
    Podcast Summary

    • Magic wand: More than just a vibratorThe magic wand is a cultural icon and symbol of unapologetic pleasure, known for its powerful rumble and various iterations. Enhance your summer sex life with delay spray, warming arousal gel, delicious flavored oral strips, and rechargeable magic wands.

      The magic wand is more than just a vibrator - it's a cultural icon and symbol of unapologetic pleasure. First introduced decades ago, it's earned accolades as the "Cadillac of vibrators" and "vibrator of the year." With various iterations available, including the magic wand rechargeable, mini, micro, and plush, all models maintain the powerful rumble that made the original so popular. For those looking to enhance their summer sex life, Promescent offers delay spray and warming arousal gel to help last longer and heighten pleasure. And if you're looking to make oral sex more enjoyable, consider Sexual Flavors' delicious strips that make it taste like various flavors. Overall, these products aim to make sex more pleasurable and enjoyable for everyone involved.

    • Navigating Awkward Encounters with Open ProfessionsBeing open about one's profession, especially in sensitive areas, can lead to awkward encounters. Embrace your role and navigate social interactions with authenticity.

      Being open about one's profession, especially in the realm of sex and relationships, can sometimes lead to awkward encounters and misconceptions. Emily, the host of the "Sex with Emily" radio show, has experienced this firsthand, with people assuming she's a sex expert or therapist based on her career. She tries to downplay her profession when meeting new people, but sometimes it comes up unexpectedly, leading to awkward situations. Despite the challenges, Emily continues to embrace her role and the connections she makes through her work. Her guest, Jaylene Benes, added to the conversation with insights from her book "Bondage: Kinky Erotic Massage Tips for Lovers." Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being true to oneself while navigating the complexities of social interactions.

    • Speaker discusses her new massage candle brand and other productsSpeaker introduces vegan massage candles that transform into oil, shares another product for men's comfort, and promotes her expertise in sexual matters and related products

      The speaker, who has a new brand of massage candles called Emily and Tony, was sharing her product with Jillian and expressing her enthusiasm for its vegan ingredients and transformative property from candle to massage oil. She also mentioned her other product, Down Under Comfort, which is designed to keep men fresh in the groin area. The speaker encouraged listeners to support her show by purchasing her products, mentioning that they come in various scents and that the massage candles are not waxy but rather transform into oil for a luxurious massage experience. She also shared an unexpected discovery that one of her scents, chlorine, reminds some people of semen. The speaker emphasized her expertise in sexual matters and her belief that massage is a great way to enhance intimacy for couples. She ended by promoting her book, "Bondasage," which combines bondage and massage, and her website, Bondasage.com.

    • Transforming BDSM practices into a successful training businessA professional dominatrix uses her expertise in BDSM and touch therapy to create a unique training business, specializing in sensory deprivation, bondage, and corporal punishment, and utilizing tools like soft blindfolds and wireless headphones to enhance the experience.

      The speaker, a professional dominatrix and touch therapy practitioner, transformed her unique blend of BDSM practices and erotic massage into a successful training business for practitioners worldwide. She specializes in body play, including sensory deprivation, bondage, and corporal punishment, and uses tools like soft blindfolds and wireless headphones to enhance the experience. By removing the visual distraction of sight, she allows both the giver and receiver to fully immerse themselves in the moment, heightening anticipation and sensation. The use of technology, such as ebooks with linked music playlists, adds convenience and customization to her sessions. Overall, her approach combines touch therapy, eroticism, and innovation to create a unique and effective therapeutic experience.

    • Creating an intimate and sensory massage experienceUse non-English lyrics and slow beat music, focus on slow and meditative massage techniques, cater to men aged 40-60, and consider Bond de Sache or Lyceum massage for a BDSM introduction.

      Creating an intimate and sensory experience involves using non-English lyrics and a slow beat for music during massage sessions. This helps to intensify the experience by taking away the distractions of sight and sound. The massage itself should be slow and meditative, with the practitioner aiming to move even slower than the music. The typical clients for this type of massage are men aged between 40 and 60 who are adrenaline junkies. The session begins with the client getting naked and kneeling in front of the practitioner, who then puts on a collar and cuffs, and ties them to the table. The table is cushioned for comfort, and the practitioner uses slow, gentle massage techniques to create a relaxing and meditative experience. This type of massage, called Bond de Sache or Lyceum, is a nice gateway to BDSM and can be done at home with the right equipment from stores like GT Stock Room or Good Vibes.

