
    SWE:BDSM with Guest Sex Nerd Sandra

    enNovember 16, 2013

    Podcast Summary

    • Explore and enhance your pleasure during summerDiscover longer-lasting intimacy and heightened pleasure with Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel. The iconic Magic Wand vibrator offers powerful vibrations for solo or partnered play.

      Summer is the season of passion and exploration, and there are tools available to enhance the experience. Promescent's line of pleasure enhancing products, such as their legendary delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help individuals last longer and heighten pleasure. Meanwhile, the iconic Magic Wand vibrator continues to be a game-changer for solo and partnered play, offering powerful vibrations and various iterations to fit different lifestyles. These products can help make summer the sexiest season yet. For those interested, promescent.com/emily offers an exclusive discount and a 60-day money-back guarantee. Additionally, sexwithemily.com/magicwand provides more information on the Magic Wand's history and benefits. Embrace your sexuality and explore new ways to enhance your pleasure.

    • Women's Orgasms During Casual Sex vs. Committed RelationshipsWomen are less likely to orgasm during casual sex than committed relationships. Societal norms and communication challenges can impact women's ability to express their desires and needs, highlighting the importance of open dialogue and education.

      Women are less likely to orgasm during casual sex than during committed relationships. This was revealed in a recent study that gained attention in the media. The hosts of the podcast discussed their experiences and shared stories about their own encounters with this issue. They also touched upon the societal norms around discussing sex and the challenges women face in expressing their desires and needs. The podcast also featured a call-in segment where listeners could ask sex-related questions, emphasizing the importance of open communication and education around sexual health and pleasure.

    • Building trust and communication leads to mutual satisfaction in sexual encountersResearch shows that both men and women are more likely to orgasm in the context of a relationship, highlighting the importance of trust and open communication for fulfilling sexual experiences.

      Communication and trust are key factors in achieving mutual satisfaction during sexual encounters, especially in the context of hookups where both men and women may struggle to express their desires and needs. The discussion highlighted the existence of an orgasm discrepancy between genders in such situations, with women often being less vocal about their pleasure and men unsure of how to please their partners. The researchers found that both genders were more likely to orgasm in the context of a relationship, suggesting that building trust and open communication can lead to more fulfilling sexual experiences. The conversation also touched upon the various triggers that can lead to orgasms for some individuals, emphasizing the importance of understanding individual preferences and reacting to them in the moment.

    • The orgasm gap: Bridging the difference between male and female climaxesMen typically reach orgasm faster than women, but open communication, longer foreplay, and focusing on clitoral stimulation can help bridge the gap.

      The orgasm gap between men and women is a significant issue, with men typically taking less time to reach orgasm than women. Dr. Debbie Herbenek, a sex expert from Indiana University, emphasizes that not enough women are having orgasms and encourages open communication about sexual needs. A solution to help bridge this gap is the use of Promescent, an FDA-approved treatment for premature ejaculation that allows men to last longer during intercourse. Additionally, focusing on foreplay, getting close to your partner, and understanding the importance of clitoral stimulation can help increase the chances of female orgasm. It's important to remember that porn often doesn't represent real-life sex and encourages a different approach. Instead, slowing down, getting closer, and learning how to please your partner through different techniques can lead to more satisfying sexual experiences for both parties.

    • Exploring life at a slower paceSlowing down can lead to new discoveries, whether it's exploring a city or introspection. Prioritize self-love and self-care through self-marriage.

      Experiencing life at a slower pace can lead to discovering new things, whether it's exploring a city on foot or discovering new aspects of oneself. The speakers in this conversation discussed the importance of taking the time to truly feel and connect, whether that's through touching or introspection. They also touched on the idea of self-marriage as a way to prioritize self-love and self-care. While some may find the concept of self-marriage silly, others see it as a meaningful way to affirm personal commitments and prioritize oneself. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of taking the time to truly engage with the world around us and with ourselves.

    • Modern wedding gifts and registriesCouples prefer modern alternatives to traditional household items for wedding gifts, such as honeymoon funds or experiences. Open communication and exploration are essential for maintaining a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship.

      Traditional wedding registries and the expectation of receiving new household items as gifts during marriage may not resonate with modern couples. Many people have lived independently or together before marriage and prefer to use alternative methods for funding experiences or specific items they desire. The honeymoon fund is an example of a more modern approach. However, even with these alternatives, financial constraints can still lead to the return of unwanted gifts. The conversation also touched upon the topic of sex toys and their importance in relationships, with the Jeju Mimi vibrator being a favorite among the speakers. Despite the embarrassment, the speakers emphasized the significance of open communication and exploration in maintaining a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship.

