
    Podcast Summary

    • Empowering Yourself in Breast Cancer HealthEveryone can educate themselves about breast cancer, be an advocate for their health, and make informed decisions with the help of medical professionals.

      Everyone, regardless of their fears or imperfections, has the power to be informed and empowered, especially when it comes to health matters like breast cancer. Dr. Donna Marie Manasseh, a surgical oncologist at Maimonides Medical Center's Breast Center in Brooklyn, shares her insights and experiences in this episode of Ologies. She emphasizes the importance of being an advocate for one's own health and encourages everyone to educate themselves about breast cancer, regardless of their gender or background. The conversation covers various topics, including different types of breast tissue, when to get screened, genetics, and lifestyle choices that can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Dr. Manasseh's approachable and inspiring demeanor makes the topic less intimidating and more accessible. So, take a moment to learn something new and join the conversation with Dr. Donna Marie Manasseh on Ologies.

    • A breast surgeon's personal journey and patient connectionBreast surgeons form long-term bonds with patients due to breast cancer's ongoing care needs and cultural significance.

      The relationship between a breast surgeon and their patients is unique due to the social and emotional significance of breasts. The speaker, a breast surgeon, shared his personal journey to becoming a doctor and the impact of his aunt's heart disease and mother-in-law's breast cancer diagnosis on his career choice. He emphasized the long-term connection between patients and breast surgeons, as breast cancer requires ongoing care and follow-up. The speaker also acknowledged the cultural significance of breasts, which may influence the patient-doctor relationship and outreach efforts in breast cancer treatment.

    • Empowered Women and Advocacy Drive Breast Cancer ProgressRegular self-exams, open discussions, and technological advancements contribute to early detection and saving lives from breast cancer.

      The progress made in breast cancer treatment and research is largely due to increased awareness and advocacy, fueled by women's empowerment and open discussions about the disease. This shift in attitude has led to numerous options for treatment and reconstruction, helping save lives. Regular self-exams are also crucial for early detection, as mammograms are not foolproof and can miss some cancers. The American Cancer Society reports that over 250,000 women in the US are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, with around 40,000 deaths. Breast cancer comes in various forms, and early detection is vital due to differences in tumor locations and spread. Technology advancements have led to better cancer detection, but it's essential to remember that cancer starts when normal cells become abnormal and the immune system fails to eliminate them. Regular self-exams and open discussions about breast health can save lives and encourage early detection.

    • Early detection of breast lumps for effective cancer treatmentRegular self-examinations, investigating changes, reducing stress, and avoiding inflammatory foods can help with early detection and strengthen your immune system against breast cancer.

      Early detection of breast lumps is crucial for effective cancer treatment, as these lumps can be your own cells that have gone awry. However, not all lumps are cancerous, and it's essential to be familiar with your breast health and any changes. Lifestyle factors, including stress and nutrition, can impact your immune system and potentially contribute to the development of breast cancer. Regular self-examinations and investigating any changes, no matter how small, are key to catching potential issues early. While we can't eliminate cancer entirely through lifestyle choices, reducing stress and avoiding exposure to inflammatory foods may help strengthen your immune system and improve overall health.

    • Diet and Inflammation: A New Approach to CancerA diet rich in inflammatory foods can contribute to cancer growth, while an anti-inflammatory diet can help prevent it. Technology and research advancements offer targeted therapies and genetic testing for informed decisions.

      Certain foods, such as refined carbohydrates, red and processed meats, and sugary beverages, can create an inflamed state in the body, which may contribute to the growth of cancer cells. On the other hand, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and plants can help create an anti-inflammatory environment, making it harder for cancer cells to thrive. This shift in perspective from attacking cancer cells directly to focusing on the health of the body as a whole is a promising development in cancer research. Advancements in technology and increased funding for research have led to a better understanding of the disease and the development of targeted therapies. Genetic testing, such as BRCA screening, can provide valuable information for individuals and their healthcare providers in making informed decisions about prevention and treatment. Overall, knowledge and information are key to surviving and living well with cancer.

