
    Podcast Summary

    • A unique charm in the 1993 Super Mario Brothers movieThe 1993 Super Mario Brothers movie, despite its flaws, holds a unique charm and offers fascinating insights into pop culture history.

      The 1993 Super Mario Brothers movie, despite being considered a notorious flop, holds a unique charm for some viewers. Bob Hoskins, who starred as Mario, infamously described the production as a "nightmare." However, the hosts of Triple Click found enjoyment in its weirdness and the fascinating ideas behind its execution. The movie's portrayal of awkward behavior towards women, as exhibited by Mario, may have influenced a generation of boys in the 90s to believe that such behavior could lead to romantic success. Despite its flaws, the movie remains a fascinating piece of pop culture history. If you're intrigued, consider becoming a MaxFun member to access more bonus episodes like this one.

    • The strange chemistry between John Leguizamo and Samantha Mathis as Daisy in 'Super Mario Bros.' movieJohn Leguizamo's believable chemistry with Samantha Mathis as Daisy is the only saving grace in 'Super Mario Bros.' movie, despite a weak script and unusual dynamics. Dennis Hopper's standout performance as Koopa is a highlight, and the impressive cast and crew make the film notable.

      The chemistry between John Leguizamo and Samantha Mathis as Daisy in "Super Mario Bros." movie is the only thing that makes their relationship believable, as the script and their circumstances don't sell it. Luigi, played by Leguizamo, describes Mario as his adopted father, which adds to the strange dynamics in the film. Dennis Hopper's performance as Koopa stands out, and his role in "24" as a terrorist mastermind is a fond memory for some viewers. The movie, which is full of big-budget, strange elements, is hard to find as it's not on streaming services and seems to be unwanted by those involved in its making. Despite its issues, the film is notable for its impressive cast and crew, many of whom have had successful careers. There's an extended version of the movie, called the "Morton Jankel cut," which includes additional 20 minutes and might help clarify some plot points.

    • From Dinosaurs to Humanoids: The Evolution in the Super Mario Bros. Movie's UniverseThe 1993 Super Mario Bros. Movie showcased a unique blend of Super Nintendo elements and gritty, cyberpunk aesthetics in a live-action adaptation of the beloved video game franchise.

      The 1993 live-action film "The Super Mario Bros. Movie" presented an alternate universe where dinosaurs evolved into humanoid beings, and the Mario Brothers' world was filled with gritty, cyberpunk elements. Despite the weird premise, the film featured elements from the Super Nintendo era, such as the Super Scope and Yoshi. The production went through numerous scripts, some of which may be linked in the episode description. The movie started with a pixelated montage explaining the evolution of dinosaurs into humanoids in this parallel universe. The film's eighties tropes, such as boneheaded henchmen and special effects, added to its unique feel. Overall, "The Super Mario Bros. Movie" was a fascinating example of how a beloved video game franchise could be adapted into live-action cinema during the height of the Super Nintendo era.

    • A Princess, a Dinosaur World, and a Love StoryThe Super Mario Bros. Movie explores the collision of two worlds, the importance of love and friendship, and the challenges of bringing a beloved video game to the big screen.

      "The Super Mario Bros. Movie" tells the story of a woman transporting a dinosaur world princess to our human world, leading to the collision of their dimensions. Princess Daisy, played by the same actress as her mother, falls in love with Luigi while in the human world. King Koopa, also known as Bowser, seeks to reunite the dimensions and rule over both worlds as a totalitarian ruler. The movie involves a lot of action and hijinks, with the Mario Brothers rescuing Princess Daisy and defeating King Koopa. However, the movie's development was a chaotic process, with multiple scripts and rewrites, and the final product being a result of numerous revisions and interference from Nintendo and Disney. Despite the production challenges, the movie follows the theme of the collision and merging of different worlds, and the importance of love and friendship in overcoming adversity.

    • The Making of Mario Bros. Film: From Mad Max to Family-FriendlyThe initial Mario Bros. film script, called the Mad Max treatment, had a darker, cyberpunk vibe but faced pushback from studios. Daisy's role was also different, and the final product underwent significant changes.

      The making of the live-action Mario Bros. film involved a lot of unexpected twists and turns, with the initial script, called the Mad Max treatment, being quite different from the final product. Directors Morton and Jankel, known for their work on Max Headroom, brought a darker, cyberpunk vibe to the project, but faced challenges from studios like Nintendo and Disney who wanted a more family-friendly approach. The script, written by Dick Clement and Ian LaFrenet, featured some significant differences from the final film, such as Daisy being a digger raising money for college instead of an NYU student. Despite these differences, it was the Mad Max treatment that reportedly got many actors on board. The final film underwent significant changes, with some scenes and jokes remaining similar but others being altered towards the middle and end. Overall, the story of the Mario Bros. film's production is a fascinating example of the creative process and the influence of various stakeholders.

