
    Podcast Summary

    • CSS Evolution: From Unrecognizable to ExcitingCSS is constantly evolving with new features and syntax, compared to the jump from ES5 to ES6. New concepts like Rex, root IC, and root line height are examples of ongoing developments.

      CSS is constantly evolving, and it's an exciting time to be a CSS developer with new features and syntax being added regularly. During this episode of Syntax Supper Club, Adam Argyle joined Scott Talinsky and Wes Boss to discuss some of the latest developments in CSS. One of the topics covered was the transformation of CSS from what it was a few years ago to its current state, which is almost unrecognizable due to the numerous new features and syntax. Adam compared it to the jump from ES5 to ES6, where developers were introduced to new concepts like arrows and export. Although there have been no major releases like CSS 3 since then, there are ongoing level 4, 5, and 6 proposals. A community group called the CSS 4 community group is trying to come up with labels for these versions to make educational content more organized and accessible. Adam shared some exciting new features in CSS, including the introduction of Rex (root x), a new relative unit representing the x height of an element, and root IC and root line height, which allow setting the current line height for a particular element on the root. These new relative units, along with other developments, demonstrate the continuous evolution of CSS and the importance of staying updated as a developer. So, buckle up and get ready for more CSS bonbons (little treats) as the CSS landscape continues to change and grow.

    • CSS Introduces New Relative Units: Root HooksCSS's new root hooks allow developers to use a user's preferred settings for font size and line height, expanding the number of length units to 50 and enabling creative effects and responsive designs

      CSS has introduced new relative units, called root hooks, which allow developers to hook into a user's preferred settings, such as font size and line height, and use them consistently throughout an application. This goes beyond the use of percentage-based font sizes, providing even more flexibility and scalability. These root hooks can be used for clever effects, such as aligning text with gradients or creating responsive grids. The new units expand the total number of CSS length units to 50, making CSS a powerful tool for creating dynamic and adaptive designs. Additionally, the use of container queries and calculating font sizes in CSS can make designing and automating elements easier than using external editing programs. The website Gradient Dot, built using SvelteKit, TypeScript, and Open Props, is a great example of the creative possibilities offered by CSS gradients and color spaces.

    • Exploring Gradients: Creating a Passion ProjectA designer created a gradient design tool, teaching users about gradient features and offering a visual interface for radial and conic gradients, inspired by old design tools, with a new color picker and CSS spec color spaces.

      The speaker created a gradient design tool out of a passion for exploring color spaces and implementing gradients in a way that made it accessible to everyone. This tool not only allows users to build gradients visually but also teaches them about various gradient features like transition hints and color interpolation. The speaker wanted to be one of the first to visualize color stops for radial and conic gradients. The tool is reminiscent of old browser-based design tools and took only a few nights to create, with the most challenging part being the addition of visuals for radial gradient color stops. The speaker hopes the tool inspires other design tools to move beyond 1990s design and incorporates features like premade gradients and noise effects. The tool includes a new color picker with CSS spec color spaces and a slick visual interface. Overall, the speaker's passion project resulted in a powerful and user-friendly gradient design tool.

    • Revolutionizing CSS with gradients and style queriesCSS gradients and style queries offer smoother, more visually appealing effects and new possibilities for design. Experiment with tools and explore state queries for dynamic styles.

      CSS gradients have seen significant improvements with the introduction of new tools and color spaces, making them look smoother and more visually appealing than ever before. The speaker recommends checking out a specific tool to experiment with these new possibilities. Another topic discussed was style queries, which allow you to query the value of custom properties and toggle styles based on their current state. This can replace previous methods like dry switching. Style queries also include state queries, which enable you to check the state of an element, such as whether it's being overflowed or snapped. These new features are opening up endless possibilities for CSS, making it more powerful and versatile than ever before. Essentially, these advancements are revolutionizing the way we approach and design with CSS.

