
    The Anti Anxiety Diet - With Dr. Mindy & Ali Miller

    enJuly 07, 2020
    Who leads The Reset Academy?
    What is the focus of Ali Miller's book?
    Which foods should be avoided to reduce inflammation?
    What is PowerSync 60 designed to help with?
    How does the Reset Academy support its members?

    Podcast Summary

    • Joining The Reset Academy for Fasting Support and Personalized GuidanceInvesting in oneself by joining supportive communities and following personalized guidance can help unlock full potential and reduce anxiety through addressing neurochemical imbalances, such as incorporating organ meats into your diet.

      The Reset Academy, led by Dr. Mindy Pelz, offers a supportive community for those looking to adopt a fasting lifestyle and customize it for their individual health goals. Members gain access to exclusive calls with experts, guidance towards health goals, and a community of like-minded individuals. Dr. Pelz emphasizes the importance of investing in oneself to unlock full potential and make this year an incredible one. Additionally, Ali Miller's "The Anti-Anxiety Diet" book was discussed, with a focus on the importance of nutrients like organ meats for brain function and reducing anxiety. The takeaway is that addressing neurochemical imbalances in the brain can help reduce anxiety, and incorporating organ meats into one's diet is one way to do so. However, it's not necessary to only consume organ meats; they can be blended with other ground meats for those who find it difficult to eat them on their own.

    • Understanding Food as Medicine for AnxietyDietitian Ali Miller advocates for viewing food as medicine, emphasizing its impact on hormones and microbiomes. He encourages flexibility and individualized approaches to managing anxiety through specific nutrients and amino acids.

      Dietitian Ali Miller emphasizes the importance of understanding the role of food as medicine in managing anxiety. She shares her unique background in naturopathic medicine, which led her to view food not just as calories but as compounds that can impact hormone pathways and microbiomes. Miller advocates against dietary dogma and encourages flexibility based on individual needs and circumstances. Her personal experience with Hashimoto's and her transition from vegetarianism to a paleo, keto, ancestral diet demonstrates the power of critical thought and adaptability in addressing health challenges. Anxiety, she explains, can stem from internal imbalances, and specific nutrients and amino acids can help promote calmness. For those seeking to manage anxiety, Miller suggests exploring her Anti Anxiety Diet and following her on Instagram for valuable insights.

    • Considering Nutrition and Sustainability in Food ChoicesBecoming sick as a vegetarian led the speaker to explore different food styles and understand the importance of various nutrients and sustainable farming practices for overall health and the environment.

      While some people choose to be vegetarian for ethical reasons or health concerns, it's important to consider the environmental impact and nutritional aspects of different food sources. The speaker shares her personal experience of becoming sick as a vegetarian and how she learned to incorporate various food styles, including animal products, to heal her body. She emphasizes the importance of sustainable farming practices and the role of certain nutrients, like glycine, which are more readily available from animal sources. While vegetarianism can be a valid choice, it's crucial to consider the full picture of nutrition and sustainability.

    • Manage anxiety through diet: Focus on low glycemic foods and nutrients for stress responseFocus on low glycemic foods to regulate blood sugar and reduce anxiety symptoms. A ketogenic diet can also aid in reducing excitatory signals and increasing calming neurotransmitter GABA.

      Managing anxiety through diet involves focusing on both reducing inflammatory, gut-disrupting foods and increasing nutrients that aid in stress response and neurotransmitter production. The most effective way to do this is by regulating blood sugar levels through a low glycemic diet, which can help reduce symptoms of anxiety such as shakiness, palpitations, racing thoughts, and fatigue. Additionally, a ketogenic diet, which increases the production of ketones, can further aid in reducing excitatory signals to the nervous system and increasing the expression of the calming neurotransmitter GABA. For teens, it's important to address the concern of dopamine depletion and imbalance caused by blue light exposure, which can contribute to anxiety and make it difficult for them to adopt dietary changes. Overall, the food we eat has a significant impact on our brain health and anxiety levels, and making conscious dietary choices can be an effective way to manage anxiety.

    • Screens and Social Media Impact on Brain ChemistryHeavy screen use during adolescence can negatively impact brain chemistry, leading to unhealthy rewards seeking and negative self-talk. Blue light from screens worsens dopamine depletion. Healthy ways to boost dopamine include nutrient-dense foods and supplements. Consider 'dopamine fasting' to reduce reliance on unhealthy rewards.