    • Understanding the importance of healthcare professional evaluation for genetic test resultsGenetic tests provide valuable information, but results should be evaluated by healthcare professionals to ensure accurate interpretation and appropriate follow-up actions.

      While genetic testing can provide valuable information, it's important to remember that results need to be evaluated by a healthcare professional. A young woman's story illustrates this point – she discovered she carried the breast cancer gene in her twenties, thanks to her aunt's diagnosis, and was able to catch a very early cancer through regular screenings. The recommended imaging methods for breast cancer screening are mammograms, ultrasounds, and MRIs. Mammograms are the starting point for average-risk individuals at age 40, followed by ultrasounds if breasts are dense. MRIs are used more cautiously for specific cases. Despite the discomfort and fear surrounding breast cancer screenings and technology, they have significantly improved early detection and saved countless lives. Always consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice on your screening schedule.

    • Mammograms: A Reliable Choice for Early Breast Cancer DetectionMammograms remain effective in detecting and treating breast cancer, while enjoyable activities after appointments can help alleviate anxiety. A personalized treatment plan combining surgery, drug therapy, and radiation therapy may be necessary for invasive cancers.

      Mammograms are an essential tool in the early detection and treatment of breast cancer. Even if other options become available, mammograms remain a reliable choice due to their proven effectiveness. To make the experience more bearable, scheduling enjoyable activities after the appointment can help alleviate anxiety and discomfort. When it comes to treating breast cancer, a multi-faceted approach is often used, including surgery, drug therapy, and radiation therapy. The specific treatment plan depends on the unique characteristics of the tumor and its potential to spread. Early, non-invasive cancers may only require surgery, while invasive cancers may necessitate a combination of treatments to prevent the cancer from spreading beyond the breast tissue. Overall, the key is to stay informed, prioritize self-care, and work closely with healthcare professionals to develop an effective treatment plan.

    • A surgeon's deeply personal experience with performing surgerySurgery is a profound, intimate experience for a surgeon, connecting them with patients and providing opportunities for growth and bonding.

      For this surgeon, performing surgery is a deeply personal and meaningful experience. It's a battle against disease, a privilege to be that intimate with patients, and a source of connection and growth. Surgery is a routine part of her week, but for her patients, it's a life-changing moment. She takes her role seriously, using a pre-surgery ritual to ask for guidance and wisdom. The surgeries she performs range from removing cancer to benign tissue, and while patients sometimes ask to keep the benign tissue, none have asked for cancerous tissue. The surgeon's work has given her a large and growing family of patients, some of whom have become close friends. One particularly memorable patient was diagnosed with breast cancer around the same age as the surgeon, and their friendship continued even after the patient gave birth to twins. The surgeon sees herself as a part of her patients' stories and considers them family.

    • Unexpected connections and emotional experiences in healthcareMaintain balance, build support, stay informed, and focus on positives when dealing with cancer diagnosis

      Working in healthcare can bring unexpected connections and emotional experiences. The speaker shared stories of patients who considered her as their daughter and a pregnant woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer, leaving her husband in tears. To cope with the emotional burden, she reminds herself that patients look to her for strength and reassurance, and she tries to maintain a balance between work and personal life. She finds joy in reading about her patients and capturing human experiences through photography. When faced with particularly challenging situations, she turns to her husband for support and encouragement. For patients newly diagnosed with cancer, she recommends building a strong support system, staying informed about their condition, and focusing on the positive aspects of their lives.

    • Maintaining a positive mindset and finding joy during breast cancerRegular mammograms, early detection, support, and advocacy are crucial for those facing breast cancer. Awareness and checks aren't limited to October.

      Maintaining a positive mindset, including finding moments of joy and laughter, is crucial for those facing breast cancer. Regular mammograms and early detection significantly increase the chances of a good outcome. For partners and caregivers, providing support and being present are essential. October, while symbolizing breast cancer awareness, is not the only time for evaluations and checks. The speaker emphasizes the importance of advocacy and awareness during the month, but also throughout the year, as breast cancer doesn't only occur in October. There has been progress in raising awareness for men, trans, and non-binary individuals, but more education and resources are needed.

