
    Tasty Treats — Rems VS Ems, Remote Work, Making Money, Getting good at Design + more! 🍬

    enOctober 18, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Flexibility and Consistency with REMS vs. Precision with PixelsDesigners can choose between REMS and pixels based on the specific needs of their project. REMS offer flexibility and consistency, while pixels provide precision. Both can be used in conjunction with media queries and viewport dimensions.

      When it comes to choosing units for web design, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Both REMS and pixels have their advantages and disadvantages. Scott, from the Syntax podcast, shared that he primarily uses REMS for their flexibility and consistency, but occasionally uses pixels for specific elements. He also uses viewport dimensions for larger layout adjustments. Media queries, on the other hand, are best used with pixels for precise adjustments. The base font size for REMS can vary depending on the design, and it's important to remember that REMS eliminate the need for complex calculations when nesting elements. Overall, the choice between REMS and pixels comes down to the specific design needs and the developer's personal preference.

    • REMS vs Pixels: Their Unique Uses in Web DevelopmentREMS maintain proportional design elements and create vertical rhythm systems, while pixels provide precise measurements for specific dimensions and media queries. Both have their place in web development.

      Both REMS (Root Em) and pixels have their unique uses in web development. REMS, which is based on the HTML tag font size, is ideal for maintaining proportional design elements and creating vertical rhythm systems. It's particularly useful when scaling up or down an entire design. On the other hand, pixels are essential for precise measurements, such as media queries and designing within specific dimensions. An interesting use case for REMS is when you want your entire container to scale proportionately. For instance, if you have an h2 tag and a paragraph tag, and the h2 tag needs to be twice the size of the paragraph tag, you can set the h2 to be 1 or 2 REMs, and the paragraph to be 1 REM. Then, if you want to scale everything proportionally, you just change the font size of the container. However, pixels are crucial for designing within specific dimensions and creating media queries. While some developers try to convert everything to REMS, it's not always necessary, as our screens are made up of pixels. A creative activity that benefits developers, as shared by Amanda McNeil, is dancing. The process of learning and perfecting dance moves requires creativity, perseverance, and problem-solving skills, which can translate to web development. Breaking down complex moves and figuring out what's not working and how to fix it can help developers approach coding challenges with determination and patience.

    • The importance of continuous learning and growthWeb development teaches patience and problem-solving, cooking allows excitement in being a beginner, and exercise builds mental strength - all share the common thread of continuous learning and growth.

      Personal growth and learning new skills, whether it's in web development, cooking, or exercise, all share similarities in the process of troubleshooting, examining methods, and improving over time. The speaker shares how web development has taught them patience and problem-solving skills, while cooking allows them to be excited about being a beginner and learning new techniques. In the world of cooking, there may be debates over techniques or ingredients, but ultimately, the goal is to create something enjoyable. Similarly, in programming, there can be debates over technicalities, but what truly matters is personal advancement. The speaker also mentions how exercise has become a crucial part of their life, helping them become mentally stronger and more well-rounded. Overall, the importance of continuous learning and growth, no matter the endeavor, was a recurring theme in the conversation.

    • Considering specific circumstances before making decisionsOptimize for reverse commute and do things differently for a smoother life. Remember, a hot dog is not a sandwich.

      Life is full of endless opportunities for growth and improvement, whether it's in exercise, career, or personal life. However, it's essential to consider the specific circumstances and priorities when making decisions. For instance, a job offer from a dream company might not be worth accepting if it requires moving to an unfavorable location or disrupting an established lifestyle. Instead, focusing on optimizing for the "reverse commute" and doing things differently than most people can lead to a smoother and more enjoyable life. This flexibility is one of the significant benefits of working for oneself. Additionally, it's essential to remember that a hot dog is not a sandwich, no matter how much one might want it to be.

    • Serendipitous encounters and mastermind groupsMeeting unexpectedly can lead to valuable collaborations and learning opportunities. Joining a mastermind group offers a platform to learn from peers, discuss challenges, and gain fresh perspectives.

      Serendipitous encounters, such as Wes and Scott's, can lead to valuable collaborations and learning opportunities. In their case, a naming collision led them to meet and eventually form a mastermind group where they shared insights and strategies. The mastermind proved to be an invaluable resource for them, providing a platform to learn from each other and grow their businesses. Another key takeaway is the importance of having a community or mastermind group, especially for entrepreneurs. It offers a space to discuss challenges, learn from peers, and gain fresh perspectives. Additionally, the trend of CMSs integrating JavaScript frameworks like React can lead to new opportunities and innovations in web development.

