
    The Amazing Power Of Financial Independence With Brad Barrett

    en-usSeptember 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Different Ways to Invest in Real Estate and Secure Your FinancesConsider investing in real estate through platforms like Fundrise, secure life insurance through Policygenius, and pursue financial independence through practices like frugality, tracking expenses, and growing income.

      There are various ways to invest in real estate and secure your finances, such as through Fundrise, and there's no better time than the present to consider expanding your portfolio. Additionally, securing life insurance through Policygenius is an essential step in ensuring your loved ones' financial stability in case of unforeseen circumstances. Lastly, financial independence, a topic discussed with Brad Barrett from Choose FI, is an attainable goal through practices like frugality, tracking expenses, adhering to the 4% rule, and growing income. These strategies, along with travel hacking, can lead to a fulfilling and financially secure life.

    • Lessons from the Mad Fientist: Save to Gain Power and FreedomSaving money is crucial for financial independence and security, regardless of career or financial situation. Early financial decisions can make a big impact, and no one is coming to save us.

      Saving money is the key to gaining power, freedom, and autonomy in life. This was a lesson learned by Brad Barrett, the co-host of the "Mad Fientist" podcast, which has grown into one of the largest personal finance communities focused on financial independence. Brad shared his personal story of making financially savvy decisions early on, including turning down an Ivy League education to avoid debt, and realizing the importance of saving after experiencing the sudden collapse of his employer, Arthur Andersen, in the Enron scandal. He emphasized that no one is coming to save us, and that saving money is the only way to ensure financial security and independence. This realization led Brad to start saving aggressively, and he encourages everyone to do the same, regardless of their current financial situation or career path. By focusing on saving and investing, individuals can gain the power to control their own lives and make their own choices, rather than being tied to a 9-5 job or living paycheck to paycheck.

    • The power of saving a significant portion of incomeSaving a large portion of income leads to financial independence, allowing individuals to prioritize, improve health, and add value to their community. Despite potential setbacks, saving is essential for a fulfilling life.

      Saving a significant portion of your income is the ultimate life hack, providing freedom and the power to reclaim control over your life. This freedom allows individuals to assess their priorities, improve their health, and add value to their community. Saving may initially seem like a form of deprivation, but it can lead to a life full of wonder and opportunity. However, even those pursuing financial independence can make mistakes along the way, as the speaker shares his own experience of losing potential wealth through a hasty real estate investment before the 2008 market crash. Despite these setbacks, the bedrock of saving a large percentage of income remains the foundation for achieving financial independence and living a more fulfilling life.

    • Pursuing Financial Independence: A Worthwhile GoalFocusing on saving, living below means, and investing wisely can lead to financial independence, reducing stress and improving overall quality of life

      Financial independence, although not easy to achieve for everyone, is a worthwhile pursuit that can significantly improve one's life, even if they make mistakes along the way. By focusing on the fundamentals of saving, living below their means, and investing wisely, individuals can build wealth and reduce their stress around money, even during financial crises or unexpected expenses. The power of starting small and consistently growing one's savings can lead to a life that is dramatically better than before, no matter the income level. As the speaker emphasized, "life is lumpy," and having a financial cushion can prevent individuals from getting into sticky situations and alleviate stress. So, while the journey to financial independence may be challenging, it is a goal worth pursuing for anyone seeking more autonomy, freedom, and peace of mind.

    • Early financial decisions impact your journey to financial independenceMaking pivotal decisions like moving to a lower cost area or prioritizing expenses early on can significantly boost your savings and lead to financial independence. Focus on essential expenses to free up resources.

      Making pivotal decisions early on in your financial journey, such as moving to a lower cost of living area or prioritizing expenses, can significantly propel you towards financial independence. The speaker shares his personal experience of making a difficult decision to leave a high cost of living area and move to a place with lower expenses, which allowed them to save and accumulate wealth. Frugality, especially in the early stages, is also crucial for those not earning high incomes. By focusing on essential expenses like housing, transportation, and food, individuals can free up resources to allocate towards things they truly value.