    • Breast cancer affects everyone, not just womenBe aware of hormonal risks, maintain good health, and adopt a holistic approach to prevent and manage breast cancer.

      Breast cancer is not just a women's issue, as anyone can develop it regardless of gender. Hormones, including estrogen, play a role in breast cancer development, and individuals taking hormonal therapies for various reasons should be aware of the potential risks. Hormone replacement therapy, for example, may increase the risk for some women. However, maintaining good health through nutrition, exercise, and low stress can help build a strong immune system and prevent cancer. For trans individuals, the issue of breast cancer is relatively new, but it's essential to be aware of the risks associated with hormone use. In terms of breast implants, the placement behind the muscle or tissue allows for easy screening during mammograms. Overall, a holistic approach to health, including mental, physical, sexual, and spiritual well-being, is crucial in preventing and managing breast cancer.

    • From ox cartilage to silicone: A brief history of breast implantsBreast implants have evolved from various materials to silicone and saline since the early 1900s. Beneficial for women who have lost their breasts due to cancer or prevention, it's essential to promote body positivity and acceptance.

      The history of breast implants dates back to the early 1900s, with doctors using various materials such as ox cartilage, rubber, wool, formaldehyde polymers, ivory, glass orbs, and even silicone for breast augmentation. The medical community has come a long way since then, with Dow Chemical patenting silicone breast implants in the 1960s and saline implants following. While there are psychological aspects to getting breast implants, from a medical standpoint, they can be beneficial for women who have lost their breasts due to cancer or prevention. Doctors often recommend letting patients feel the implants to alleviate fears and misconceptions about their appearance. It's important to remember that everyone has body image issues, and it's crucial to promote body positivity and acceptance. Additionally, breast cancer risk is not determined by breast size or shape.

    • Breast Cancer Myths and FactsDespite concerns, scientific consensus does not link deodorant use to breast cancer. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and prioritize accurate screening methods for prevention.

      While there are various concerns and questions regarding breast health, such as the use of aluminum in deodorant and the effectiveness of alternative methods, the scientific consensus does not support the claim that deodorant use increases the risk of breast cancer. Mammograms and ultrasounds remain essential tools for breast cancer screening, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle through exercise, nutrition, and creating a safe environment are crucial for prevention. The development of better screening methods, such as blood tests, is an ongoing research priority. Additionally, it's important to be cautious of sexist or objectifying breast cancer awareness campaigns and focus on genuine awareness and prevention efforts.

    • Importance of transparency and empowerment in breast cancerTransparent marketing, marijuana as aid, empowering portrayals, and support can help individuals navigate breast cancer challenges

      Awareness and empowerment are crucial in dealing with health issues, particularly breast cancer. The discussion highlighted the importance of transparency in marketing practices, as seen in the case of Dick's Sporting Goods and their pink items. Marijuana was discussed as a potential aid in managing chemotherapy side effects, but it's essential to make smart food choices for overall health. Empowering portrayals of breast cancer patients, like the scene from Sex and the City, can help inspire and uplift those going through the experience. It's essential to acknowledge the challenges and moments of doubt that come with battling a disease, but having the right support and mindset can help turn those moments into opportunities for growth and empowerment.

    • Comprehensive care for breast cancer survivorsAddress emotional and mental challenges, debunk myths, and provide emotional connection during recovery

      Providing comprehensive care for breast cancer survivors goes beyond just treating their physical health. Survivors often face emotional and mental challenges post-treatment, and it's crucial to address these issues through survivorship planning. Another important point is debunking myths surrounding breast cancer and mammograms. Contrary to popular belief, mammograms do not cause breast cancer, but rather help detect it at an early stage. Lastly, the healthcare professional shared that while there are challenges in her job, such as dealing with electronic medical records and ensuring patients are treated with dignity and respect, the most rewarding moment is the emotional connection she shares with her patients during their recovery journey. This includes the hug she gives them after successful surgery, which she described as the most fulfilling part of her work.

