
    The 3 Words That Will Give You the Courage to Live Your Truth Unapologetically | Tea With GaryVee

    enJuly 19, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Importance of maintaining ownership and building a personal brandGary Vaynerchuk emphasized the significance of maintaining ownership and building a personal brand, sharing his experiences and insights on Noah Cyrus' podcast. He encouraged listeners to keep ownership of their business and brand, even during collaborations, and emphasized the importance of kindness and sharing the podcast URL to spread the message.

      Maintaining ownership and building a personal brand are crucial, especially for young people. Gary Vaynerchuk, in his podcast, emphasized the importance of this concept, sharing his experiences and insights. He was the first guest on Noah Cyrus' podcast and encouraged listeners, particularly parents and young adults, to tune in on Tuesday for what could be a groundbreaking episode. Gary emphasized the significance of keeping ownership of one's business and brand, even when collaborating with other companies. He shared his admiration for how this has played out in his own career and encouraged listeners to strive for the same. He emphasized the importance of being kind to those around you and sharing the podcast URL to spread the message further. Overall, the podcast episode, set to release on Tuesday, is expected to provide valuable insights and inspiration for anyone looking to build a successful personal brand and maintain ownership of their business.

    • Choosing authenticity over financial gain in the music industryArtists should prioritize their originality and authenticity over following trends, even if it means sacrificing short-term financial success for long-term happiness and potential greatness.

      Having long-term ownership and creative control is more valuable to some individuals than short-term financial gains. The speaker in this discussion shares his experiences in the music industry, where he chose to maintain control over his art despite being offered substantial sums of money to sell out. He emphasizes the importance of patience, authenticity, and staying true to oneself, even if it means sacrificing immediate financial success. The speaker's most successful project came after he openly identified as bisexual and released an album titled "Be Yourself," which he might not have been allowed to put out under a traditional record deal. He encourages artists to prioritize their originality and authenticity over following trends, even if it means losing in the short term but potentially gaining greatness in the long term. Ultimately, the speaker values happiness and personal fulfillment over financial gain.

    • Finding happiness beyond material wealthPrioritize kindness and genuine relationships over accumulating wealth for greater happiness. Be authentic and vulnerable to make a difference in people's lives, and share valuable resources and experiences.

      True success and happiness go beyond material wealth and validation from others. The speaker shares his personal experience of prioritizing kindness and genuine relationships over accumulating more money, leading to greater happiness. He emphasizes that everyone has the ability to make a difference in people's lives by being authentic and vulnerable, rather than trying to prove themselves through possessions. The speaker also encourages sharing valuable resources and experiences with others, as it can positively impact their lives. Ultimately, the discussion highlights the importance of focusing on personal growth, kindness, and genuine connections to achieve true success and happiness.

    • Finding joy in being true to yourself and inspiring othersDespite challenges and material success, true happiness comes from within and inspiring others. Stay true to yourself and never give up on personal growth.

      No matter where you've been or what experiences you've had, being true to yourself and inspiring others can bring greater happiness than any material success or fame. The speaker, who has traveled the world and been through various challenges, shared how they found joy in their current life through survival training, creating content, and inspiring people. They emphasized that celebrities may appear happy on the outside, but true fulfillment comes from within and helping others. The speaker also encouraged those in their 40s, 50s, and beyond to remember that time is a friend and not to give up on their goals. A listener named Vaishak shared his personal story of struggling with depression and anxiety and how a yoga program called Inner Engineering transformed his life. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself, finding joy in helping others, and never giving up on personal growth.

    • Staying true to oneself and finding joyPursuing genuine happiness, staying authentic, and sharing experiences online can lead to personal growth and impact on others.

      Finding what brings you genuine happiness and authenticity in life is a worthwhile pursuit, even if it goes against societal norms or expectations. The speaker's personal journey from struggling with depression to finding joy in sharing her experiences online demonstrates the importance of staying true to oneself and persevering through challenges. The ever-changing digital landscape may present obstacles, but building a strong audience and adapting to new platforms can lead to continued success. It's essential to remember that the key to happiness lies within and that the only limitations are self-imposed. By focusing on what brings us joy and sharing it with the world, we can make a positive impact on others and find fulfillment in our lives.

    • Delegate tasks to grow your businessIdentify roles that drain energy, hire to fill them, and focus on what you do best for business growth

      When it comes to growing a business, it's important to identify and delegate tasks that you dislike or are not good at to others. Gary Vaynerchuk, in the conversation, emphasized the importance of hiring people who can take over the roles that drain your energy or hinder your growth. He suggested looking for potential hires on social media, job boards, and even reaching out to current customers. The key is to identify which hires will have the biggest impact first and delegate accordingly. This will allow you to focus on what you do best and help your business scale effectively. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the importance of community engagement and giving back, as well as the importance of staying persistent and continuing to learn and evolve in your personal and professional life.

