
    Podcast Summary

    • Explore summer passion with these tools and productsEnhance pleasure and last longer with Promescent. Discover powerful orgasms with the magic wand, and elevate sensual experiences with Emily and Tony's skincare brand. Use exclusive discount codes to try them out.

      Summer is the season of passion and exploration, and there are various tools and products that can enhance the experience. Promescent's line of pleasure enhancing products, such as their legendary delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help individuals last longer and heighten pleasure. The magic wand, an iconic sex toy, is also a must-have for those seeking powerful orgasms. Additionally, Emily and Tony's new premium skincare brand offers products designed to enhance the sensual experience, such as massage oil candles. Overall, these tools and products can help individuals make the most of the summer season and explore their sexuality with confidence. Use the exclusive discount codes promescent.com/emily for 15% off and sexwithemily.com/magicwand for the magic wand, or emilyandtony.com with code Emily for 20% off to try them out.

    • Emily's Unexpected Appearance on The DoctorsSex expert Emily shares her experiences and knowledge on national TV, discussing safe sex practices during threesomes and promoting the use of dental dams

      Emily is a sex expert who runs a brand focused on helping people have better sex and relationships. She's currently attending sex school to expand her knowledge and plans to share her experiences with her audience. Emily has been traveling a lot lately, which has left her feeling a bit unsettled and out of touch. During one of her recent travels, she had the opportunity to appear on The Doctors, a popular daytime talk show. She was asked to discuss safe sex practices during threesomes and ended up talking about dental dams on national television. Despite the unexpected turn of events, Emily is excited about her experiences and looks forward to sharing more insights with her audience. Overall, Emily's brand is dedicated to helping people improve their sex lives and relationships through education and open conversation.

    • Exploring New Sexual Experiences: The Importance of Open CommunicationBe open-minded, informed, and communicative when it comes to sexual health and exploration. Use protection, communicate regularly, and don't shy away from taboo topics.

      Open and honest communication is essential when exploring new sexual experiences or desires, even if the topic may seem taboo or uncomfortable in certain settings. During a doctor's show, the speaker discussed the importance of dental dams for safe oral sex and the use of massage candles for BDSM play. When a woman in the audience called in with questions about threesomes and protection, the speaker provided practical solutions, which left the audience surprised but educated. The conversation then shifted to the topic of spicing up relationships and the importance of regular compliments and communication. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of being open-minded, informed, and communicative when it comes to sexual health and exploration.

    • Expressing love and appreciation in relationshipsRegularly expressing love and appreciation towards your partner through small gestures can significantly improve your relationship.

      Consistent communication and affirmation are essential for maintaining a healthy and satisfying relationship. Manus and I discussed the importance of expressing love and appreciation towards your partner frequently, as small gestures can make a significant impact on their feelings. We also talked about the topic of hip movement and how it contributes to better sex, which was the focus of the day's show. Sinclair Institute was mentioned as a valuable resource for educational DVDs on various topics, including sex. Lastly, a humorous anecdote was shared about Andy Dick's experience with a past sexual encounter, highlighting the importance of openness and communication in sexual relationships.

    • Unexpected stories can entertain and connectUnexpected stories can bring laughter and create unexpected connections. From unusual experiences to sponsorship discussions, conversations can take unexpected turns.

      Stories, even the most unusual ones, can be entertaining and provide unexpected connections. During a live storytelling event, a man shared an experience about a past encounter where he used a carrot as a substitute for lube during a sexual encounter due to fear. While the situation was unusual, the audience found it hilarious. Elsewhere in the conversation, the topic shifted to lube sponsorship and the benefits of using NatureLovin Lubes, which contain carrageenan and even come in a glow-in-the-dark version. The conversation then veered towards rejecting interview offers from less famous individuals trying to capitalize on past relationships with famous people. The speaker expressed disdain for one particular offer, where a woman was attempting to arrange a boxing match against an abusive mother. The speaker believed it was a foolish and painful idea. Overall, the conversation showcased the unexpected twists and turns that can arise in stories and conversations.

    • Past experiences shaping perception and behaviorReflect on past experiences, learn from them, and make conscious choices to avoid repeating harmful patterns.

      The past can greatly influence how individuals perceive themselves and their actions. The example of Kanye West's past experiences leading him to feel the need to constantly prove himself is a testament to this. Meanwhile, the dangerous trend of butt chugging among college students is a reminder of the potential consequences of holding onto old behaviors that are harmful. In a different context, Victoria's Secret faced backlash for a lingerie collection deemed racist, highlighting the importance of cultural sensitivity. Ultimately, it's crucial to reflect on past experiences, learn from them, and make conscious choices to avoid repeating harmful patterns.