    • Exploring kink in a new relationshipApproach the conversation with care, define terms, and have deep, introspective conversations to understand comfort levels when exploring kink in a new relationship.

      Exploring new aspects of intimacy and sexuality, such as kink, can be a sensitive topic in a new relationship. It's important to approach the conversation with care and consideration. Defining what kink means and using third-party references can help ease the conversation. It may be helpful to have deep, introspective conversations with the person to understand their comfort level and feelings towards the topic. Remember, everyone's sexual preferences and comfort levels are unique, and open and respectful communication is key. The speaker shared a personal story of her first experience with a sex toy at a store called "Good Vibes," emphasizing the importance of feeling safe and comfortable when exploring new sexual experiences.

    • Exploring sexual interests with a new partnerCommunicate openly, wait for deeper connection, approach conversation with sensitivity, and use tools like a 'yes, no, maybe' list.

      When exploring potential sexual interests or kinks with a new partner, it's important to communicate openly and wait until you have a deeper connection before delving too deeply into sensitive topics. The conversation should be respectful and exploratory, with an emphasis on finding common ground and building trust. It's also important to remember that everyone has different comfort levels and experiences, so it's essential to approach the conversation with sensitivity and understanding. Additionally, using tools like a "yes, no, maybe" list can be a helpful way to explore new interests in a fun and non-threatening way. Ultimately, the key is to be patient, respectful, and open-minded in your approach to discussing kinks and sexual interests with a new partner.

    • Open communication and exploring new things in BDSMCommunication is essential for understanding boundaries and desires in BDSM. Approach new experiences with care, consent, and open communication.

      Open communication and willingness to explore new things are crucial in a relationship, especially when it comes to intimacy and exploring BDSM. If a partner is not open to discussing or trying new things, it might be a sign that they're not the right match. Communication is key to understanding each other's boundaries and desires. BDSM, which stands for Bondage, Discipline, Dominance, Submission, Sadism, and Masochism, can be an exciting way to add variety to a relationship, but it's essential to approach it with care and consent. A good starting point for exploring BDSM is to have an open and honest conversation with your partner and consider taking classes or workshops together. Remember, every relationship is unique, and what works for one couple may not work for another. Always prioritize consent, safety, and open communication.

    • Exploring new sexual experiences in a relationshipCommunicate openly, start small, and build from there to add excitement and deepen connection in a long-term relationship through consensual and safe experimentation.

      Exploring new areas in a sexual relationship, such as BDSM, can add excitement and variety. A simple way to start is by incorporating small elements, like bondage or a blindfold, and seeing how it enhances sensation and plays with power dynamics. Communication is key, and discussing preferences and interests openly can lead to deeper exploration and understanding between partners. If you're in a long-term relationship and feeling like you need to add some spice, consider starting with a small experiment and building from there. Remember, the goal is to make each other feel desired and appreciated while exploring new sensations and power dynamics in a consensual and safe way.

    • Open communication enhances sexual relationshipsShare favorite memories and fantasies, introduce new experiences, and focus on positive communication to expand sexual horizons and deepen connection

      Open communication is key to exploring and enhancing your sexual relationship. Instead of focusing on negative aspects or problems, aim to talk about sex in the context of positive experiences and memories. Start by sharing your favorite sexual memories or fantasies, and encourage your partner to do the same. Introduce new experiences through shared activities like watching TV shows or listening to podcasts together. Remember, it's important to start slow and build up to more intimate or adventurous experiences. The goal is to add to the relationship, not detract from it. By focusing on the positive and communicating openly, you can expand your sexual horizons and deepen your connection with your partner.

    • Communication and Trust are Key in BDSM RelationshipsEffective communication and trust are vital in BDSM relationships. Establish these elements before exploring bondage, discipline, sadism, masochism, dominance, and submission practices. Don't force oneself to stay in a relationship if it's not the right fit, and express feelings without rushing.

      Effective communication and trust are essential elements before engaging in BDSM practices. The caller's question about staying in a relationship where one person loves more than the other was also discussed, and it was suggested that it might not be the best time to force oneself to stay in a relationship if one knows it's not the right fit. The callers emphasized the importance of talking about relationships and shared their experiences. The discussion also touched on the basics of BDSM, which includes bondage, discipline, sadism, masochism, dominance, and submission. It's crucial to establish trust and communication before exploring these practices. Additionally, the callers encouraged listeners to express their feelings and not rush into relationships.