    • Effectively delegate tasks to focus on core competenciesHiring employees or partners can help manage tasks, freeing up time for strategic decision-making and content creation.

      Running a business involves various tasks, and it's essential to delegate responsibilities to focus on core competencies. Hiring an employee, even at minimum wage, can help manage tasks like packing, shipping, and customer service, freeing up time for content creation and strategic decision-making. It's not an excuse but a smart business strategy. Additionally, considering a business partner or additional help could be beneficial for navigating growth, but it's crucial to weigh the potential risks and rewards. Ultimately, learning from mistakes and experiences is an inevitable part of the entrepreneurial journey.

    • Embrace your uniquenessFocus on providing value and building a strong network, use differences to stand out and attract those who appreciate and value uniqueness, don't let setbacks hold you back

      Embracing your uniqueness and leveraging it as a strength is key to standing out in an oversaturated market. It's easy to get caught up in trying to fit in or hide what makes us different, but those differences are what make us unique and attractive to some people. Instead of trying to be someone else or hide who we are, focus on providing value and building a strong network. Confidence and competitiveness can turn negative experiences into motivators. Remember, every time someone dismisses you because of your appearance or age, there are only two reactions: dwelling on the negative or using it as fuel to motivate and succeed. Embrace your uniqueness, put yourself out there, and don't let setbacks hold you back. Use your differences to stand out and attract those who appreciate and value what you bring to the table.

    • Embrace Your Unique QualitiesInstead of hiding or feeling inferior about our unique qualities, we should embrace them and use them to help others. Owning our differences and lifting up those going through similar experiences can bring great fulfillment.

      Instead of hiding or feeling inferior about our unique qualities, we should embrace them and even use them to help others. The speaker shares his experience of growing up with Tourette's syndrome and the stigma that came with it. He encourages everyone to own their differences and put them on a pedestal, as he has learned to do. He also emphasizes the importance of helping those who are going through similar experiences, as he has found great fulfillment in doing so. The speaker encourages everyone to shift their perspective and see their unique traits as a strength rather than a weakness. He also reminds us that we all have a responsibility to lift each other up and make a positive impact on the world.

    • Embrace opportunities and be true to yourselfBeing authentic and upfront about who you are can lead to growth and success, even if it means potentially losing some customers. Focusing on helping others can bring happiness and fulfillment.

      Putting yourself out there, despite any insecurities or perceived flaws, is essential for growth and success. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of embracing opportunities and not hiding from discomfort. He shares his experience of being intense and having multiple perspectives, which sometimes deter potential customers, but he believes it's better to be upfront about who you are rather than wasting time on those who aren't a good fit. Additionally, focusing on helping others and realizing that everyone has their own struggles can lead to a greater sense of happiness and fulfillment.

    • Finding Gratitude and Opportunity in ChangeFocusing on gratitude and perspective can lead to personal growth. Adapt to new situations and seize opportunities, even in uncertain times.

      No matter the circumstances, focusing on gratitude and perspective can lead to personal growth and opportunity. The speaker shares his experience of moving from Venezuela to the US and how the change in environment motivated him to learn and adapt. Despite the uncertainty of his future in the US, he chooses to focus on the opportunities and experiences he's gained, rather than dwelling on what he can't control. Additionally, the speaker shares how he started a YouTube channel during the pandemic as a way to learn and express himself, demonstrating the importance of seizing opportunities and adapting to new situations.

    • Finding a balance between consistency and qualityConsistently release content while focusing on quality to increase opportunities for growth and success, but avoid perfectionism to seize opportunities and respect your audience.

      Consistency is crucial for building a long-term content platform, but it's essential to find a balance between consistency and quality. The speaker shares his admiration for creators like Yes Theory and recognizes the significant impact content can have. However, he acknowledges that not everyone is capable of producing content daily. He encourages pushing oneself to improve but also accepts that there are limitations. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of releasing content regularly to increase opportunities for growth and success. Additionally, he encourages creators to focus on the quality of their content but not to the point of perfectionism, which can lead to missed opportunities and disrespect towards the audience. Lastly, the speaker shares his personal background and how it influenced his perspective on life and the importance of taking risks and seizing opportunities.

    • Embracing Unique ExperiencesRecognize and value your unique experiences, even if they've led to challenges or isolation, as they can lead to valuable strengths and perspectives. Don't compare yourself to others and focus on your own worth.

