
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring game-changing sex toys and pleasure-enhancing productsThe magic wand, a classic sex toy, offers powerful vibrations and has inspired various iterations. Delay spray and warming arousal gel can enhance sexual experiences by extending pleasure and heightening sensitivity.

      The magic wand, a iconic sex toy, offers powerful and deep vibrations, making it a trusted confidant and symbol of unapologetic pleasure. First introduced decades ago, it has since inspired countless iterations, including wireless, mini, micro, and plush versions, all preserving the original's powerful rumble. Additionally, products like Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel can enhance sexual experiences by extending pleasure and heightening sensitivity. These tools, along with the magic wand, have been game-changers for individuals seeking to elevate their sex lives. So, whether you're looking for a trusted vibrator or pleasure-enhancing products, consider exploring the offerings from these innovative brands.

    • Sex with Emily: A Solution to Sexual Issues for 15¢ a DayThe Sex with Emily hotline offers affordable, confidential advice on sex and relationships, with a host who is committed to addressing callers' concerns and providing valuable insights.

      The sex advice hotline, Sex with Emily, offers a solution to sex-related issues for just 15¢ a day. The host, Emily, encourages listeners to call in with their questions and assures them of priority. The hotline number is available on the website, sexwithemily.com. During the discussion, there was a misunderstanding about whether the service is international or not. The host expressed frustration when callers don't follow instructions or ask repetitive questions. They also shared anecdotes about dealing with difficult callers, such as one who brought a dog to the studio. The host reflected on her own personal beliefs and behaviors, suggesting that her relationship with her mother might influence her attitudes towards women. Overall, the hotline provides a safe and accessible space for people to seek advice and guidance on their sexual health and relationships.

    • Impact of Relationships with Significant Females on Romantic PartnersUnderstanding and resolving conflicts with important female figures can lead to healthier romantic relationships. Negative attitudes towards women stemming from past experiences can be addressed to foster respectful communication and open relationships.

      How we treat and perceive significant female figures in our lives, such as our mothers, can significantly impact our relationships with romantic partners. Miscommunications, unresolved issues, and negative attitudes towards women can lead to a pattern of unhealthy relationships. It's essential to work on resolving conflicts and developing respectful, open communication with important female figures to foster healthier relationships in the future. The speaker's beliefs about women being "nags" and a "pain in the ass" stemmed from his experiences with his mother, and this mindset negatively affected his romantic relationships. Understanding and addressing the root cause of these beliefs can lead to more fulfilling relationships.

    • Perceptions of Relationships with Pets and Challenges in Blended FamiliesPeople with pets, especially dogs, are often seen as in relationships, but not all singles have pets. Some may face challenges if their partner dislikes pets. Unexpected relationship ends, like a sudden breakup, can be devastating, especially when older children and a young baby are involved.

      People with pets, particularly dogs, are often perceived to be in relationships. This perception might be due to the idea that couples often get a pet before getting married. However, not all singles have pets, and those who do, like the speaker's sister, may face challenges if their partner dislikes pets. The discussion then shifted to a recent breakup the speaker's friend experienced. The boyfriend, who had older children, ended the relationship suddenly and without warning, leaving his partner devastated. The speaker noted that older children and a young baby in the household might have contributed to the boyfriend's decision to end the relationship. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities of relationships and the challenges that come with balancing commitments to partners and children.

    • Realizing a relationship isn't working and ending it earlySometimes relationships don't last and ending them early can be painful but necessary for personal growth. Admire those who stay positive in challenging circumstances.

      Sometimes relationships don't work out and it's better to end them earlier rather than later, even if it's painful. The speaker in the conversation had realized that his relationship wasn't working after four months and decided to end it. He also mentioned that getting dumped can be a difficult experience, but it's a part of life. Changing the subject, the conversation turned to an upcoming event where the speaker's friend would be attending an event featuring the best wines from around the world. The speaker expressed his admiration for people who work hard and stay positive, even when faced with challenging circumstances. The conversation then shifted to the topic of sex and orgasms, specifically those that can be achieved through touching a woman's breasts. The speaker shared that his friend was able to experience orgasms through this method and expressed a desire to learn more about it. Overall, the conversation covered a range of topics, from relationships and breakups to work ethic and sexual pleasure.

