
    Podcast Summary

    • Marketing and storytelling's power in shaping perceptionsThe Capital One Venture X Card offers premium travel benefits and 2X miles on every purchase, while Dash Pass saves money and time on average with every DoorDash order. Fanta Orange's origin story shows how companies can reframe history in a positive light despite complex and nuanced pasts.

      The Capital One Venture X Card offers unlimited 2X miles on every purchase and premium travel benefits like airport lounge access and a $300 annual credit for bookings through Capital One Travel. Meanwhile, Dash Pass by DoorDash is an affordable way to get delivery, saving users money and time on average with every order for just $9.99 a month. In a different context, the origin of Fanta Orange can be traced back to Nazi Germany where a Coke employee created the drink due to supply shortages during the war. However, it's important to note that while Fanta was born out of the Nazi regime, it wasn't created for Nazis and its creator wasn't a member of the party. The story of Fanta's creation can be seen as a company's attempt to reframe its history in a positive light. While some American companies did engage in illegal business dealings with the Nazis, such as IBM, the history of Fanta is more complex and nuanced. Overall, these stories illustrate the power of marketing and storytelling in shaping our perceptions of products and companies.

    • Examining Historical Narratives for InaccuraciesHistorical narratives can contain inaccuracies or fabrications, like the cherry tree story about George Washington. It's crucial to critically examine these stories and update our understanding of historical figures' legacies.

      Historical narratives can contain inaccuracies or outright fabrications that are perpetuated for generations. Using the example of George Washington and the cherry tree story, it was discovered that this tale was made up by Washington's early biographer, Mason Locke Weems. This falsehood was taught as fact in schools for centuries. Although the cherry tree story may seem minor compared to other historical inaccuracies, such as Christopher Columbus's discovery of America and his treatment of indigenous people, it highlights the importance of critically examining historical narratives and acknowledging their potential flaws. As society becomes more aware of the complexities and controversies surrounding historical figures, it's essential to revise and update our understanding of their legacies.

    • Exploring History Through Different Lenses: Revisionist HistoryHistory is a subjective narrative that changes with new facts and attitudes. Social theoretical lens encourages cultural perspectives, fact-checking ensures accuracy, while negative perspective sees falsification for political motives. Jefferson-Hemings case illustrates the importance of truth.

      History is a subjective, ever-evolving narrative that is open to revision as new facts come to light and attitudes change. This concept, known as revisionist history, can be viewed through different lenses, including social theoretical, fact-checking, and negative perspectives. The social theoretical lens encourages us to consider history from different cultural perspectives, while the fact-checking lens emphasizes the importance of getting the facts right. The negative perspective, on the other hand, sees revisionist history as an attempt to falsify or skew the truth for political motives. An example of this can be seen in the case of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings, where revisionist history denied the truth of their relationship for decades, only to be proven through DNA evidence in the late 1990s. Ultimately, understanding the complexity of history and its ongoing evolution is essential for accurately interpreting the past and learning from it.

    • Personal biases and revisionist historyHistorical accounts can be influenced by personal biases and revisionist perspectives, but the emergence of objective evidence and new technologies is helping to provide a more accurate account of history.

      The interpretation of history can be influenced by personal biases and revisionist perspectives. This was evident during the mid-20th century when historical accounts of the past were shaped by the racial hang-ups of the time. However, the emergence of incontrovertible DNA evidence has helped to dispel negative revisionism and provide a more accurate account of history. Moreover, the responsibility of historians to get it right and avoid using their own skewed perspectives was highlighted. This obligation became more pronounced after World War One when historians were tasked with recording and teaching the world about significant events. However, the objective nature of history was not fully recognized until this time, and revisionist history emerged as a way to grapple with different perspectives and interpretations. In the modern era, social media platforms like Zigazoo offer a safe space for kids to share content and interact positively. Meanwhile, automated investing apps like Betterment help individuals optimize their finances and make their money work for them. Overall, it's important to recognize the impact of personal biases and revisionist perspectives on historical accounts and strive for accuracy and objectivity. Additionally, the emergence of new technologies and platforms can help shape the way we learn and engage with various aspects of life, from history to finance.