    • Explore sensuality with everyday itemsIncorporate sensuality and kinky play using everyday items or affordable finds from websites with coupon codes. Create a comfortable environment, connect with the body, and use soft objects or pervertibles for added sensation.

      Everyone can incorporate elements of sensual exploration and kinky play into their relationships and personal experiences, using everyday items or purchasing them at discounted prices with coupon code Emily from websites like goodvibes.com or Williams Sonoma. The process begins by creating a comfortable and relaxing environment, connecting with the body through slow, sensual touching, and incorporating soft and fuzzy objects like Firm Mitts or fuzzy gloves for added sensation. Pervertibles, such as feather dusters, spatulas, and even cooking utensils, can also be used for sensation play. For those who prefer to shop locally, exploring Home Depot or the drugstore can yield unexpected finds. The key is to approach these experiences with creativity and a sense of adventure, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary.

    • Exploring Intense Sensations through Bondage SessionsBondage sessions offer a unique experience for clients, allowing them to receive instead of constantly being in control, using tools like ball chains to create intense sensations, and leading to the release of endorphins.

      Bondage sessions can provide a unique experience for clients, allowing them to receive instead of constantly being in control. The use of tools like ball chains can create an intense sensation, and the process of building up these sensations and then spreading them out throughout the body is an essential part of the experience. During these sessions, the giver intensifies the sensations for the receiver, leading to the release of endorphins. The sessions can start with soft touches using hands before introducing more intense tools and techniques. Bondage sessions offer a vulnerable and open position for clients, which can be both stressful and liberating. These sessions can be particularly beneficial for individuals who are used to being in control in their daily lives, providing them with an hour of receiving instead.

    • Stimulating the sweet spot on the bottom third of the buttocksFocusing on the lower buttocks during massage can provide maximum pleasure, using gentle spanking or body percussion, paying attention to non-verbal cues, and encouraging verbal feedback can enhance the experience.

      Focusing on the bottom third of the buttocks, specifically the area towards the thighs and directly connected to the genitals, can provide maximum pleasure during massage. This "sweet spot" can be stimulated gently through spanking or body percussion, starting soft and gradually increasing intensity based on the person's reactions. Paying attention to non-verbal cues, such as toe movements, can help determine if the massage is enjoyable. Both men and women can exhibit toe reactions during intense pleasure. Encouraging verbal feedback and noises during massage can enhance the experience for both parties, providing valuable feedback and reassurance.

    • Explore with a few versatile tools for various sensationsFocus on a few tools for sensual exploration, use different parts of each tool for various sensations, and approach the experience with an open mind.

      Effective sensual exploration involves focusing on a few tools rather than many, and utilizing various parts of each tool for different sensations. For instance, battery-operated vibrating toothbrushes can be used on various erogenous zones, including the nipples, balls, inner thighs, and around the anus. These versatile tools offer different sensations depending on whether the bristles or the backside are used. Additionally, limiting the number of items used during a session can help enhance focus and exploration of each tool's capabilities. The fear of anal play, especially among straight men, is a common issue, but it can provide intense pleasure through prostate stimulation. It's essential to approach sensual exploration with an open mind and focus on the experience rather than worrying about what tool to use next.

    • Exploring anal play with care and consentGo slow, be mindful, make your partner desire it, use sexological body work techniques, and use plenty of lubricant.

      When it comes to erotic massage or exploring anal play, going slow and being mindful is key. The speaker shares her personal experience of avoiding intimacy after a bad experience, and emphasizes the importance of making your partner want it and desire more. She also mentions the concept of sexological body work and the importance of staying outside the anus at first, using techniques like circular motions, doorbell pressures, and using plenty of lubricant. The speaker warns against rushing the experience or learning from porn, as the depictions often don't reflect the reality of slow, gentle, and meditative anal massage. She recommends reading her book and taking classes for a comprehensive guide on the subject.

    • Exploring Sensual Massage with Your PartnerStart simple with tools, experiment with techniques, focus on receiving, limit choices, communicate and trust, connect and heal through massage, enjoy the present moment

      Exploring sensual massage with your partner doesn't have to be complicated or overwhelming. You can start with simple tools like a feather duster or electric toothbrush, and experiment with different techniques using various parts of your hands. The giver can find the experience arousing, while the receiver may benefit from focusing on receiving rather than giving. It's essential to limit choices and plan short sessions to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Communication and trust are crucial in this experience. Couples can use massage as a way to connect and heal their relationship. The key is to focus on the present moment and enjoy the sensations without worrying about perfection or a lengthy session.