    • New CSS features for efficient and expressive designCSS container queries, inline properties, and style queries offer new ways to manipulate styles, while trig functions enable curved layouts and animations. Live transitions.pages.dev showcases new features like view transitions and view timeline for seamless scrolling animations.

      There are new developments in CSS that can make designing and animating websites more efficient and expressive. Instead of adding classes to manipulate styles, you can now use inline properties and even style queries for real-time updates. CSS container queries, a newer feature, allows for more complex layouts and animations, including radial layouts and trig functions. Trig functions offer opportunities for creating non-linear, curved layouts and animations, adding life and movement to designs. Additionally, there's a website called live transitions.pages.dev that showcases new CSS features like view transitions and view timeline, allowing for seamless scrolling animations and shared element transitions. These advancements can help designers create more dynamic and engaging user experiences. Keep an eye on these new features as they continue to evolve and become more widely adopted.

    • Animating page transitions with View Transitions APIView Transitions API offers a seamless and magical user experience by animating page transitions or morphing between different HTML pages, optimizing the difference between two pages and eliminating the need for heavy JavaScript libraries for animations.

      View transitions in web development offer a seamless and magical user experience by animating page transitions or morphing between different HTML pages. This can be achieved through the use of the view transition API, which allows for smart DOM manipulation and stateful ready animation. This technology is not only limited to single-page applications but also extends to multi-page transitions, where the browser optimizes the difference between two pages and animates the elements or the whole page transition. This not only makes the application feel more native and alive but also gracefully degrades to a regular page load if the browser does not support it. Additionally, the use of view transitions eliminates the need to ship and load heavy JavaScript libraries for animations. Although there are some limitations, such as the lack of height auto animations, there are workarounds available. Overall, view transitions represent a significant step forward in enhancing the user experience and bringing web applications closer to native app development.

    • Web Animations API and related features for dynamic web experiencesWeb Animations API offers powerful tools for height animations through clipping and masking, scroll-linked animations via view transitions, and harmonious text layout with Text Wrap Balance.

      The Web Animations API and related features offer powerful and easy ways to create dynamic and visually appealing web experiences. Two common use cases are clipping and masking for height animation, and view transitions for scroll-linked animations. The Web Animations API also includes features like Text Wrap Balance, which ensures harmonious text layout and eliminates orphans and widows. While these features are currently supported by some browsers, their widespread adoption may depend on the financial stability of the organizations behind them, such as Mozilla with Firefox. Overall, these advancements represent exciting opportunities for web designers and developers to create more engaging and visually rich web content.

    • Collaboration among browser developersMajor tech companies invest in adding features to various browsers, promoting innovation and competition, leading to a more diverse range of user experiences.

      Major tech companies like Google are investing in helping to develop features for various web browsers beyond just their own, such as Firefox and Safari. Google is paying engineering teams like Igalia to help add features and ensure interoperability across different browsers. This approach benefits all browsers by promoting innovation and competition, and allows for a more diverse range of user experiences. Additionally, companies like Brave are focusing on user-facing features and delivering a delightful browsing experience, showcasing the potential for a future where browsers differentiate themselves based on unique features rather than just engine technology. Overall, this collaboration and competition among browser developers, driven by both tech companies and startups, could lead to a more dynamic and innovative web browsing landscape.

    • CSS Cascade Layers and nth child syntax: Efficient and flexible ways to select and manage elementsCSS Cascade Layers help organize styles into buckets and easily override specific rules, while nth child syntax targets specific elements within a category. Recent discoveries in the CSS working group enable nesting elements like div or input without the need for an ampersand, making CSS Nesting even more powerful.

      CSS Cascade Layers and nth child syntax offer efficient and flexible ways to select and manage elements in a document. The former allows for organizing styles into buckets and easily overriding specific rules, while the latter enables targeting specific elements within a category. Regarding CSS Nesting, the industry is excited about the spec, but the requirement of using an ampersand before nested element selectors has been a challenge. However, recent discoveries in the CSS working group suggest a solution: restarting the parser after encountering the nested element. This means that nesting elements like div or input without the need for an ampersand is now possible, making the CSS Nesting spec even more powerful. Overall, these features demonstrate the continuous evolution of CSS, making it a more efficient and versatile tool for building websites and applications.