    • Future of CMS: Separation of Back End and Front EndWordPress may become a JSON API or GraphQL provider, enabling seamless integration with React and enhancing UI experiences. Finding high-quality remote work remains difficult, requiring personal branding, networking, and proactive job seeking.

      The future of Content Management Systems (CMS) may involve a greater separation between the back end and front end, with WordPress potentially evolving into a powerful JSON API or GraphQL provider. This could lead to more seamless integration with front end frameworks like React, allowing for smoother theme development and enhanced UI experiences. However, finding high-quality remote work continues to be a challenge, with no "secret honey holes" to be found online. Instead, building a strong personal brand, networking, and actively seeking out opportunities are key strategies for securing remote work.

    • Networking is key to finding job opportunities in remote workBuild relationships and connect with potential employers through various platforms, and consider having multiple income sources for financial stability.

      Building relationships and networking are crucial for finding job opportunities, especially in the remote work landscape. This can be done through various platforms like Twitter, Slack rooms, or even GitHub AMAs. The speaker emphasized the importance of forming connections with people who may be able to recommend or offer you work. Additionally, having diverse revenue streams can be beneficial for financial stability. The speaker shared their experience of having several income sources, including freelance work, premium tutorial content for companies, YouTube ad revenue, and selling tutorials through their own store. They expressed a goal of eventually relying solely on sales and subscriptions for income, but acknowledged the need to take on freelance projects and consulting in the meantime. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of networking and having multiple income sources in the remote work world.

    • Exploring Multiple Revenue Streams for Content CreatorsPartnering with companies for sponsorships, affiliate deals, workshops, and private training sessions can significantly boost income for content creators. Negotiate custom deals, only work with companies that align with your values, and believe in their products to maximize earnings.

      Creating multiple revenue streams can significantly boost income for content creators. The speaker shares his experience of partnering with companies for sponsorships, affiliate deals, and workshops. For instance, he collaborated with Sentry for a Redux course, offering a company video in return for payment. Similarly, DigitalOcean provides a credit for new customers who buy the Node course, generating a referral fee for the speaker. Workshops and private training sessions are also lucrative, as companies pay for on-site training for their teams. Affiliate deals, like Amazon's, generate additional income through links on content. The key is to negotiate custom deals, only work with companies that align with your values, and believe in their products. Overall, diversifying revenue streams can lead to financial stability and increased earning potential.

    • Leveraging multiple income streams and learning new skillsConsistently generating income from various sources and continuously learning new skills can lead to significant financial gains and personal growth. Seek feedback from experts and buy nice designs to enhance design skills.

      Having various sources of income and continually learning new skills can lead to significant financial gains and personal growth. The speaker shared his experience of generating consistent income from a blog post and a podcast, emphasizing that even small amounts add up over time. He also discussed the possibility of a back-end developer becoming a good designer by learning the technical aspects and seeking feedback from experts. The speaker, who is a developer without design training, encouraged everyone to believe in their ability to learn and improve, as design involves both technical and artistic elements. He recommended buying nice-looking designs from platforms like ThemeForest and seeking feedback from designers to enhance one's design skills. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of persistence, continuous learning, and seeking advice to achieve success in various areas.

    • Design tips for enhancing user experienceSimple design choices like adding borders or color schemes can significantly improve website aesthetics, while maintaining productivity and self-care are essential for optimal performance.

      Design details matter and can make a significant impact on the look and feel of a website. Scott shares simple design tips, such as adding borders or color schemes, which can enhance the user experience. Additionally, maintaining productivity and finding time for self-care are essential for individuals who take on multiple projects or responsibilities. Despite the public perception of constant output, many creators, including Scott, have private lives and require adequate rest to perform at their best. It's crucial to prioritize tasks, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and schedule downtime to ensure optimal productivity and overall well-being.

    • Balancing work and personal life: A speaker's experienceTo maintain productivity and well-being, find a balance between work and personal life by prioritizing self-care, delegating tasks, and taking breaks. Share your tips for managing work and personal responsibilities, especially for parents.

      Finding a balance between work and personal life is crucial for productivity and overall well-being. The speaker shares his experience of trying to manage his workload, including hiring an assistant and a video editor, while also taking care of his family and personal needs. He acknowledges the importance of taking breaks, working out, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle to improve focus and mental strength. The speaker also expresses his interest in live streaming, but mentions the technical challenges he's encountered. Despite these challenges, he appreciates the opportunity to share his knowledge and discuss topics he's passionate about in real-time. The speaker encourages listeners to share their tips for balancing work and personal life, especially for parents, and invites them to engage with Syntax FM on social media. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of prioritizing self-care and finding effective ways to manage work and personal responsibilities.