    • Exploring Touch in RelationshipsUnderstanding preferences for touch and initiating touch can lead to more satisfying experiences in relationships. Communication and consent are essential.

      Understanding the connection between how we like to give and receive touch can lead to more satisfying experiences in relationships. Women may feel uncomfortable being touched due to the assumption it will lead to sex, but initiating touch and teaching men how they prefer to be touched can shift the focus back to giving and receiving pleasure. Additionally, people's preferences for stinging or thuddy sensations can vary, and exploring these sensations through activities like spanking can bring new experiences and pleasure. It's important to remember that everyone's motivations and preferences are unique, and communication and consent are essential components of any sexual encounter.

    • Exploring unique sexual preferences and fantasiesUnderstand and respect individual desires, communicate openly, and acknowledge that not every fantasy needs to be acted out.

      People have unique preferences and fantasies, which may not always have a logical explanation. Understanding and accepting these differences can lead to enjoyable experiences. For instance, some individuals may enjoy spanking or bondage, which could stem from childhood fantasies or simply find it sexually arousing. It's essential to communicate openly about these desires and understand that not every fantasy needs to be acted out in real life. The concept of "come to Jesus" talks refers to having a serious and open conversation about potential consequences and boundaries when exploring new sexual experiences. It's important to remember that some fantasies, like gang rape, are meant to remain fantasies and not actualized. Communication, understanding, and respect are key components in exploring and enjoying consensual kinky activities.

    • Ensuring Consent and Safety in BDSM and S&MEnsure consent, use proper techniques, explore new zones, and experiment safely in BDSM and S&M.

      Consent is a crucial aspect of any sexual exploration or play, including BDSM and S&M. The person facilitating the experience, such as a dominatrix, ensures that both parties are consenting before proceeding. Bruising and injuries can occur during spanking or other activities, so proper techniques and tools should be used. Not everyone may enjoy every aspect of BDSM or S&M, but they can still enjoy other forms of touch like massage. Exploration and experimentation are essential, and starting with less intense activities can lead to discovering new pleasurable sensations. The human body has various erogenous zones beyond the primary ones like nipples and genitals, and exploring these zones can lead to new and unexpected experiences. The book "Bondassage" by Jaylene Benes provides more information on this topic. Upcoming classes and trainings are available on the SecFamily.com website.

    • The popularity of 'Fifty Shades of Grey' and its impact on sex-related businessesThe explicit content and discreet nature of 'Fifty Shades of Grey' led to increased curiosity and conversation around sex, resulting in a boom for sex educators, therapists, and businesses selling sex-related products like massage oils from Bon Massage, which can be used for massages and temperature play.

      The cultural phenomenon of men and women being drawn to "Fifty Shades of Grey" can be attributed to its discreet nature and the book's explicit content, which includes hot sex scenes. This book, despite its poor writing, became a topic of conversation and helped boost the business of sex educators and therapists to the extent that they started offering Skype consultations and selling massage oils for temperature play. The massage oils, like those from Bon Massage, can be used for massages but also for temperature play, adding an element of excitement and sensuality to relationships. The oils are not hot enough to burn, making them a safe option for couples exploring new ways to enhance their intimacy. Overall, "Fifty Shades of Grey" sparked curiosity and conversation around sex, helping businesses in the industry thrive.

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    Oh! Don't forget: Patreons who support with just $3 per month and above get exclusive weekly bonus content, too. Literally, every pledge sends me into an excited squeal of delight. patreon.com/sgrpodcast

    Follow Sex Gets Real on Twitter and Facebook. It's true. Oh! And Dawn is on Instagram.

    Resources from this episode

    Interested in Dr. Sheila's book? Check it out here: "Yes, I Have Herpes"

    About Dr. Sheila Loanzon

    Dr. Sheila Loanzon, also known as the "Compassionate Gynecologist," is a board certified obstetrician and gynecologist with over 15 years of patient and personal experience with the diagnosis of herpes. Dr. Loanzon offers women specific tools to shift their perspective, gain insight, and move forward confidently and in self-love. Dr. Loanzon received her BA in biochemistry at Vassar College and completed medical school at the College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific. She currently works at a large multispeciality practice in California. You can find her on Twitter @DrSheilaGyn.

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