
    Podcast Summary

    • The Magic Wand: A Cultural Icon of Powerful VibrationsThe Magic Wand, a legendary vibrator, offers powerful vibrations and comes in various models, making it a trusted and popular choice for unapologetic pleasure. Promescent's lineup of enhancing products can help extend and intensify summer experiences.

      The magic wand, a iconic vibrator, offers powerful and deep vibrations, earning it the title of "Cadillac of vibrators" and a cultural icon. With various iterations available, including wireless, mini, micro, and plush models, all retaining the original's powerful rumble, the magic wand continues to be a trusted and popular choice for unapologetic pleasure. Additionally, Promescent's lineup of pleasure enhancing products, such as the legendary delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help enhance summer experiences by extending duration and intensifying pleasure, respectively.

    • A membership platform for sex advice with personalized access to hostsJoin Friends With Benefits for affordable access to sex therapists, priority communication, and exclusive content

      Friends With Benefits is a membership platform where members get priority access to the show's hosts, including personalized email responses and exclusive videos. The membership costs $4.95 per month or $49.95 per year, making it an affordable solution for those seeking advice on their sex-related issues. The hosts, Emily and Menace, assure that members get a "free sex therapist" experience, and they encourage members to call in with their questions using the provided phone number. The platform prioritizes clear communication and efficiency, with hosts expressing frustration when instructions are not followed correctly. The hosts also share their honest opinions about various topics, including their experiences with callers and their beliefs about certain stereotypes. Overall, Friends With Benefits offers a unique and engaging experience for individuals seeking advice and connection on sex-related matters.

    • The speaker's past experiences and relationships impact his current perceptions towards womenRecognizing and addressing past experiences and relationships can lead to healthier perceptions and behaviors in current relationships.

      The speaker's past experiences and relationships, particularly with his mother, may be impacting his current perceptions and behaviors towards women. He holds strong beliefs that women can be annoying and nagging, and he doesn't tolerate disrespect or mistreatment. However, he also acknowledges having issues with availability and being unavailable in relationships. The speaker's desire for a polyamorous relationship was also discussed. It's important to note that these beliefs and behaviors are not universal and may not apply to all men or women. Understanding and addressing underlying issues can lead to healthier relationships.

    • Dogs help women meet menDogs can be great conversation starters and lead to connections with new men. However, relationships can be unpredictable.

      Having a dog can be an effective way for women to meet new men. The speaker shared an experience of a guy checking out her dog as an excuse to approach her, leading to a connection. The conversation also touched upon the common perception that a woman with a dog is more likely to be in a relationship. However, the discussion took an unexpected turn when the speaker shared a story about her friend's recent breakup, highlighting how men can sometimes end relationships abruptly. Despite the harshness of the situation, the speaker remains optimistic and plans to support her friend during this difficult time. Overall, the conversation underscores the power of pets in bringing people together and the unpredictability of relationships.

    • Challenges of dating with young childrenOlder partners may not want to deal with the responsibilities of dating someone with young kids, but it's important to acknowledge the challenges and end unsuitable relationships early.

      Relationships can be challenging, especially when one or both partners have young children. In the discussion, it was mentioned that a man's kids being older didn't make sense for him to continue in a relationship with someone who had a younger child. He felt that with older kids, he had already been through the experiences of dating and raising a family, and didn't want to go through it again. However, it seemed that his main concern was the other woman's availability due to her parental responsibilities. The conversation also touched upon the difficulties of dating with children and the harsh realities of breakups. Despite the challenges, it was acknowledged that it's better to end things earlier rather than wasting more time in an unsuitable relationship. The conversation also included lighter topics like attending a wine tasting event and the various topics for their radio show, which included discussions on strap ons, performance anxiety, body image, comparing current partners to exes, and the importance of touching and pleasuring women's breasts for orgasms.

    • Sexual experiences and sensations differ greatlyEveryone's comfort levels and experiences are unique, build confidence, approach with care and respect, and remember validity and openness.

      Sexual experiences and sensations can vary greatly from person to person. The discussion touched upon the possibility of experiencing orgasms through breast stimulation, and how some women, even those with breast implants, might be able to achieve this. However, it's important to remember that everyone's comfort levels and experiences are unique. For those who are new to sexual exploration, it's crucial to build confidence and become more comfortable around women, and to approach sexual experiences with care and respect for one's partner's boundaries. It's also important to remember that everyone's sexual experiences and preferences are valid, and it's essential to approach these topics with an open mind and a non-judgmental attitude.

    • Practicing social skills for authentic romantic experiencesKeep trying new ways to meet people, focus on building meaningful connections, and remember everyone's experiences are unique with ups and downs.

