
    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Chachipt 4 vision AI's use casesChachipt 4 vision AI can describe, interpret, recommend, convert, extract, assist, and evaluate various types of data. Users can experiment with these categories to discover new applications and possibilities.

      The Chachipt 4 vision AI can be applied to various use cases, which can be categorized as describe, interpret, recommend, convert, extract, assist, and evaluate. These categories help users understand the capabilities of the tool beyond just seeing examples. The "describe" category involves explaining what's happening in an image or text. For instance, if you provide a picture of a man picking apples with his son, the AI can describe the scene accurately, including details like the clothing they wear, the setting, and even make educated guesses about the time of year and location. The "interpret" category goes a step further by providing context or explaining the meaning of the described information. For example, you could ask the AI to interpret medical images, analyze technical diagrams, or even provide artistic interpretations. Understanding these categories can help users maximize the potential of AI tools like Chachipt 4 vision. It's essential to not only see how others use the tool but also experiment with it yourself. This way, you can discover new possibilities and applications that may not be immediately apparent.

    • Exploring ChatGPT's capabilities in understanding complex information and providing recommendationsChatGPT can understand complex diagrams, provide larger context for images, and make thoughtful recommendations based on given information.

      ChatGPT is a powerful tool for extracting information from text and images, and it can be particularly useful in educational contexts. During the discussion, we explored how ChatGPT was able to understand and contextualize complex information presented in the form of a pyramid diagram about the EU AI Act's risk-based approach to artificial intelligence regulation. It also demonstrated its ability to provide larger context when given an image, such as Pablo Picasso's Guernica, and discuss its societal significance. Furthermore, we tested ChatGPT's recommendation capabilities by asking it to evaluate symbols for a podcast cover art and make a recommendation. It provided thoughtful critiques for each symbol, considering both their strengths and weaknesses, and made a well-reasoned recommendation based on the core visual identity of the podcast. Overall, this demonstrates the potential of ChatGPT as a versatile and valuable tool for information retrieval, analysis, and generation, making it an invaluable asset for learning and discovery.

    • Transforming Ideas into Tangible Outputs with AIAI tool converts simple ideas into complex outputs in various categories: generate, convert, and extract. It's versatile, efficient, and accurate.

      The AI tool is incredibly versatile and efficient in converting simple ideas into tangible outputs. During the discussion, it was noted that an eye symbol with circular circuitry could represent AI's ability to see, analyze, and understand while also having an aesthetically pleasing and modern design. However, there could be negative connotations associated with the representation of surveillance. The tool provided recommendations based on the intended audience and topic. Next, the tool was tested in the "convert" category, where it was asked to turn a hand-drawn diagram into a graphic, description, and landing page site map. Impressively, it was able to generate an SQL schematic, write a description, recommend a site map, and even write the code for the landing page within a few minutes. This demonstrates the tool's ability to transform simple ideas into complex outputs. Lastly, the tool was tested in the "extract" category, where it was asked to transcribe a fragment of a letter from the Salem witch trials and provide context. Although the handwriting was old and the paper was double-sided with ink bleeding through, the tool was still able to transcribe the words accurately. Overall, the AI tool proved to be a valuable asset in transforming ideas into tangible outputs, making it a powerful tool for various use cases.

    • Identifying authors and providing solutions from text and imagesChatGPT can accurately identify authors of old documents and provide comprehensive instructions for setting up vintage electronics using text and images.

      ChatGPT demonstrates impressive capabilities in interpreting text and providing solutions based on images. During the discussion, it was able to identify the author of an old document with a high degree of accuracy, suggesting it was written by Cotton Mather. In the image use case, ChatGPT provided a comprehensive list of requirements to install an old NES on a modern TV, along with clear instructions for setup. These capabilities show great promise for users who need help understanding old documents or setting up vintage electronics. The ability to provide accurate, real-time solutions from text and images sets ChatGPT apart and could potentially replace traditional methods of seeking help. However, it's important to remember that subjective interpretation is subjective and the system may not always be perfect. Overall, ChatGPT's versatility and problem-solving abilities make it a valuable tool for a wide range of applications.

    • AI-driven art critique and suggestionsGPT-4 Vision offers personalized, goal-oriented feedback to artists and creators, enhancing their work with specific suggestions for depth, atmosphere, contrast, warmth, texture, wildlife, reflections, and narrative elements.

