
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Pleasure During SummerDiscover Promescent's line of pleasure-enhancing products and the iconic Magic Wand sex toy to heighten experiences this summer.

      Summer is the season of passion and exploration, and there are various tools and products that can help enhance the experience. Promescent's line of pleasure-enhancing products, such as their legendary delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help individuals last longer and heighten pleasure. The Magic Wand, a cult-favorite sex toy, is an iconic symbol of power and unapologetic pleasure, offering various models to suit different lifestyles. It's important to have open conversations about sex and explore various resources to enhance sexual experiences. For more information and exclusive discounts, visit promescent.com/emily and sexwithemily.com/magicwand.

    • Reluctance to marry due to constant mentioning of past gifts and financial mattersCommunication, understanding, and mutual respect are essential in relationships, but constant focus on past gifts and financial matters can be a deal breaker for some.

      During a conversation, one person expressed their reluctance to marry another person due to their constant mentioning of past gifts and financial matters. This behavior was perceived as a potential deal breaker, as the other person found it repetitive and annoying. The conversation also touched upon the topic of sex and relationship deal breakers, and the challenges faced by individuals when it comes to trust and commitment in relationships. The ease of obtaining sexual partners does not necessarily equate to an easier life, and the importance of communication, understanding, and mutual respect in relationships was emphasized.

    • Exploring Sex Toys at the International Lingerie ShowAttend the International Lingerie Show for discounts on sex toys using coupon codes Emily and gvemily15 at adamandeve.com and goodvibes.com, respectively. Embrace unique experiences, from sex toys to independent films.

      The speaker is looking forward to attending the International Lingerie Show in Las Vegas, where they will explore sex toys and other related products. They encourage listeners to check out the websites adamandeve.com and goodvibes.com for discounts on sex toys using coupon codes Emily and gvemily15, respectively. The speaker also plans to shoot a video at Good Vibes and is a fan of independent films. Despite being excited for Vegas, they are also preparing for it by figuring out what clothes to wear and deciding who to bring to the Hunger Games special screening. The speaker's passion for sex toys, independent films, and unique experiences is evident throughout the conversation.

    • Love and Relationships: Clash of Personal Desires and Societal NormsSocietal norms can lead to unusual situations in love and relationships, from hiding dildos in sausages to denying entry to porn stars at proms. Personal desires and societal expectations often clash, resulting in unexpected consequences.

      Societal norms and expectations can lead to unusual situations when it comes to love and relationships, even in something as seemingly mundane as attending a high school prom. In the first story, a man's attempt to bring dildos into Dubai hidden in sausages highlights the strict societal rules in place in some cultures. In contrast, a high school student in Minnesota made headlines for inviting a porn star to prom, only to be denied entry by school officials. These stories illustrate the clash between personal desires and societal norms, and the consequences that can ensue. Another interesting anecdote shared in the discussion was about a missed opportunity for sex at a prom due to forgetting condoms. It's a reminder that even in moments of excitement and anticipation, unexpected challenges can arise. Overall, the discussion underscores the complexity and unpredictability of romantic and sexual experiences.

    • Stories of missed opportunities and poor choicesCommunication and preparation are crucial for positive sexual experiences. Avoid relying on paid companionship for self-improvement.

      Unexpected circumstances can impact sexual experiences, and communication and preparation are key. The speaker shared a story about missing an opportunity for a hotel room rendezvous due to forgetting condoms, and later feeling regretful. Similarly, a model was arrested for running an international drug ring, showcasing how even attractive people can make poor choices. Regarding the listener's email about using escorts, the speaker advised considering self-improvement and building confidence rather than relying on paid companionship as a long-term solution.

    • Seeking advice and focusing on personal growthAsk trusted friends and family for advice, prioritize personal growth, and consider therapy to address underlying issues.

      Everyone, regardless of gender or current situation, has the ability to improve themselves and find meaningful relationships without resorting to negative or harmful behaviors. The speaker encourages asking for advice from trusted friends and family, focusing on personal growth, and addressing underlying issues through therapy. It's important to remember that everyone's experiences and circumstances are unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Additionally, the stigma surrounding certain behaviors, such as hiring escorts, can be unfair and based on outdated beliefs. Ultimately, the goal should be to prioritize self-improvement and respect for oneself and others.

    • Labeling women based on their sexual history is harmfulEvery relationship requires effort and commitment, address issues as they arise rather than seeking short-term solutions.