    • Changes during 'Super Mario Bros.' production led to inconsistenciesDespite alterations to relationships and added subplots, the 1993 'Super Mario Bros.' film failed to deliver a cohesive narrative due to production challenges.

      The 1993 live-action "Super Mario Bros." film underwent significant changes during production, leading to inconsistencies and unresolved storylines. For instance, the relationship between Mario and Luigi was altered, with Luigi no longer being depicted as Mario's brother but rather an orphan. Additionally, the subplot involving Mario's interest in dating Daniella, the sister of a mafia boss, was added, along with a car chase sequence in the desert. These changes, according to the speaker, were likely made on the fly or for budget reasons. The result was a disjointed narrative that failed to fully develop certain themes and relationships. Overall, the production history of the film highlights the challenges of adapting a beloved video game into a live-action feature.

    • Mario and Koopa's disjointed showdown on the Brooklyn BridgeThe Super Mario Bros. movie features an intriguing blend of ideas but suffers from inconsistent execution, with entertaining elements like the devolution machine and dance sequence in the elevator.

      The discussed movie, which is a fusion of various elements from different franchises, presents an intriguing yet disjointed narrative. The climax involves Mario and Koopa's showdown on the Brooklyn Bridge, where Koopa is defeated using a bob-omb. However, the movie's quality is undermined by numerous cuts and decisions, resulting in a pastiche of ideas that don't cohesively hold together. One notable concept is Koopa's devolution machine, which evolves or devolves beings, leading to the transformation of characters like Toad into Goombas. Despite the inconsistencies, elements such as the dance sequence in the elevator and the devolution mechanic are genuinely entertaining and reminiscent of other beloved films like "The Fifth Element." Overall, the movie showcases an interesting blend of ideas but falls short in execution.

    • References to Super Mario Brothers 3 in Mario Bros. filmThe 1993 Mario Bros. film, though incoherent, offers a fun and entertaining watch for fans with its references to Super Mario Brothers 3, energetic vibe, and strong performances.

      The 1993 live-action film "Mario Bros." includes several references to Super Mario Brothers 3, such as the Music Box item and the character of Big Bertha. These references add depth to the movie for those familiar with the Mario games. The film's energy and manic vibe, as well as Bob Hoskins' impressive performance as Mario, make it reminiscent of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" despite its incoherent narrative. The chemistry between Hoskins and other characters, including a surprising romantic interest, adds an unexpected layer to the story. Overall, while the movie may not make complete sense, its unique blend of genres and strong performances make it an entertaining watch for fans of the source material.

    • A tribute to Robert Zemeckis's exceptional direction in 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit'Robert Zemeckis's direction, Bob Hoskins's charming performance, and Dennis Hopper's hammy acting make 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' a must-watch, with groundbreaking animation adding to its appeal.

      "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" is a testament to Robert Zemeckis's exceptional directorial skills, particularly in managing special effects and working with actors to create believable and memorable performances. Bob Hoskins's portrayal of Eddie Valiant is a standout, showcasing his charm and ability to ride out absurd scenes. Dennis Hopper's performance as Judge Doom is a perfect example of hammy acting done right, with the character's unhinged energy adding to the film's overall appeal. The film's script also includes memorable moments and running gags that add to the viewing experience. Despite some inconsistencies, the performances and direction make "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" a must-watch. Additionally, the film's unique blend of live-action and animation was groundbreaking at the time and continues to impress today.

    • The 1993 'Super Mario Bros.' film suffered from inconsistent storytelling and editingThe film's disjointed narrative and illogical plot points confused audiences and hindered engagement with the characters

      The 1993 live-action "Super Mario Bros." film suffered from inconsistent storytelling and editing, leading to a disjointed narrative and illogical plot points. Scenes and characters were changed or cut without proper explanation, resulting in confusion for audiences and a negative impact on the performances. For instance, the iconic green and red jumpsuit outfits appeared and disappeared without explanation, and the motivations of certain characters, like the villainous King Koopa and the helpful character Bertha, were unclear or inconsistent. These issues made it difficult for viewers to follow the story and fully engage with the characters. Despite some standout elements, such as the action sequences and the performance of the villain, the film ultimately failed to deliver a cohesive and satisfying experience.

    • The Super Mario Bros. movie: A bizarre and illogical adaptationDespite memorable music and an eighties vibe, the 1993 Super Mario Bros. movie confuses viewers with inconsistent character motivations and illogical plot.