    • The evolving narrative of historyHistorical understanding is shaped by human memory, perspective, and biases, and continues to evolve as new information and perspectives emerge.

      History is a subjective and evolving narrative shaped by human memory and perspective, as well as political and nationalistic biases. This was highlighted during World War I, when the Treaty of Versailles unfairly blamed Germany for the war, and the League of Nations recognized the need for guidelines to revise historical textbooks. The age of historical consensus began during World War II, with historians agreeing on the US's victorious role. However, during the tumultuous 1960s, historians expanded their focus to include political, economic, racial, and sexual lenses, recognizing the importance of diverse perspectives and experiences. History continues to be a dialogue subject to revision as new information and perspectives emerge.

    • Shifts in historical focus: Economic, racial, personal experiencesHistorians challenge traditional narratives, broaden understanding of history by focusing on economics, race, personal experiences, and the roles of women. These shifts can positively honor marginalized groups but also highlight past wrongdoings and potential calls for reparations.

      The study of history has undergone significant shifts in focus over the years, with historians challenging traditional narratives and bringing attention to often overlooked perspectives. For instance, Charles A. Beard's economic lens challenged the notion that the Founding Fathers solely looked out for the interests of the wealthy, while the racial lens shed light on the experiences of minorities. Personal experiences shared in the discussion revealed a lack of representation of Native Americans, Malcolm X, and UEP Newton in school curriculums. The addition of these perspectives to the historical narrative can have both positive and negative impacts, as it honors previously marginalized groups but may also highlight past wrongdoings and potential calls for reparations. The sexual lens further expanded the historical narrative by highlighting the roles and contributions of women. Overall, these shifts in focus have broadened our understanding of history and continue to challenge us to reevaluate and reinterpret the past.

    • Revisionist narratives in history and safe social media for kidsAcknowledge and correct historical inaccuracies. Provide kids with safe social media platforms like Zigazoo, where videos are moderated and there are no comments or messaging.

      History is not always accurately portrayed, leading to revisionist narratives that can distort the truth. This was discussed in relation to the lack of representation of significant African-American women in history, with Harriet Tubman being the most commonly mentioned name. The importance of acknowledging and correcting these inaccuracies was emphasized. Another topic touched upon was the use of social media for kids, with Zigazoo being presented as a safe alternative. Zigazoo is a social network for kids where videos are moderated by actual people and there are no comments or messaging, ensuring a safe environment for children. Furthermore, the discussion highlighted the potential of Airbnb as a source of income, and the importance of correcting historical revisionism was compared to the game of telephone. An example of this was given with the Disney portrayal of Pocahontas and John Smith, which was debunked as inaccurate due to the age difference between the two characters. Overall, the importance of factual accuracy and safe environments for children were key themes in the conversation.

    • Updating History: A Complex ProcessThe process of updating history and textbooks is complex, involving scholars, researchers, textbook authors, and large states, and is not a quick or simple process.

      The process of updating historical information and textbooks is a lengthy and complex one, involving scholars, researchers, and textbook authors, as well as the influence of large states with large student populations. Declassified documents and new discoveries can significantly impact history, but changing textbooks is not a simple or quick process. Despite the constraints on teachers, they play a crucial role in education and should be supported in their efforts to teach effectively. The need for reform in the education system is apparent, especially when it comes to ensuring that textbooks accurately represent history and are accessible to all students. The discussion also touched upon the impact of declassified documents on history and the importance of correcting historical inaccuracies as new information comes to light.

    • Resistance to new discoveries and perspectives in historyHistorical progress can face resistance due to fear of change and national pride, but it's important to distinguish between valid revisionist history and negationism, and update education accordingly.