    • Discovering valuable insights through simple questionsAsking experts questions can lead to valuable insights and potentially life-saving information. Prioritize health with regular screenings and utilize resources like cancer.org, breastcancer.org, and Susan G Komen.

      Asking seemingly simple questions, even to experts, can lead to valuable insights and potentially life-saving information. This was emphasized during a conversation about breast cancer awareness and the importance of regular screenings. The speaker, a surgical oncologist, shared personal experiences and encouraged everyone to prioritize their health. He also emphasized the importance of resources like cancer.org, breastcancer.org, and Susan G Komen for further information and support. The episode concluded with a reminder to keep up with regular check-ups and to spread awareness about breast cancer. Additionally, the speaker shared an upcoming event for those interested in science communication and encouraged listeners to check it out. Finally, a secret was revealed about crystal deodorant and how it works to prevent body odor.

    • Embracing holistic well-beingPrioritize mental, physical, sexual, and spiritual health for overall well-being. Consider various fields of study to gain a comprehensive understanding of life.

      Life should be approached holistically for overall well-being. The speaker mentioned various fields of study, including pachydermatology, homiology, cryptozoology, and lithology, emphasizing the importance of considering all aspects of life. This includes mental, physical, sexual, and spiritual health. The speaker expressed the importance of taking care of oneself in all these dimensions. It's not just about physical health, but also mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The speaker ended the conversation with an expression of love and care, reminding us to prioritize our overall health and happiness.

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    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions and Jacob Chaffee

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
    en-usJune 27, 2024

    Andragogology (300TH EPISODE SPECIAL) with Alie Ward

    Andragogology (300TH EPISODE SPECIAL) with Alie Ward

    Boy howdy hot dang, Ologies has hit its 300th new episode! In celebration of this milestone, we’ve turned the tables and lead editor Mercedes Maitland hosts this episode with special guest… Alie Ward! We talk about Alie’s twists and turns finding her way into a career in science communication, selling art to child actors in LA, how she built Ologies from a small indie podcast into a chart-topping favorite, why it’s important to give adults a fun space in SciComm, putting yourself out there, how fear can kill curiosity, what it takes to be a science communicator and so much more. Buckle in for Mercedes’ debut as a host and find out whether she can be trusted to carry this beloved Fabergé egg we know as Ologies.

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    A donation went to TheScienceHaven.org

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    Other episodes you may enjoy: Pedagogology (SCIENCE COMMUNICATION), Tiktokology (THE TIKTOK APP), Alieology (YOUR HOST), FIELD TRIP: How to Change Your Life via the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles, Attention-Deficit Neuropsychology (ADHD), Volitional Psychology (PROCRASTINATION), Agnotology (IGNORANCE), Fearology (FEAR), Victimology (CRIME VICTIMS)

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    Hosted by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions

    Editing by Jacob Chaffee

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    Culicidology (MOSQUITOES) Part 2 with Fhallon Ware-Gilmore

    Culicidology (MOSQUITOES) Part 2 with Fhallon Ware-Gilmore

    Part 2 of mosquitoes is here! Now that you know WHY they would like to eat you mosquito expert and Culicidologist, Dr. Fhallon Ware-Gilmore of the CDC gives us SOLUTIONS. How do we avoid bites? Why do they itch so much? Which repellents are safe for whom? What should you use in your yard? Does climate change mean an ongoing hellscape thick with mosquitos? Could Jurassic Park happen? What if mosquitoes were to, say… go extinct? Also: how do we learn to love these things that vex us? 

