

    enMarch 11, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Live shows offer a unique experience but come with challenges and risksDespite disrupting routines and presenting risks, live shows provide a unique connection between hosts and audience.

      The live shows provide a level of unfiltered and offensive interaction between the hosts that's harder to replicate in a recorded podcast format. The hosts have been on tour for over a week, which has disrupted their sense of time and routine, leading to exhaustion and a lack of physical activity. Despite the challenges, they're grateful for the experiences and the opportunity to connect with their audience. However, the risks involved, such as potential injuries from liming or trying out Heelys on stage, keep them grounded and focused on safety. Overall, the live shows offer a unique experience for both the hosts and their fans, but they come with their own set of challenges and risks.

    • Finding joy in being part of a tour as a videographerThe speaker finds fulfillment and camaraderie in being on a tour as a videographer, despite not being able to ice skate himself. The team's fun and easy-going nature adds to his enjoyment.

      Despite not being able to ice skate himself, the speaker finds joy and excitement in being a part of a tour as a videographer and living on the bus with his team. The tour, though demanding both physically and mentally, brings him a sense of camaraderie and fulfillment that he looks forward to continuing for a long time. The team, made up of women, is described as fun, funny, and easy to work with, making the experience even more enjoyable. The speaker also mentions the unique tiredness that comes from constantly engaging with fans and giving them the best experience, but he is excited to get back to it. Despite the challenges, the speaker is grateful for the opportunity and the experiences they've had before the tour even began.

    • Encounters at the People's Choice AwardsThe People's Choice Awards offered unexpected interactions, reconciliations, and moments of humanization for the speaker, including making amends with Josh Richards and receiving a compliment from Dave Portnoy, as well as an emotional reunion with Billie Eilish.

      The People's Choice Awards brought together various personalities from the world of pop culture, including influencers, celebrities, and musicians. The speaker had an amazing experience at the event, despite some unexpected encounters. One such encounter was with Billie Eilish, who the speaker had interacted with in the past but had since unfollowed due to the speaker's association with influencer culture. The speaker felt sad about this, as they still held a deep admiration for Billie. The event also saw the speaker making amends with Josh Richards, and receiving a compliment from Dave Portnoy. Overall, the People's Choice Awards provided an opportunity for unexpected interactions, reconciliations, and moments of humanization. Despite the complexities and nuances of the interactions, the speaker left the event feeling iconic and excited about the unexpected turns of events.

    • Unexpected encounters at the People's Choice AwardsMeeting idols and experiencing unexpected situations can leave lasting impacts on our lives, even if some details may remain a mystery

      The speaker had an unforgettable experience at the People's Choice Awards where she met her idols, including Adam Sandler and Natasha Bedingfield. She was also intrigued by a mysterious situation involving a friend's ex-boyfriend and his new companion, a dog. The speaker expressed her deep emotions about these experiences, from her curiosity and hurt to her excitement and joy. However, despite numerous cameras present, there seems to be no record of her interaction with Natasha Bedingfield, leaving her puzzled. Overall, the speaker's account highlights the power of unexpected encounters and the impact they can have on one's life.

    • Unexpected Encounter with a CelebrityRegret not sharing a memorable encounter due to lack of evidence, struggled with health on tour, desire to revive music career and share experiences

      The speaker had an unexpected and memorable encounter with a celebrity, but regrets not sharing it publicly at the time due to a lack of recording or evidence. The celebrity, whom they had admired growing up, turned out to be fun and engaging in person. The speaker also shared their struggles with maintaining a healthy lifestyle while on tour, succumbing to unhealthy food and potential substance use, leading to feelings of regret and embarrassment. Despite these indulgences, the speaker expressed a desire to revive their music career and potentially quit podcasting. The encounter with the celebrity and the experiences on tour served as a reminder of the importance of living in the moment and sharing experiences with others.

    • Exploring New Self-Care Activities and ProductsThe speaker shares their excitement for new experiences in self-care, including Pilates and Mood's THCA pre rolls and flower, as well as Veleza's vibrators and toys.

