
    Supper Club × Coding with ADHD with Dr. Courtney Tolinski

    enNovember 04, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding ADHD in the Tech IndustryADHD is common among developers, leading to high energy, curiosity, and multitasking tendencies. It's important to understand and accommodate this condition to support productivity and successful programming careers.

      ADHD is a common condition among developers, and it can impact their focus and attention span. Dr. Courtney Talinsky, a psychologist, joined Scott Talinski and Wes Bos on the Syntax Supper Club podcast to discuss this topic. Dr. Talinsky shared that she evaluates kids, teenagers, and young adults with ADHD, as well as learning disabilities, autism, and mood disorders. She noted that the programming industry seems to have a high number of individuals with ADHD, and some developers may be undiagnosed or unsure if they have it. She also mentioned that having ADHD can lead to high energy levels, endless curiosity, and a tendency to jump into multiple projects at once. The hosts shared their own experiences with potential ADHD symptoms, such as missing calendar invites or being easily distracted. The episode was sponsored by LogRocket and AppRite, and the conversation included questions from the audience about attention span, focus, and the impact of ADHD on programming careers. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of understanding and accommodating ADHD in the tech industry to support individuals and promote productivity.

    • Understanding ADHD on the SpectrumADHD is a mental health condition diagnosed by six or more symptoms from nine possible behaviors, including inattention, impulsivity, and disorganization. It exists on a spectrum with three types: inattentive, hyperactive-impulsive, and combined.

      ADHD, like other mental health conditions, exists on a spectrum. To be diagnosed, an individual must exhibit at least six symptoms from nine possible behaviors almost every day, impacting their work or social life. These symptoms can include inattention, easily getting distracted, losing essential items, disorganization, impulsivity, and interrupting others. The three types of ADHD are predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, and combined type. The inattentive type is characterized by difficulty focusing, easily getting distracted, and disorganization. The hyperactive-impulsive type is marked by constant fidgeting, impulsivity, and interrupting others. The combined type involves symptoms of both types. To get a diagnosis, individuals must demonstrate significant impairment in their daily functioning.

    • Strategies for managing ADHD in adultsAdults with ADHD use various coping mechanisms to deal with underdeveloped executive functioning skills. Tools like calendars, apps, and automatic tab closing features, as well as setting specific work times and taking breaks, can help manage distractions and improve focus.

      Adults with ADHD have developed various strategies to compensate for their underdeveloped executive functioning skills, which is why it may be less noticeable in adults compared to children. However, challenges such as difficulty regulating attention, avoiding boring work, and focusing on one task persist, particularly in office or computer environments. Adults might struggle with pulling themselves away from projects they're passionate about, have trouble transitioning between tasks, and find themselves easily distracted by multiple tabs or notifications. To manage these issues, tools like calendars, apps, and browsers with automatic tab closing features can be helpful. Additionally, setting specific work times for tasks and taking breaks can improve focus and productivity.

    • Overcoming unstructured work habits for productivityPlanning and structuring the day with set appointments and tasks can help individuals with ADHD overcome unproductive habits and improve focus, leading to a more productive work week.

      Unstructured work habits, such as jumping from one task to another without a clear plan or getting easily distracted, can lead to wasted time and unproductivity, especially for individuals with ADHD. Hyperfocusing on unimportant tasks can make it difficult to remember the initial goal and prioritize important work. Planning and structuring the day with set appointments and tasks can help overcome these challenges and ensure a productive work week. It's essential to make planning a priority, even if it's not the most enjoyable task, and to avoid letting distractions derail progress. Using tools like LogRocket to analyze session replays can provide insight into unproductive behaviors and help identify areas for improvement.

    • Identify and debug issues with session replay toolsSession replay tools like LogRocket help developers fix production errors and improve user experience by providing a video replay of user sessions, network and error logs, and the ability to identify problematic users.

      Session replay tools like LogRocket can help developers identify and debug issues on their website by providing a video replay of user sessions. This can be particularly useful for fixing production errors or improving user experience, such as identifying why users are abandoning shopping carts. For developers working in noisy or distracting environments, using headphones and finding a consistent background noise can help improve focus. Session replay tools offer additional benefits, including network and error logs, and the ability to identify which users are experiencing issues. Overall, session replay tools can save developers time and effort by providing valuable insights into user behavior and website performance.

    • Creating a focused work environment for ADHD individualsProvide a quiet, organized workspace, use headphones or white noise, practice mindfulness, and be patient and understanding to support focus for individuals with ADHD

      Creating a clutter-free and organized work environment, along with the use of headphones or white noise, can help individuals with ADHD focus and minimize distractions. However, some people may find it challenging to learn to ignore distractions entirely. The ADHD brain is wired to notice atypicalities and distractions, making it difficult to filter out noise and other sensory stimuli efficiently. Practicing mindfulness is recommended as a skill to build up to improve focus and redirect attention when distracted. Additionally, individuals with ADHD may have comorbidities such as sensory processing issues, dyslexia, anxiety, or autism. Employers and team members can be supportive by providing a quiet and organized workspace, being aware of sensory sensitivities, and being patient and understanding when dealing with potential distractions.

    • Creating a structured work environment for coworkers with attention issuesBreak down projects into manageable tasks, use visual aids, employ communication tools, utilize technology, and have regular check-ins to ensure productivity and inclusivity

      Being a good employee or coworker for someone with attention issues involves creating a structured and efficient work environment. This can be achieved by breaking down projects into manageable tasks with clear deadlines, using visual aids such as color-coding, and utilizing communication tools to ensure everyone is on the same page. Additionally, employing the use of technology, such as email snooze functions or apps, can help reduce distractions and anxiety. Communication is key, and regular check-ins are essential to ensure that everyone is aware of project progress and deadlines. By implementing these strategies, we can create a more productive and inclusive work environment for all.

