
    “The Age Old Question.”

    enFebruary 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Legal Investigations into Trump's Election Interference ContinueProsecutors in Georgia believe perjury occurred during testimony about Trump's election interference efforts, while federal investigators subpoena key figures. Significant developments expected in coming weeks.

      The legal investigations into former President Donald Trump's attempts to overturn the 2020 election results are continuing, with potential indictments on the horizon. Prosecutors in Georgia have found that no widespread fraud occurred but believe perjury may have taken place during testimony about Trump's efforts. Meanwhile, special counsel Jack Smith is moving quickly in the federal investigation, subpoenaing key figures like Mike Pence, Mark Meadows, and Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran. The crime fraud exception is being invoked to try and get around attorney-client privilege. While we didn't get any definitive action on this day, the signs point to significant developments in the coming weeks. In other news, Nikki Haley officially entered the Republican primary race, and concerns about Joe Biden's age persist among Democrats. Michigan State Senator Mallory McMorrow discussed passing gun safety legislation after a shooting at Michigan State University. And Crooked Media announced the preorder availability of the new novel "Mobility" by Lydia Kiesling.

    • Georgia grand jury report: Trump and associates face potential indictmentsThe Georgia grand jury report identified lies from Trump allies and may put Trump and others under investigation for potential charges, while the political landscape remains uncertain for the GOP primary

      The release of the Georgia grand jury report regarding the 2020 election investigation brings potential indictments for former President Trump and his associates closer to reality. While no widespread fraud was found, lies from witnesses like Lindsey Graham and Rudy Giuliani have been identified. The attorney-client privilege of Trump's lawyers may be at risk, and potential charges against Trump and others are under investigation. The political landscape remains uncertain, with some Republicans distancing themselves from Trump due to allegations of criminal activity, while others may rally to his defense. The outcome of the Republican primary will likely depend on how these developments unfold and the response from the MAGA media and the broader Republican Party.

    • Republican Rivals May Not Directly Attack Trump's Legal TroublesSome GOP contenders might avoid criticizing Trump's potential indictments and instead focus on distancing themselves and presenting fresh alternatives.

      During the Republican primary, Trump's potential indictments may not be a major point of attack for his rivals. Instead, some candidates might choose to focus on distancing themselves from the legal troubles and presenting themselves as a fresh alternative to Trump. For instance, Nikki Haley's campaign kickoff speech did not directly criticize Trump but emphasized the need for new leadership and term limits for politicians. However, the quality of her announcement video and speech was criticized as lacking substance and coherence. Ultimately, the 2024 Republican primary race is expected to be a complex and dynamic process, with various strategies and tactics being employed by the contenders.

    • Haley's Campaign Lacks Unique Rationale and Generational AppealDespite attempts to present herself as a more inclusive and younger face, Nikki Haley's campaign lacks a compelling reason for why she should be the Republican nominee, and her electability argument is weak.

      Nikki Haley's presidential campaign lacks a unique rationale and generational appeal that sets her apart from other Republican contenders, particularly Ron DeSantis. The speaker notes that Haley's argument for her electability is weak, as she has not presented a compelling reason for why she should be the nominee beyond being the person who is not under attack at a given moment. Furthermore, Haley's attempt to position herself as a more inclusive and younger face for the Republican Party may not resonate with the current state of the party, which is heavily influenced by the MAGA movement. Ultimately, the speaker expresses doubt that Haley has what it takes to straddle the various factions within the Republican Party and win the nomination.

    • Nikki Haley's campaign struggles to differentiate herselfDespite attempts to highlight her age and experience, Nikki Haley's campaign faces challenges in distinguishing herself from opponents on policy and preparedness. Inconsistent messaging and lack of clear disagreements with Trump have left voters confused about her stance.

      Nikki Haley's presidential campaign faces challenges on multiple fronts, including her perceived lack of alignment with the MAGA movement and her inability to differentiate herself from her opponents in terms of policy and preparedness. Her campaign's focus on her age as a selling point and her lack of clear disagreements with Donald Trump on specific policy issues have raised questions about her candidacy and her ability to appeal to voters beyond her base. Additionally, her lack of preparation during interviews has not helped her cause, and her inconsistent messaging on Trump's competency has left many confused about her stance on the former president. Overall, Haley's campaign seems to be struggling to define a clear and compelling message that sets her apart from the competition.

    • Political stunts lack authenticity and depthFocus on unique qualifications and reasons for running, avoid negative exchanges during debates, and emphasize positive qualities and vision for future.

      Political stunts or attacks that lack authenticity and depth, like the one against Nikki Haley, often fail to resonate with voters. Instead, political professionals advise candidates to differentiate themselves from their opponents in a coherent way, focusing on their unique qualifications and reasons for running. During debates, it's crucial for candidates to avoid getting bogged down in negative exchanges and instead emphasize their positive qualities and vision for the future. In the current political landscape, it seems unlikely that there will be a Democratic primary challenge to President Biden, but concerns about his age persist among some Democrats, with party leaders hesitant to publicly address the issue.

    • Democratic officials hesitant to challenge Biden due to affinity, futility, and risksDespite potential criticisms, Democratic officials are unlikely to challenge Biden due to his popularity, accomplishments, historical trends, and risks of losing the primary and weakening the party

      Democratic officials are hesitant to voice their concerns about Joe Biden's presidential run due to their affinity towards him, the perceived futility of criticism, and the potential risks of challenging an incumbent. Biden's popularity among Democrats, his accomplishments, and the historical trend of primary challenges failing have made it unlikely for a viable challenge to come from the left. Additionally, the risks of losing the primary and weakening the Democratic party against Trump outweigh the potential benefits for potential challengers. While some may argue that a primary challenge could push Biden to take bolder actions or provide a fresh perspective, the historical data suggests otherwise. Ultimately, the lack of a significant challenge from the left indicates a strong level of support for Biden among Democratic officials.

    • Concerns over Biden's age in presidencyDespite Biden's strong performance, concerns over his age persist among voters, with doubts about his ability to campaign and serve effectively in the future.

      The age of President Joe Biden is a significant concern for many voters, despite his strong performance as president and the Democratic Party's support for his re-election. This concern is not limited to political insiders but is shared by a majority of voters in polls and focus groups. The argument against a primary challenge to Biden is that there is a lack of viable arguments against him, and the consequences of failure could be disastrous for the challenger. The age issue is multifaceted, with concerns about Biden's ability to campaign vigorously enough to win the election and doubts about his ability to serve effectively in the future. However, there is no evidence to suggest that Biden is currently unable to do the job as president. The concern over age is a valid one, but it is essential to consider the context and the facts surrounding Biden's presidency.

    • Biden's Reelection Bid: Practical Challenges and Generational ArgumentBiden faces challenges in handling crises, appealing to younger voters, and competing against younger Republicans, but his relatively low polarization could help him in the election.

      President Joe Biden's decision to run for reelection in 2024 faces several challenges. The first challenge is the practical aspect of being president, which involves handling unexpected crises and making tough decisions, even during campaign season. The second challenge is the question of whether Biden can effectively address the issues that matter most to voters, particularly younger Democrats who were less enthusiastic about him during the 2020 primary. The third challenge is the generational argument against him, as the most likely Republican nominee is currently younger than Biden. However, polling suggests that Biden could still win against other potential Republican opponents. Despite concerns about Biden's approval ratings and lack of enthusiasm from some Democratic voters, his relatively low polarization compared to other politicians may also help him in the election. Overall, Biden's reelection bid will require him to address these challenges and convince voters that he is the best candidate for the job.

    • Discussing the US Presidential Election and Gun SafetyThe US presidential election outcome could significantly impact democracy and people's lives, with gun safety being a pressing concern following recent shootings.

      The upcoming US presidential election is a significant concern for many, regardless of who the nominees are. Joe Biden's presidency has seen considerable progress, but there's a fear that any Republican nominee, including Donald Trump, could pose a threat to the democracy and negatively impact many people. The election's outcome will likely hinge on narrow margins in key states. The conversation also touched on the recent school shooting at Michigan State University and the students' call for gun safety legislation. The students shared their harrowing experiences of surviving gun violence incidents, leaving a deep impact on those present. Senator Mallory McMorrow, who lost a good friend's older brother in the Virginia Tech shooting, spoke about feeling powerless in the face of such tragedies. Overall, the conversation emphasized the urgency of addressing gun violence and the importance of taking action to protect the democracy.

    • Young people taking action against gun violenceYoung people, motivated by gun violence in their community, are preparing to introduce legislation on gun safety in Michigan, including red flag laws, safe storage of firearms, and universal background checks, with bipartisan support hoped for.