      Our heavy use of screens and social media, particularly during adolescence, can negatively impact our brain chemistry and lead us to seek unhealthy rewards, such as sugar, to boost our dopamine levels. The blue light emitted by screens exacerbates dopamine depletion and contributes to negative self-talk, which can further lower our mood and lead to unhealthy eating habits. To counteract this, it's important to find healthy ways to boost dopamine levels, such as through nutrient-dense foods or supplements. Additionally, the concept of "dopamine fasting," which involves limiting exposure to sources of dopamine stimulation like social media, may be helpful for some individuals in reducing their reliance on unhealthy rewards and improving their overall well-being.

    • Resetting dopamine receptors with a tech breakTaking a break from tech for 24-48 hours can help reset dopamine receptors, while simple practices like grounding and adjusting phone settings can also make a difference. Prioritizing self-care and focusing on what we can control, like our diet, can improve overall well-being.

      In today's world, with the constant bombardment of screens, poor food, and stressors, our dopamine receptors are becoming less sensitive. To counteract this, taking a break from technology for 24 to 48 hours can help reset these receptors. Additionally, simple practices like grounding and adjusting phone settings can make a difference. Amidst the anxiety-inducing events of the current global situation, focusing on what we can control, such as our diet, can be beneficial for mental and physical health. It's essential to remember that we all navigate this new terrain differently, and taking care of ourselves is crucial, especially for those in healthcare and education sectors who are under immense pressure. In summary, by prioritizing self-care and making small changes, we can improve our overall well-being and better handle the challenges of the present.

    • Anxiety is the Achilles heel of wellnessAnxiety negatively impacts health, remove inflammatory foods for better wellbeing, and try PowerSync 60 program for stress management.

      According to the speaker, anxiety is the Achilles heel of wellness. No matter how clean your diet is or how perfect your supplement strategy is, if you're in a constant state of stress or anxiety, your body will not feel safe and you will not be well. The speaker's approach to addressing this issue is through an anti-anxiety diet, which has six functional medicine layers. The first layer is removing inflammation, and the five foods that are inflammatory and should be avoided are corn, soy, gluten, dairy, and sugar. The speaker has teamed up with Tony Horton to create a 60-day fitness program called PowerSync 60, which is designed to help individuals manage stress and anxiety through exercise and diet. The program is suitable for men and women of all fitness levels. The speaker's hypothesis is that anxiety destroys the body and prevents it from thriving, and bringing the body back into a regulatory parasympathetic state is essential for overall health and wellness.

    • Hormones and Diet Impact Our Well-BeingSmall changes to our hormonal health and diet can significantly improve our overall well-being, especially during uncertain times. Consider a customized workout and meal plan, including fasting, for optimal health. Advocate for education about low glycemic diets and policies to improve access to healthy food options.

      Our hormonal health and diet play a significant role in our overall well-being, and small changes can make a big impact, especially during times of uncertainty like the COVID-19 pandemic. The speaker, Dr. Mindy, emphasized the importance of considering hormones when working out and introduced a passion project offering a customized workout and meal plan, including fasting, with a discount using the code "ps 60pels" at doctormindy.org. She also discussed the need for education about the importance of a low glycemic diet and the impact of food subsidies on the availability and quality of healthy food options, particularly for lower-income communities. The speaker expressed hope for a "great awakening" to address these issues and improve overall health. In essence, the focus should be on promoting healthy habits and policies, rather than solely avoiding the virus.

    • The importance of a balanced microbiomeAvoiding all bacteria in the name of health can disrupt the delicate balance of our microbiome, making it difficult to rebuild a robust one. Consume probiotics and cultured foods, but be mindful of excessive sanitization's potential negative effects on gut bacteria.

      Focusing solely on sterility and avoiding all bacteria in the name of health is a disservice to our overall wellbeing. Our bodies are home to a vast array of microorganisms that play crucial roles in our immune system, and disrupting this delicate balance can make it difficult to rebuild a robust microbiome. The speaker emphasizes the importance of resetting the microbiome as a priority, especially now, and encourages the consumption of probiotics and cultured foods. However, it's also essential to be mindful of the hygiene hypothesis and the potential negative effects of excessive sanitization on our gut bacteria. Ultimately, a balanced approach to health that considers the role of our innate and acquired immune system and the importance of a diverse microbiome is key.