      The labeling of women as "whores" and "sluts" based on the number of people they've slept with is a harmful double standard. It's important to recognize that this attitude comes from societal norms, not individual intentions. The assumption that women don't have to "work at it" to find partners is a misconception, and it's crucial to remember that everyone deserves respect and privacy in their sexual lives. Regarding the topic of affairs, it's essential to acknowledge the challenges that come with raising young children and maintaining a sex life. However, seeking outside companionship is not a viable solution. Instead, couples should prioritize open communication, seek professional help if needed, and work on rekindling their intimacy. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that every relationship requires effort and commitment, and it's essential to address issues as they arise rather than seeking short-term solutions that can ultimately harm the long-term health of the relationship.

    • Showing appreciation goes beyond laughterListen, remember, compliment, surprise, and attend to her needs for a fulfilling relationship

      Making a woman feel special goes beyond just making her laugh. It involves listening to her, remembering the little things she shares, and giving thoughtful compliments. These actions show that you value and appreciate her. Additionally, surprises can add an extra layer of excitement and make her feel cherished. It's essential to pay attention to her needs and desires in both group settings and alone. Furthermore, there are natural solutions like Hot Rocks organic libido enhancers that can help improve sexual desire for both partners, ensuring a fulfilling intimate relationship.

    • Surprising your partner with thoughtful gesturesShowing care through small surprises deepens connection, tailor gestures to partner's preferences, communicate and seek consent.

      Surprising your partner with thoughtful gestures and acts of kindness can make them feel special and deepen your connection. This can range from bringing their favorite chocolate to fixing a long-standing problem, like a persistent car light. These small surprises can have a big impact and create lasting memories. However, it's important to remember that every woman is different, and what makes one feel special may not be the same for another. Communication and asking for consent are also crucial in intimate situations. Overall, the key is to be attentive to your partner's needs and desires, and to make an effort to show them that you care in meaningful ways.

    • Common deal breakers in relationshipsLow self-esteem, bringing mom on first date, and poor hygiene are common deal breakers in relationships that can impact compatibility.

      Deal breakers in relationships or during first dates can significantly impact our compatibility with a potential partner. According to the discussion, some common deal breakers mentioned include a person's low self-esteem, bringing their mom on the first date, and poor hygiene. A person with low self-esteem can be unattractive and difficult to be with due to their insecurity. Bringing a mom on the first date can reveal how a person treats their family, which can be a deal breaker for some. Poor hygiene is a deal breaker for many as it shows a lack of care for oneself. These deal breakers can be deal-makers in determining whether to continue pursuing a relationship or not. It's essential to be aware of our deal breakers and communicate them openly to avoid wasting time on unsuitable partners.

    • Mind your hygiene and respect others' space on first datesGood hygiene and respecting boundaries are essential for a successful first date. Differences in interests are not always a deal breaker, but getting drunk can be.

      Personal hygiene and being respectful of others' time and space are crucial on first dates. Poor hygiene, such as bad breath or unwashed hair, can be a deal breaker for some people. On the other hand, having no common interests is not necessarily a deal breaker for everyone. Instead, some people find differences attractive and enjoy learning new things from their partners. However, getting drunk on the first date can be a turnoff for some, as it can lead to unattractive behavior and a lack of entertainment value. Ultimately, being mindful of personal hygiene, respecting boundaries, and being authentic can lead to a successful first date experience.

    • Being Hygienic and Respectful on First DatesMaintain good oral hygiene, respect your date's time, and be present during the date to make a great first impression.

      Bad hygiene, specifically bad breath, is a common concern on first dates. It's important to be aware of this and take steps to prevent it, such as regular dental check-ups and offering mints or gum. Another important consideration is being respectful of your date's time and not being tardy. Being rude to waitstaff is also a deal breaker. Additionally, being present during the date and avoiding distractions like phones can help create a better connection. Overall, being considerate, hygienic, and respectful are key to making a good first impression.

    • Expressing discomfort in conversations with others during datingRespectful communication and avoiding discussing other attractive people or inappropriate questions are essential for building a strong and fulfilling connection in dating.

      Communication and respect are key components in a healthy relationship. The speaker expresses his discomfort when his partner engages in excessive conversation with waiters, as it makes him feel left out. He also emphasizes the importance of avoiding discussing other attractive people or asking inappropriate questions during the early stages of dating. In more serious relationships, deal breakers include financial instability, infidelity, neglect, and a lack of willingness to meet friends. Overall, the speaker advocates for open and respectful communication to build a strong and fulfilling connection.