    • The Complexities of CSS NestingCSS nesting adds complexity, but understanding it can lead to more effective CSS and less code.

      When it comes to CSS nesting, there are complexities that lie beneath the surface which are not immediately apparent. The inability to nest HTML selectors directly required a solution with a symbol or sigil to disambiguate the parsing. Sass, a popular CSS preprocessor, had taken on additional baggage due to its implementation of nesting, leading some spec editors to avoid it. The hardest part of CSS nesting is often figuring out the post-CSS config. Animate discrete properties, which can be confusing, allow for a delay in the flip between display none and display block, making it easier to time animations. This feature is called a deferred bit flip, and it's an alternative to interpolating between none and block. Overall, understanding these complexities can help us write more effective CSS and reduce the amount of code we need to ship.

    • New CSS tools for easier animations and easing functionsLinear functions simplify bounce and spring effects, custom properties make application intuitive, subgrid everywhere improves grid layouts, and new JavaScript functions enhance scrolling events.

      There are new tools and features coming soon to CSS that will make creating complex animations and easing functions easier and more efficient. The linear function is an example of this, allowing for the creation of robust bounce or spring effects by specifying multiple points in the easing curve. This function is not a physics tool but rather a way to simulate these effects through discrete linear transitions. Additionally, there will be custom properties for these effects, making application simple and intuitive. Another exciting development is the upcoming release of subgrid everywhere, which will make grid layouts more versatile and consistent across different browsers. Furthermore, new JavaScript functions like scroll end and scroll start will make handling scrolling events more precise and convenient. Overall, these new tools and features will make CSS animation and layout development more powerful and user-friendly.

    • CSS Expanding Capabilities: Scroll Start, e and v variables, and Animation CompositionCSS Scroll Start sets initial scroll position, e and v variables simplify media queries, Animation Composition combines multiple keyframe animations for a more dynamic user experience

      CSS is expanding its capabilities to allow for more control during the initial layout of a webpage. Scroll start is a new feature that enables CSS to set the scroll position at the desired element during the initial rendering, ensuring a smoother user experience. Additionally, the use of e and v variables in media queries is a potential solution for organizing and managing media queries. While not currently available, it may be a future possibility. Another topic discussed was animation composition, which allows for combining multiple keyframe animations to create more complex animations. For example, a circle that both breathes and scales up when hovered. The breathing animation continues, but is interrupted and replaced with the scaling animation. This results in a more dynamic and visually interesting user experience. Overall, these new features and capabilities in CSS aim to provide more control and flexibility for developers to create engaging and seamless web experiences.

    • Advanced CSS animations with composition add and keyframesThe latest CSS animations features enable merging and interrupting of keyframes, leading to micro animations and complex compositions, similar to tools like After Effects. The upcoming select menu HTML element offers greater control over dropdowns.

      The latest developments in CSS animations, specifically the use of composition add and keyframes, are bringing more advanced animation capabilities to the web, making it more similar to tools like After Effects. This new approach allows for the merging and interrupting of keyframes, enabling the creation of micro animations and more complex compositions. Additionally, the upcoming select menu HTML element will offer greater control over the appearance and functionality of dropdowns, allowing for custom HTML and full accessibility. These advancements represent a significant step forward in the ability to create dynamic, visually rich web experiences.

    • HTML select element vs shadow DOMHTML select element is a simple slot mechanism, while shadow DOM offers stronger technology for building components.