    • Rebuilding the gut and adrenals for optimal healthRebuild gut health with soil-based organisms, reduce antimicrobial use, and access outdoors. Support adrenals with nutrients like pantothenic acid and vitamin C from whole foods.

      Rebuilding the gut and supporting the adrenals go hand in hand for optimal health. Some effective ways to rebuild the gut include incorporating soil-based organisms through gardening or consuming fermented foods, reducing the use of antimicrobial products, and accessing the outdoors. The gut and adrenals are closely connected, and when the gut is in a dysbiotic state, it can negatively impact the adrenals and lead to increased stress. Nutrients such as pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) and vitamin C are particularly beneficial for supporting the adrenals and can be found in a variety of whole foods. By focusing on gut health and adrenal support through diet, we can improve our overall well-being and better equip our bodies to handle stressors.

    • Incorporating Organ Meats for Nutrient Density During Flu SeasonFocus on vitamin C and D during flu season, but also include organ meats for their high bioavailability of B vitamins, choline, zinc, and vitamin B12, which support cortisol metabolism, mood enhancement, and immune system function. Opt for clean, grass-fed, pasture-raised organ meats and wild-caught, sustainably sourced shellfish.

      During flu season, focusing on vitamin C and ensuring adequate vitamin D levels is crucial. However, another important aspect is incorporating organ meats into your diet for their high bioavailability of B vitamins and other essential nutrients like choline, zinc, and vitamin B12. These nutrients play significant roles in cortisol metabolism, mood enhancement, and immune system support. Shellfish, such as oysters, mussels, and clams, are excellent sources of these nutrients, especially when consuming the organelles. If you prefer ground organ meats, aim for a 1:4 ratio with your ground protein, like grass-fed beef or bison. You can process the organ meats in a food processor to make taco meat, meatballs, or other dishes, masking their unique flavor with fresh herbs and umami ingredients. It's essential to ensure the cleanliness and quality of your organ meats and shellfish sources to minimize potential toxins. Opt for grass-fed, pasture-raised organ meats and wild-caught, sustainably sourced shellfish. This approach to nutrition is inspired by ancestral practices, where organ meats were highly valued for their nutrient density and were often consumed by tribal leaders and women to maintain fertility. In my book, I provide various recipes and techniques for incorporating organ meats into your diet, making it an enjoyable and delicious experience. So, give it a try and reap the numerous health benefits!

    • Applying Nutritional Knowledge for Mental and Physical Health ImprovementThe 'Anti Anxiety Diet' books provide practical solutions, assessments, and recipes to help readers identify and address potential issues related to adrenals, hormones, gut health, and inflammation, empowering them to believe in their bodies' capabilities and improve overall well-being through whole, real foods and connection to nature.

      The "Anti Anxiety Diet" books offer practical solutions for applying nutritional knowledge to improve mental and physical health. The books include quizzes, functional assessments, and recipes to help readers identify and address potential issues related to their adrenals, sexual hormones, gut health, and inflammation. The combination of research and actionable steps aims to prevent information from becoming "sexy paper that collects dust." The books took about a year to write and the cookbook can stand alone as an introduction to the functional r's. The author's mission is to empower people to believe in their bodies' capabilities to prevent chronic illness, feel amazing, and improve overall well-being through whole, real foods and connection to nature.

    • Maximizing the Miracle of Life through Whole Foods and Lifestyle PracticesNourish your body with whole, organic foods, optimize health through practices, remove empty foods, incorporate organ meats, use supplements, track food intake with apps, focus on fasting periods, and support natural detoxification and microbiome optimization.

      Key takeaway from this conversation with Ali Miller is the importance of nourishing our bodies with whole, organic foods and optimizing our health through various practices. Ali emphasized the miraculous nature of our birth and encouraged us to maximize this miracle by making positive lifestyle choices. She emphasized the importance of removing empty foods and incorporating whole foods, such as organ meats, into our diets. She also recommended the use of supplements and resources like her websites and podcast to help individuals reset their health. Ali encouraged the use of tools like the Carb Manager app to help track food intake and focus on fasting periods. Ultimately, the goal is to support the body's natural ability to detoxify and optimize the microbiome through good nutrition and lifestyle practices.

    Recent Episodes from The Resetter Podcast with Dr. Mindy Pelz

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep252

    Will started out life in the NHS, seeing firsthand the problems faced by people over fifty: declining independence, mobility and strength, with seemingly no one available to help them. The people Will saw were fed up of being told to accept the fact they can no longer enjoy their hobbies, and fed up of being given more pain pills or being told it's "just due to your age".

