
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the JFK Assassination and Earning College CreditThe Capital One Venture X Card offers 2X miles on every purchase and premium travel benefits, while Purdue Global grants college credit for work, school, life, or military experiences.

      The Capital One Venture X Card offers unlimited 2X miles on every purchase and premium travel benefits, while Purdue Global provides college credit for work, school, life, or military experiences, allowing individuals to earn a degree they deserve. Meanwhile, the JFK assassination conspiracy theories continue to intrigue the public, with 70% of Americans believing it was part of a broader plot. In the podcast episode "Who Killed JFK," Josh and Chuck discuss the facts and the likelihood of the lone gunman theory, acknowledging their limited expertise on the topic and the dedication of those who delve deeper. The JFK assassination remains a topic of fascination, with various conspiracy theories and popular culture references.

    • JFK's Fateful Motorcade: A Tale of Unity and TragedyDuring JFK's visit to Texas, he was assassinated while trying to promote unity among feuding Democrats, leaving a powerful and controversial 'magic bullet' as a reminder of the importance of political harmony.

      During President John F. Kennedy's visit to Texas in 1963, he was scheduled to make peace with feuding Democrats Governor Connolly and Senator Yarbrough during a public tour. The route was published in newspapers, and on November 22nd, they were both in the presidential motorcade. However, while Kennedy was waving to the crowd, he was assassinated, with the second shot hitting him in the back of the neck and exiting through his throat. The bullet also hit Governor Connolly. This bullet, known as the "magic bullet," was powerful and capable of tumbling and changing directions, making it a subject of controversy and fascination. Despite the tragic event, it was a reminder of the unity needed among political figures, even during family feuds.

    • Eyewitness and police actions after JFK assassinationWithin minutes of JFK's assassination, eyewitness Howard Brennan identified a suspect, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Dallas police allowed him to leave the scene, while the sniper's nest with crucial evidence was discovered shortly after.

      The assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, unfolded quickly, with Dallas police identifying the Texas School Book Depository building as a possible source of the gunfire just four minutes after the shooting. An eyewitness named Howard Brennan reported seeing a figure in a sixth-floor window that matched Lee Harvey Oswald's description. Officer Marion Baker arrived at the scene within minutes and, after vouching for Oswald's employment, allowed him to leave. A few minutes later, a lieutenant took over the crime scene and discovered the sniper's nest on the sixth floor, complete with three empty cartridges, a telescopic rifle, and a bolt-action rifle. Despite conflicting accounts and the infamous grassy knoll incident, the official line is that Oswald acted alone in assassinating JFK.

    • The manhunt for Oswald after Kennedy's assassinationOswald, wanted for JFK's murder and a police officer's death, was captured at a movie theater, mirroring Lincoln's assassin's escape to a theater.

      Lee Harvey Oswald, after shooting and killing Dallas police officer J.D. Tippitt, was eventually apprehended at a movie theater. This event occurred around the same time as President Kennedy's assassination, but at the time, authorities were not aware of Oswald's involvement in the president's murder. The parallels between the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy are intriguing, with both assassins fleeing to a public venue – a theater in Lincoln's case and a warehouse in Kennedy's – before being captured. Oswald's statement to the media, "I'm a patsy," has fueled speculation over the years. The assassination of the President of the United States of America was a significant and emotional event, and the manhunt for Oswald, who was also wanted for the murder of a police officer, added to the chaos.

    • Oswald's early life experiences shaped his search for belongingOswald's childhood in an orphanage and his interest in Marxism led him to seek a sense of belonging, but his attempts to join the Soviet Union resulted in his being watched and ultimately taking his own life

      Lee Harvey Oswald's early life experiences, including being left in an orphanage and the emotional scarring that came with it, likely contributed to his constant search for belonging and his eventual interest in Marxism and communism. Despite the height of the Cold War, Oswald was able to express his interests publicly without significant consequence. However, his attempts to join the Soviet Union led to his being placed on a watch list, and he ultimately took his own life after being rejected by the country he idolized. Throughout his life, Oswald seemed to be seeking a sense of belonging, both through his political beliefs and his military service, but he never fully found it, leaving him on the fringes of society.

    • Former Marine Oswald's failed assassination attempt on WalkerA disillusioned Oswald, who returned to the U.S. from the Soviet Union, attempted to assassinate conservative military figure Walker, but missed, later implicated in JFK's assassination

      Lee Harvey Oswald, a former U.S. Marine, felt disillusioned with life in the Soviet Union and moved back to the United States to Texas, where he and his wife felt isolated. Despite being under FBI scrutiny, Oswald attempted to assassinate a right-wing conservative military general, Edwin Walker, who was a prominent figure in the U.S. military. Oswald's actions were driven by his extreme beliefs, yet he missed his target. Despite his involvement in global politics, Oswald managed to evade detection until he was later implicated in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Oswald's life was marked by confusion and a lack of clear convictions, making his motivations and actions a complex and enduring mystery.

    • Oswald's life of abandonment and rejectionOswald's troubled past and failed attempts to belong fueled his actions, but the Warren Commission concluded he acted alone, leaving conspiracy theories unresolved

      Lee Harvey Oswald's life was marked by abandonment and rejection, which may have contributed to his actions leading up to the assassination of President Kennedy. Despite his attempts to join various causes and gain attention, no one seemed particularly interested or impressed with him. The Warren Commission's investigation into the assassination concluded that Oswald acted alone, but conspiracy theories persisted due to conflicting evidence and witness accounts. The voluminous nature of the Warren Report is often cited as evidence of its thoroughness, but some conspiracy theorists continue to believe that important documents are being withheld. Ultimately, the assassination of President Kennedy remains a topic of ongoing debate and speculation, with no clear consensus on the truth behind the events of that day.

    • Theories Surrounding JFK Assassination UnprovenEvidence supports Oswald acting alone in JFK assassination, despite theories linking him to KGB, Cuba, or mob.

      Despite various theories surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, including the KGB or Cuba theory and the mob theory, there was no substantial evidence linking Lee Harvey Oswald to these groups. Regarding the mob theory, Jack Ruby's connection to the mob and Oswald's uncle's alleged mafia ties were tenuous at best, and there was no evidence of communication between them. Jack Ruby's statement that he killed Oswald to spare Jacqueline and Carolyn Kennedy the pain of testifying against him is unverified hearsay. Overall, despite numerous theories, the evidence points to Oswald acting alone in the assassination of President Kennedy.

    • JFK Assassination: Conspiracy Theories Persist Despite Warren Commission's FindingsThe Warren Commission's conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in JFK's assassination was met with skepticism, leading to numerous investigations and theories of a larger conspiracy, but no definitive evidence has been found.

      Despite the Warren Commission's official conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating President John F. Kennedy, many theories suggesting a larger conspiracy persisted. Jackie and Bobby Kennedy, among others, entertained suspicions towards government figures like Lyndon B. Johnson and the CIA. Several historians have published studies supporting the idea of a conspiracy, but none could agree on its specifics. The House Select Committee on Assassinations, composed of House representatives, conducted a full investigation and concluded that JFK's death was likely due to a conspiracy, but they could not identify the perpetrators. The Warren Commission's findings did not put the conspiracy theories to rest, as they resurfaced with the House Select Committee's report and the Rockefeller Commission, which many believed was an attempt to derail further investigations. The lack of definitive evidence and ongoing debates continue to fuel speculation surrounding JFK's assassination.

    • Suspicious circumstances and alleged connections to figures fuel JFK assassination conspiracy theoriesDespite official reports, JFK assassination conspiracy theories persist due to suspicious circumstances, alleged connections to figures like Charles Harrelson and George Joannides, and the CIA's refusal to declassify related documents.

      The JFK assassination conspiracy theories continue to persist due to several suspicious circumstances and alleged connections to figures like Woody Harrelson's father, Charles Harrelson, and CIA agent George Joannides. The resemblance of the three tramps to known individuals, such as E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis, who were linked to the Watergate scandal, fueled conspiracy theories. Harrelson was rumored to have confessed to his involvement in the assassination, but his claims were later recanted. Additionally, the CIA's refusal to declassify documents related to the JFK assassination adds to the intrigue. George Joannides, a CIA agent in charge of anti-Castro student dissidents, was involved in a beating of Lee Harvey Oswald before the assassination but failed to disclose this information during the House Select Committee investigation. The suspicious circumstances surrounding the tramps' identities, the disappearance of witnesses, and the CIA's involvement have kept the JFK assassination conspiracy theories alive. For more information, check out Stuff They Don't Want You To Know or read articles on howstuffworks.com.

    • Using Stuff You Should Know for an Unplanned LessonA teacher in Wuhan, China used the podcast to learn about zombies and turned an awkward situation into an engaging lesson for his students, emphasizing the importance of being prepared and having access to reliable resources.

      The Stuff You Should Know podcast not only provides interesting and educational content, but it also came to the rescue for a teacher in Wuhan, China when he was unprepared for a lesson. The teacher, who is an English speaker in a predominantly Chinese-speaking environment, used the podcast to learn about zombies and turn a potentially awkward situation into an engaging and effective lesson for his students. This incident highlights the importance of being prepared and the value of having access to reliable and informative resources like Stuff You Should Know. Additionally, the discussion touched on the use of Zigazoo, a social media platform for kids, and the benefits of feeling special with a Discover credit card.

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     Our episodes have now begun  to explore  an array of matters that  dive into a deeper  darkness  related to what  went on that day in Dallas and in the  period before and after the assassination.  Matters   that possibly point  to a  wider  and more sinister  plot to kill the president and  that clearly call into question the theory that there was a  lone assassin.   Complex cases without  an eyewitness that can actually identify the shooter make the forensic and circumstantial evidence that much more important.  Ironically, problems abound with much of the evidence in this case. Evidence that is complex, incomplete and sometimes conflicting. 

    Even as early as 1964, rumors and serious concerns over  the lone gunman theory and the evidence that might contravene it,  were becoming a major concern for the government and the commission. Conspiracy theories were contrary to the government's stated narrative from the very beginning. Stay tuned as there are many more episodes to come!

    This series comprehensively explores the major facts,  themes, and  events leading up to the assassination in Dealey Plaza and the equally gripping stories surrounding the subsequent investigation. We  review  key elements of the Warren Commission Report , and the role of the CIA and FBI. We explore the  possible involvement of the Mafia in the murder and the review of that topic by the government's House Select Committee on Assassinations in the 1970's. We explore the Jim Garrison investigation and the work of other key figures such as Mark Lane and others. Learn more about Lee Harvey Oswald the suspected killer and Jack Ruby the distraught Dallas night club owner with underworld ties and the man that killed Oswald as a national TV audience was watching.  Stay with us as we take you through the facts and theories in bite sized discussions that are designed to educate, and inform as well as entertain the audience. This  real life story is more fascinating than fiction. No matter whether you are a serious researcher or a casual student, you will enjoy the fact filled narrative and story as  we relive one of the most shocking moments in American History. An event that changed the nation and changed the world forever.

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    Our episodes have now begun  to explore  an array of matters that  dive into a deeper  darkness  related to what  went on that day in Dallas and in the  period before and after the assassination.  Matters   that possibly point  to a  wider  and more sinister  plot to kill the president and  that clearly call into question the theory that there was a  lone assassin.   Complex cases without  an eyewitness that can actually identify the shooter make the forensic and circumstantial evidence that much more important.  Ironically, problems abound with much of the evidence in this case. Evidence that is complex, incomplete and sometimes conflicting. 

    Even as early as 1964, rumors and serious concerns over  the lone gunman theory and the evidence that might contravene it,  were becoming a major concern for the government and the commission. Conspiracy theories were contrary to the government's stated narrative from the very beginning. Stay tuned as there are many more episodes to come!

    This series comprehensively explores the major facts,  themes, and  events leading up to the assassination in Dealey Plaza and the equally gripping stories surrounding the subsequent investigation. We  review  key elements of the Warren Commission Report , and the role of the CIA and FBI. We explore the  possible involvement of the Mafia in the murder and the review of that topic by the government's House Select Committee on Assassinations in the 1970's. We explore the Jim Garrison investigation and the work of other key figures such as Mark Lane and others. Learn more about Lee Harvey Oswald the suspected killer and Jack Ruby the distraught Dallas night club owner with underworld ties and the man that killed Oswald as a national TV audience was watching.  Stay with us as we take you through the facts and theories in bite sized discussions that are designed to educate, and inform as well as entertain the audience. This  real life story is more fascinating than fiction. No matter whether you are a serious researcher or a casual student, you will enjoy the fact filled narrative and story as  we relive one of the most shocking moments in American History. An event that changed the nation and changed the world forever.

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    Everyone has a theory on who shot JFK. Ben explores the real answer - and explains why so many Americans have been lied to.

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    Episode 113 is  the first of a two episode miniseries covering  the attempted murder of General Edwin Walker in Dallas on April 10, 1963.  It was learned after the assassination of JFK,  that Lee Harvey Oswald was the likely perpetrator of the attempt on Walker's life, based on evidence found at Ruth Paine's home and testimony provided by Oswald's  wife after Oswald was murdered.  Walker was an ultra conservative and high profile former army general who was a member of the John Birch society and was expelled from the military for promulgating his ultra right wing views amongst service men.   The Warren commission identified this attempt on Walker's life by Oswald to be one of five stated factors that formed the possible motive for why Oswald killed the president, citing this as a prior act of violence where he demonstrated the willingness to attempt to murder a political figure using a  a rifle. Join us in this rather interesting story that, like other parts of the JFK assassination, has it's own twists and turns and mysterious elements.  Let us know  what you like about the podcast orr just provide us with comments on the episode via  email at podcastjfk@gmail.com or get active in our blog for each episode at www.podcastjfk.com   Either way, keep listening, and join us for the whole series of episodes about the fantastic goings on that encompass this part of the JFK story. 

    Our episodes have now begun  to explore  an array of matters that  dive into a deeper  darkness  related to what  went on that day in Dallas and in the  period before and after the assassination.  Matters   that possibly point  to a  wider  and more sinister  plot to kill the president and  that clearly call into question the theory that there was a  lone assassin.   Complex cases without  an eyewitness that can actually identify the shooter make the forensic and circumstantial evidence that much more important.  Ironically, problems abound with much of the evidence in this case. Evidence that is complex, incomplete and sometimes conflicting. 

    Even as early as 1964, rumors and serious concerns over  the lone gunman theory and the evidence that might contravene it,  were becoming a major concern for the government and the commission. Conspiracy theories were contrary to the government's stated narrative from the very beginning. Stay tuned as there are many more episodes to come!

    This series comprehensively explores the major facts,  themes, and  events leading up to the assassination in Dealey Plaza and the equally gripping stories surrounding the subsequent investigation. We  review  key elements of the Warren Commission Report , and the role of the CIA and FBI. We explore the  possible involvement of the Mafia in the murder and the review of that topic by the government's House Select Committee on Assassinations in the 1970's. We explore the Jim Garrison investigation and the work of other key figures such as Mark Lane and others. Learn more about Lee Harvey Oswald the suspected killer and Jack Ruby the distraught Dallas night club owner with underworld ties and the man that killed Oswald as a national TV audience was watching.  Stay with us as we take you through the facts and theories in bite sized discussions that are designed to educate, and inform as well as entertain the audience. This  real life story is more fascinating than fiction. No matter whether you are a serious researcher or a casual student, you will enjoy the fact filled narrative and story as  we relive one of the most shocking moments in American History. An event that changed the nation and changed the world forever.

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     Our episodes have now begun  to explore  an array of matters that  dive into a deeper  darkness  related to what  went on that day in Dallas and in the  period before and after the assassination.  Matters   that possibly point  to a  wider  and more sinister  plot to kill the president and  that clearly call into question the theory that there was a  lone assassin.   Complex cases without  an eyewitness that can actually identify the shooter make the forensic and circumstantial evidence that much more important.  Ironically, problems abound with much of the evidence in this case. Evidence that is complex, incomplete and sometimes conflicting. 

    Even as early as 1964, rumors and serious concerns over  the lone gunman theory and the evidence that might contravene it,  were becoming a major concern for the government and the commission. Conspiracy theories were contrary to the government's stated narrative from the very beginning. Stay tuned as there are many more episodes to come!

    This series comprehensively explores the major facts,  themes, and  events leading up to the assassination in Dealey Plaza and the equally gripping stories surrounding the subsequent investigation. We  review  key elements of the Warren Commission Report , and the role of the CIA and FBI. We explore the  possible involvement of the Mafia in the murder and the review of that topic by the government's House Select Committee on Assassinations in the 1970's. We explore the Jim Garrison investigation and the work of other key figures such as Mark Lane and others. Learn more about Lee Harvey Oswald the suspected killer and Jack Ruby the distraught Dallas night club owner with underworld ties and the man that killed Oswald as a national TV audience was watching.  Stay with us as we take you through the facts and theories in bite sized discussions that are designed to educate, and inform as well as entertain the audience. This  real life story is more fascinating than fiction. No matter whether you are a serious researcher or a casual student, you will enjoy the fact filled narrative and story as  we relive one of the most shocking moments in American History. An event that changed the nation and changed the world forever.