    • Focus on what matters most in spendingSmall changes in expenses and prioritizing values can help reach financial independence faster, while increasing income can also accelerate the process.

      Savings rate plays a crucial role in achieving financial independence, but it's essential to focus on what you value rather than trying to keep up with others. Small changes in expenses, such as choosing a more affordable cell phone plan, can significantly reduce the amount needed to reach financial independence without negatively impacting your lifestyle. The key is to identify what matters most to you and prioritize your spending accordingly. Additionally, increasing your income through entrepreneurship or other means can also help accelerate your path to financial independence. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach, and everyone's journey will be unique.

    • The Importance of Savings Rate for Financial IndependenceSavings rate is crucial for financial independence, but it's not the only path. Aim for 20% or more, but consider income levels and other factors. Automate savings with tools like Excel, apps, or 'pay yourself first' method.

      While savings rate is an essential factor in achieving financial independence, it's not the only path. The importance of savings rate was highlighted in an article called "The Shockingly Simple Math Behind Early Retirement." However, the specific savings rate required varies for each individual. Generally, a savings rate of 20% or above is recommended, but it depends on income levels and other factors. Furthermore, increasing income is another powerful way to accelerate wealth accumulation. The time spent managing finances can be minimized by using tools like Microsoft Excel, budgeting apps, or the "pay yourself first" method. These methods can help automate the savings process and reduce the need for constant monitoring. In conclusion, while savings rate is crucial, it's essential to remember that there are multiple paths to financial independence. The specific savings rate and financial management methods depend on individual circumstances and preferences. Ultimately, the key is to find a method that works best for you and stick to it consistently.

    • Automate your finances for less stress and more savingsAutomating savings, paying yourself first, and using tools like reverse budgeting and tracking systems can simplify finances, reduce stress, and potentially save more over time. Balance saving and living according to personal values for a fulfilling financial journey.

      Automating your personal finances can significantly reduce the time and stress involved in managing your money, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life. By paying yourself first, automating savings, and using tools like reverse budgeting and automated tracking systems, you can simplify your financial life and potentially save more over time. It's important to find a balance between saving and living, and everyone's journey to financial independence may look different. While it's tempting to focus on maximizing optimization, it's also essential to consider the value of experiences and living in the present. Ultimately, finding a balance between saving and living according to your values is key to a fulfilling financial journey. Additionally, reflecting on past financial decisions can provide valuable insights, but it's essential not to dwell on regrets or focus too much on optimization at the expense of enjoying the present.

    • Freedom to live life on your own termsFinancial independence provides the freedom to live life on your own terms, with options and peace of mind, regardless of your career or retirement plans.

      Financial independence is more important than the idea of retiring early. While the retire early aspect of financial independence can be appealing, it can also be a distraction from the real goal, which is achieving the freedom to live life on your own terms. This freedom allows you to have options, even if you love your job and plan to work forever. Financial independence provides the ability to add value to the world in ways that may not be possible if you're living paycheck to paycheck. It's important to remember that life is unpredictable, and having financial independence can provide peace of mind and the ability to adapt to changes. So, whether you're a lawyer, a physician, or any other profession, pursuing financial independence can offer benefits that extend beyond just retirement.

    • Determining Financial Independence with the 4% RuleThe 4% rule is a guideline for calculating how much money is needed for financial independence by multiplying annual expenses by 25. It provides a clear goal for building a financially independent life.

      Financial independence is about having the freedom to make decisions based on what you want for your life, rather than societal or financial pressures. The 4% rule is a helpful guideline for determining how much money you need to achieve this freedom. This rule of thumb suggests multiplying your annual expenses by 25 to reach your financial independence number. By focusing on this number, regular people can reclaim control over their financial future and not be intimidated by seemingly impossible retirement goals. The 4% rule provides a clear and attainable North Star for building a financially independent life.

