
    SYSK Selects: How much money is there in the world?​

    enDecember 09, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Capital One Venture X Card benefits and Kroger savingsCapital One Venture X Card earns 2X miles on all purchases, offers travel perks, while Kroger ensures quality and savings on branded items, and M0 Money Supply suggests each American should have around $3,800 in cash.

      The Capital One Venture X Card offers cardholders unlimited 2X miles on every purchase, along with premium travel benefits such as airport lounge access and a $300 annual travel credit. Meanwhile, shopping for Kroger brand products provides consumers with guaranteed quality and savings. Elsewhere, on the Stuff You Should Know podcast, hosts discussed the global money supply and estimated that each American should have approximately $3,800 in cash. This concept, known as the M0 Money Supply, highlights the significance of understanding the role of money in the economy.

    • The Mo Money Supply: $1.2 trillion in physical US dollars worldwideThe Mo Money Supply, representing physical US dollars in circulation globally, is $1.2 trillion, with around half to two-thirds held outside the US.

      The M0 supply, also known as the Mo Money Supply, refers to all physical US dollars in circulation around the world, totaling $1.2 trillion as of July 2013. Approximately half to two-thirds of this amount is held overseas. This realization came to light during a conversation, and it's essential to distinguish the Mo Money Supply from other monetary measures like M1. The Federal Reserve Bank introduced this concept to track money in circulation. While the Mo Money Supply represents the actual cash and coins, it's important to note that not every American had $3,800 in their pockets, as this calculation does not include checking accounts or other forms of monetary holdings.

    • Understanding Different Forms of Money and Their SuppliesMoney exists in various forms including cash, checking accounts, savings accounts, and money market funds, collectively known as M1 and M2 supply, which make up a large portion of the world's money supply, totaling approximately 10.5 trillion US dollars.

      Money exists in various forms, both inside and outside of banks. While we are accustomed to using debit and credit cards, there are still significant amounts of cash and liquid accounts, such as checking accounts and traveler's checks (M1 supply), and savings accounts, money market funds, and small CDs (M2 supply), which make up a large portion of the world's money supply. Historically, larger CDs (jumbo CDs) offered much higher interest rates compared to the present day. The total M2 supply, which includes these forms of money, amounts to approximately 10.5 trillion US dollars. Understanding the different forms of money and their respective supplies provides insight into the economy and the role of financial institutions.

    • Zimbabwe's hyperinflation vs. Zigazoo's kid-safe platformZimbabwe's uncontrolled money supply led to hyperinflation, while Zigazoo ensures data safety and a fun environment for kids to share self-created videos.

      Zigazoo is a kid-safe social media platform where children can share their self-created videos with consent from their parents. The platform prioritizes data safety and is Kids Safe COPPA certified. Meanwhile, discussing the complexities of tracking money globally, it was highlighted that Zimbabwe serves as a cautionary tale of the potential consequences when a country's money supply is not effectively managed, leading to hyperinflation. While it might seem simple to inject cash into an economy by printing more money, the example of Zimbabwe illustrates the disastrous effects of such an approach. In contrast, Zigazoo offers a fun and secure environment for kids to express their creativity, while Betterment provides a reliable solution for managing your finances.

    • Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe caused rapid price increases and economic instabilityHyperinflation in Zimbabwe reached unprecedented levels, causing extreme economic hardship and abandonment of their currency

      Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe led to a significant decrease in the purchasing power of their currency, the Zimdollar. This was due to an oversupply of dollars in the economy, causing rapid inflation. Prices were doubling every day, making everyday items, like toilet paper, extremely expensive. The annual inflation rate reached an astounding 516 quintillion percent by the end of 2008, and even surpassed that at 89.76 trillion percent. The situation became so dire that the government abandoned the Zimdollar and adopted foreign currencies instead. This hyperinflation caused widespread economic instability and hardship for the people of Zimbabwe. It serves as a stark reminder of the destructive consequences of unchecked inflation and the importance of sound monetary policy.

    • Mismanagement of money supplies leads to hyperinflationImplementing a universal worldwide currency could prevent hyperinflation and ensure financial stability by making it easier to track and control the money supply.

      The lack of effective money tracking and control led to hyperinflation in countries like Zimbabwe, where the value of their currency plummeted to virtually worthless levels. For instance, they printed one hundred trillion Zimbabwean dollar notes, which were once worth about thirty dollars but now sell for only a few bucks on eBay. The Zimbabwean government's inability to keep track of their money in circulation made it impossible to prevent the excessive printing of money, leading to rampant inflation. A potential solution to prevent such situations is the implementation of a universal worldwide currency. Economists like John Maynard Keynes have suggested this idea since World War II. The use of a single currency would make it easier to track and control the money supply, preventing hyperinflation and ensuring financial stability. Historically, empires like ancient Rome and China used a single currency in all the lands they conquered, which prevented the fragmentation of currencies and facilitated economic transactions. Although the idea of a universal currency has not been fully implemented, it remains a viable solution to prevent the economic instability and chaos caused by the mismanagement of money supplies.