      The speaker is exploring new activities and products to enhance their self-care routine. They have tried Pilates once and plan to continue, and have also discovered Mood's THC products, particularly the THCA pre rolls and flower. The speaker expresses excitement about Mood's new THCA flower, which offers a potent THC experience. Additionally, they mention Veleza, a sexual wellness company, and share their enthusiasm for the variety of vibrators and toys available. Despite feeling FOMO about missing a trip to Bora Bora, the speaker expresses gratitude for their current sobriety and the new experiences and products they have discovered. Overall, the speaker is embracing new experiences and exploring various ways to relax and enhance their mood. For a limited time, listeners can receive a free THCA pre roll and 20% off their first Mood order using the code "canceled" at checkout. Similarly, by signing up for the giveaway at www.boutique.co/vibe/canceled, listeners can receive free toys or gift cards from Veleza.

    • Unexpected connections in friendships and relationshipsFriendships and relationships can bring unexpected joys and challenges, leading to new levels of trust and intimacy. Mental health and self-care are crucial, and effective communication and trust are essential in long-distance relationships.

      Friendship and relationships can bring unexpected joys and challenges. The speaker shares her experience of going on a tour with her friend and her boyfriend, and how they ended up sharing an iPad and building a farm together on it. She expresses her surprise and delight at this new level of trust and intimacy in her relationship. Additionally, she reflects on the importance of mental health and the value of taking time for oneself, as exemplified by Brie's decision to decline a trip for her own well-being. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of communication and trust in long-distance relationships and how they can be tested in new environments. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and joys of interpersonal relationships and the importance of embracing new experiences and challenges.

    • Experiences of Emotional Abuse and Escaping its ComplexitiesEmotionally abusive relationships can lead individuals to extreme measures and feelings of connection long after the relationship has ended. Recognizing the signs and seeking help are crucial.

      Emotionally abusive relationships can be difficult to escape, and sometimes people may resort to extreme measures, such as cheating, in an attempt to regain control or seek comfort. The speaker in this conversation shares her experience of being in a relationship where her partner blackmailed her and stole her phone to prevent her from leaving. She admits to cheating on him but just like, I didn't know what it was like to not be able to get out of an emotionally abusive relationship until that situation," she says. The speaker also mentions how she has seen an increase in online discussions about her past relationship and feels a strange sense of connection to it, even though she no longer knows what her ex-partner looks like. The conversation sheds light on the complexities of emotionally abusive relationships and the lengths people may go to escape them. It also highlights the importance of recognizing the signs of emotional abuse and how to seek help if you find yourself in a similar situation.

    • Lesson learned from a manipulative ex-boyfriendStand up to bullies and learn to trust again, even after financial and emotional setbacks.

      The speaker had a past experience with a manipulative and blackmailing ex-boyfriend who drained her bank account, leaving her with nothing. She paid him off out of fear, and he used the money to buy expensive items. The speaker felt terrible about the situation, especially since the boyfriend was an unattractive drug dealer. The situation left her emotionally scarred and financially stranded, forcing her to start over. She learned a valuable lesson about trust and the importance of standing up to bullies. The situation also brought back painful memories when she reflected on it later, despite now being in a happy relationship. The speaker also shared an unrelated incident about a clogged toilet on the bus that caused tension between her and a friend. In the end, the speaker encouraged open communication and self-reflection to address conflicts.

    • Accusing a Fellow Passenger of NegligenceA passenger accused another of leaving toilet paper in the toilet without flushing, causing embarrassment and annoyance for the accuser. The accuser believes they have evidence due to hearing the person enter and leave the bathroom while under the influence of drugs.

      The speaker is accusing a specific person on their bus of leaving a wad of toilet paper in the toilet without flushing it, despite the speaker's efforts to rule out everyone else. The speaker is confident it was this person because they heard them enter and leave the bathroom while they were both under the influence of drugs. The speaker expresses annoyance and embarrassment at having to fish out the toilet paper themselves, and shares how it was a humiliating experience for them. The speaker also mentions discovering toilet fishing forks as an alternative solution, but still prefers not to use them. Overall, the speaker's main point is that they believe the accused person was careless and inconsiderate for leaving the toilet paper in the toilet without properly disposing of it.