      The field of history is constantly evolving, but progress and acceptance of new discoveries and perspectives can encounter resistance. This resistance often stems from a fear of change and a desire to hold onto traditional narratives and national pride. However, it's important to distinguish between revisionist history, which involves reinterpreting historical events and perspectives, and negationism, which denies the existence of historical facts. The negative connotations surrounding revisionist history are often due to its association with Holocaust denial and conspiracy theories. To separate the valid revisionist history from the invalid, consider the sources, evidence, and the intentions of those presenting the new perspective. In education, this means being open to updating curriculums and textbooks to reflect new discoveries and perspectives, rather than digging in one's heels and refusing to progress.

    • Evaluating the credibility of revisionist historyHistorians must approach revisionist history with skepticism and rigorous research, separating fact from fiction, and trusting experts in handwriting analysis to provide accurate analysis.

      While revisionist history can offer new perspectives and challenge established narratives, it's important to evaluate the credibility and evidence behind these theories. Not all revisionist history is created equal, and some theories may be just crackpot ideas with little to no solid evidence to back them up. Historians, both professional and amateur, have a role to play in sifting through these theories and separating fact from fiction. The study of history benefits from a healthy dose of skepticism and a willingness to reevaluate the past, but it's crucial to approach these theories with a critical eye and a healthy dose of skepticism. The field of handwriting analysis, or forensic document examination, is an important tool in uncovering the truth behind historical documents, and it's essential to trust the experts in this field to provide accurate and reliable analysis. Ultimately, the pursuit of historical truth requires a commitment to rigorous research, a willingness to challenge established narratives, and a healthy dose of skepticism.

    • Handwriting analysis and education innovationsHandwriting analysis requires expertise and extensive training. Educators can share ideas to improve the education system. Kids can use Zigazoo, a safe social media platform, for creative expression. THR Charts assists in navigating content platforms.

      Handwriting analysis, or graphology, is a complex and specialized field that requires natural ability and extensive training. Jordan, a handwriting analyst, shared her experiences of undergoing rigorous tests to ensure she had the necessary skills and working for the Secret Service to analyze anonymous threat letters. She emphasized the importance of the handwriting database in identifying matches. For educators, Stuff You Should Know podcast encourages sharing ideas on improving the education system. On a lighter note, Zigazoo, a social media platform for kids, was introduced, offering a safe and moderated environment for children to create and share content. Lastly, THR Charts was presented as a tool to help users navigate through content platforms more efficiently.

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    Episode Breakdown
    Thank You Message - 0:00
    Real American Commercial - 1:35
    Scene One - 4:21
    Intro Music - 6:51
    Scene Two - 7:12
    Scene Three - 10:46
    Scene Four - 16:25
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    Scene Seven - 37:12
    Real American Commerical - 39:01
    Scene Eight - 40:03
    Scene Nine - 43:11
    Scene Ten - 49:23

    End Credits - 52:25
    Post Credits Scene - 54:35

    For video messages, visit our Tiktok - @AmericaThePodcast, Instagram - @AmericaThePodcast

    Up To Date Corona Virus Numbers

    Social Links
    Theb A. Stard Twitter - @BastardComedy
    Show Twitter - @AmericaThePod
    Show IG - @AmericaThePodcast
    Show Facebook - @AmericaThePodcast
    Shway Media Twitter - @ShwayMedia

    Additional Voices
    Theb A Stard as himself
    Andrew K Turner as Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth
    Tim Phillippe as Georg Washington, Ben Franklin, and others
    Alanah Matos as the Midshow Commercial Announcer

    Writers for social media segments
    Theb A Stard
    Tim Phillippe
    Alexa Schreffler
    Alanah Matos
    Andrew K Turner

    American Revolution Research Links - https://bit.ly/36EMI4T

    Music and sounds for today's episode were procured through Story Blocks, The Library of Congress, Freesound.Org, Sonnis, Accusonus, Sound Crate, and Ambient-Mixer.com. The theme song for the show is by Timmy Two Step (TimmyTwoStep.com).


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    Episode Links (In Order):

    Opening Music Graciously Supplied By: https://audionautix.com/

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