      Everyone's unique experiences, even those that seem challenging or isolating, can lead to valuable strengths and perspectives. The speaker shares his experience of growing up homeschooled and isolated, which led to both gains and losses. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing these unique experiences as strengths, rather than deficits. Additionally, the speaker discusses the importance of not comparing oneself to others and focusing on one's own value and worth. Despite facing challenges in his professional life, such as being questioned on LinkedIn, he remains confident in his abilities and refuses to let others' perceptions diminish his self-worth. Overall, the speaker encourages embracing one's unique experiences and recognizing their value.

    • Recognizing and Embracing Personal StrengthDespite adversity, everyone has the power to overcome challenges and grow. Focus on self-acceptance and personal growth, rather than validation from others.

      Everyone has the strength and resilience to overcome adversity, no matter how difficult their upbringing or past experiences may be. The speaker acknowledges the strength of the interviewee, who has faced challenges but has not let them define him. He encourages the interviewee to recognize his own worth and not let others' opinions or frameworks dictate his life. The speaker also emphasizes that there are very few people who can truly surpass us in life, and we should not seek validation from them. Instead, we should focus on our own growth and potential. The conversation also touches on the importance of acknowledging and processing past traumas differently and the strength that comes from having supportive family. Overall, the conversation is inspiring and emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and self-acceptance.

    • Embracing Growth and ResilienceRecognize everyone's potential for growth and success, empathize with their backgrounds, and appreciate their unique abilities.

      Everyone has the potential to grow and succeed, no matter their age or current circumstances. The speaker expressed admiration for someone's strength and resilience, despite initial feelings of anger and frustration. He also emphasized the importance of empathy and understanding the backgrounds of others. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the idea that everyone has unique abilities and strengths, and it's important to focus on those rather than dwelling on perceived limitations. The speaker also encouraged following and supporting others on social media, and appreciated the humanity and authenticity of the person being discussed. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying positive, having empathy, and recognizing the potential for growth and success in others.

    • Sharing Knowledge and Inspiring OthersGaryVee encourages viewers to share personal experiences and expertise to help and inspire others, and expresses his desire to make a positive impact on children's lives.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, also known as GaryVee, emphasizes the importance of sharing personal experiences and expertise to help and inspire others. He expresses his desire to make a positive impact on children's lives and encourages viewers to engage with his content, particularly his sports cards episode. GaryVee also promotes his wine text service and thanks his audience for their support, including their positive reviews. Throughout the discussion, there's a sense of enthusiasm and positivity, with GaryVee expressing his appreciation for his team and his viewers. Overall, GaryVee's message is one of sharing knowledge, engaging with audiences, and making a difference in people's lives.

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    On his podcast, he discusses all sorts of topics, including what made him successful and some of his core tenants for living life and managing successful businesses.
    ➡️ He is often joined by Chris Connel and Colt Amidan who are dear friends and successful business people in their own right.

    The Power Move podcast stands to be one of the top sources of knowledge and insights, specifically into real estate and entrepreneurship out there! Not to mention tons of coverage of topical events and insights into our non-commercial lives as well…
    ➡️ Learn and burn Entrepreneurship from serial entrepreneur John Gafford and his band of mayhem makers. From stripper poles to the oval office, business lessons are everywhere.

    If that sounds interesting to you, make sure to subscribe to my channel and don't forget to hit the bell icon to never miss a Podcast! 🔔

    💯 About John Gafford:

    After appearing on NBC's "The Apprentice", John relocated to the Las Vegas Valley and founded several successful companies in the real estate space.
    ➡️ The Gafford Group at Simply Vegas, top 1% of all REALTORS nationwide in terms of production.
    Simply Vegas, a 500 agent brokerage with billions in annual sales
    Clear Title, a 7 figure full service title and escrow company.
    ➡️ Streamline Home Loans - An independent mortgage bank with more than 100 loan officers.
    The Simply Group, A national expansion vehicle partnering with large brokers across the country to vertically integrate their real estate brokerages.

    ✅ Follow The Power Move with John Gafford on social media:

    Instagram ▶️ https://www.instagram.com/thejohnmgafford
    Facebook ▶️ https://www.facebook.com/gafford2/

    🎧 Stream The Power Move Podcast with John Gafford Episode here:
    Listen On Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/7cWN80gtZ4m4wl3DqQoJmK?si=70ad5ca4f51e4acc
    Listen On Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-power-move-with-john-gafford/id1582927283

    ☑️ Featuring:

    Chris Connel - Esquire - https://www.connelllaw.com
    Colt Amidan - Director of Commercial Real Estate at Simply Vegas - https://www.amidangroup.com