    • Exploring the potential of live streaming for teaching and businessConsider live streaming for engaging younger audiences and interacting in real-time, but be well-prepared and knowledgeable beforehand. Understand the differences between live streaming and produced tutorials, and explore various options for new developers.

      The speaker is considering expanding her reach by incorporating live streaming into her teaching and business strategies. She recognizes the potential of this medium to engage with a younger audience and interact with viewers in real-time. However, she emphasizes the importance of being well-prepared and having a solid understanding of the topic before going live to ensure a successful and productive experience. Additionally, she shared her thoughts on the difference between live streaming and more produced tutorials, acknowledging that some people may find the former more casual and less efficient, while others may enjoy the interactive nature of it. Lastly, she acknowledged the difficulty of determining the best stack for new developers, encouraging them to explore various options based on their learning goals.

    • Choose a stack for web development and stick with itStart with Node.js for server-side, consider WordPress for beginners, look for clear documentation and demos when trying new tools

      When starting out in web development, it's essential to choose a stack and stick with it to gain a solid understanding of the underlying concepts. The speakers recommend starting with Node.js for learning server-side development, but other stacks like Ruby or WordPress can also be good options. For beginners, WordPress can be an attractive choice due to its large community and ease of debugging. When considering new tools, the speakers suggest looking for clear documentation that explains what the tool does and why it's useful. A killer demo can also be a strong selling point. Ultimately, the key is to find a tool or stack that fits your learning style and helps you build your skills effectively.

    • Waiting for Widespread Adoption and Positive ReviewsDevelopers prioritize stability and proven success when adopting new tools. They consider the benefits, ease of use, and experiences of others before implementing new technologies.

      Developers value stability and proven success when adopting new tools for their projects. The speaker in this conversation expresses his preference for waiting until a tool has gained widespread adoption and positive reviews before implementing it in his own work. He also mentions the importance of considering the immediate benefits and ease of use for himself and his team. The speaker's experiences with Apollo GraphQL and Webpack were discussed as examples. He noted that while Webpack is powerful, it can be too complex for some developers, and he prefers using tools that sit on top of it or continuing with his current setup. The speaker also emphasized the value of observing the adoption and success of tools by larger companies and industry leaders before making a decision. He does not make predictions about the future but rather focuses on reacting to the present and adapting as needed.

    • Stay flexible and adapt to new technologiesFocus on shorter-term goals and be open to learning new technologies as they emerge, rather than trying to stick to a rigid plan.

      The technological landscape is constantly evolving, and it's impossible to predict exactly where we'll be in five years. Instead of making long-term plans, it's more productive to focus on shorter-term goals and be open to adapting as new technologies emerge. The speaker shared his own experience of not being able to predict where he'd be five years ago, and how he's adapted to new technologies throughout his career. He encourages listeners to be flexible and open to learning new things, rather than trying to stick to a rigid plan. Additionally, the speaker suggests setting goals for shorter time frames, such as three months or a year, as these are more achievable and allow for more frequent progress.

    • Using the right tools effectivelyUtilizing simple tools like a 5-star notebook and fully understanding credit card perks can lead to significant savings and convenience.

      Having the right tools and understanding their benefits can make a significant difference in our daily lives. The speaker shared his preference for using a simple, spiral-bound 5-star notebook due to its durability and ample space. He also emphasized the importance of reading the fine print in credit card manuals to fully utilize the insurance and other perks they offer. These seemingly ordinary items, when used effectively, can lead to substantial savings and convenience. The speaker's personal experiences with using credit card insurance to cover expensive repairs and flight delays serve as compelling examples of the value of being informed and prepared.

    • Peace of mind with extended warrantiesConsidering the potential cost of replacing an item outright, extended warranties can provide peace of mind and save money in the long run.

      Extended warranties can provide peace of mind for expensive electronics, even if they may seem unnecessary. The speaker shared a personal experience where his monitor stopped working just before the end of its SquareTrade warranty, and he received a check for the original purchase price. He used this money to buy a new, more advanced monitor. While some people may be skeptical of extended warranties, the speaker emphasized that considering the potential cost of replacing an item outright, the coverage can be worthwhile. Additionally, the speaker mentioned that many credit cards offer similar coverage for stolen or damaged items, and suggested using a credit card to purchase electronics and then paying it off promptly. The speaker also mentioned the possibility of creating a radio-style intro for their podcast and encouraged listeners to check out their past episodes on Syntax.fm.

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    Show Notes

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