    • Surrounding Ourselves with Diverse Friends, Yet Deal Breakers in Potential PartnersHaving diverse friends is beneficial, but potential partners with lack of confidence, insecurity, abuse, addiction, and lack of financial generosity on the first date can be deal breakers. Confidence and self-care are crucial in relationships.

      The people we surround ourselves with can reveal a lot about us, but having a diverse group of friends, even if they seem "weird" or unconventional, is not a deal breaker. However, certain behaviors and characteristics in a potential partner can be deal breakers, such as lack of friends, insecurity, lack of confidence, abuse, addiction, and lack of financial generosity on the first date. Confidence is key in attracting and maintaining relationships. Additionally, low self-esteem and lack of confidence often stem from childhood experiences and can be addressed through therapy and personal growth efforts. A deal breaker for some may be bad dressing sense, as it can indicate a lack of self-care and confidence.

    • Enthusiasm and good hygiene matter in intimacyCommunicate openly about desires, be considerate, and ask questions in relationships and during intimacy

      While appearance is important in a relationship, it's not everything. Enthusiasm and good hygiene are key factors during intimate moments. However, it's important to communicate and be open-minded about each other's desires and fantasies. The speaker also shared some insights about the role of shopping and styling in relationships, but it's important to remember that everyone has different preferences and boundaries. When it comes to sex, being open-minded and considerate of your partner's feelings is crucial. And, if you're unsure about something, just ask!

    • Communication and consideration in relationshipsBe open-minded, respectful, and communicate about concerns or issues in relationships. What may be a deal breaker for one person might not be for another, so be considerate of unique preferences. Cuddling after sex for at least 3-5 minutes shows respect for partner's emotional needs.

      Effective communication and consideration for your partner's preferences are crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship. During the show, various deal breakers were discussed based on listener experiences. These included flakiness, dirty fingernails, bad breath, and inability to hold a conversation. Some listeners also mentioned specific behaviors like clinginess, arrogance, and poor manners. However, it's important to remember that everyone has unique preferences and what may be a deal breaker for one person might not be for another. The key is to be open-minded, respectful, and willing to communicate about any concerns or issues that arise. Additionally, cuddling after sex for at least 3-5 minutes is considered a sign of respect and consideration for your partner's emotional needs. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of being aware of your actions and being considerate of your partner's feelings to build a strong and fulfilling relationship.

    • Factors Affecting Attraction and PerceptionSelf-acceptance and finding a compatible partner who appreciates us are crucial for a fulfilling relationship.

      While personal preferences vary when it comes to physical attributes like hair length and dental health, there are certain factors that can impact attraction and perception. According to the discussion, short hair on women is not a preference for most men, and bad teeth can be distracting. However, these factors do not necessarily affect one's dating or sex life significantly. The speakers also mentioned that people have different kinks and fetishes, and it's essential to find a compatible partner who shares those interests. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of self-acceptance and finding a partner who appreciates and loves us for who we are, quirks and all.

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     Show Notes:


    Dr. Mike Hart is a Cannabis Physician and Lifestyle Strategist. In April 2014, Dr. Hart became the first physician in London, Ontario to open a cannabis clinic. While Dr. Hart continues to treat patients at his clinic, his primary focus has shifted to correcting the medical cannabis educational gap which exists in the medical community. 

    Connect on social with Dr. Mike Hart:

    Social Links:

    Facebook: @drmikehart

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    About Ali:

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    Check Ali online at:
    Email Ali at: dralib@taoofdating.com
    Shoe Dog - Nike Founder Phil Knight


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    43 :: Men + Sexuality + Dating with Destin Gerek


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    About Destin:


    Destin Gerek is a transformational personal empowerment coach for men specializing in masculinity, sexuality, and consciousness. Dedicated to redefining 21st century masculinity, Destin fully embraces his message, walking the talk and being a strong role model for men.

    Remember that amazing free gift Destin mentioned? You know you want it! Click HERE for Destin’s Free Gift ‘Enticing Desire'

    Schedule a 20 minute complimentary session with Destin by clicking HERE!

    Evolved Masculine Blueprint HERE.


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    About Alison:


    Relationship and Sacred Sexuality Expert Alison Lessard is a master communicator and advisor in the realm of the healing arts. Specializing in helping men and women elevate their relationships, Alison helps create deeper connections, and unlocks your highest sexual potential to transform all areas of your life.

    Instagram: @alison.lessard