    • Seeking a professional diagnosis and lifestyle changes for managing ADHDConsider visiting a doctor for a rating scale assessment or seeing a psychologist for a comprehensive clinical history for a professional ADHD diagnosis. Regular exercise, good sleep, healthy diet, omega-3 supplements, and mindfulness practices like meditation, Tai Chi, or karate can help manage ADHD symptoms.

      If you're struggling with focus and think you may have ADHD, there are steps you can take beyond medication. You can seek a professional diagnosis by either visiting your doctor for a rating scale assessment or seeing a psychologist for a comprehensive clinical history. As for lifestyle changes, regular exercise, good sleep, and a healthy diet are essential for everyone, but especially for those with ADHD. Omega-3 supplements, such as fish oil, can also be beneficial by increasing the myelin surrounding neurons and improving synaptic connections. Practicing mindfulness through meditation, Tai Chi, or karate can help calm the brain and improve focus. Remember, everyone's experience is unique, so it's essential to explore these options and find what works best for you. For more information, visit AppRight.io and sign up for their cloud notification list.

    • Connecting with nature can benefit individuals with ADHDNature walks and self-care practices can improve focus and revitalize individuals with ADHD. Use Psychology Today to find a qualified professional for personalized help, and consider medication for severe symptoms.

      Nature and self-care practices, such as going for walks or hikes, can help individuals with ADHD feel more connected and grounded. This connection can lead to a sense of revitalization and improved focus. For those seeking professional help, it's important to avoid scammy websites when looking for a psychologist specializing in ADHD. Instead, consider using Psychology Today to find a qualified professional in your area. Not everyone with ADHD needs medication, and the severity of symptoms can vary. Adults may find that good systems and executive functioning skills training are enough to manage their symptoms. However, for those who continue to struggle, medication can provide additional focus and help filter out distractions.

    • Struggling with productivity despite best efforts? Consider ADHDIf long-term struggles with focus, organization, and impulsivity are significantly impacting daily life, consider speaking with a therapist or executive functioning coach about ADHD

      If you're struggling with productivity and organization despite your best efforts, it may be worth considering if you have ADHD. ADHD symptoms, such as difficulty focusing, impulsivity, and disorganization, can impact various areas of your life, not just at work. These symptoms typically manifest from a young age, ideally before the age of 12. If you've been struggling with these issues for a long time and they're significantly impacting your daily life, it might be worth speaking with a therapist or an executive functioning coach. If these interventions don't help, medication could be an option. It's essential to differentiate between a discipline problem and ADHD symptoms, but if you've been struggling with focus, organization, and impulsivity throughout your life, it might be worth exploring this possibility further.

    • Anxiety and ADHD: Overlapping SymptomsAnxiety and ADHD can have overlapping symptoms, including difficulty focusing and excessive worrying. Individuals with ADHD may also have dyslexia, which can present as subtle spelling and reading difficulties.

      Anxiety and ADHD can co-exist and sometimes be difficult to distinguish, as they can share some symptoms like hyperfocus and difficulty focusing on other things. Anxiety can cause excessive worrying, while ADHD may result in distractions and difficulty focusing on tasks. Additionally, individuals with ADHD are more likely to have dyslexia, which can present as difficulties with spelling and reading, especially with trickier words. The symptoms of dyslexia can be subtle and may not always involve seeing letters float around or reversing letters within a word. Instead, it may manifest as difficulties with memorizing the correct spelling of words or focusing while reading. It's important to remember that everyone's experience with these conditions is unique, and a proper diagnosis from a healthcare professional is crucial to understanding and managing them effectively.

    • Neurodiverse conditions impact handwriting and often co-occurADHD and dyslexia can affect handwriting and have heritable traits. Online quizzes offer insight but a professional diagnosis is necessary for proper support.

      ADHD and dyslexia are neurodiverse conditions that can impact handwriting, and they often go hand in hand. The speaker shared a personal experience of having backward checkmarks without realizing it, which brought back memories of feeling frustrated and misunderstood in school. While there are challenges associated with these conditions, they also come with unique advantages, such as creative problem-solving skills. Furthermore, ADHD is highly heritable, and if someone suspects they have it, there's a good chance a family member may have it as well. It's essential to remember that while online quizzes can provide some insight, a professional diagnosis is necessary for an accurate understanding and appropriate support.

    • Managing Adult ADHD: Resources from Russell Barkley and chad.orgExplore Russell Barkley's book for effective ADHD management and utilize chad.org for audio content, while finding joy in observing birds at a well-placed bird feeder contributes to overall well-being.

      For individuals dealing with ADHD, it's essential to seek out reliable resources to learn and manage their condition effectively. Russell Barkley, an expert in the field, offers valuable insights through his book "Taking Charge of Adult ADHD." For those who prefer audio content, chad.org is another resource. Additionally, finding simple joys in life, such as watching birds at a bird feeder, can contribute positively to overall well-being. Be sure to place the feeder in a spot that keeps squirrels and other unwanted visitors away while maximizing visibility for enjoyment.

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    To submit your own questions, sign up for my mailing list at calnewport.com. You can submit audio questions at https://www.speakpipe.com/CalNewport

    Please consider subscribing (which helps iTunes rankings) and leaving a review or rating (which helps new listeners decide to try the show).

    Thanks to our sponsor to Grammarly. For 20% off Grammarly Premium go to Grammarly.com/DEEP. Use your laptop or desktop (this link doesn't always work on phones).

    Here’s the full list of topics tackled in today’s episode along with the timestamps:


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    BACKSTAGE PASS [50:17]


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