involvement in the January 6 Capitol riots has led to significant consequences, including the removal of his social media accounts and potential congressional hearings. The credibility of Jones, who has worked with law enforcement agencies like the FBI and CIA, is being questioned, and many conservatives have distanced themselves from him. This is part of a divisive tactic used by those in power to target individuals and create discord within groups. Elon Musk and others have spoken out against this, highlighting the importance of standing by friends and supporting those who take on difficult fights. The cases of Jones and others serve as reminders of the need to protect individual rights and resist efforts to divide and conquer.

    • Corporate media's failed attempts to discredit alternative voicesDespite media's efforts to discredit, alternative voices like Steven Crowder, Alex Jones, and Tucker Carlson have grown in popularity due to their authenticity and truthful messages, while media's gatekeeping tactics are now seen as jokes due to past mistakes and lack of credibility.

      The corporate media's attempts to discredit alternative voices, such as those of Steven Crowder, Alex Jones, and Tucker Carlson, have backfired due to their lack of viewers and credibility. The speakers' popularity and truthful messages have attracted large audiences, making them influential figures. The media's gatekeeping tactics are now a joke, as they have been exposed for their past mistakes, including the Iraq War and the handling of the border crisis. The public's support for these alternative voices is a testament to their authenticity and the people's desire for freedom. The corporate media's attacks are seen as endorsements rather than damaging hit pieces. The speaker also shared personal experiences of being recognized and supported by fans, regardless of their location or background. Overall, the corporate media's power has significantly diminished, and the people's connection to alternative voices is stronger than ever.

    • The Danger of Silence or Acceptance of Attacks on Controversial FiguresThe left's attacks on controversial figures may not be effective, but the real danger lies in the silence or acceptance of these attacks from those on the right. Globalist agendas pose a significant threat, and divisive tactics should not be underestimated. Leaders must stay strong and focused to address deep-rooted issues like the criminal deep state.

      The left's attacks on controversial figures like Alex Jones may not be effective, but the real danger lies in the silence or acceptance of these attacks from those on the right. The threat of globalist agendas is a significant issue, as seen in the actions of leaders like Justin Trudeau. The power of divisive tactics, such as those used by Trudeau and his allies, should not be underestimated. When it comes to addressing deep-rooted issues like the criminal deep state, it's essential for leaders to stay strong and focused, even in the face of adversity. In the case of Trump, his newfound understanding of the challenges he faces has made him a formidable figure. However, the road to change will be long and difficult, requiring the unwavering support of the American people.

    • Government Control of Media and CensorshipGovernments and tech companies can freeze bank accounts, revoke passports, and deplatform individuals for expressing certain views. Alternative platforms like Rumble are crucial for free speech, and it's important for individuals to support each other and not be silenced.

      Large sums of money have been used by governments to control media, leading to censorship and deplatforming of individuals like Alex Jones and Paulo Figueredo. This was discussed in relation to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and the Brazilian government's actions against Rumble and Figueredo. The consequences of these actions include frozen bank accounts, revoked passports, and deplatforming. This highlights the importance of alternative platforms like Rumble and the need for individuals to support each other and not be intimidated into silence. Elon Musk and Brazilian Supreme Court judge Alexandre de Marias were mentioned as examples of those trying to control narratives and silence voices. The left's potential actions if they were completely unfettered were also touched upon, with the situation in Brazil providing a glimpse into that possibility. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of standing up for free speech and not allowing governments or tech companies to dictate what can be discussed in the public sphere.

    • Brazilian Supreme Court justice Marias accused of corruption and abuse of powerJustice Marias in Brazil faces allegations of corruption, censorship, and abuse of power, raising concerns about the rule of law and freedom of speech. He has targeted individuals, arrested businessmen, jailed people without trial, and censored platforms, while also targeting journalist Paulo Figueredo.

      In Brazil, there is a Supreme Court justice named Marias who has been accused of corruption and abusing his power. He has ordered investigations into individuals, arrested businessmen based on WhatsApp messages, jailed people without trial for social media posts, and even tried to censor platforms like Rumble and Telegram. Marias has also targeted journalist Paulo Figueredo, revoking his passport, freezing his bank accounts, and censoring his social media for having an unacceptable point of view. This raises concerns about the rule of law and freedom of speech in Brazil. The situation is particularly alarming given Marias' position in the Brazilian court system, as he is currently serving two roles, including the presidency of the electoral court. Despite these allegations, Marias and his supporters appear to enjoy significant popularity, leaving many Brazilians feeling trapped between a potentially corrupt government and criminal elements on the streets.

    • Brazilian Jujitsu Expert Faces Challenges Sharing Content with Brazilian Audience Due to Government RestrictionsA Brazilian expat living in the US, who is a Jujitsu expert, faces challenges in sharing his content with his Brazilian audience due to government restrictions on platforms like Rumble and Locos. He supports these platforms' decision to defy the Brazilian government's orders, prioritizing moral principles over profit.