    • Honesty and consideration in relationshipsCommunicating honestly and considerately, even in difficult conversations, can lead to personal growth and emotional well-being. Seeking help for attachment issues and recognizing patterns in behavior can also promote healthy relationships.

      It's important to communicate honestly and considerately in relationships, even if the conversation may lead to a difficult decision like ending the relationship. Prolonging a relationship beyond its natural course can hinder both parties' growth and potential for finding happiness with someone else. Recognizing patterns in one's own behavior and seeking professional help, such as therapy, can be beneficial for understanding and addressing personal attachment issues. Communicating openly and truthfully, even if it's uncomfortable, can ultimately lead to personal growth and emotional well-being.

    • Exploring Soft Materials for MasturbationJen's preference for soft materials led her to seek toys that don't hurt, and the hosts suggested she try grinding against a vibrator inside a t-shirt, using a vibrating pillow or wedge, or experimenting with different positions and materials for more variety. Jen's unique sensation of 'mushing' against objects during orgasm was also discussed.

      During their conversation, Jen shared her preference for grinding on soft materials like t-shirts while masturbating, but she's been having trouble finding toys that don't hurt. The hosts helped her explore different options, such as using a vibrator inside a t-shirt or trying a vibrating pillow or wedge. Jen also mentioned that she's a "musher" and enjoys pressing up firmly against objects as she gets closer to orgasm. The hosts suggested trying different positions and materials for more variety. While Jen doesn't necessarily need a soft toy to orgasm, she was looking for something to grind against that has more give than typical sex toys. The conversation ended with the hosts suggesting Jen check out Good Vibes and their new Mimi Soft toy, which is softer than previous versions.

    • Exploring Different Ways to Experience OrgasmsExperiment with various sex toys, find what works best for your body, and practice for optimal pleasure and self-discovery.

      There are various ways to experience orgasms and explore sexual pleasure, each with its unique benefits and considerations. Jen shared her experiences with using a vibrator and the issue of bruising, and recommended a soft, malleable toy called the Butterfly Kiss. She also mentioned trying different sex toys, such as the Hitachi Magic Wand and a rabbit vibrator, and emphasized the importance of practice and finding what works best for one's body. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of experimentation, self-discovery, and open communication in sexual health and pleasure.

    • Explore your own body for pleasureFocus on self-pleasure through Sensate Focus to improve connection to your body and enhance overall pleasure

      It's essential to celebrate and explore your own body for pleasure, not just relying on a sex partner. Sex Nerd Sandra emphasized that people, especially those who identify as sex nerds, often neglect solo play and focusing on their own bodies. She suggested practicing Sensate Focus, which involves focusing on pressure, temperature, and texture to help individuals be more present in their bodies. By paying attention to simple sensations like the feeling of your own hand on your arm, you can experience pleasure and improve your overall connection to your body. Remember, everyone deserves to feel good in their own skin, regardless of relationship status.

    • Exploring non-genital areas for enhanced intimacyFocusing on sensitive zones like the neck can enhance intimacy. Communication and understanding individual needs are key to deep connections.

      Exploring and focusing on non-genital areas like the neck during intimate moments can enhance the overall experience for both partners. The neck, being a highly sensitive and erogenous zone, is often overlooked in favor of more obvious areas. Communication and awareness are key in ensuring that all parts of the body receive attention and affection. The speaker also shared her personal journey of self-discovery and learning to prioritize authenticity and self-improvement in her relationships, whether monogamous or polyamorous. It's important to remember that every relationship is unique, and taking the time to understand and cater to individual needs and desires can lead to deeper, more fulfilling connections.

    • Exploring New Experiences: 'Blue is the Warmest Color'The podcast discussed the explicit lesbian film, comparing it to a pornographic experience, and emphasized the importance of confidence and exploring new experiences, with a promotion code for listeners to purchase pheromone-infused products.

      The podcast "Sex with Emily" discussed the controversial film "Blue is the Warmest Color," which features explicit lesbian sex scenes. The hosts expressed their excitement about the film and compared it to a pornographic experience. They also mentioned their desire to feel confident and sexy, and shared a promotion code for listeners to get a discount on pheromone-infused products from Crazygirlproducts.com. The podcast also featured a review of the film on the Film Vault podcast, providing more options for listeners to explore. Overall, the episode highlighted the importance of exploring new experiences, feeling confident, and having open discussions about sexuality.

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