    • The 4% Rule for Retirement PlanningThe 4% rule helps individuals determine the amount of money needed to live on annually, multiply it by 25, and achieve financial independence. It's indexed to inflation and emphasizes income's role in the journey.

      The 4% rule of thumb in retirement planning empowers individuals to take control of their financial independence by calculating the amount of money they need to live on annually, which is then multiplied by 25 to determine the total savings required. This rule, which is indexed to inflation, can help people see that achieving financial independence is possible and unlocks the ability to make decisions about expenses, housing, and debt repayment based on personal priorities. The rule also highlights the importance of income in the journey to financial independence, as it can accelerate the path to savings and potentially lead to entrepreneurship. Overall, the 4% rule serves as a guiding principle for individuals to take control of their financial future and pursue financial independence.

    • Living Below Your Means and Strategic Decisions for Financial IndependenceThrough careful planning and strategic decisions, it's possible to achieve financial independence on a modest income. Forecasting and seeing opportunities can lead to growing side hustles into successful businesses, and living below your means is key. Persistence and focus are essential for a successful journey to financial independence.

      With careful planning and smart decisions, it's possible to achieve financial independence on a modest income. The speaker, Brad, shares his personal journey of living below their means for over a decade, making strategic decisions like buying a house in a good school district years before having children, and growing side hustles into successful businesses. He emphasizes the importance of forecasting and seeing how the world will work to maximize opportunities. Brad also shares how FI intersected with entrepreneurship, enabling him to transition into it and grow his net worth without having to draw down. This journey took him almost 9 years and serves as a powerful reminder that if you're persistent and focused, opportunities will come your way.

    • Maximize travel expenses with credit card rewardsFinancially responsible individuals can save money on travel by using credit cards with attractive rewards, paying them off in full each month, and redeeming points or miles for flights, hotels, and other travel expenses.

      Financially responsible individuals can use credit card rewards, such as travel points and miles, to significantly reduce or even eliminate the cost of their travels. This approach, often referred to as travel hacking, involves opening and using credit cards with attractive sign-up bonuses, which can result in thousands of dollars' worth of rewards. To maximize the benefits, it's crucial to pay off the cards in full and on time each month. By doing so, individuals can earn valuable points or miles that can be redeemed for flights, hotels, and other travel-related expenses. This strategy has the potential to save travelers a substantial amount of money, making their trips more affordable and accessible. To learn more about travel rewards and how to get started, resources such as ChooseFI's travel guides and websites like TravelMiles101 can provide valuable information and insights.

    • Maximizing savings with credit card rewardsEffectively using credit card sign-up bonuses and rewards can lead to significant savings, potentially covering expenses for trips and saving families tens of thousands of dollars over a lifetime.

      Using credit cards strategically to earn sign-up bonuses and rewards can lead to significant savings and even free trips. By opening multiple cards wisely and paying them off in full each month, you can effectively earn rebates of up to 30% on your spending. This method, which can be optimized for even greater value, has the potential to save families tens of thousands of dollars over a lifetime. An example of this strategy in action is taking a family trip to Disney World, where expenses can be covered through credit card rewards and loyalty points. By planning ahead and thinking about future travel needs, one can take nearly free trips to various destinations. However, it's essential to be responsible with credit cards and avoid getting into debt.

    • Using points for Disney tickets and flightsLearning travel hacking through resources like Travel Miles 101 and using points for Disney tickets and flights can make planning a trip to Disney World an easy and high-value experience.

      Using rewards points and miles, specifically with Southwest, can make planning a trip to Disney World an easy and high-value experience. Brian from ChooseFI shared how easy it is to use points for Disney tickets and flights, with many options for accommodations at Hyatt and Marriott in Orlando. He also emphasized the value of learning travel hacking through resources like Travel Miles 101. Brian shared that podcasting brings him to life and his biggest fear used to be around money, but he's since learned that a high savings rate and time can alleviate financial stress. Looking ahead, Brian plans to continue leveling up his finances by focusing on the principles in the book "Die With Zero" by Bill Perkins. For those interested in learning more, Brian's step-by-step guide for using points and miles at Disney can be found at choosefi.com/disney.