      GPT-4 Vision, an AI model, can provide artists and creators with valuable and specific suggestions for improving their work based on the desired goals. This feedback goes beyond the typical "I would like it better if" comments and instead offers technical and creative recommendations. For instance, it might suggest enhancing depth and atmosphere, boosting contrast, adding warmth, texture, wildlife, reflections, or narrative elements. These suggestions cater to specific objectives, making the analysis subjective yet incredibly valuable. By understanding the artist's intentions, GPT-4 Vision can help creators achieve their desired outcomes more effectively. This innovative approach to feedback can lead to more engaging and impactful pieces of art and writing.

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    - La société Open AI a dégainé GPT-4, la nouvelle version de son modèle d'intelligence artificielle, encore plus forte et plus impressionnante. 
    - Microsoft intègre GPT-4 dans Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook et Teams pour offrir des fonctions avancées spectaculaires. 
    - Mark Zuckerberg licencie 10000 personnes supplémentaires et prépare un nouveau réseau social concurrent de Twitter. (03:43)


    Savoir utiliser ChatGPT 🎙 Benoit Raphaël, journaliste co-fondateur de Flint Media, revient sur les nouveautés de GPT-4, notamment le traitement d'images. Par ailleurs, il décrit des applications concrètes de ChatGPT dans différents secteurs professionnels, du journalisme au marketing en passant par la programmation informatique. (13:13)

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    Bonne écoute ! 

    #367 – Sam Altman: OpenAI CEO on GPT-4, ChatGPT, and the Future of AI

    #367 – Sam Altman: OpenAI CEO on GPT-4, ChatGPT, and the Future of AI
    Sam Altman is the CEO of OpenAI, the company behind GPT-4, ChatGPT, DALL-E, Codex, and many other state-of-the-art AI technologies. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour - SimpliSafe: https://simplisafe.com/lex - ExpressVPN: https://expressvpn.com/lexpod to get 3 months free EPISODE LINKS: Sam's Twitter: https://twitter.com/sama OpenAI's Twitter: https://twitter.com/OpenAI OpenAI's Website: https://openai.com GPT-4 Website: https://openai.com/research/gpt-4 PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (08:41) - GPT-4 (20:06) - Political bias (27:07) - AI safety (47:47) - Neural network size (51:40) - AGI (1:13:09) - Fear (1:15:18) - Competition (1:17:38) - From non-profit to capped-profit (1:20:58) - Power (1:26:11) - Elon Musk (1:34:37) - Political pressure (1:52:51) - Truth and misinformation (2:05:13) - Microsoft (2:09:13) - SVB bank collapse (2:14:04) - Anthropomorphism (2:18:07) - Future applications (2:21:59) - Advice for young people (2:24:37) - Meaning of life

    Generative AI News - Busting AI Myths, Giant Funding Rounds, AI in Education and Media, and More - Voicebot Podcast 337

    Generative AI News - Busting AI Myths, Giant Funding Rounds, AI in Education and Media, and More - Voicebot Podcast 337

    Host notes - My apologies about the audio quality. We recorded on the road, and the mic setup didn't work as planned. The YouTube video audio is a little bit stronger if you want to watch this week. Also, the conversation and guest commentary is very good, so I wanted to put it out there anyway. In particular, I think you will like the discussion around LLMs and Theory of Mind, generative AI in education, and the potential erosion of generative AI startup valuations.  

    The Generative AI News (GAIN) rundown this week was recorded on July 6, 2023. Some special segments include:

    • Mythical generative AI capabilities. From the theory of mind to general AI to emergent abilities, generative AI claims keep getting proven wrong.

    • The generative AI funding fountain continues to be strong, but we discuss whether some companies are struggling to grow into their high valuations.

    • We also give you a new list of generative AI winners and losers of the week.

    Generative AI News

    Links related to the top stories are included below for anyone that wants to dig deeper into a topic.

    Top Story of the Week

    Generative AI Funding Fountain

    Generative AI in the World

    More About GAIN

    GAIN is recorded live and streamed via YouTube and LinkedIn on Thursdays. You can re-watch each week’s discussion on Voicebot’s YouTube channel. Please join us live next week on YouTube or LinkedIn. Also, please participate in the live show by commenting, and we are likely to give you a shoutout and may even show your comment on screen.