    Follow Dr. Ware-Gilmore on Google Scholar and X

    A donation went to Malaria No More

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    Other episodes you may enjoy: Dolorology (PAIN), Entomology (INSECTS), Dipterology (FLIES), Acaropathology (TICKS & LYME DISEASE), Spheksology (WASPS), Melittology (BEES), Native Melittology (INDIGENOUS BEES), Environmental Toxicology (POISONS), Neuroendocrinology (SEX & GENDER)

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    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions and Jacob Chaffee

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
    en-usJune 12, 2024

    Culicidology (MOSQUITOES) Part 1 with Fhallon Ware-Gilmore

    Culicidology (MOSQUITOES) Part 1 with Fhallon Ware-Gilmore

    They’re gorgeous. They’re picky moms, and tremendous flirts. They are sparkly. And they drink blood. We hopped on the line with mosquito researcher, medical entomologist, CDC Epidemic Intelligence Service officers, and Culicidologist, Dr. Fhallon Ware-Gilmore to chat about mozzies. Why do skeeters bite you, specifically? Which ones should we watch out for? Why do they make high-pitched sounds? WHAT DO THEIR HELL MOUTHS LOOK LIKE? And how can I learn to love them? But also, how can I keep them away from me? Scream in your date's face and drink blood, if you’re a mosquito, because things are about to heat up. Next week: we’ll cover diseases and repellents, just for you. 

    Follow Dr. Ware-Gilmore on Google Scholar and X

    A donation went to Malaria No More

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    Other episodes you may enjoy: Entomology (INSECTS), Dipterology (FLIES), Acaropathology (TICKS & LYME DISEASE), Spheksology (WASPS), Melittology (BEES), Native Melittology (INDIGENOUS BEES), Environmental Toxicology (POISONS)

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    Follow @AlieWard on Instagram and X

    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions and Jacob Chaffee

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
    en-usJune 05, 2024

    Anagnosology (READING) with Adrian Johns

    Anagnosology (READING) with Adrian Johns

    Clay tablets! Printing presses! Old timey audio books! Speed reading strategies! Attention spans! Dyslexia history! Literacy campaigns! Dr. Adrian Johns is an historian, professor, and author of the book “The Science of Reading” and we have a nice mellow chat about when humans started to “read,” what that means, being Hooked on Phonics, Dick, Jane, character languages, audiobooks, e-readers, school segregation, literacy rates, and how long we can focus at a time. He literally wrote the book on it. 

    Visit Dr. Adrian Johns’ faculty bio at University of Chicago

    Shop Dr. Johns’ books including The Science of Reading: Information, Media, and Mind in Modern America (2023) and The Nature of the Book: Print and Knowledge in the Making (1998)

    A donation went to 826LA.org and Glioblastoma Research Organization

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    Follow @AlieWard on Instagram and X

    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions and Jacob Chaffee

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
    en-usMay 29, 2024

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    Mantodeology (PRAYING MANTISES) with Lohitashwa Garikipati

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    Follow Lohit on Instagram and iNaturalist

    A donation went to the World Wildlife Fund

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    Other episodes you may enjoy: Entomology (INSECTS), Spheksology (WASPS), Melittology (BEES), Native Melittology (INDIGENOUS BEES), Myrmecology (ANTS), Etymology (WORD ORIGINS), Mythology (STORYTELLING)

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    Follow @AlieWard on Instagram and X

    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions and Jacob Chaffee

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
    en-usMay 22, 2024

    Minisode: Some Small/Smol Announcements

    Minisode: Some Small/Smol Announcements

    A short little episode to tell you about a change we're making to Ologies that I am genuinely very pumped about, as well as some weird secrets I did not intend to tell. But my point is that you can now have a kid-safe show and feed that is safe for kids and classrooms and a road trip with your shy parents. 

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    Follow @AlieWard on Instagram and X

    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions, Jacob Chaffee, and Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
    en-usMay 16, 2024

    Genocidology (CRIMES OF ATROCITY) with Dirk Moses

    Genocidology (CRIMES OF ATROCITY) with Dirk Moses

    The world is confusing, but there are experts in everything. In our least funny episode ever, we thankfully convinced a global expert, professor, researcher, author, and Genocidologist (it’s a real word) Dr. Dirk Moses to answer the questions that we may secretly have: What exactly is genocide? How long has it been happening? Is it a war crime? Is it a crime of atrocity? Who makes up humanitarian law? What's self-defense — and what's offense? How is it litigated? Whose business is it? Why do we do this to each other? What can be done? It’s a dense, long episode with lots of asides for history and context, but it might be just what you need to give you perspective on the conditions — and cycles of trauma — that can lead to crimes of atrocities. 