      Young people have the power to make a difference, even in the face of tragedy. As shared by the Michigan lawmaker, they saw firsthand the impact of gun violence on their community and were motivated to take action. They are now preparing to introduce legislation on gun safety, including red flag laws, safe storage of firearms, and universal background checks. These bills have been in the works even before the recent horrific event, but the staff has worked tirelessly to expedite the process. The lawmaker expressed hope for bipartisan support, citing past instances of cooperation during crisis moments. With the Democrats now holding a trifecta in Michigan, there are plans to pass other legislation in the next two years, but the immediate focus is on gun safety. The message to young people is clear: they are not powerless, and they can make a difference.

    • Democrats should focus on real issues amidst GOP distractionsDemocrats should stay focused on addressing economic concerns, rather than being sidetracked by GOP attempts to exploit social issues as distractions

      During the current political climate, Democrats should not be deterred by Republican attempts to distract from real issues with divisive social matters. The Michigan Democratic legislature's swift action on issues like LGBTQ rights, economic equality, and gun reform in the wake of the crisis demonstrates a commitment to addressing the needs of their constituents. These issues are being exploited by Republicans in the 2024 presidential primary as a distraction from economic concerns. Democrats should call out this tactic and connect the dots between the real issues and the distractions. Furthermore, Elon Musk's tweets, while a popular request, have been addressed and should not be a focus for the public's attention. Instead, it's crucial to stay focused on the pressing matters at hand and not allow ourselves to be sidetracked by irrelevant distractions.

    • Elon Musk's Demand for Social Media EngagementHigh-profile individuals prioritize social media engagement, leading them to take extreme measures to boost it.

      Social media engagement can significantly matter to high-profile individuals like Elon Musk, even leading them to take drastic measures. During the Super Bowl, Musk was disappointed when his pro-Eagles tweet received less engagement than Joe Biden's tweet supporting the team. Musk, known for his grandiosity, reportedly flew to Twitter's headquarters in San Francisco to demand a solution, causing 80 engineers to work through the night to debug the issue. The incident highlights the importance of social media presence and engagement for public figures and the lengths they might go to maintain or improve it. Despite the potential environmental impact of his private jet, Musk's obsession with social media engagement is a testament to its power and influence in today's digital age.

    • Power and influence on Twitter: Ethical concerns and fairnessPowerful users can manipulate the platform, raising ethical concerns for transparency and fairness. It's crucial to use power responsibly and prioritize user trust and privacy.

      Power and influence can lead to manipulation and unfair advantage, even on a platform like Twitter. The recent events involving Elon Musk's alleged special treatment on the platform, where his tweets were reportedly boosted without the knowledge or consent of other users, highlights the potential for insidious practices that can negatively impact the user experience. This situation raises ethical concerns and questions about transparency and fairness on social media platforms. It's important for individuals and companies to use their power responsibly and for platforms to prioritize user trust and privacy. Additionally, the discussion also touched upon the potential negative effects of excessive online engagement and the importance of setting boundaries and taking breaks from social media.

    • Elon Musk's Obsessive Twitter BehaviorMusk's fixation on Twitter attention and alleged manipulation raises concerns for corruption and the need for regulation, while his toxic work environment and intolerance of criticism underscore the importance of ethical considerations in technology and social media.

      Elon Musk's obsession with gaining and maintaining attention on Twitter, even after spending $44 billion to acquire it, has led to concerning behaviors. Musk's fixation on his tweet performance and alleged manipulation of the algorithm raises questions about the potential for corruption and the need for regulation. Additionally, the reported firing of an engineer who tried to explain waning attention to Musk highlights the toxic work environment and Musk's inability to accept criticism or changing audience behavior. Ultimately, this situation underscores the importance of recognizing the potential negative consequences of unchecked power and the need for ethical considerations in technology and social media.

    • Discussing wealth inequality and the potential consequencesThe argument for progressive taxation and focusing on experiences over accumulating wealth was explored, with concerns about the negative impact of billionaires on society.

      The discussion touched on the topic of wealth inequality and the potential negative consequences it can have on individuals and society. A meme was shared about Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, having numerous children, which sparked a conversation about the argument for more progressive taxation and spending more time on experiences rather than accumulating wealth. The speakers also expressed their unease about the existence of billionaires and the potential harm it can cause. The overall sentiment was that it's better to focus on the present and find joy in simple things, like memes and spending time with loved ones. The episode was produced by Crooked Media, and guests included Hellie Kiefer and Senator Mallory McMorrow.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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