    • Speaker defends herself against toilet clog accusationSpeaker maintains her innocence, suggests possible explanations for the incident, and proposes a lie detector test to prove it.

      The speaker is adamant that she did not clog the toilet on the bus and feels wrongly accused. She believes that someone else must have done it due to various reasons, such as being under the influence of Mara (a substance), not being awake when it happened, and having a different toilet habit. The speaker also mentions that she would never leave a toilet in such a state and feels frustrated about the situation, especially because she believes that the accuser would not communicate as openly if they were not on a recorded podcast. The speaker suggests hiring a lie detector to prove her innocence.

    • Bus bathroom mysteryDespite initial anger and feelings of betrayal, the speaker came to understand that there was room for deniability in a bathroom incident on a tour bus. She also shared an embarrassing personal incident and discussed the constructive potential of bullying.

      The speaker in this conversation is adamant about her innocence regarding an incident on a tour bus, involving a large wad of toilet paper being found in the bathroom. She believes that her co-host is the culprit, and despite her initial anger and feelings of betrayal, she eventually comes to understand that there was room for deniability in the situation. However, she shares another embarrassing incident involving her own personal item being accidentally discarded in the same toilet paper trash. The conversation also touches upon the topic of bullying and its potential constructiveness, as well as the speaker's hyper-awareness of her own actions and the actions of those around her. Ultimately, the speaker expresses her relief at clearing the air and moving past the incident.

    • Unexpected challenges on tour, even in the bathroomTouring comes with unique challenges, prioritize personal needs even in chaotic situations.

      Being on tour comes with unexpected challenges, even in the most basic situations like using the bathroom. The speaker shared an experience of dropping her Invisalign retainer in the trash and questioning the worth of her investment. She also discussed the embarrassment of asking the bus driver to stop for a bathroom emergency, especially when the rest of the group was already asleep. The speaker also mentioned dealing with fans and the chaos that comes with their presence. Despite the discomfort and embarrassment, she prioritized her own needs and made the decision to ask for privacy. The experience highlights the unique challenges of being on tour and the importance of prioritizing personal needs in the midst of chaos.

    • Exploring complex human emotions and behaviors through true crime storiesTrue crime stories offer relatable themes of manipulation, deceit, and the quest for truth, allowing us to explore human emotions and behaviors.

      The obsession with true crime stories, like Gypsy Rose's, can be deeply personal and intriguing, even if it's not directly related to one's own experiences. The Risa Tisa series on TikTok, for example, was a captivating 50-part investigation into a deceptive partner's lies, resonating with some viewers on a profound level. Although some parts of the story may be exaggerated or even fabricated, the underlying themes of manipulation, deceit, and the quest for truth can be relatable and thought-provoking. Ultimately, the fascination with true crime stories allows us to explore complex human emotions and behaviors, providing valuable insights into the human condition.

    • Experiences of Betrayal in RelationshipsLies and deceit in relationships can lead to feelings of betrayal and disappointment. Honesty and transparency are essential for healthy relationships.

      Relationships built on lies and deceit can lead to feelings of betrayal and disappointment. The speaker shares her experience of dating a man who lied about various aspects of his life, from his car to his past and even his famous song. She felt empathetic towards her friend, who also experienced a similar situation with a more famous comedian, but felt frustrated that her ex's deceit didn't receive the same level of attention. The speaker reflects on how these experiences made her feel and how she came to terms with the reality of the situations. Ultimately, she learned that honesty and transparency are essential in any relationship.

    • Dating someone who lies excessivelyRelationships built on deceit and manipulation can cause deep harm, but perpetrators often avoid consequences, leaving victims feeling betrayed and emotionally drained.

      Relationships built on deceit and manipulation can be deeply damaging, and the perpetrator often avoids consequences despite the harm caused. The speaker shares her experience of dating someone who would lie excessively, even going as far as faking accents and creating a false persona to keep up appearances. She felt angry and betrayed, but also felt guilty for staying in the relationship due to the emotional and financial support she received. The situation left her feeling emotionally drained and questioning how such behavior wasn't considered a crime. Despite the pain, she hopes that her ex's music career suffers and that no one else falls victim to his deceit. The speaker also shares her favorite memories of performing in Springfield, Missouri, where the crowds were particularly engaging and goofy.

    • The comedians' live podcast show dynamic keeps them goingThey find humor in shared experiences and unexpected moments, plan new content, avoid distractions, and focus on live audience feedback.

      The dynamic between the comedians on their live podcast show is what keeps them going, despite the repetition of stories and jokes. They find humor in the shared experiences and the unexpected, random moments that differ from previous shows. However, they plan to switch things up and bring new content for upcoming shows. The comedians have decided to stay away from social media like Reddit during their tours to avoid distractions and negative feedback, focusing instead on performing and connecting with their live audience. They value the positive feedback they receive from fans and aim to continue providing entertaining shows.

    • Sharing Gratitude and Joy with FansThe speaker expresses her deep appreciation for her fans and the joy she finds in performing for them, even in retirement. She looks forward to future opportunities to connect and create music with her bandmates.

      The speaker is deeply grateful for her connection with her fans and the experiences she's had on tour. Despite feeling retired and living vicariously through her friends, she finds joy in interacting with fans and performing. She also expresses her excitement for the future and the possibility of continuing her career with her bandmates. The speaker's emotional connection to her fans is evident, as she shares stories of fans who have been impacted by her music and her own emotional reactions to their interactions. Overall, the speaker's words convey a sense of fulfillment and appreciation for the opportunity to share her music and connect with fans.

    Recent Episodes from Cancelled with Tana Mongeau



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    In today's episode of the Cancel Podcast, we explore a wide range of topics, from quirky jobs to ideal lives, and a dramatic cat-related incident.  We dive into into personal experiences, including escapades in Las Vegas and the complexities of receiving gifts and flirtations.  Curology: Visit https://CUROLOGY.com/CANCELLED for a special offer. Liquid Death: You can get free shipping of Liquid Death’s Mountain Water, Flavored Sparkling, and Iced Tea 8-packs with Amazon Prime or grab a can or a case at your local 7-Eleven, Target, Walmart, Whole Foods or on Instacart.  Go to https://liquiddeath.com/CANCELLED to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer.  Draft Kings: New players, start by playing just $5 to get $50 in Casino Credits in your pocket INSTANTLY! All you gotta do is download the DraftKings Casino app and sign up with code CANCELLED. You’ll be soaking up the fun in no time! The Crown is Yours. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER, or In West Virginia visit www.1800gambler.net. In Connecticut, help is available for problem gambling, call 888-789-7777 or visit CCPG.org. Please play responsibly. 21 plus. Physically present in Connecticut, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia only. Void in Ontario. One per opted-in new customer. $5 in wagers required. Max $50 in non-withdrawable Casino Credits that expire in 168 hours. See casino.draftkings.com/get50 for eligibility, terms, and responsible gaming resources. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


    This episode of the Cancelled podcast we recap the tour and appreciate each other’s friendship. Tana reflects on her sobriety and we find out why she’s beefing with Will Smith and Wiz Khalifa! https://Adamandeve.com Offer is 50% off almost any item + FREE SHIPPING + RUSH PROCESSING Code is TANA Tana Mongeau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanamongeau/ Tana Mongeau Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau Tana Mongeau TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanamongeaulol Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/ Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1 Brooke Schofield YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzCVovj7tfqnV2lIkaVk35A To listen to the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/CancelledYouTube Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices



    This episode of the Cancelled podcast we recap the tour and appreciate each other’s friendship. Tana reflects on her sobriety and we find out why she’s beefing with Will Smith and Wiz Khalifa!


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    Tana Mongeau Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau

    Tana Mongeau TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanamongeaulol

    Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/

    Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber

    Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1

    Brooke Schofield YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzCVovj7tfqnV2lIkaVk35A

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    This episode of the Cancelled podcast we are joined by Paige again! We talk about influencer culture and AI relationships. Billy Eilish and Taylor Swift battle it out. Then We are joined by Trevi and reminisce on some stories of the past! Lume: Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get 15% off with promo code CANCELLED at https://LumeDeodorant.com! #lumepod Curology: Visit https://CUROLOGY.com/CANCELLED for a special offer. Tana Mongeau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanamongeau/ Tana Mongeau Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau Tana Mongeau TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanamongeaulol Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/ Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1 Brooke Schofield YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzCVovj7tfqnV2lIkaVk35A To listen to the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/CancelledYouTube Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices



    This episode of the Cancelled podcast we are joined by Paige again! We talk about influencer culture and AI relationships. Billy Eilish and Taylor Swift battle it out. Then We are joined by Trevi and reminisce on some stories of the past!


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    Tana Mongeau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanamongeau/

    Tana Mongeau Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau

    Tana Mongeau TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanamongeaulol

    Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/

    Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber

    Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1

    Brooke Schofield YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzCVovj7tfqnV2lIkaVk35A

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    This episode of the Cancelled podcast comes from the beautiful island of Maui. And are joined by Makoa Ho the Prince of Hawaii and share the lore on how he and Tana became friends. Mood: Add more relaxation to your summer plans with MOOD! For a limited time only, get 20% off your first order and a FREE THCa pre-roll. Just go to https://hellomood.com and use promo code CANCELLED. Lemme Say This: Follow Lemme Say This on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch [new] episodes on YouTube or listen to Lemme Say This ad-free by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts. Liquid Death: You can get free shipping of Liquid Death’s Mountain Water, Flavored Sparkling, and Iced Tea 8-packs with Amazon Prime or grab a can or a case at your local 7-Eleven, Target, Walmart, Whole Foods or on Instacart. Go to liquiddeath.com/CANCELLED to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer.  Tana Mongeau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanamongeau/ Tana Mongeau Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau Tana Mongeau TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanamongeaulol Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/ Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1 Brooke Schofield YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzCVovj7tfqnV2lIkaVk35A To listen to the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/CancelledYouTube Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/CancelledWithTanaMongeau Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices



    This episode of the Cancelled podcast comes from the beautiful island of Maui. And are joined by Makoa Ho the Prince of Hawaii and share the lore on how he and Tana became friends.


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    Lemme Say This:

    Follow Lemme Say This on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch [new] episodes on YouTube or listen to Lemme Say This ad-free by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts.

    Liquid Death:

    You can get free shipping of Liquid Death’s Mountain Water, Flavored Sparkling, and Iced Tea 8-packs with Amazon Prime or grab a can or a case at your local 7-Eleven, Target, Walmart, Whole Foods or on Instacart. Go to liquiddeath.com/CANCELLED to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer. 

    Tana Mongeau Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanamongeau/

    Tana Mongeau Twitter: https://twitter.com/tanamongeau

    Tana Mongeau TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tanamongeaulol

    Brooke Schofield Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeschofield/

    Brooke Schofield Twitter: https://twitter.com/BroookeAmber

    Brooke Schofield TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brookeschofield1

    Brooke Schofield YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzCVovj7tfqnV2lIkaVk35A