    Follow Dr. Dirk Moses on  X

    Read his book, “The Problems of Genocide: Permanent Security and the Language of Transgression

    A donation went to student tuition at City College of New York

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    Other episodes you may enjoy: 

    Agnotology (IGNORANCE), Genealogy (FAMILY TREES), Nomology (THE CONSTITUTION), Indigenous Fire Ecology (GOOD FIRE),  Indigenous Cuisinology (NATIVE FOODS), Indigenous Pedology (SOIL SCIENCE),  Ethnoecology (ETHNOBOTANY/NATIVE PLANTS),  Bryology (MOSS), Black American Magirology (FOOD, RACE & CULTURE), Bisonology (BISON)

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    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions, Jacob Chaffee, and Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media

    Additional producing and research by Mercedes Maitland

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Smologies #43: CICADAS with Gene Kritsky

    Smologies #43: CICADAS with Gene Kritsky

    They are numerous. They are patient. They are COMING for the United States in droves this spring: They are cicadas. *The* Cicada guy Dr. Gene Kritsky joins to chat all about the annual cicadas you may see every summer vs. the periodical ones that cycle through the states in broods of giant numbers. Learn how they survive underground for decades, what they are doing down there, all about their lifecycle, why some cozy up underground for 17 years while others get moving 4 years quicker, plus get inspired to take a cicada safari, download Cicada Safari, and appreciate their songs, which can be as loud as an ambulance. By the end, you’ll want to don a bug costume and take a road trip to one of the 18 states expecting a periodical emergence this spring!

    Dr. Gene Kritsky’s new cicada book A Tale of Two Broods: The 2024 Emergence of Periodical Cicada Broods XIII and XIX

    Download the Cicada Safari app at the Apple Store or Google Play Store.

    Check out Gene’s website

    Also see CicadaMania.com, and follow them on Instagram

    A donation was made to Mount Saint Joseph’s cicada research in the School of Behavioral and Natural Sciences

    Full-length (*not* G-rated) Cicadology episode + tons of science links

    More kid-friendly Smologies episodes!

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    Sound editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions, Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media and Steven Ray Morris

    Made possible by work from Noel Dilworth, Susan Hale, Kelly R. Dwyer, Emily White, & Erin Talbert

    Smologies theme song by Harold Malcolm

    Foraging Ecology (EATING WILD PLANTS) Encore with @BlackForager, Alexis Nikole Nelson

    Foraging Ecology (EATING WILD PLANTS) Encore with @BlackForager, Alexis Nikole Nelson

    Mustard gossip. Knotweed recipes. Cow parsnips. Serviceberry appreciation. Hogweed warnings. Dead man’s fingers. The incredibly knowledgeable and entertaining Alexis Nikole Nelson a.k.a. @BlackForager walks us through Foraging Ecology with a ginormous bushel of tips & tricks for finding edibles at all times of the year, from blossoms to fungus. Belly up for this encore detailing invasive snacks, elusive mushrooms, magnolia cookies, mugwort potatoes, violet cocktails, foraging guides, weed trivia and tips to avoid poisonous berries. Also: finding community, history, land stewardship and why foraging is important, empowering and quite tasty.

    Follow Alexis @BlackForager on Instagram, TikTok, X, and Youtube

    A donation went to Backyard Basecamp

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    Smologies (short, classroom-safe) episodes

    Other episodes you may enjoy: Indigenous Fire Ecology (GOOD FIRE), Indigenous Cuisinology (NATIVE FOODS), Indigenous Pedology (SOIL SCIENCE), Ethnoecology (ETHNOBOTANY/NATIVE PLANTS), Bryology (MOSS), Mycology (MUSHROOMS), Cucurbitology (PUMPKINS), Carobology (NOT-CHOCOLATE TREES), Pomology (APPLES), Black American Magirology (FOOD, RACE & CULTURE)

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    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions, Jacob Chaffee, and Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

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    Sound editing by Steven Ray Morris

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn