
    Tal Ben-Shahar || The Science of Happiness

    enJune 17, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Enhancing Daily Routines: Clorox Scentiva's Fresh Scents and JCPenney's Comfortable ClothesRevitalize your daily routines with Clorox Scentiva's invigorating scents and JCPenney's comfortable clothing for all body types. Find deeper meaning and purpose through personal growth, as shared by Tal Ben Shahar.

      Clorox Scentiva offers a fresh and energizing cleaning experience with its coconut scent and powerful cleaning abilities. Meanwhile, JCPenney empowers individuals to refresh their wardrobes with stylish and comfortable clothing options for various body types. Tal Ben Shahar, a bestselling author and leadership expert, shares his journey from a professional squash player to a psychology teacher after an injury, highlighting the importance of finding meaning and purpose beyond material success. These discussions emphasize the importance of enhancing daily routines through enjoyable scents, comfortable clothing, and personal growth.

    • Formative experiences teach valuable lessonsWinning tournaments taught speaker valuable lessons, but diverse work experiences were even more formative, shaping his career in positive psychology.

      Happiness is not just about achieving goals or milestones, but rather about the experiences and lessons learned along the way. This was a realization the speaker had after winning a few squash tournaments and later working at a shipping company. The experience on the ships, with a diverse group of people from different countries, was a formative experience that taught him valuable lessons about human nature and different cultures. His eventual path to teaching a popular course at Harvard in positive psychology was a result of both desire, planning, and luck. Despite the integration of various perspectives, including philosophy, economics, neuroscience, literature, and film, conflicts may arise between different theories. However, science can serve as a valuable tool to help resolve such conflicts. This period at Harvard was a transformative time for the speaker, providing him with opportunities for personal growth and the development of his career.

    • Innovation and Inspiration in Early Positive PsychologyThe early days of positive psychology allowed for creativity and eclecticism, drawing on ancient philosophy and modern psychology to create a unique learning experience. Innovative thinkers in the field, like the speaker, were able to look outside their discipline for inspiration and make a significant impact.

      The early days of positive psychology, around 1999, were an exciting time for those involved due to the lack of established knowledge and the need for creativity and eclecticism. The speaker, who taught a groundbreaking positive psychology class at Harvard, drew on his own experiences and the works of ancient philosophers like Aristotle and modern psychologists like Abraham Maslow to create a meaningful learning experience. Some of his standout students included Adam Grant, Aaliyah Crump, and Sean Achor, who went on to become prominent figures in the field. By being at the beginning of a new and ancient field, the speaker was able to be innovative and look outside his field for inspiration, which proved to be invaluable for both himself and his students.

    • Personal experiences shaped the speaker's definition of happinessDefining happiness as spiritual, physical, intellectual, relational, and emotional well-being helps in pursuing it. Understanding personal experiences and their impact on happiness is crucial.

      The speaker's past experiences, including the loss of students and the challenges of leading a large class, contributed to her growth and led her to a deeper understanding of happiness. She defines happiness as spiritual, physical, intellectual, relational, and emotional well-being, and emphasizes the importance of defining happiness in order to pursue it. The speaker is a co-founder of the Whole Being Institute and now focuses on promoting whole-person well-being through the Happiness Studies Academy. The experience of losing students and facing challenges in her teaching career helped her grow and ultimately led her to a more meaningful and fulfilling path. She sees happiness as a whole-person experience, encompassing various aspects of well-being, and believes that understanding and defining happiness is key to finding it.

    • Deep learning and happiness connectionDeep learning enhances happiness, fosters creativity, and positively impacts relationships and business.

      Deep learning, a crucial intellectual skill, is deeply connected to happiness and various aspects of our lives, including relationships and creativity. Aristotle, considered the father of happiness studies, believed contemplation was the key to happiness, and deep learning plays a significant role in this. Deep learning, or the ability to delve deeply into a text or subject, can bring great joy and benefits other areas of life, such as relationships and business. Additionally, positive emotions and intellectual well-being contribute to creativity. The work of Alice Eisen and Barbara Frederick supports this, as they found that improving mood and learning new topics increase the likelihood of thinking creatively. Contrary to the illusion of great creative geniuses bringing creativity out of nowhere, deep learning and intellectual curiosity are essential for fostering creativity.

    • The connection between happiness and creativityDeep learning, presence, good sleep, and relational well-being contribute to creativity, while happiness is subjectively defined and influenced by all aspects of well-being. Prioritize personal exploration to understand what brings happiness and fulfillment.

      Happiness and creativity are interconnected and rooted in various aspects of well-being. Deep learning and being present in the moment, as well as good sleep and relational well-being, contribute to creativity. Happiness, on the other hand, can be defined differently by different people, ranging from the combination of the five Spire elements to moment-by-moment experiences and life satisfaction. The definition of happiness is subjective, but it's essential to acknowledge that all elements of well-being play a role in its emergence. For instance, a person may excel intellectually but still not be considered happy if they're struggling with other aspects of well-being. Therefore, happiness can be seen as the culmination of all elements working together. Ultimately, it's essential to prioritize personal research and exploration in understanding what brings happiness and fulfillment to one's life.

    • Understanding the elements of happiness beyond meaning and purposeThe Spire model identifies intellectual, emotional, physical, social, and spiritual well-being as key contributors to happiness, with universals like meaning, purpose, physical activity, learning, relationships, gratitude, and dealing with painful emotions applying to all cultures.

      Meaning and purpose in life are essential for happiness, but they are not the only factors. The Spire model, which includes intellectual, emotional, physical, social, and spiritual well-being, provides a framework for understanding the various elements that contribute to happiness. However, not everyone needs to prioritize all elements equally, and cultural differences can influence what brings happiness to different individuals. At the universal level, there are certain universals that contribute to happiness, such as a sense of meaning and purpose, physical activity, learning, relationships, gratitude, and dealing with painful emotions. At the cultural level, there are differences in how happiness is defined and pursued across different cultures. For example, individualistic cultures may prioritize personal achievement, while collectivistic cultures may prioritize community and relationships. At the individual level, it's essential to identify which Spire elements are most important for personal happiness and focus on increasing those areas. Ultimately, we need to balance all aspects of our well-being while acknowledging the universal, cultural, and individual differences that shape our happiness.

    • Indirectly pursuing happiness through meaningful work, presence, physical well-being, deep learning, and relationshipsFocusing on indirect methods like meaningful work, presence, physical well-being, deep learning, and relationships can contribute to greater happiness, rather than directly pursuing constant happiness or avoiding painful emotions.

      Pursuing happiness directly may not lead to increased happiness, but rather, focusing on indirect methods can contribute to greater happiness. This is similar to how looking at the sun indirectly through a prism allows us to enjoy its colors without harm. Happiness is not about constant happiness or avoiding painful emotions, but rather accepting and embracing them as part of life. It's a lifelong journey that exists on a continuum, not a binary zero or one state. By focusing on meaningful work, presence, physical well-being, deep learning, and relationships, we can indirectly pursue happiness and enjoy the "rainbow" of positive emotions. This approach can be particularly beneficial for individuals in at-risk populations by helping them accept and embrace their emotions and focus on the indirect paths to happiness.

    • Exploring the Science of Happiness and EmpathyThe science of happiness can enhance well-being, but addressing basic needs and severe depression is crucial. Technology addiction, especially social media, can lead to depression and decreased empathy. Real-life interactions and experiences are vital for empathy development.

      The science of happiness, or positive psychology, is a valuable field that can help individuals increase their levels of well-being, regardless of their current state. However, it's important to note that it's not a panacea and shouldn't replace addressing basic needs or severe depression. Technology addiction, particularly social media use, has been linked to increased depression and decreased empathy, making it essential to find a balance and prioritize real-life relationships and compassion. The most troubling finding is a significant decrease in empathy levels among young adults over the past 20 years, which is attributed to technology use. To truly develop empathy, we need to immerse ourselves in real-life interactions and experiences, allowing us to learn the language of morality and build strong, compassionate relationships.

    • Building Strong Relationships: Empathy and CompassionEmpathy and compassion are vital for relationships, but virtual interactions can't fully replace in-person ones. The Happiness Studies Academy offers a program to deepen empathy and compassion, leading to increased happiness and care for others.

      Empathy and compassion are essential for building strong relationships, and while virtual interactions can contribute to developing empathy, they cannot fully replace in-person interactions. Empathy is not cultivated through social media, and face-to-face interactions are crucial for deepening connections. The Happiness Studies Academy offers a certificate program to help individuals become happier and assist others in doing the same. The program includes lectures, webinars, reading, and exercises, and students come from various professions, including therapy, coaching, consulting, management, teaching, and parenting. The goal is to introduce the principles of happiness into both personal and professional lives. Empathy and compassion are interconnected, and cultivating empathy leads to increased compassion and care for others. The importance of empathy and compassion cannot be overstated, especially in a world where virtual interactions are increasingly common.

    • Exploring resources for financial, mental, and physical wellnessDiscover your financial health with quizzes, improve overall wellness through comprehensive programs, and access mental health support online.

      There are resources available to help individuals assess and improve their financial wellness. The discussion mentioned Facet's financial wellness quiz as an option for gaining insight into one's current financial health. Additionally, CVS Health was highlighted for its comprehensive approach to health and wellness, addressing physical, mental, and financial needs. Lastly, BetterHelp was introduced as a solution for accessible mental health support. Overall, these examples demonstrate that there are various tools and services designed to support individuals in different aspects of their well-being.

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    | Adam Sandel |


    ► Website | http://www.adamsandel.com

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    | Valerie Tiberius |

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    My Top Takeaways From this Episode:


    • Shifting from a scarcity to an abundance mindset.

    • David shared lessons he learned from building a $100M net worth and then losing everything and having to file bankruptcy.

    • David discusses mindset needed to rebuild wealth and happiness after experiencing a financial loss. 

    • One should not define themselves by their bank account, instead enjoy the persistent pursuit of potential according to personal values. 

    • David share’s his five daily practices: taking inventory of values, asking and attracting, being a student of the calendar, doing things now, and practicing eliminating fear. 


    • Meditating consistently and persistently can help one pursue their potential.

    • The importance of asking for help, even if this might seem intimidating.

    • Pain should be seen as an indicator rather than a stop sign, pushing one towards something better.

    • Take a personal inventory of your values each day

    • David is on a mission to positively affect 1 billion people with happiness.

    • I asked David what he would do if he lost everything again.

    • Connect with him on all platforms by searching "David Meltzer," going to www.dmeltzer.com or emailing him at david@dmeltzer.com

    Connect with Dr. Justin Moseley:

        •    Website :https://drjustinmoseley.com/

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