    • From small beginnings to large corporations: Founder's vision and hard work matterFocus on personal growth, learning new skills, and taking control of goals to overcome missed opportunities and achieve success.

      Businesses, like Victoria's Secret, can evolve from small beginnings into large corporations, but the founder's initial vision and hard work are crucial. Sensitivity towards names or products, such as the "little sexy little guy shot," can spark controversy, and it's essential to consider the potential impact on audiences. Regrets about missed opportunities are common, but dwelling on them is counterproductive. Instead, focusing on personal growth, learning new skills, and taking control of goals can lead to success. Depending on others to reach your objectives might not always work, and it's essential to understand that people have their own lives and priorities. Additionally, public feuds, like Kelsey Grammer's bashing of his ex-wife, can have unintended consequences and negatively impact relationships.

    • Public bashing after divorce harms childrenAvoid public criticism of a former partner, especially when children are involved, as it can hinder healing and harm relationships.

      Public bashing and negative comments about a former partner, especially when children are involved, can be harmful and counterproductive to healing after a divorce. The discussion revolved around a celebrity couple where one partner was openly criticizing the other, and the negative impact it could have on their children. Despite the marital issues and infidelity, it's essential to maintain respect and dignity towards each other. A surprising finding from a recent survey suggests that taking a road trip with your significant other can improve and strengthen relationships. This shared experience can create fond memories and help couples connect on a deeper level.

    • Respecting Consent and Autonomy in Sexual ExperiencesSeek consent and respect autonomy during sexual experiences. Communicate with your partner about what feels good and explore beyond the genitals with protection.

      Communication and consent are crucial in sexual experiences. In the discussion, a listener named Bryant questioned the notion of men pushing women's heads down for oral sex, stating that his wife does the same to him. Emily clarified that she was referring to the scenario where a man forces his partner's head towards his genitals without consent. She emphasized the importance of respecting women's autonomy and not pushing them into sexual acts against their will. Another listener, Jason, asked for advice on improving his oral sex skills. Emily suggested asking his partner what feels good to her and taking things slow. She also recommended focusing on areas beyond the clitoris and vagina, such as the labia, lips, and erogenous zones. Emily also mentioned the importance of using protection, such as dental dams, to ensure safer oral sex practices. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of consent, communication, and exploration in sexual experiences.

    • Effective Communication in Sexual RelationshipsOpen and honest dialogue is essential for satisfying and fulfilling sexual relationships. Discussing fantasies, desires, and needs can help bridge any gaps and create a stronger bond between partners.

      Communication and understanding are key in any sexual relationship. A man shared a fantasy with his partner, Meg, about having her urinate on him. While Meg was unsure about fulfilling this request, she didn't want to dismiss it without considering it further. Emily, the advice columnist, suggested that Meg try to be open-minded and communicate with her partner about their comfort levels. Elsewhere, Menace wrote in about feeling frustrated that her husband didn't go down on her as often as she'd like. Emily acknowledged that there is a double standard when it comes to oral sex, but encouraged Menace to communicate her desires and needs with her husband. Throughout the discussion, it became clear that effective communication and understanding are essential for satisfying and fulfilling sexual relationships. Whether it's discussing fantasies, desires, or needs, open and honest dialogue can help bridge any gaps and create a stronger bond between partners. Additionally, the topic of bacon s'mores was brought up, with Emily sharing her obsession with the tasty treat and the availability of bacon-flavored lubricant on her website. While not directly related to the sexual health advice, it's always important to remember that life's little pleasures, like bacon s'mores, can bring joy and happiness to our lives.

    • Understanding Men's Sexual PreferencesEffective communication is vital for satisfying sexual relationships, as every individual's preferences and desires differ. Women should express their needs and men should be open to discussing their own.

      Communication is key in any relationship, especially when it comes to sexual preferences and desires. Some men enjoy performing oral sex, while others may not, and it's essential to understand that every individual is different. Women cannot assume that men are mind readers and should communicate openly about their needs and expectations. If a woman desires oral sex and her partner is unwilling, she should express her feelings and ask for what she wants. Additionally, age does not determine a person's sexual preferences or desires, and attraction to someone older or younger than oneself is normal. Overall, open communication, understanding, and respect for each other's desires are crucial for a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship.