    • Building confidence and comfort around womenFocus on getting to know women and practicing social skills, consider taking classes or attending social events to meet new people, and approach women with respect and genuine interest.

      William, a 19-year-old college graduate, lacks experience with women and needs to build confidence and comfort around them. He should focus on getting to know women and practicing social skills rather than rushing into sexual encounters. His daily routine, which includes going to work and coming home early, limits his opportunities to meet new people. To improve, William should consider taking classes, going to social events, or even striking up conversations with women he encounters in his daily life. It's important to remember that building relationships takes time and effort, and approaching women with respect and genuine interest is key.

    • Expanding your social circle increases chances of finding a compatible partnerStay open-minded, practice, seek advice, and ensure mutual feelings and comfort level before taking the next step sexually.

      Expanding your social circle and trying new ways of meeting people, such as online dating, can increase your chances of finding a compatible partner. It's important to remember that everyone's experiences are unique, and while there may be challenges or negative experiences, they don't define the entirety of the process. The key is to stay open-minded, practice, and seek advice when needed. Additionally, the decision to take the next step sexually should be based on mutual feelings and comfort level, rather than societal pressure or expectations. Lastly, preparation and practice, such as learning how to properly use a condom, can help ensure a positive experience.

    • Improving communication skills and confidence through improv classesImprovisation classes can help boost self-assurance and enhance communication skills. A recent news story underscores the importance of acceptance and respect in public spaces, while the introduction of a gay Archie comic character getting married symbolizes progress in LGBTQ+ representation.

      Improving your communication skills and confidence can lead to positive experiences and help you navigate uncomfortable situations. The speakers shared their experiences of taking improv classes and how it significantly boosted their self-assurance. Additionally, they discussed a recent news story about a lesbian couple being asked to stop holding hands at a museum exhibit for Gertrude Stein, a famous gay writer. The incident sparked a conversation about the importance of respect and acceptance, especially in public spaces. Lastly, they mentioned the introduction of a gay Archie comic character getting married, highlighting the evolving representation of LGBTQ+ characters in media. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of confidence, acceptance, and progress in various aspects of life.

    • Marketing beer to women with 'anime' labelMolson Coors introduces 'anime' beer for women, based on Carl Jung's theory, while the Obama administration plans to make female birth control free, aiming to increase accessibility and reduce unwanted pregnancies.

      There have been several noteworthy news stories related to gender and consumer culture. One such story involves Molson Coors introducing a new beer called "anime" in the UK, marketed as female-friendly. According to Carl Jung's theory, "anime" refers to the expression of one's feminine side. The beer industry hopes to attract more women to beer drinking in the UK, where it's more common than in the US. Another news item discusses the Obama administration's plan to make female birth control free in all health insurance plans, making it more affordable and accessible. This could potentially reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies and associated costs. Additionally, there have been reports about J.Lo's recent breakup with her boyfriend, with rumors of controlling behavior and instability. These stories highlight various aspects of gender, consumerism, and relationships.

    • Celebrity Relationships and the Impact of FameIn the entertainment industry, fame can lead to egos clashing and relationships being threatened. Men sometimes struggle to handle a woman's success, causing feelings of inadequacy. According to a poll, 38% of respondents find panties to be the sexiest piece of lingerie.

      The entertainment industry can be challenging for celebrities, especially when it comes to maintaining relationships with each other due to their egos and the pressures of fame. For instance, there was a discussion about a specific celebrity couple where one party was described as weaselly and the other as successful and powerful. It was suggested that the woman's success may have threatened the man's ego, leading to their potential breakup. Additionally, the group discussed the results of a poll on the sex with Emily website, revealing that 38% of respondents found panties to be the sexiest piece of lingerie. The group also had a conversation about how men sometimes struggle to handle a woman's success, leading to feelings of inadequacy. Overall, the conversation touched on the complexities of relationships in the entertainment industry and the impact of fame on individuals.