    • The Debate Over a Universal CurrencyA universal currency could offer convenience but may limit economic tools and control over monetary policy, causing potential inflation.

      A universal currency, while eliminating the need for currency exchanges and reducing transaction fees, would also limit the ability to manipulate currency values during economic downturns. During World War II, the idea of a universal currency came close to fruition but ultimately fell apart due to disagreements over its value. While some argue that a universal currency could lead to convenience and eliminate the hassle of exchanging currencies, others believe that the ability to manipulate currency values is an important tool for economic recovery. Additionally, the widespread belief that the future will involve a universal currency, as depicted in science fiction, may influence people's expectations. However, there are also concerns that a universal currency could lead to a lack of control over monetary policy and potential inflation. Overall, the idea of a universal currency is complex and comes with both advantages and disadvantages.

    • The feasibility and desirability of a universal currency remain debatedDespite concerns over instability and the need for effective international management, some argue for a universal currency, while others see it as outdated or potentially dangerous. Existing regional currencies offer potential, but recent challenges with unified currencies like the Euro have caused hesitation.

      The idea of a universal currency, such as a return to the gold standard, is a topic of ongoing debate. Some argue it could provide stability, while others see it as outdated or potentially dangerous. A major concern is the need for a competent international body to manage such a currency, as the effectiveness of current organizations like the UN and the World Bank varies greatly. Additionally, there are existing regional currencies, like the CFA Franc in Africa, that demonstrate the potential for interchangeable currencies within a unified economic bloc. However, the recent challenges faced by the Eurozone have caused hesitation towards pursuing such unified currencies in places like Central and South America and North America, where plans for the Amero had previously been discussed. Ultimately, the feasibility and desirability of a universal currency remain subjects of much discussion and debate.

    • Economic diversity and the role of the U.S.The U.S. serves as a bridge between economically contrasting countries and offers valuable insights for filmmakers through the Toolkit Podcast, while Zigazoo provides a safe online environment for children.

      The world's economy is complex and diverse, with vast differences between countries like Mexico and Canada, and the United States serving as a bridge between them. Another key takeaway is the importance of creating safe and enjoyable online environments for children, as demonstrated by the social media platform Zigazoo. Lastly, the Toolkit Podcast offers valuable insights for filmmakers, emphasizing the importance of structure and craft in their work. During the discussion, it was mentioned that there is a significant amount of wealth in the world, and the U.S. is situated between economically contrasting countries like Mexico and Canada. This economic diversity was described as fitting, with the U.S. serving as a melting pot or a place where it all comes together. Furthermore, the conversation touched upon the social media platform Zigazoo, which provides a safe and fun environment for kids to create and share content. The platform is moderated and has built-in privacy protections, making it an attractive alternative to other social networks. Lastly, the Toolkit Podcast was highlighted as a valuable resource for filmmakers, offering insights from industry professionals on their craft and process. The podcast covers a range of topics, from the latest films to behind-the-scenes insights into TV production.

    • Listeners' Creative ContributionsListeners sent diverse art forms like books, CDs, vinyl records, postcards, comic zines, hand-drawn renderings, and even a DVD as contributions to the show.

      The show received a variety of interesting contributions from listeners, including books, CDs, vinyl records, postcards, comic zines, and even a hand-drawn rendering of themselves. Some notable titles include "Verba Voor's Feast" by Christi the Word Smith, "Roman Disasters" by Jerry Toner, and "The Life and Times of Swirly Van Koko" by Aaron Dunbar. Listeners also sent in music from bands like Column Blow, Devil in the Skies, and Forging Reverie. Rich Bosek even sent a DVD called "Forgotten Detroit." Additionally, Katie Sinner initiated a project where she sends letters to inspiring individuals, and the show's hosts answered her questions. Overall, the listeners' contributions showcased their creativity and passion for various art forms.

    • Staying Connected: Podcasts, Social Media, and Creative ProcessesExplore podcasts, social media networks, and industry resources for learning, engagement, and community building. Embrace structure and craft in creative endeavors for success.

      There are various ways to stay connected and engaged with interesting content and communities. For example, listeners can keep up with the Stuff You Should Know podcast by following them on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, or by visiting their website. For kids, social media networks like Zigazoo offer a safe and moderated environment for sharing content and connecting with other verified children. Additionally, the Toolkit Podcast provides insights into the creative processes of renowned filmmakers and showrunners. Ultimately, these platforms offer opportunities for learning, engagement, and community building. Furthermore, the discussion highlighted the importance of structure and craft in creative endeavors. Quentin Tarantino, Greta Gerwig, Martin Scorsese, Jordan Peele, and other industry professionals shared their perspectives on the value of finding freedom within structure in their work. This idea can be applied to various fields, from filmmaking to writing, and emphasizes the importance of honing one's skills and tools to achieve success. So, whether you're a kid looking for a safe online community or a professional seeking to expand your knowledge and skills, there are plenty of resources and opportunities available to help you grow and connect.

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