      HTML's select element with option elements can be thought of as a light DOM slot mechanism, but the future lies in stronger technologies like shadow DOM. Despite the time limit, there were many more topics to discuss, such as personal recommendations. One such recommendation was the Onewheel, a device that turns your environment into a rideable space and provides a unique feeling of superhuman abilities. Learning to ride one can be challenging, but with time and practice, it becomes a rewarding experience. The Onewheel has faced opposition from regulatory bodies due to its popularity and safety record, which is better than many other electric vehicles. For those interested in CSS, Google IO is a great place to learn more, and personal websites like nerdy.dev offer unique indie social network experiences. The speaker, Argyle Inc on Twitter, encourages exploration and discovery in technology.

    • Staying curious and learning new things in techEmbrace continuous learning and exploration in tech, access expert insights through resources like Syntax.fm, and stay engaged with the community by subscribing, listening regularly, and leaving reviews.

      The importance of continuous learning and exploration in the field of technology. The speakers expressed their excitement and appreciation for the ongoing discoveries and advancements, encouraging listeners to stay informed and engaged. They emphasized the value of resources like Syntax.fm, where one can access a wealth of knowledge and insights from industry experts. Additionally, they encouraged listeners to subscribe, listen regularly, and leave reviews to support the show and the community. Overall, the conversation highlighted the excitement and importance of staying curious and learning new things in the ever-evolving world of technology.

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

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    If you want to know what’s happening with your errors, track them with Sentry. Sentry is open-source error tracking that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time. Cut your time on error resolution from five hours to five minutes. It works with any language and integrates with dozens of other services. Syntax listeners can get two months for free by visiting Sentry.io and using the coupon code “tastytreat”.

    Show Notes

    4:30 - The General Idea

    6:20 - Problems

    • It’s not as easy as, “how do we write them”
    • Some of the requirements may need a fundamental change to browser engines
      • May be very impractical and take a long time

    “Did you know, for example, that there are multiple many year long efforts with huge investments underway already aimed at unlocking many new things in CSS? There are - and I don’t mean Houdini!” ~ Brian Kardell

    8:56 - What’s been happening?

    • Lots of conversations
    • Dead ends

    “How do we make this into more solvable problems?” and “How do we actually make some progress, mitigate risk - take a step, and and actually get something to developers?” ~ Brian Kardell

    12:00 - Progress

    • Lot’s of discussion
      • Goog, Moz, Apple, smart people
    • Not there yet
    • Big ideas that could go somewhere

    .foo { display: grid; grid-template-columns: switch( (available-inline-size > 1024px) 1fr 4fr 1fr; (available-inline-size > 400px) 2fr 1fr; (available-inline-size > 100px) 1fr; default 1fr; ); }

    “A whole lot of the problems with existing ideas is that they heave to loop back through (expensive) phases potentially several times and make it (seemingly) impossible to keep CSS rendering in the same frame.” ~ Brian Kardell

    • Or a system based on resizeObserver

    “In the coming months I hope to continue to think about, explore this space and continue discussions with others. I would love to publish some research and maybe some new (functional) experiments with JS that aim to be ‘closer’ to a path that might be paveable.” ~ Brian Kardell


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    Sanity.io - Sponsor

    Sanity.io is a real-time headless CMS with a fully customizable Content Studio built in React. Get up and running by typing npm i -g @sanity/cli && sanity init in your command line. Get an awesome supercharged free developer plan on sanity.io/syntax.

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    Show Notes

    6:18 - General Design Tips

    • Spacing is important

    • Using patterns and textures

    • Use subtle gradients

    • Use subtle drop shadows

      • Multiple shadows on one element can have a nice effect
    • Don’t use true black and white (e.g. #000 or #fff) - use softer variation of black and white

      • Use CSS Variables for custom blacks and whites
      • CSS default colors are almost always too harsh
    • Default browser UI is almost never the best UI

      • Select elements, radio buttons, checkboxes, etc. can all be styled - it’s no fun, but way better than it’s ever been

    40:22 - UX Design & Animation

    51:30 - How To Get Better

    ××× SIIIIICK ××× PIIIICKS ×××

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