      The speaker, Figueredo, is a Brazilian expat living in the US who has faced challenges in sharing his content with his Brazilian audience due to government restrictions on platforms like Rumble and Locos. He supports these platforms' decision to defy the Brazilian government's orders, prioritizing moral principles over profit. Figueredo is a Jujitsu expert and uses terms like "eso," "aye," and "cheech poja" in his practice. "Eso" means "that's right," "aye" means "again, that's good," and "cheech poja" translates to "shit," but in the context of Jujitsu, it means "don't do that" or "bad move." Figueredo encourages anyone interested in Jujitsu to come train with him in South Florida. He grew up in Rio, Brazil, where Jujitsu became popular, and the term "poha" is used frequently, similar to how Americans use the "f-word." However, Figueredo clarified that "poha" means "sperm" in this context, which was an unexpected revelation. Figueredo was once a journalist on mainstream media in Brazil but does not have a current relationship with Alexandre de Moraes, the de facto dictator of results at the center of the controversy.

    • Brazilian Political Commentator's Experience with Censorship during Lula's ElectionA former Brazilian political commentator faced censorship during Lula's election, with Supreme Court Justice Marais reportedly playing a significant role. The speaker also noted the severe censorship and lack of accountability in the Brazilian media, worse than in the US.

      The speaker, a former popular political commentator in Brazil, experienced a sudden cancellation of his passport and social media ban, and was subjected to censorship orders during the election of former President Lula. The speaker claims that Supreme Court Justice Marais played a significant role in Lula's election and currently holds a great deal of power, with some even suggesting that Marais controls Lula. The speaker also notes that while he was critical of former President Bolsonaro, he never received censorship orders from him, despite widespread false news and hate speech against Bolsonaro in the mainstream media. The speaker emphasizes the severe censorship and lack of accountability in the Brazilian media, which is even worse than in the US.

    • Brazil's Supreme Court Justice Moraes wields significant powerBrazil's Supreme Court Justice Moraes holds power to revoke passports, freeze bank accounts, and deplatform critics, due to left-leaning majority and foreign support.

      In Brazil, Supreme Court Justice Moraes holds significant power, which has led to the revocation of passports, freezing of bank accounts, and deplatforming of individuals who criticize him or the institutions he represents. This power is due in part to the fact that nine out of the eleven justices on the Supreme Court were appointed by the left, giving them a strong majority. Additionally, global support for Moraes, including interference from foreign entities like the United States, has bolstered his position. The dynamic between Lula, a former president, and Moraes, a Supreme Court justice, is reminiscent of the relationship between Biden and his allies who appointed Moraes. The left in Brazil has used this power to silence criticism and label it as an attack on democracy and spreading misinformation. Despite this, Lula's policies, which are often anti-American, raise questions about why the Biden administration supports him.

    • Irony of leftist accusations against BolsonaroLeftist accusations of fascism against Bolsonaro ironic as they silence journalists and manipulate institutions, upholding checks and balances against corruption crucial, free speech and taking moral stands important.

      The Brazilian political landscape and the American political landscape share striking similarities, with both sides accusing their respective leaders of being what they themselves are. The speaker, Paulo Figueredo, noted the irony of leftist accusations against Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro of being a fascist, while they silence journalists and attempt to manipulate institutions. Figueredo also highlighted the importance of upholding checks and balances against corruption, which is a core American value, but is under attack by those who falsely claim to support it. Figueredo's experience of being banned from certain platforms for expressing his views, but still receiving support from his audience, illustrates the importance of standing up for free speech and taking a moral stand, even in the face of potential backlash. The conversation also touched on the strong community aspect of the jiu jitsu world and its significance in Brazil's viewership of the speaker's content. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of staying informed and engaged in the political process, and the need to defend democratic values against those who seek to undermine them.

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-25

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/source-june-24

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-17-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
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    Submit your costumes on X with #AppropriateIran for a chance to be featured on the show!

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    GUEST: Nick Di Paolo

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-13-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 13, 2024

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    The Leftists Lose Control as Midterms Approach for Red Wave Event | Dr. Sherwood, Jasmin St Claire

    The Leftists Lose Control as Midterms Approach for Red Wave Event | Dr. Sherwood, Jasmin St Claire
    PayPal reinstates their intentions to monetarily punish those whom they deem to be spreading false information with a $2500 fine. This comes on the heels of those accusing Republicans of lying about the election and exposing the lies of 2020.

    Among the lies of the left are the people that support them. Take, for example, Beto supporters. Exactly what kind of people would vote for the left? Through personal experience Dustin Faulkner relates one voter to the rest who behave in the same manner.

    Dr. Mark Sherwood joins for Hope, Health, and Freedom to discuss the generations skipping meals in light of inflation. Is it such a bad thing people are skipping meals? With the problems that inflation has caused Americans, there is a chance to change bad habits we've long participated due to overabundance.

    Dustin and Dr. Mark challenge the narrative behind generations changing for the bad. Who is at fault for the deterioration of standards and morals?

    XPW wrestling darling and Ice Cold Conservative hostess Jasmin St Claire joins to discuss elections and problems in California. Why are people fleeing California and moving to other states?

    The sick deterioration of California continues to encroach upon the quiet millions still hanging on to their lives in the state. As the midterms approach will they vote correctly? Those that created the issues like Mark Wahlberg have fled to pursue better lives in other states. Will the remaining reverse the damage?

    The DNC organized an all-expenses paid trip for young TikTok influencers to Washington D.C. As the nation suffers crushing inflation and paycheck to paycheck living the leftists continue to undermine them with ignorant rump shakers and paid shills. While Conservatives fight to change the damaging course with elections the DNC thugs Obama and Biden use idiots of TikTok to dismantle their efforts for future generations. Dustin cuts them in half verbally.

    Follow BFBN on twitter: @dloydfaulk @bf_frontline
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