    • Understanding Preferences in RelationshipsCommunication and respecting each other's preferences are essential in any relationship. Be open to discussing and understanding your partner's likes and dislikes, even if they differ from your own.

      Communication and understanding are key in any relationship, including the appreciation of each other's preferences. In the discussion, a woman expressed her desire for her partner to pay attention to her lingerie and compliment her, but only if it's something she finds attractive herself. She finds shiny, lacy underwear hideous and prefers boy shorts or cotton underwear. The man, on the other hand, finds shiny underwear hot and believes in giving ten compliments a day to his partner. He also mentioned his attraction to Mila Kunis and her underwear, which the woman found confusing. The conversation also touched on pre-sex activities, with the woman preferring dinner and a drink, while the man was open to various options. The man also mentioned his interest in sex toys, specifically strap-ons. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of open communication and respecting each other's preferences in a relationship.

    • Online shopping for adult toys on Adam and Eve, listener's personal issue, and importance of self-reflectionListen to podcasts on Stitcher app, use coupons for discounts on Adam and Eve, women use strap-ons for anal stimulation, importance of personal growth through self-reflection

      The discussion revolved around various topics including online shopping for adult toys on Adam and Eve, the ease of using the Stitcher app to listen to podcasts, and a listener's personal issue with performance anxiety during intimacy after taking a year-long break from sex and masturbation. The speaker also shared anecdotes about women using strap-ons to anally stimulate men and the commonality of such practices. The use of coupon codes for discounts and the availability of a wide range of toys on Adam and Eve were also highlighted. Additionally, the speaker expressed the importance of self-reflection and taking time off from relationships to focus on personal growth.

    • Exploring personal comfort and confidence in sexualityPrioritize personal comfort, take breaks when needed, embrace self-acceptance, and heal from past experiences to boost sexual confidence.

      Everyone's experiences and concerns regarding sexuality are valid, and it's essential to prioritize personal comfort and confidence. The speaker shared her experience of dealing with relationship anxieties and how taking a break could help refocus the mind. Another caller discussed her struggle with body image issues related to her labia and the societal pressure to conform. The speaker emphasized that it's a personal choice to undergo any cosmetic procedures and encouraged self-acceptance. Additionally, past experiences, especially those from adolescence, can significantly impact our sexual confidence. It's crucial to recognize that and work towards healing and growth.

    • Embracing Body Image and Open Communication in Sexual RelationshipsConfidently embrace your body image and find a partner who accepts all parts. Prioritize open communication and safety with protection and regular STD testing.

      Confidence and open communication are key when it comes to body image concerns and sexual health. During a podcast discussion, the hosts addressed a listener's concern about her labia and the potential impact it may have on her relationships. They emphasized the importance of self-confidence and finding a partner who accepts and loves all parts of a person's body. Additionally, they stressed the importance of using protection and getting tested for STDs to ensure sexual health and safety. The hosts also shared some statistics about the prevalence of STDs and the importance of open communication with partners about testing and safe sex practices. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of embracing one's body and prioritizing open communication and safety in sexual relationships.

    • Exploring Breast SensitivityCommunicate, ask for consent, start gently, respect individual decisions, and remember size doesn't determine sensitivity.

      Everyone has unique preferences when it comes to breasts and sensitivity. Some women can orgasm through breast stimulation, while others may not find it pleasurable. It's important to communicate and ask for consent when exploring breast play. Surgery on the breasts can affect sensitivity levels, and it's a myth that larger breasts are more sensitive. Proportionality is key, and individuals should not be judged based on the size of their breasts. It's essential to approach breast exploration with care and sensitivity, starting with gentle touch and gradually increasing intensity. Additionally, it's crucial to respect individuals' decisions about their bodies, whether they choose to undergo breast surgery or not.

    • Breasts: Arousal and Intimacy for Both SexesBreasts are a significant part of sexual arousal for both men and women, and breast play can increase arousal for women. People have different preferences for breast stimulation, and communication and consent are essential.

      Breasts are an essential part of sexual arousal for both men and women. Women's breasts are their most well-defined physical features, and they are closely connected to the primary erogenous zones. Breast play can significantly increase arousal for women, and many women touch their breasts during sex. Men require visual stimulation, and breasts are a significant turn-on. Seventy-eight percent of women and thirty-nine percent of men reported that nipple and breast stimulation increase arousal. Breast play is a great way to initiate sexual activity. Additionally, there is a common misconception that women who get breast augmentation are promiscuous, but this is not the case. The motivation for getting a breast augmentation varies from woman to woman. People have different preferences when it comes to breast stimulation, and communication and consent are essential. If you're considering exploring breast play with your partner, try using your hands, mouth, or a sex toy. Remember, everyone's preferences are unique, and it's essential to communicate and respect each other's boundaries.

    • Exploring Intimacy and Sexual Experiences: Communication, Consent, and HumorCommunication, consent, and humor are vital for respecting boundaries and preferences during intimacy and sexual experiences. Men should openly discuss new things and remember everyone's experiences are unique. Breast play requires gentle touches and compliments, while consent and fun are essential.

      Communication, consent, and humor are essential elements in exploring intimacy and sexual experiences. The discussion highlighted the importance of respecting boundaries and preferences, whether it's anal stimulation or breast play. Men should not be shy about trying new things and should communicate openly with their partners. It's also important to remember that everyone has unique experiences and perspectives, as evidenced by the upcoming interview with an ex-gay man. When it comes to breast play, gentle touches and compliments are key. Communication and consent are crucial, and men may find it arousing to come on their partner's breasts as a celebration. Ultimately, exploring sexual experiences should be a fun and enjoyable experience for both partners.

    • Exploring Intimacy with Champagne on Sex with EmilyThe Sex with Emily podcast hosts discussed the desire for champagne-infused intimate experiences, acknowledged listener feedback, and emphasized the importance of delivering quality content daily.

      During their discussion on the podcast "Sex with Emily," the hosts explored the topic of incorporating champagne into intimate experiences, with one host expressing his personal desire for such an encounter. The conversation also touched upon the positive feedback they received from listeners regarding their previous show. Despite not feeling particularly impressive about the episode themselves, they acknowledged the importance of delivering a good show every day. The hosts also encouraged listeners to share their thoughts and feedback by emailing [sexwithemily.com](mailto:sexwithemily.com). Overall, the conversation showcased the hosts' willingness to explore various aspects of sexuality and intimacy, as well as their dedication to providing engaging content for their audience.

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    Sex With Emily
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    Sex With Emily
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    Game-Playing, Check-Splitting & Other Dating Cliches

    Game-Playing, Check-Splitting & Other Dating Cliches
    Today’s show is all about helping you through your sex and dating troubles! Emily and Anderson answer your feedback emails, and give advice to help you get what you want, both in the bedroom and out of it. Topics covered include how to communicate with your partner about bedroom needs, how to get your partner excited about sharing sexual fantasies, how to cope with stagnant sex lives and a quick lesson on confidence. First, they start out with three tried-and-true dating commandments that you should be breaking, from game-playing to check-splitting to the one cliche we’re all tired of hearing.  Then, on to the purpose of this show: You! Emily and Anderson tackle some emails and give guidance to help a listener communicate her sexual needs to her partner, without coming off as a nag.She and Anderson help a guy who’s girlfriend is “too tired” for sex and provide tips on how to ease your partner into your deepest sexual fantasies. Also, advice for a listener who’s dating life is lacking - Is his weight to blame, or is it actually a case of a lack of confidence? Whether you believe that “everything happens for a reason”, or you’re ready to make things happen for yourself, get the answers you’ve been looking for in the latest Sex With Emily Podcast! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.