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    On this episode of the Cancelled podcast Tana tells us how she had a horrible experience at LAX. Brooke discusses future plastic surgery she has planned and more! Curology: Visit https://CUROLOGY.com/CANCELLED for a special offer.  Draft Kings: New players, start by playing just $5 to get $50 in Casino Credits in your pocket INSTANTLY! All you gotta do is download the DraftKings Casino app and sign up with code CANCELLED. You’ll be soaking up the fun in no time! The Crown is Yours. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER, or In West Virginia visit WWW.1800gambler.net. In Connecticut, help is available for problem gambling, call 888-789-7777 or visit CCPG.org. Please play responsibly. 21+. Physically present in Connecticut, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia only. Void in Ontario. One per opted-in new customer. $5 in wagers required. Max. $50 in non-withdrawable Casino Credits that expire in 168 hours. See casino.draftkings.com/get50 for eligibility, terms, and responsible gaming resources. Adam and Eve: https://Adamandeve.com Offer is 50% off almost any item + FREE SHIPPING + RUSH PROCESSING Code is TANA  Lume: Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get 15% off with promo code CANCELLED at https://LumeDeodorant.com! #lumepod Liquid Death: You can get free shipping of Liquid Death’s Mountain Water, Flavored Sparkling, and Iced Tea 8-packs with Amazon Prime or grab a can or a case at your local 7-Eleven, Target, Walmart, Whole Foods or on Instacart. Go to liquiddeath.com/CANCELLED to check out all their healthy, infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closest retailer.  DONATE WITH US Operation Olive Branch Aid For Palestinian Families  https://linktr.ee/opolivebranch Save the Children https://support.savethechildren.org/site/Donation2?df_id=5850&5850.donation=form1&cid=Paid_Search:Google_Paid:Emer_Middle_East:Nonbrand:121223&s_kwcid=AL!9048!3!692198497108!e!!g!!palestine%20charity&gad_source=1&gclsrc=aw.ds Palestine Children’s Relief Fund https://pcrf1.app.neoncrm.com/forms/general MAP (Medical Aid for Palestinians) https://www.map.org.uk/?form=FUNFXHDCJPK British Red Cross https://www.redcross.org.uk/stories/disasters-and-emergencies/world/whats-happening-in-gaza-humanitarian-crisis-grows BBC History of the Israel Gaza Conflict https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-44124396 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Are you, or someone you know, suffering from ENFP? 
    If so, you should seek immediate non-medical attention. Introducing: ENFP UnleashedClick here for more details.

    And if you haven't already, be sure to check out my free training on turning your personality type into an incredible life, The Life Design Approach. Get it here: www.DreamsAroundTheWorld.com/freetraining/

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    17. Red Flags in Friendships

    Do you know have some "friends" who don't treat you right? Or any who try to take advantage of your generosity on a regular basis? Tune into this episode to hear real-life examples of "friends" who weren't actually friends to Bailey. Learn when to start paying closer attention to people's hidden agendas based upon their actions and when it's time for you to walk away.

    SHOW NOTES: https://whatisheybailsdoing.com/2020/11/11/episode-17-red-flags-in-relationships-show-notes/ 

    WEBSITE: https://whatisheybailsdoing.com/the-podcast/ 

    SOCIAL: https://www.instagram.com/distressedtojoyful_baileysway/

    COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/distressedtojoyful.baileysway/

    Dating in your 20's, building confidence while being single, fck boys, and all things relationship with Amelia Coggin

    Dating in your 20's, building confidence while being single, fck boys, and all things relationship with Amelia Coggin

    Online dating, fuck boys, and figuring out what you bring to the table. Being single can be the most amazing time of your life. We bring resources, tips, tricks, and stories of dating and friendships with Amelia Coggin.


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    Embracing a childfree lifestyle with Curiously Childfree Founder, Erin Spurling

    Embracing a childfree lifestyle with Curiously Childfree Founder, Erin Spurling
    Erin Spurling is on a mission to change the conversation for and about women who are embracing a childfree lifestyle, whether that’s by choice or circumstance. Erin is a writer and music journalist, who set up Curiously Childfree as a platform to cultivate positive, understanding and judgement-free conversations.

    In this chat, Erin shares her experience of being in a heterosexual childfree couple, and how she is often treated differently from her partner. We talk about the importance of community and why Erin is refusing to fulfil the trope of being angry or bitter, hating parents and children, having a lonely life, or thinking her life is better than someone else.

    If you’d like to learn about Curiously Childfree – you can find information on Instagram @curiouslychildfree or go to Erin’s website https://erinspurling.com to find out more.

    This is the last episode in Series 1 but we are happy to say that the 1in5 podcast will be back soon with a new series. In the meantime we’d would love to hear your thoughts on series and what topics you’d like us to get into next. You can email the1in5podcast@gmail.com or find Geeta on Instagram or twitter @geetapendse – thank you so much for listening!