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Beyond Labels: The Power of Plants in Your Diet with Chef Leslie Durso

    Beyond Labels: The Power of Plants in Your Diet with Chef Leslie Durso

    Chef Leslie Durso advocates for nutrient-dense, plant-based diets, debunk myths, and emphasize experimenting with cooking methods. This episode focuses on gut health, the importance of quality ingredients in salads, and balanced nutrition. Mindy and Leslie share simple, plant-based recipes geared towards empowering individuals to make informed dietary choices.

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep251

    Leslie Durso is not just a chef; she is a culinary artist who has dedicated her life to the art of creating exquisite plant-based dishes that not only delight the palate but also promote a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. Wish a culinary career spanning over 10 years, Leslie Durso has achieved recognition and acclaim for her innovative approach to vegan cuisine.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    The Rise of Thyroid Disorders: Causes, Symptoms & Solutions with Dr. Amie Hornaman

    The Rise of Thyroid Disorders: Causes, Symptoms & Solutions with Dr. Amie Hornaman

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep250

    Dr. Amie Hornaman, known as “The Thyroid Fixer,” is the host of the top rated podcast in medicine and alternative health: The Thyroid Fixer™. She founded The Better Thyroid and Hormone Institute, offering personalized care for thyroid and hormone health across the U.S. and Canada. Dr. Amie also created The Fixxr™ Supplement line, targeting weight loss, fatigue, low libido, and hormone imbalances. Inspired by her own thyroid and hormone struggles, she is dedicated to helping others navigate thyroid and hormone issues with empathy and comprehensive care. Dr. Amie's mission is to optimize your health and restore your life.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Top Lifestyle Habits to Beat Inflammation

    Top Lifestyle Habits to Beat Inflammation

    Dr. Mindy addresses the your frequently asked questions about inflammation, Alzheimer's, visceral fat, and more. The episode delves into the root causes and symptoms of chronic inflammation, emphasizing its role in chronic diseases and discussing how it manifests at the cellular level. Key factors contributing to inflammation, such as poor nutrition, negative thoughts, and lack of rhythm in daily life, are explored in-depth. Practical health tips include avoiding bad oils and refined sugars, fostering positive relationships to boost oxytocin, understanding the body's hormonal and circadian rhythms, and avoiding toxic environments.

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep249

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

    The Movement Diet: Redefining Fitness at Every Age with Katy Bowman

    The Movement Diet: Redefining Fitness at Every Age with Katy Bowman

    Biomechanist Katy Bowman shares insights on the importance of diverse movement and the holistic approach to physical health. She delves into the concept of movement macros and micros, emphasizing the significance of incorporating various movements like walking, crawling, climbing and everyday activities for strength and longevity. Reflecting on personal experiences, Katy and Dr. Mindy discuss the role of movement in promoting mobility and strength training, especially in older individuals. This episode expands to explore movement, menopause, aging, and health, challenging traditional beliefs and advocating for a nuanced approach to staying active and healthy. Ultimately, Katy highlights the intrinsic motivation in health and movement, encouraging you to embrace movement in a way that aligns with their personal values and aspirations.

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep248

    Katy Bowman, M.S. is a biomechanist, bestselling author, and founder of Nutritious Movement. She has written many books on the importance of a diverse movement diet including Move Your DNA, Rethink Your Position, Dynamic Aging, and her latest My Perfect Movement Plan coming out July 30. Named one of Maria Shriver’s “Architects of Change,” Bowman is changing the way we move and think about our need for movement. She has been featured by national media like The New York Times, NPR, and The TODAY Show and has worked with companies like Patagonia, Nike, and Google as well as a wide range of non-profits and other communities, sharing her “move more, move better” message. She is the host of the Move Your DNA podcast and lives in Washington State.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Strength Training to Cardio: A Comprehensive Movement Plan with Dr. Stacy Sims

    Strength Training to Cardio: A Comprehensive Movement Plan with Dr. Stacy Sims

    Dr. Stacy Sims shares her insights on menopause, exercise, and nutrition for women. She underscores the importance of strength training, high-intensity workouts, and balancing cardio for women in perimenopause and postmenopause. Dr. Sims also elaborates on the key factors like sleep, circadian rhythm, and proper nutrition for optimal health. The discussion also touches on the nuances of plant-based diets, the significance of proper pre- and post-workout nutrition, the role of supplements like creatine, and how her differing view on fasting requires a nuanced interpretation. 