      "The Super Mario Bros. movie from 1993 is a bizarre and incoherent film that defies logic and expectations. The characters' motivations and actions are inconsistent, and the world-building is confusing. Despite its eighties vibe and memorable music, the movie leaves viewers scratching their heads. Its strange and artsy elements clash with its commercial appeal, and it reportedly left developers at Nintendo feeling disappointed. The film's weirdness stands out even more in the context of the evolution of video game adaptations and the changing role of video games in popular culture." The speaker expresses their belief that the character of the police officer, or possibly the chief of police, in the movie took the picture due to her connection to the story. They also appreciate the use of the song "Walk the Dinosaur" during an action sequence and the overall eighties vibe of the movie. However, they find the plot confusing and illogical, with characters' motivations and actions making little sense. The speaker also notes that the inconsistencies and weirdness of the movie left developers at Nintendo feeling disappointed and that it took them until this spring to produce another Mario movie. They see this as a reflection of the changing role of video games in culture and the growing acceptance and success of video game adaptations.

    • Misunderstanding the Mario universe in the 1993 movieThe 1993 Super Mario Bros. movie failed by trying to blend real world and video game elements, assuming less trust from audiences, and not fully embracing the unique Mario universe.

      The 1993 Super Mario Bros. movie missed the mark by trying to appeal to both kids and adults without fully embracing the video game world's unique elements. The filmmakers assumed less trust from audiences due to the newness of video games and opted for an action fantasy movie instead of a cinematic representation of a video game world. The audience for Nintendo games in the 1990s was primarily children, and merging the real world with the Mushroom Kingdom would have been unsettling and confusing. The bizarreness of the Mario universe, with its anthropomorphic characters and exaggerated animation, works in the context of a video game but becomes horrifying when translated to the real world. Wreck It Ralph, with its understanding of video game mechanics, serves as a closer comparison to how a successful Mario movie could have been executed.

    • Lack of character arcs and development in Super Mario Bros. MovieThe Super Mario Bros. Movie failed to deliver a satisfying cinematic experience due to its disjointed storyline, uncanny visuals, and lack of character transformation or growth.

      The "Super Mario Bros. Movie" failed to deliver a satisfying cinematic experience due to the lack of character arcs and development. The film's uncanny visuals and disjointed storyline left viewers unsettled and confused. Despite Chris Pratt's voice performance, the movie felt incoherent and listless, as none of the characters underwent any significant transformation or growth. This departure from the fundamental rule of showing a character's transformation from point A to point B throughout the film left audiences feeling confused and concerned. While some may find enjoyment in the movie as an artifact of cinematic disaster, it falls short of being a competently made film compared to the standard set by other movies and video games in the genre.

    • Appreciating Fiona Shaw's unique performance as the snake ladySpeakers admired Fiona Shaw's versatility as the villainous snake lady in 'Super Mario Bros.' movie, despite inconsistencies in the plot. They appreciated the addition of a female antagonist and enjoyed the New York references and plumbing scenes.

      The speakers had a lively discussion about the unexpected elements in the live-action "Super Mario Bros." movie, particularly the performance of Fiona Shaw as the villainous snake lady, who brings energy and uniqueness to the film despite the inconsistencies in the plot. They admired Shaw's versatility and the addition of a female antagonist, even if her character's motivations mirrored those of the male antagonist. They also appreciated the movie's New York references and the inclusion of plumbing scenes, which added to the overall charm. Despite the film's strange narrative choices, they found enjoyment in the idea of the Mario Brothers traveling from Brooklyn to a mushroom world and hoped that this concept would be carried forward in future adaptations.

    • The chaotic making of the 1993 'Super Mario Bros.' filmDespite a troubled production, the 1993 'Super Mario Bros.' film has gained a cult following for its intriguing behind-the-scenes stories

      The making of the 1993 live-action "Super Mario Bros." film was as chaotic and incoherent as the final product itself. Bob Hoskins, who played Mario, famously described the production as a "nightmare." Despite the troubled production, the film holds a special place in the hearts of some fans and has gained a cult following. The behind-the-scenes stories add to the intrigue, making the movie's creation even more fascinating than the movie itself. Viewers who want to experience the film can still get a copy of the DVD as it's not currently streaming anywhere. Overall, the "Super Mario Bros." movie serves as a reminder that sometimes, the stories behind the scenes can be more captivating than the stories on the screen.

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    Triple Click
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    Triple Click
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    Triple Click
    enJune 20, 2024

    LIVE from Summer Game(s) Fest in Los Angeles!

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    Maddy: Dune Part Two

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    • Slitterhead
    • Alan Wake II: Night Springs


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    Triple Click
    enJune 13, 2024

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    One More Thing:

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    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

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    Triple Click
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    One More Thing:

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    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

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    Triple Click
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    One More Thing:

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    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

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    Triple Click
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    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

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    Triple Click
    enMay 16, 2024

    Xbox Mess, Helldivers Debacle, And Hades 2

    Xbox Mess, Helldivers Debacle, And Hades 2

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    One More Thing:

    Maddy: Master Chef

    Jason: Demon Copperhead (Barbara Kingsolver)


    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Is Nostalgia A Good Thing?

    Is Nostalgia A Good Thing?

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    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Fiasco (Jason Morningstar)

    Maddy: Hades 2 technical test

    Jason: Girls5eva


    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

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