    • Living a wealthy life is about cherishing memories with loved onesOptimize time and finances to make unforgettable memories with loved ones, as wealth enables a fulfilling life

      Wealth is not just about accumulating money, but it's about having the freedom and choices to spend your time and money on experiences that create valuable memories with loved ones. According to the guest, this perspective was inspired by a book and an article that emphasized the importance of cherishing time with family, especially during childhood. The guest shared how he's been prioritizing spending more money on experiences with his daughters, creating unforgettable memories that he won't regret. He encourages everyone to consider optimizing their time and finances to make the most of their limited years with loved ones. Wealth, in essence, enables us to live our lives to the fullest, making valuable memories and enjoying the freedom to spend time as we choose. To learn more about the guest's perspective on financial independence, listen to the Choose FI podcast and subscribe to his newsletter.

    • Sharing personal experiences and learning from others can be a powerful source of motivationListening to podcasts like 'All the Hacks' and sharing personal actions towards financial independence can motivate and inspire others to make positive changes in their lives

      Finding motivation and inspiration from others can significantly improve one's own life. Brad Barrett, the host of the "ChooseFI" podcast, emphasizes the importance of sharing personal actions towards financial independence and the impact it has on his community. This simple act of sharing and highlighting these actions can be a powerful source of motivation for others. Additionally, there's a new podcast called "All the Hacks," hosted by Chris Hutchins, which offers tactics, tricks, and tips to upgrade your life, money, and travel while spending less and saving more. The episode featuring Bill Perkins discusses the importance of optimizing for net fulfillment rather than net worth and striving to die with 0. This podcast provides valuable information for anyone looking to make positive changes in their life and finances. In summary, sharing personal experiences and learning from others can be a powerful source of motivation, while podcasts like "All the Hacks" offer practical tips and strategies to help improve various aspects of your life.

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    How Do I Set-Up My Finances As A New Couple?! - Money Q&A

    How Do I Set-Up My Finances As A New Couple?! - Money Q&A
    In this episode of the Personal Finance Podcast, we are going to do a Money Q&A about how do I set up finances as a newlywed couple.  Today we are going to answer these questions: Question 1: How do I set up Finances as a Newlywed? Question 2: How do I move my Roth IRA?  Question 3: Do You Need an LLC with Rental Properties and Businesses?  How Andrew Can Help You:  Don't let another year pass by without making significant strides toward your dreams. "Master Your Money Goals" is your pathway to a future where your aspirations are not just wishes but realities. Enroll now and make this year count! Join The Master Money Newsletter where you will become smarter with your money in 5 minutes or less per week Here! Learn to invest by joining  Index Fund Pro! This is Andrew’s course teaching you how to invest!  Watch The Master Money Youtube Channel! , Ask Andrew a question on Instagram or TikTok.  Learn how to get out of Debt by joining our Free Course  Leave Feedback or Episode Requests here.  Thanks to Our Amazing Sponsors for supporting The Personal Finance Podcast. Shopify: Shopify makes it so easy to sell. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at  shopify.com/pfp Monarch Money: Get an extended 30 day free trial at monarchmoney/pfp Thanks to Fundrise for Sponsoring the show! Invest in real estate going to fundrise.com/pfp Indeed: Start hiring NOW with a SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLAR SPONSORED JOB CREDIT to upgrade your job post at Indeed.com/personalfinance Thanks to Policy Genius for Sponsoring the show! Go to policygenius.com to get your free life insurance quote. Chime: Start your credit journey with Chime. Sign-up takes only two minutes and doesn’t affect your credit score. Get started at chime.com/ Delete Me: Use Promo Code PFP for 20% off!   Links Mentioned in This Episode:  The Year End Money Checklist! (Make Sure You do This!) The Complete Breakdown of The 2-Fund Portfolio (The Warren Buffett Portfolio) Connect With Andrew on Social Media:  Instagram  TikTok Twitter  Master Money Website  Master Money Youtube Channel   Free Guides:   The Stairway to Wealth: The Order of Operations for your Money  How to Negotiate Your Salary  The 75 Day Money Challenge  Get out Of Debt Fast  Take the Money Personality Quiz Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Cut These Expenses to Reach Millionaire Status (By Age!)