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep247

    STACY T. SIMS, MSC, PHD, is a forward-thinking international exercise physiologist and nutrition scientist who aims to revolutionize exercise nutrition and performance for women. She has directed research programs at Stanford, AUT University, and the University of Waikato, focusing on female athlete health and performance and pushing the dogma to improve research on all women.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

    Foods Every Woman Should Eat with Dr. William Li

    Foods Every Woman Should Eat with Dr. William Li

    Dr. William Li delves into his research on how certain foods can impact cancer, especially breast cancer, by cutting off blood supply and supporting the immune system. He emphasizes the importance of considering food as a tool for health, discussing studies that show the effectiveness of foods like soy, matcha, and various fruits and vegetables. They also explore the significance of proper clinical trial designs that include diverse demographics and genders to yield reliable results. Additionally, Dr. Li highlights fascinating findings on gut health, the microbiome, and the role certain bacteria play in health, urging a more holistic approach to treating and preventing diseases through diet.

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep247

    William W. Li, MD, is an internationally renowned physician, scientist and author of the New York Times bestsellers “Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself” and “Eat to Beat Your Diet: Burn Fat, Heal Your Metabolism, and Live Longer.” His groundbreaking research has  led to the development of more than 40 new medical treatments that impact care for more than 70 diseases including diabetes, blindness, heart disease and obesity. His TED Talk, “Can We Eat to Starve Cancer?” has garnered more than 11 million views. Dr. Li has appeared on Good Morning America, CNN, CNBC, Rachael Ray and Live with Kelly & Mark, and he has been featured in USA Today, Time Magazine, The Atlantic, O Magazine and more. He is President and Medical Director of the Angiogenesis Foundation, and he is leading global initiatives on food as medicine. For the latest cutting-edge food as medicine science, check out Dr. Li's YouTube Channel.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    A Guide to Taking Back Women's Health & Fasting Like a Girl

    A Guide to Taking Back Women's Health & Fasting Like a Girl

    In this special live episode, captured from the Keynote at the ICDI conference, Dr. Mindy delves into women's health, particularly addressing metabolic health, hormones, and lifestyle adjustments. She highlights the necessity of tailored approaches to health and the significance of community and oxytocin in fostering well-being. In this episode, Dr. Mindy also offers practical advice on supplement cycling based on menstrual phases, the benefits of fasting snacks, and the crucial role of minerals and amino acids during fasting. This is a must for any woman seeking to transform her health and well-being.

    * Warning: Dr. Mindy uses some explicit language, so listener beware ;)

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep245

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

    Protecting Your Peace: A Guide to Releasing Negativity with Trent Shelton

    Protecting Your Peace: A Guide to Releasing Negativity with Trent Shelton

    Trent Shelton is former NFL wide receiver turned motivational speaker and author. Join Dr. Mindy as she dives into Trent's powerful insights on "Protecting Your Peace" and releasing negativity. Discover practical advice on how to unwind the people pleaser within, manage stress, and create a balanced life that works for you. In this episode, Trent shares compelling stories and analogies, making his guidance both relatable and actionable. Whether you're struggling with overdoing, seeking more rest, or learning to set boundaries, this conversation offers invaluable wisdom to help you live a peaceful, inspired life.

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep244

    Considered one of the most impactful speakers of his generation, he reaches over 60 million people weekly through hard-hitting videos and unprecedented engagement. He started creating YouTube videos with his words of wisdom and courage, pushing others to find their inner strength.

    While Trent seemingly achieved his childhood dream, his NFL career ended prematurely, inevitably giving him the space and determination to re-evaluate his values and life’s purpose. As a way to hold himself accountable, Trent picked up his mobile phone and began recording two-minute video segments of his daily progress and posting them onto social media. The engaging, hard-hitting, yet always uplifting messages resonated with millions around the globe.

    In the years that followed, Trent founded the RehabTime Organization, a nonprofit with a mission to serve a worldwide community by demonstrating that change starts from within— through the development of faith, mindset, self-care, relationship building, and leadership.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    The Essential Menopausal Toolbox with Dr. Mary Claire Haver

    The Essential Menopausal Toolbox with Dr. Mary Claire Haver

    Dr. Mary Claire Haver discusses the importance of education and empowerment for women during menopause. The conversation covers debunking myths about cognitive decline, embracing menopause as a period of strength, and making gradual lifestyle changes. This episode advocates for improved menopause education in medical training and better support for women's unique health needs as they age.