      Practicing social skills and putting yourself out there can lead to more natural and authentic romantic experiences. This can involve joining classes, meeting people in everyday places, or using online dating platforms. It's important to remember that everyone's experiences are unique, and it's normal for there to be ups and downs along the way. The key is to keep trying and seeking out new opportunities to connect with others. Additionally, there is no definitive timeline for when it's appropriate to take things to the next level sexually, as this can depend on the individual and the relationship dynamics. Ultimately, the goal is to approach dating with a positive attitude, a willingness to learn, and a focus on building meaningful connections.

    • Preparation and Confidence in New ExperiencesCheck condoms, take improv classes, stay informed, and embrace change. Humor and communication skills help in new experiences. Authenticity of news reports should be questioned.

      Preparation and confidence are key when it comes to new experiences, especially related to relationships and sex. A humorous anecdote was shared about the importance of checking condoms and buying the right ones, as well as the unexpected challenge of putting one on for the first time. Improvisation classes were suggested as a way to build confidence and communication skills. In the news, an incident of a lesbian couple being asked to stop holding hands at a museum exhibit raised questions about homophobia, but the authenticity of the report was uncertain. Lastly, the introduction of a gay Archie character getting married in the comics was shared as a reminder of the evolving representation of diverse identities in popular culture. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of being prepared, staying informed, and embracing change.

    • New beer for women: Expressing femininity with 'anime'A new beer for women, called 'anime', was introduced in the UK, marketed towards expressing femininity based on Carl Jung's psychology. The Obama administration's new recommendation for free contraceptives was seen as a positive step towards making birth control more accessible and affordable.

      There were various topics discussed in this conversation, ranging from personal preferences and experiences to current events. One topic that stood out was the introduction of a new beer called anime, marketed towards women in the UK. The term "anime" was explained to mean the expression of one's feminine side, according to Carl Jung's psychology. Another topic was the affordability of birth control and the Obama administration's new recommendation for free contraceptives for women. This was seen as a positive step towards making birth control more accessible and affordable, which could potentially reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies. Overall, the conversation touched on a variety of subjects, from music and pop culture to current social issues.

    • Challenges in Celebrity RelationshipsPowerful women in entertainment often leave their partners as they rise, and controlling relationships can pose unique challenges for high-profile couples. Panties were found to be the most popular sexy lingerie item in a recent poll.

      The entertainment industry can present unique challenges when it comes to maintaining long-term relationships between celebrities, with strong egos and the pressure to be famous often playing a role. For instance, the recent news about J.Lo's past relationship with a lesser-known singer, who was reportedly controlling and aggressive, highlights the difficulties that can arise when two high-profile individuals try to make it work. Additionally, there seems to be a pattern of powerful women in the industry leaving their partners behind as they continue to rise, which some argue may be due to men feeling threatened by their success. Moving on from relationships, a poll on Sex with Emily revealed that the most popular piece of lingerie found sexy by respondents was panties, while garter belts, bras, nighties, and stockings trailed behind.

    • Appreciating small things mattersComplimenting your partner's appearance and efforts can boost their confidence and attraction. Aim for 10 compliments a day, and respect each other's lingerie preferences.

      Appreciation and compliments, even about seemingly small things like lingerie, can make a significant impact on someone's self-confidence and attraction. The speaker in this conversation emphasized the importance of acknowledging a partner's beauty and effort in their appearance. However, the conversation also touched on the idea that not all types of lingerie are appealing to everyone, and it's essential to respect each other's preferences. The speaker suggested a "10 compliments a day" plan as a way to consistently express admiration and admire the details, even if they might seem insignificant. The conversation also touched on the topic of pre-sex activities and preferences, with the speaker expressing a preference for taking a bath or shower before intimacy. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of communication, respect, and appreciation in a relationship.

    • Discussing sex toys and communication in relationshipsOpen communication and understanding are crucial in relationships, especially when discussing sensitive topics like sex toys and desires. Be attentive to each other's needs and fears, and offer support and understanding.

      Communication and consideration are key in any relationship, whether it's romantic or platonic. In the discussion, it was mentioned that Tom, a premium member, was interested in anal toys and strap-ons, specifically for being penetrated. Emily, in her response, offered a discount code for listeners to explore such items on Adam and Eve. However, a listener named Jeff shared his concern about his recent inability to perform sexually after taking a year-long break from sex and masturbation. The conversation highlighted the importance of open communication and understanding in relationships, as Jeff expressed his fear of potentially ruining a new connection. Overall, the conversation underscores the significance of being attentive to each other's needs and desires, and being willing to communicate openly and honestly.

