
    The 3 Most Important Lines In Your Business | Ep 364

    enJanuary 18, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Price, Value, and Cost of Goods: Essential Business LinesUnderstanding and optimizing the relationship between price, value, and cost of goods can lead to increased revenue and a more valuable company. Adjusting these lines can create a larger customer surplus, resulting in a successful business.

      Understanding and optimizing the relationship between price, value, and cost of goods in your business can significantly impact your revenue and the value of your company. These three lines are essential in every business transaction: price, value, and cost of goods. Price is what you charge, value is what the customer receives, and cost of goods is what it costs you to fulfill that value. By adjusting these lines, you can shift your business and create a greater customer surplus. For instance, increasing price while maintaining or even improving value results in a larger customer surplus. Conversely, a low customer surplus occurs when value is low relative to price or cost of goods is high. This mental framework can help you make informed decisions and ultimately build a more successful business.

    • Understanding Cost of Goods, Customer Surplus, and Gross MarginsA large customer surplus and high gross margins lead to business success, while a small customer surplus and low gross margins can hinder growth.

      Understanding the relationship between cost of goods, customer surplus, and gross margins is crucial for building a successful and profitable business. A business with a large customer surplus and high gross margins, where the cost of goods is low and the cost of adding new customers is negligible, can create a fortune. This type of business may not need to market extensively, could be operationally challenging, and might operate on thin margins. An example of such a business is Netflix, which offered unlimited access to its entire library at a lower cost than renting a new release, leading to a vast customer base and high gross margins. On the other hand, a business with a small customer surplus and low gross margins, where the cost of goods is high and the cost of adding new customers is significant, may struggle to grow and profit. This scenario is common in businesses with high operational costs and thicker profit margins. For instance, consider a business like Mozy Nation, which might have higher costs due to its operational nature and may not have the same level of customer surplus as a business like Netflix.

    • Provide excessively valuable products or services at a low costCreating a business with a significant customer surplus leads to scalability, virality, and long-term success. Offer valuable products or services at a low cost to generate a large word-of-mouth following.

      Creating a business with a significant customer surplus is key to building an infinitely scalable and viral business. The speaker emphasizes the importance of providing excessively valuable products or services at a low cost, which can lead to a large word-of-mouth following. This approach goes against traditional marketing strategies, but the speaker argues that it is essential for long-term success. Most small businesses operate with decent margins and value, but to stand out, it's crucial to aim for a substantial customer surplus. By doing so, businesses can create a remarkable experience that people cannot help but share with others.

    • Maximize value, minimize costs, and sell high-perceived value itemsFocus on providing the most value, drastically reducing costs, and selling items with high perceived value to create a profitable business model and make substantial profits while helping many people

      Providing maximum value to customers while drastically reducing costs can lead to exponential business growth and significant profits. The speaker suggests focusing on these three variables: how to provide the most value, how to lower the cost of goods sold to an extreme degree, and how to sell something that costs little but has high perceived value. By mastering these areas, entrepreneurs can create a profitable business model and ultimately make a substantial amount of money while helping a large number of people. This framework can be applied to one's own business or even to competitors. The time investment required to learn and implement these strategies may be significant, but the potential benefits are substantial.

    • Embrace Your AuthenticityStay true to yourself, maintain a positive attitude, and create content authentically without ulterior motives or sales pitches.

      The speaker values authenticity and individuality. He encourages his audience to continue being themselves, regardless of whether they enjoy his content or not. He emphasizes that there is no need for ulterior motives or sales pitches, and that it's important to maintain a positive attitude towards others. The speaker ends by expressing his appreciation for his viewers and his intention to continue creating content for them. Overall, the message is one of encouragement and acceptance, emphasizing the importance of staying true to oneself and maintaining a positive outlook.

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    (18:41) BONUS!

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    (20:50) - Turning mistakes into opportunities

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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