    • Natural Attraction to Older IndividualsIt's normal to be attracted to older individuals, including friends' mothers and teachers. Circular hip movements during sex stimulate a woman's clitoris, and instructional resources are better than porn for learning new positions. PC muscle exercises can enhance men's sexual performance.

      Attractions to older individuals are common and normal. The speaker shares personal experiences of having crushes on older women, including friends' mothers, and teachers. While some may find this taboo, the speaker reassures that such attractions are natural. Additionally, the conversation shifts to discussing hip movements during sex and the importance of circular motions to stimulate a woman's clitoris. The speaker advises against watching porn for sex education and instead encourages exploring different positions through instructional resources. Lastly, the speaker mentions the benefits of PC muscle exercises for men during sex, including longer duration and stronger orgasms.

    • Exploring Different Techniques for Greater IntimacyEffective sexual intimacy involves more than deep thrusting. Shallow thrusting, focusing on sensitive areas, and varying techniques can lead to greater pleasure for both partners. Communication and connection are essential for a healthy sex life.

      Effective sexual intimacy involves more than just deep, penetrative thrusting. Shallow thrusting, focusing on the most sensitive areas of both partners, can lead to greater stimulation and pleasure. The outer third of a woman's vagina is her most sensitive area, and shallow thrusting can help men hit her G-spot while also providing extra sensations for themselves. A combination of shallow and deep thrusting can create a satisfying and varied sexual experience. It's important to remember that pornography should not be the sole source of sexual education, and learning how to make love and communicate with your partner is essential for a healthy and fulfilling sex life. The cat position, a variation of the missionary position, can also lead to more orgasms for women by aligning the pelvises and allowing for deeper penetration and grinding. Overall, exploring different techniques and focusing on communication and connection can lead to a more enjoyable and satisfying sexual experience for both partners.

    • Explore resources for enhancing your sex lifeLearn new techniques and experiment with resources like Sexademy.com and Sex with Emily.com to enhance your sex life. Try slow pacing, different hip movements, and humor-filled Kegel exercise videos for inspiration.

      There are numerous tips and tricks to enhance your sex life, and resources like Sexademy.com and Sex with Emily.com offer valuable information. These websites provide advice on various topics, such as pacing yourself during lovemaking, different hip movements for women, and even humor-filled videos on Kegel exercises. By learning and experimenting with these techniques, individuals can bring excitement and novelty to their intimate relationships. These resources are not expensive and are designed to help improve your sex life. For instance, starting out slow during lovemaking sessions can help both partners last longer, and women can try various hip movements to build momentum. Additionally, watching educational videos or reading books can provide inspiration for trying new things in the bedroom. So, don't hesitate to explore these resources to enhance your sexual experiences.

    • Sharing uncomfortable experiences on TV and questioning scientific studiesThe speaker discussed her enjoyment of a dating show despite potential embarrassment, her skepticism towards a study on breakups, and her mixed feelings about the open bathrooms at her workplace.

      The speaker shared her experience of watching a dating show she was on and how she enjoyed it despite the embarrassment of her neighbors potentially seeing her naked. She also mentioned her obsession with a particular TV show and her amusement at a scientific study suggesting that breakups are harder on men due to a neurochemical called vasoppressin. She questioned the validity of the study and expressed that she didn't believe men have it harder during breakups. The speaker also mentioned her current job at Stitcher and her experience with the bathroom situation there. She found the bathrooms uncomfortable due to their openness but appreciated the privacy they offered. Overall, the conversation touched on various topics including reality TV, personal experiences, and scientific studies.

    • The addictive nature of love and connectionsStay open to new experiences and seek resources to enhance love and relationships. Remember that breakups can lead to new joy and fulfillment.

      Love and the need for connection can be addictive, similar to how the brain responds to substances like dopamine. However, the passion and intensity of a relationship can fade over time. Breakups can be challenging for both men and women, but it's important to remember that new relationships and connections can bring even greater joy and fulfillment. It's essential to keep an open mind and continue pursuing new experiences, whether through sex or other areas of life. The speakers also mentioned various resources for enhancing sexual experiences, such as Sex with Emily's podcasts, books, and iPhone apps, including Kegel Cam and the new app coming soon. They encouraged listeners to engage with them on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and to submit questions for advice on sex and relationships. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of maintaining a positive attitude, staying open to new experiences, and seeking out resources and support to improve one's love life.

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