    • The benefits of being alone for personal growthTaking time to be single and focus on personal growth can enhance relationships and sexual experiences through increased perspective and self-confidence.

      Taking time to be alone and focus on personal growth can be beneficial for individuals, particularly in the context of relationships and sexual experiences. The speaker shared her personal experience of valuing the time she spent being single and how it helped her gain perspective and reduce obsession with relationships. Additionally, the discussion touched on the importance of addressing sexual concerns with open communication and self-confidence, and the freedom to make choices that enhance personal confidence, such as considering labiaplasty, is a personal decision.

    • Embracing body image and past traumas for confidenceBuild self-love, prioritize sexual health, communicate openly about testing and protection, and wait for a partner who accepts you as you are.

      Everyone experiences body image issues and past traumas, and it's essential to build confidence and self-love. The speaker discussed her own experiences with being teased for her weight and labia, and she encouraged a young woman with similar concerns to be confident and wait for a partner who accepts and loves her as she is. Regarding sexual health, the importance of using protection and getting tested regularly was emphasized, as 1 in 5 Americans have genital herpes, and many are unaware they have it. The speaker also mentioned that women are more susceptible to herpes due to the efficiency of male-to-female transmission. It's crucial to prioritize sexual health and communicate openly with partners about testing and protection.

    • Respecting Diversity in Intimacy and BodiesCommunication and experimentation are crucial for pleasurable intimacy. Sensitivity levels vary greatly, and individual preferences and experiences should be respected. Breast surgery can impact sensitivity, so consider potential risks and benefits before procedures.

      While we may have unexpected fan bases in unexpected places, such as Spain, it's important to respect and appreciate the diversity of preferences and experiences when it comes to bodies and intimacy. For instance, some women prefer to be touched on their breasts for pleasure and can even orgasm through breast stimulation. However, sensitivity levels vary greatly, and what feels good for one person may not for another. Therefore, communication and experimentation are key. Additionally, breast surgery can impact sensitivity levels, and it's important to consider these potential risks and benefits before undergoing such procedures. Ultimately, it's essential to approach intimacy with an open mind and a willingness to learn and adapt to individual preferences.

    • Breast size and sexualityBreast size doesn't impact sensitivity or sexual adventurousness. Breasts are erogenous zones for both genders, and nipple and breast stimulation can enhance arousal. Preferences for breast play vary, and communication and consent are crucial in any sexual encounter.

      Breast size does not determine sensitivity or sexual adventurousness in women. Breasts are closely connected to women's primary erogenous zones and can increase arousal during sex. Both women and men find breasts sexually stimulating, and nipple and breast stimulation can enhance arousal. Women often touch their breasts during sex for pleasure. People with various sexual orientations and backgrounds have different preferences when it comes to breast play. If you're curious about what our listeners like, feel free to email us feedback at sexwithlomy.com. Regarding the question about a man being willing to be penetrated by a woman with a strap on, it depends on individual preferences and sexual orientations. Some people in the gay community might be open to it, while others might not be. Ultimately, communication and consent are key in any sexual encounter.

    • Emphasizing Consent and Communication in Sexual EncountersDuring intimacy, it's crucial to communicate openly, respect boundaries, and obtain consent for new experiences, such as anal stimulation or breast touching.

      Communication and consent are crucial in any sexual encounter. During a conversation, Emily emphasized that it's essential not to pressure someone into doing something they're uncomfortable with, such as anal stimulation. She also shared that men can enjoy anal stimulation, and everyone should try new things with their partner's consent. Additionally, Emily discussed the importance of touching and complimenting a woman's breasts during intimacy, emphasizing that it should be done softly and with care. She also mentioned that receiving compliments or being called names during sex can be a turn-on for some people. Overall, the conversation highlighted the significance of open communication, consent, and respect in sexual relationships.

    • Enhancing intimacy through food and beveragesExploring sensual experiences with food and beverages during intimate moments can add pleasure and excitement, but be mindful of potential health risks.

      Exploring sensual experiences with food and beverages during intimate moments can enhance pleasure and excitement for both partners. However, it's important to be mindful of potential health risks, such as infections from sugary substances on sensitive areas. Some suggestions include using whipped cream, chocolate, or peanut butter on the breasts, or trying a Hawaiian pizza slice as a playful alternative. Other ideas include using champagne or a rap video theme for added excitement. People seemed to enjoy the previous show, and it's a challenge to provide a great show every day. A special offer from Adam and Eve for Sex With Emily listeners includes 50% off one item, three free adult DVDs, a free extra gift, and free shipping when using the offer code "Emily" at checkout.

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