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep243

    Dr. Mary Claire Haver is board-certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology and is a Certified Culinary Medicine Specialist from Tulane University. She is also a Certified Menopause Specialist through The Menopause Society. In 2021 Dr. Haver left traditional practice and opened Mary Claire Wellness, a clinic dedicated to caring for the menopausal patient. Dr. Haver has amassed over 5 million followers across social media by posting advice for women going through menopause.  Dr. Haver is the author of the New York Times #1 Bestselling Book, The New Menopause and the national bestselling book The Galveston Diet.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    Business Growth With SEO: https://www.stephanspencer.com, get a FREE consultation

    Probiotic Eases Stress: https://www.omnibioticlife.com/DAVE/, use code DAVE20 to get 20% off

    Control Blood Glucose: https://pendulumlife.com, sign up for membership to get monthly supply delivery, use code DAVE20 to save $20 on your first shipment


     … Ellen Vora, M.D., takes a functional medicine approach to mental health that considers the whole person and addresses imbalance at the root. 

    She’s a Yale and Columbia University educated holistic psychiatrist board-certified in psychiatry and integrative holistic medicine. She’s also an acupuncturist and yoga teacher.

    In her new book, “The Anatomy of Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming the Body's Fear Response,” she takes on anxiety, which hits more than 40 million people in any given year. The pandemic drove that number up even more. Even if math isn’t your strong suit, you can understand these numbers:

    • An estimated one out of every nine people, or 800 million people, suffer from a mental health disorder, the most common of which is anxiety. 
    • Up to 33.7 percent of Americans are affected by an anxiety disorder in their lifetime. 

    Conventional medicine tends to view anxiety as a “neck up” problem of brain chemistry and psychology. Dr. Vora disagrees. She suggests that various physiologic inputs influence anxiety symptoms. 

    “What we've been indoctrinated with is this idea that our mental health is genetically determined chemical imbalance,” Dr. Vora says. “There's some validity to that, although I think, for the most part, any chemical imbalance is often a downstream effect of a state of imbalance happening elsewhere in the physical body.”

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • the difference between avoidable, purposeful, false and true anxiety;
    • simple strategies for tuning into “true” anxiety and using its benefits;
    • how your body may be physiologically out of balance (immunity, gut health, inflammation);
    • how “hanxiety” means that blood sugar is affecting your anxiety; 
    • actionable lifestyle factors to bring yourself back into balance; 
    • how to manage medication withdrawl; and 
    • how to reframe your understanding of, and relationship with, anxiety.

    Dr. Vora also confronts what she calls techxiety. This can include a boundaryless workplace, how the posture of screen use signals your body for anxiety, and, of course, social media. Research shows social media is associated with higher rates of anxiety and depression. Just 20 minutes of Facebook can impact mood.

    So much of how you live your life as an adult profoundly impacts how your mental health manifests, and that's the part you can control.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #6|Season 2 - Prebiotics, gut bacteria and a rainbow microbiome

    #6|Season 2 - Prebiotics, gut bacteria and a rainbow microbiome

    The Gut Loving Podcast is all about irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and the low FODMAP diet! The low FODMAP diet is a relatively new approach to effectively treat IBS symptoms and is scientifically backed by a vast number of medical studies.


    About this podcast

    The Gut Loving Podcast is hosted by Laura Tilt (an experienced Dietitian in the UK specialising in IBS and the low FODMAP diet) and Huelya Akyuez, who has been living with IBS for over 20 years.

    Together, Laura and Huelya started The Gut Loving Podcast to help others with IBS get clear on the facts - and learn more about how to take control of their condition.

    Remember: Don’t start the low FODMAP diet without consulting your doctor or low FODMAP specialised dietitian first. The content of our podcast is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


    Laura's webinar with Glenn Gibson: http://nutrilicious.co.uk/the-gut-microbiome-webinar/

    For more information please visit: https://www.bimuno.com/prebiotics/ 

    → Guide for testing lactose intolerance at home (1 page PDF): https://cutt.ly/xotfWU 

    → Top tip: An easy way to check the lactose content of cheese and plain yoghurt is to check the nutrition panel. Look at the per 100 grams number under the ‘Carbohydrates, of which sugars’ category - this will show you the lactose content. So if the ‘Carbohydrates, of which sugars’ content is <0.5g, the dairy product (like cheese, butter, etc) can be considered as lactose free. For example, ricotta contains 4 grams of sugar (which is lactose) where as Parmesan contains less than 0.1 grams per 100g, making Parmesan suitable for a low lactose diet.