    Cut These Expenses to Reach Millionaire Status (By Age!)
    In this episode of the Personal Finance Podcast, we are going to talk about the expenses that you need to cut to reach millionaire status by age.  How Andrew Can Help You:  Don't let another year pass by without making significant strides toward your dreams. "Master Your Money Goals" is your pathway to a future where your aspirations are not just wishes but realities. Enroll now and make this year count! Join The Master Money Newsletter where you will become smarter with your money in 5 minutes or less per week Here! Learn to invest by joining  Index Fund Pro! This is Andrew’s course teaching you how to invest!  Watch The Master Money Youtube Channel! , Ask Andrew a question on Instagram or TikTok.  Learn how to get out of Debt by joining our Free Course  Leave Feedback or Episode Requests here.  Thanks to Our Amazing Sponsors for supporting The Personal Finance Podcast. Shopify: Shopify makes it so easy to sell. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at  shopify.com/pfp Monarch Money: Get an extended 30 day free trial at monarchmoney/pfp Thanks to Fundrise for Sponsoring the show! Invest in real estate going to fundrise.com/pfp Indeed: Start hiring NOW with a SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLAR SPONSORED JOB CREDIT to upgrade your job post at Indeed.com/personalfinance Thanks to Policy Genius for Sponsoring the show! Go to policygenius.com to get your free life insurance quote. Chime: Start your credit journey with Chime. Sign-up takes only two minutes and doesn’t affect your credit score. Get started at chime.com/ Delete Me: Use Promo Code PFP for 20% off!   Links Mentioned in This Episode:  How to Maximize Your Travel and Get the Most Out of Your Credit Card Points Points with Chris Hutchins How We Travel The World Completely Free! (Travel Hacking 101) How Much Do You Spend on Alcohol? Should You Pay Cash or Finance A Car? (This May Surprise You!) How to Skyrocket Your Net Worth By Building an Amazing Network with Jordan Harbinger Here is the total cost of ownership calculator: https://mastermoney.co/total-cost-of-ownership-calculator/  Connect With Andrew on Social Media:  Instagram  TikTok Twitter  Master Money Website  Master Money Youtube Channel   Free Guides:   The Stairway to Wealth: The Order of Operations for your Money  How to Negotiate Your Salary  The 75 Day Money Challenge  Get out Of Debt Fast  Take the Money Personality Quiz Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Best Accounts for Kids, Social Security in Retirement, and How to Block Spam Texts - Money Q&A

    The Best Accounts for Kids, Social Security in Retirement, and How to Block Spam Texts - Money Q&A
    In this episode of the Personal Finance Podcast, we are going to do a Money Q&A about the best accounts for kids, social security in retirement, and how to block spam texts. Today we are going to answer these questions: Question 1: The Best Accounts for Kids  Question 2: Should I factor Social Security in my Retirement Plan?  Question 3: The Ultimate Guide to Blocking Spam Texts  How Andrew Can Help You:  Don't let another year pass by without making significant strides toward your dreams. "Master Your Money Goals" is your pathway to a future where your aspirations are not just wishes but realities. Enroll now and make this year count! Join The Master Money Newsletter where you will become smarter with your money in 5 minutes or less per week Here! Learn to invest by joining  Index Fund Pro! This is Andrew’s course teaching you how to invest!  Watch The Master Money Youtube Channel! , Ask Andrew a question on Instagram or TikTok.  Learn how to get out of Debt by joining our Free Course  Leave Feedback or Episode Requests here.  Thanks to Our Amazing Sponsors for supporting The Personal Finance Podcast. Shopify: Shopify makes it so easy to sell. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at  shopify.com/pfp Monarch Money: Get an extended 30 day free trial at monarchmoney/pfp Thanks to Fundrise for Sponsoring the show! Invest in real estate going to fundrise.com/pfp Indeed: Start hiring NOW with a SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLAR SPONSORED JOB CREDIT to upgrade your job post at Indeed.com/personalfinance Thanks to Policy Genius for Sponsoring the show! Go to policygenius.com to get your free life insurance quote. Chime: Start your credit journey with Chime. Sign-up takes only two minutes and doesn’t affect your credit score. Get started at chime.com/ Delete Me: Use Promo Code PFP for 20% off!   Links Mentioned in This Episode:  10 Incredible Benefits of a Taxable Brokerage Account! Which is Better a 529 or Roth IRA for Your Kids? Money Q&A Connect With Andrew on Social Media:  Instagram  TikTok Twitter  Master Money Website  Master Money Youtube Channel   Free Guides:   The Stairway to Wealth: The Order of Operations for your Money  How to Negotiate Your Salary  The 75 Day Money Challenge  Get out Of Debt Fast  Take the Money Personality Quiz Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Most of all, we hope this episode will leave you with more comfort that you're not alone in this daunting topic that money & finances can present for so many of us!  

    Follow / reach out to Lesley on Twitter: @LIhionkhan and her coaching business Common Wealth Coaching: https://cmmnwealthcoach.com/ 

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    As we continue to create more content, we'd love to hear from you! How do these topics resonate? What topics would you like us to cover next?

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    Plus, Dean and Kristin discuss digital nomad gentrification, global citizenship, minimalism, and their visions for the future of remote work. This is a juicy one, so tune in and share it with a friend who might enjoy it!


    Special Offers:


    Topics Discussed:

    • Becoming who you want to be.
    • Achieving financial independence as a full-time traveler.
    • Money mindset.
    • How to retire early.
    • Investment strategies for growing your net worth and building long-term wealth.
    • Changing your mindset around social status and consumption.
    • Minimalism: The most important part of financial independence?
    • Carry-on only travel.
    • Being a responsible tourist, traveler, and global citizen.
    • Digital Nomad Gentrification: Is it a problem or overblown?
    • Digital Nomad Visas.
    • Why Dean created the Digital Nomad Israel community.
    • The future of remote work and digital nomadism.
    • Quitting bad habits and addictions, like sugar.
    • Top resources for learning about money and investing.


    Questions Answered:

    • How did you become “The King of Digital Nomads”?
    • How do you become financially independent by age 40?
    • How do you build your net worth and increase your ROI?
    • Is traveling the world cheaper than staying in your home country?
    • What does it mean to be a responsible traveler?
    • How is remote work a solution for global, social, and economic issues?
    • Is there any country you don’t feel at home in?
    • What challenges do you encounter as a full-time digital nomad?
    • What resources do you recommend for learning about financial freedom?
    • and more!


    Episode Resources:

    Related Videos:


    Related Podcasts:


    Financial Independence Podcasts:


    Books/Articles Mentioned:


    Other Digital Nomad Resources:


    Connect with Dean:


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    See the show notes pages on BadassDigitalNomads.com or TravelingwithKristin.com/podcast  for time stamps, transcripts, and more resources from this episode.


    054 Denise Thomas

    054 Denise Thomas

    Denise Thomas

    Save Money on College So You Can Make Investments in Real Estate

    We have many conversations about saving money, on buying a home, building a new home, or remodeling. We are always looking for the best way to save money.

    The topic we are talking about today is about saving money but not on a building. Instead, we're talking about how to save money sending your kids to college.  Just think how great it will be after your children graduate, they or you, won’t be strapped in lifelong debt. Not having to put an enormous output of money for their education, that money can be used for having a better home for your family and even wonderful family experiences.