    → Lactose free milk: https://www.arlafoods.co.uk/brands/lactofree/milk/

    Lactose chart/guide for foods that are lactose free/low in lactose: In progress, let us know if you would find this useful :)



    - Jimmy Kimmel Live -> ‘Pedestrian Question - What is Gluten?’: https://goo.gl/A15Rth

    - Study -> ‘Fructan, Rather Than Gluten, Induces Symptoms in Patients With Self-Reported Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity.’: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29102613 

    - Symprove (we love them and they have 9.1 stars out of 10 on Trustpilot!). Here is the discount code: Get 25% off their 4 pack bundle with typing in code Sym-Supporter25-LT at the checkout on their website www.symprove.com. If it is easier for you, you can call them on +44 1252 413600 or email them support@symprove.com, also in any case of questions on shipment etc!

    - The Happy Gut Guide (HGG): Laura Tilt and Madeleine Shaw, an informative and supportive 12 week self-care programme for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) - http://happygutguide.co.uk 

    - The Mac Twins: https://thegutstuff.com

    - Study summary: COULD EATING 30 PLANT FOODS A WEEK = A HEALTHY GUT MICROBIOME? - http://www.tiltnutrition.com/blog/could-eating-30-plant-foods-a-week-a-healthy-gut-microbiome/ 

    - Book: Lee Martin MSc RD 'Re-challenging and Reintroducing FODMAPS: A self-help guide to the entire reintroduction phase of the low FODMAP diet' - https://goo.gl/UQwj3K

    - Huelya’s low FODMAP savoury muffins and meatballs. RECIPE HERE: https://goo.gl/UFgzey / instagram video recipe: https://goo.gl/BFC3Ni | Huelya's meatballs - https://goo.gl/kbzndM LET US KNOW IF YOU WANT MORE RECIPES! :D 

    - Check the fibre content of your diet by keeping a food diary (website and app): https://www.myfitnesspal.com/

    - Spotting a high fibre food: http://labellingtraining.food.gov.uk/module3/overview_3.html -> ‘“ high fibre' = A food is high in fibre if it contains at least 6g of fibre per 100g.

    - Read more about why we need fibre here: http://www.symprove.com/blog/single/laura-tilt-fibre

    - Laura’s tips on how to get enough fibre on a low FODMAP diet: https://goo.gl/ZwKgqK

    - Guidelines for fluid intake: As a rough guide, 35 ml per kilogram of body weight for adults under 60 years of age. Please note hydration needs vary according to temperature and activity levels too. If you are increasing your fibre intake, remember to increase your water intake too.

    - First line IBS advice (overview): goo.gl/LS9xCk

    - Bristol stool chart link: goo.gl/2ZPgyT

    - Symptom evaluation as produced by Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Guy's and St Thomas' NHS London: https://goo.gl/zbMRMn


    Contact us: laura@tiltnutrition.co.uk, huelya.akyuez@gmail.com


    Laura Tilt (MSc, Dietitian RD)

    website: https://tiltnutrition.co.uk/

    instagram: nutritilty

    facebook: /TiltNutrition

    twitter: @NutriTilty

    YouTube: Laura Tilt

    pinterest: NutriTilty


    Huelya Akyuez (‘sezamee - my gut loving food journey’)

    instagram: sezamee

    facebook: /sezameeUK

    twitter: @sezameeUK

    YouTube: sezamee - gut loving food (or simply 'sezamee')

    pinterest: sezamee

    Episode 10 "THEY BOUT TO WORK ROOTS!”—Nutrition, Vitamins, Herbs, and Exercise

    Episode 10 "THEY BOUT TO WORK ROOTS!”—Nutrition, Vitamins, Herbs, and Exercise

    Happy Saturday, everybody! I hope yall are well.

    We really do have a magician ?? joining us, today! I swear anyone who works as a Registered Nurse, a Certified Nutrition Specialist, Health Coach, *AND* an Endocannabinoid (Google it) System Nurse Consultant *at the same time* is either related to Copperfield or walks on water for fun.

    BUT, Marsha Kentish, RN, BSN, CNS, LDN, is SO down to Earth, engaging, and relatable. Trust me, I had a Blast interviewing her!

    We talked about everything from the nutritional needs of our aging women, preventable diseases, vitamins/minerals/supplements, stress, popular diets, meds & midlife, and MORE!

    Listen to what she has to say about the gut-brain connection, fluctuating moods, and hormone imbalances. Hmmm...

    Dont forget yall sparkly red pen and notebook! Thanks SO much for ya'll support, as always.


    Andrew Taylor - I Ate Nothing But Potatoes For 1 Year. This Is What Happened…

    Andrew Taylor - I Ate Nothing But Potatoes For 1 Year. This Is What Happened…

    This week we welcome Andrew Taylor to the show. At the beginning of 2016, in the depths of mental and physical despair, Andrew had a simple idea to treat food addiction by quitting food, in much the same way an alcoholic should quit alcohol. He ended up quitting all foods except potatoes, in a simple experiment to see what would happen. Pretty soon Andrew's story went viral around the globe as people were captivated by his incredible weight loss and physical and mental health improvements.

    So many thousands of people asked Andrew for help over the course of the year that the best way to help as many people as possible was to collate all the advice he had given in the form of a book. Thus he found that completely unintentionally he'd become a published author.

    Questions we ask in this episode:

    • How do you define food addiction and what are the tell-tale signs?
    • Can certain foods or supplements aid to suppress the addictive habits?
    • What 3 tips could you offer those wanting to make change?


    This week I'm excited to welcome Andrew Tyler to the show, who is the founder of Spud Fit. Andrew was a former junior Australian champion marathon kayaker, struggling with a lifetime of food addiction and dieting that left him weighing in at over 150 kilos. His story went viral when the world caught wind of the then 36 year old Aussie dad, who had embarked upon a quest to eat only potatoes for an entire year. The results of this experiment were nothing short of remarkable, and today Andrew coaches thousands of people through their food addiction issues and focuses on addressing the root causes of overeating. Over to Andrew.

    Hey guys, this is Stu from one 80 nutrition and I am delighted to welcome Andrew Tyler to the podcast. Andrew, how are you?


    01:33 Very well, and I'm honored to be a guest, so thank you for having me.


    01:37 Thank you for agreeing to come on. So really, really keen to get into your story and also the discoveries that you learned along your journey. But before we jump into any of that stuff, if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself for our listeners that may not be familiar with you.


    01:54 Well, my name is Andrew. I'm Spud Fit, basically. That's my online alter-ego, Spud Fit, that's my website, it came about because, I guess most people listening would know me from, well, maybe they don't know me at all, that's probably more likely. But the people that do know me, would know me from a couple of years ago. I got my little 15 minutes of zed grade fame for eating only potatoes for an entire year. Yeah, that was something that I thought at the time was the most boring thing a person could possibly ever do, and in hindsight, it made sense that people were interested in it, but it was a surprise. So yeah, I got a little bit of a viral fame, in inverted commas, from that.

    To view full interview and transcript:




    The Happiest Decade of Your Life May Be Later Than You Think

    The Happiest Decade of Your Life May Be Later Than You Think

    This week's Addicted to Fitness describes why senior citizens may be happier than middle aged individuals. Nicholas and Shannon discuss recent research that suggests that people in their 70s are happier than any other age group primarily because stress, anxiety, and fear diminish as you age. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast. Give it a listen and let us know what you think by leaving a rating & review in Apple Podcasts.

    This episode is also sponsored by the Heal Supplement from The Amino Company. The Heal supplement is 3x more efficient at triggering muscle growth and repair than any other protein source, helps maintain healthy inflammation levels, helps preserve muscle mass during periods of complete inactivity, and improves physical strength and function. The 100% science back, clinically proven products from The Amino Company are keto-friendly, soy-free, vegetarian, gluten-Free, and Non-GMO. Visit aminoco.com/ATF to read more about the benefits of Heal & other ATF approved products from The Amino Company AND take advantage of our 30% discount by entering ATF at checkout.

    Like & Follow the Addicted to Fitness Podcast Facebook page (Facebook.com/addictedtofitnesspodcast). Follow Nick & Elemental Training Tampa on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ElementalTampa) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/ettampa/) to participate in free live workouts. Follow the podcast profile on Instagram @TheATFPodcast and send Nick a DM if you're interested in receiving a customized workout plan delivered to you through the Tampa Strength App