    Why is this relevant to you?

    For you estate people letting your people know about this, they can buy a bigger home which means a bigger commission for you.

    And as an entrepreneur, you can retire earlier!

    At any rate, this topic is so important and can be beneficial to so many people I’m excited for her to share her strategies for saving money on university fees.


    Denise is an International best-selling author, TEDxTenayaPaseo speaker, and coach to parents of college-bound teens, Denise’s mission is to reverse the college debt statistic in the U.S. and to inspire, educate, and equip parents who take an active role in supporting their children to live a life of financial freedom.

    Denise is a 20-year homeschool veteran having homeschooled her two children from Pre-k through high school. Using her proprietary repeatable strategy both attended their first-choice college on 17 scholarships exceeding $199,000.  They walked out of college with cash in hand. Denise says you can keep your money.

    Denise says “College doesn't have to be a DEBT sentence.” Denise is a resource you'll want for yourself and your clients.

    Denise’s Contact:


    Don’t forget to mention you heard her here

    Denise’s gift

    Is owning a business a disadvantage when it comes to getting "free money" for your kids to go to school? Not if you plan ahead. "The Business of Paying for College" includes some insights you may not be aware of that can help you keep your money and send your kids to college on other people's cash


    To learn more:

    "Cracking the Code to Free College" 6-week online course for U.S. parents of middle through high school teens. https://www.getaheadoftheclass.com/


    My Gift

    Learn the top upgrades in a home that increases the value, estimated costs, and return on investment, ROI.

     Increase Your Wealth with Your Home  Get your free guide here: TransForm Any Home 


    Learn more how I can support you and your clients: www.StressFreeRemodeling.com/Optimizer

    My contact:

    emma@StressFreeRemodeling.com       www.StressFreeRemodeling.com

    Don’t forget to subscribe to Real Estate Professionals podcast so that you don’t miss a single episode, and while you’re at it, won’t you take a moment and do me a favor to write a short review and rate our show?  I would greatly appreciate it!

    Check out the Facebook group Real Estate Professionals Network is where we can continue this conversation with other peers and much more! 


    How to Achieve Financial Independence! (The FIRE Movement)

    How to Achieve Financial Independence! (The FIRE Movement)
    58. How to Achieve Financial Independence! (The FIRE Movement) Got questions? Ask me on Instagram Here. @mastermoneyco This is the fastest way to get a response from me.  Sponsors Thanks to Fundrise for sponsoring this episode of the podcast! Check them out at www.fundrise.com/personalfinance Thanks to Ladder for sponsoring this episode of the podcast! Check them out at www.ladderlife.com/pfp,  Thanks to Manscaped for sponsoring this episode of the podcast! Check them out at www.manscaped.com and use code PFP for 20% off! Want to Support the Show? Follow on Spotify or Follow and Leave a 5-Star Review on Apple Podcasts! Today We Discuss:  What is Financial Independence  How Much do you need to save to retire early  The 4 paths of FIRE What is the FIRE Movement  How to start today  Savings Rate Calculator Michael Kitces on 4% Rule More Episodes You Will Love:  How much you need to save to retire  Why Understanding Your Savings Rate Will Change Your Life (and Allow You To Retire Early) How to Negotiate Your Salary Like a Pro How to Save Your First $100K Check out all the Stuff I Recommend!  M1 Finance Open a Roth IRA Personal Capital Free Wealth Management and Budget App and Fee analyzer!  CIT BANK (Best Savings Account) Best Personal Finance Books  The Simple Path to Wealth - J L Collins  The Millionaire Next Door - Thomas Stanley I Will Teach You To Be Rich - Ramit Sethi  Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki ** Some links may be affiliate links and we earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we truly believe in.  Check us out on social fam!  Twitter Dollar After Dollar Instagram www.thepersonalfinancepodcast.com www.dollarafterdollar.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices