
    The Backlash is Coming (Ep 1296)

    enJuly 13, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Dan discusses AOC, mask mandates, and Roger Stone pardonDan expresses frustration with mask mandates and media hysteria, discusses AOC and Roger Stone pardon, and promotes Helix Sleep.

      The Dan Bongino Show covers a wide range of topics, from political news and commentary to product endorsements. On this particular episode, topics included criticism of AOC, the Roger Stone pardon, media reactions to mask mandates and investigations into the McCloskey's. The show also featured a promotion for Helix Sleep and their personalized mattresses. The host, Dan Bongino, identified himself as an activist and expressed frustration with mask mandates in his county, Florida, and the media's role in perpetuating hysteria rather than reporting facts. The episode also included a thank you to listeners for making the show a top 20 podcast on Podtracker.

    • Speaker's Perspective on Mask MandatesSpeaker supports mask usage but opposes government-mandated masks and perceived tyranny. Encourages individual businesses to set mask policies.

      The speaker is not against wearing masks but is against government-mandated mask usage and what he perceives as government tyranny. He attended a rally, and despite having a mask with him, he was mischaracterized as being anti-mask. The speaker encourages individual businesses to implement mask mandates if they choose to do so, but he believes that universal mask mandates lack scientific basis. The speaker also addresses a local reporter who attempted to involve law enforcement regarding the rally, and he emphasizes that he is not anti-mask, but rather, he is against government overreach.

    • The 'Martin County Commissioner conundrum'Republicans in power may not always uphold conservative values, forcing voters to choose between evils in elections

      The line between journalism and public figure's actions can blur, leading to complex situations where personal freedoms and political decisions intersect. The speaker, in this case, is dealing with local commissioners imposing guidelines and facing a dilemma of voting for a non-conservative opponent in the upcoming primary. This situation reflects a larger issue of Republicans in power not always adhering to conservative values, leaving voters with difficult choices. The speaker calls this the "Martin County Commissioner conundrum," emphasizing the need to vote for the lesser of two evils in such situations.

    • Finding Better Solutions: Challenges and CriticismsStay informed, keep trying to find and vet better candidates, and don't be swayed by fear or misinformation from the media.

      We're facing complex issues that require finding better solutions, whether it's locally or nationally. The speaker emphasized the need to keep trying to find and vet better candidates, acknowledging the challenges and the difficulty of the situation. The media was also discussed as a source of confusion and misinformation, with the speaker criticizing their sensationalism and lack of factual reporting. The conversation also touched on the current state of affairs in Florida and the ongoing coronavirus narrative in the media. Ultimately, the message was to stay informed, keep trying to make progress, and not be swayed by fear or misinformation.

    • Florida's COVID-19 situation not as dire as portrayedDespite increased cases and ICU patients, Florida's COVID-19 situation doesn't warrant shutting down or bankrupting the economy based on current data. Children's education and future productivity should be considered before keeping schools closed.

      The situation in Florida regarding the number of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations is not as dire as some media outlets and individuals are making it out to be. According to data from Florida itself, there are currently around 70,000 new cases, resulting in approximately 130 more patients in ICUs statewide than last Sunday. While there have been tragic deaths, there is no need to shut down the state again or bankrupt its hospitals and economy based on this data. The facts show that the threat to children from the virus is manageable and that keeping schools closed could cost them years of education and productivity. It's essential to consider the trade-offs of any proposed solutions and to base decisions on facts rather than fear and hysteria.

    • Studies on COVID-19 transmission among children found no instances of children infecting parentsContrary to media claims, children are less likely to transmit COVID-19 than adults, as shown in Icelandic and Irish studies.

      The Icelandic study on COVID-19 transmission among children, which involved tracing the genetic mutations of the virus and detailed contact tracing, found no instances of children infecting parents. Contrary to media claims, children are less likely to transmit the disease to others than adults. Additionally, an Ireland study comparing infected children and adults also found no evidence of children being "massive super spreaders." These studies challenge the notion that schools should remain closed due to children being significant carriers of the virus. It's essential to consider multiple scientific studies when making decisions based on public health concerns.

    • Studies suggest children are less likely to transmit COVID-19Despite having more contacts, children rarely transmit COVID-19. Contrarily, adults, with fewer contacts, spread the infection more often. This information is not widely reported in the media, and the push to keep schools closed may not be based on solid scientific evidence.

      A study in Ireland found no instances of children transmitting the virus, despite having over 700 traced contacts. In contrast, adults, who had fewer contacts, were the ones spreading the infection. Similar findings were reported in studies from Iceland, the Netherlands, and other countries. These studies suggest that children are less likely to transmit the virus, but this information is not widely reported in the media. Instead, there is a push to keep schools closed, which may not be based on sound scientific evidence. It's important to critically evaluate the information we receive and to rely on credible sources for accurate and up-to-date information.

    • Young People May Not Be Significant Carriers of COVID-19New study shows zero COVID-19 transmission among people under 19, questioning the media's portrayal of young people as major spreaders. Importance of questioning information and considering alternative perspectives.

      New data suggests that young people, who are generally healthy and have strong immune systems, may not be significant carriers of the virus that causes COVID-19. According to the speaker, a study showed zero cases of transmission among people under 19 years old. This raises the question that perhaps their immune systems are effectively combating the virus, preventing them from spreading it to others. The speaker encourages people to ask questions and consider this possibility, despite the media's portrayal of young people as knowing it all. Additionally, the speaker discussed the commutation of Roger Stone's sentence and the liberal reaction to it, labeling them as anti-free speech tyrants. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of questioning information and considering alternative perspectives.

    • Mueller criticizes Stone's behavior and potential pardonDespite Mueller's criticism of Stone, his credibility has been damaged due to ethical concerns raised during his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

      Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who led the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, wrote a Washington Post op-ed criticizing Roger Stone's behavior and potential pardon. However, Mueller's credibility has been significantly damaged due to the lengthy and ultimately fruitless investigation, which he himself acknowledged was a hoax from the start. Despite his reputation as a decorated public servant, Mueller's actions during the investigation raised serious ethical concerns. For instance, he failed to disclose that a key witness in the case, a translator present at a meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and Russians, had stated there was no evidence of collusion or dirt on Hillary Clinton discussed during the meeting. These revelations underscore the importance of holding public figures accountable for their actions and questioning the motivations behind their decisions.

    • Collusion narrative based on flawed informationRevelations challenge media's portrayal of Stone as a central figure in Russian collusion conspiracy, highlighting need for nuanced understanding of facts

      The collusion narrative against Donald Trump and his associates, particularly Roger Stone, was based on flawed information and interviews with individuals who later recanted their statements. For instance, Christopher Steele's primary source, who met with the FBI in January 2017, reportedly claimed that the dossier was not reliable and was not meant to be used in that way. Additionally, Randy Credico, a friend of Roger Stone, denied being a secret intermediary between Stone and WikiLeaks. Furthermore, Robert Bannon, a key figure in the Trump campaign, testified that Stone never claimed to have advanced access to the hacked emails. These revelations challenge the media's portrayal of Stone as a central figure in the Russian collusion conspiracy and highlight the need for a more nuanced understanding of the facts.

    • Media's reporting on Roger Stone's ties to WikiLeaks and Russia exaggeratedDespite media claims, there's no concrete evidence to support Roger Stone's alleged role as a middleman between the Russians and Trump campaign. Media's outrage over his commuted sentence is hypocritical and raises concerns over uneven application of justice. Dan Bongino endorsed Magic Spoon, a new sugar-free cereal brand.

      The media's reporting on Roger Stone's alleged ties to WikiLeaks and Russia during the 2016 election has been exaggerated. While some in the media have reported that Stone was a "big colluder" or a middleman between the Russians and Trump campaign, there is no concrete evidence to support these claims. In fact, the New York Times itself reported that Stone had no real ties to WikiLeaks. The media's outrage over Stone's commuted sentence also seems hypocritical, as they were much less critical when Bill Clinton pardoned Susan McDougal, who was suspected of having dirt on the Whitewater scandal. The uneven application of justice is a concern, and it's important to fight against it. Additionally, Dan Bongino endorsed Magic Spoon, a new cereal brand that is sugar-free, high in protein, and delicious, and encouraged listeners to try it.

    • Dan Bongino promotes Magic Spoon cereal and discusses systemic racism with Thomas SowellDan Bongino confidently endorses Magic Spoon cereal with a promo code and 100% happiness guarantee, while discussing the ambiguous term 'systemic racism' with Thomas Sowell, who argues against its clear definition and potential manipulative use.

      During the podcast, Dan Bongino promoted Magic Spoon cereal, offering a promo code for free shipping and a 100% happiness guarantee. Dan expressed confidence in the product's quality and emphasized the ease of the refund process. Dan also mentioned his intention to extend the podcast's length due to listener requests and shared his admiration for Mark Levin and Thomas Sowell. In the discussion, they addressed the term "systemic racism," which Thomas Sowell argued lacks a clear definition and can be used as a propaganda tactic. Dan expressed his belief that many people using the term may not fully understand its meaning and use it to manipulate others. Dan concluded by expressing his high regard for Thomas Sowell and his influential book "The Vision of the Anointed."

    • Exposing the fallacy of government solutions to societal problemsThomas Sowell challenges the narrative of those on the left, revealing the government's role in creating problems and advocating for individual self-sufficiency instead of welfare programs.

      Thomas Sowell, a legendary thinker and commentator, has the ability to debunk false arguments and fallacies used by those on the left to advance their narratives. He has a knack for starting stories from the beginning and exposing the government's role in creating problems, rather than proposing government solutions as the answer. For instance, in an old debate, he called out Helen O'Banyan for ignoring the government's role in creating poverty and unemployment, and for proposing welfare programs as the solution, instead of allowing individuals to become self-sufficient. Sowell's insights have significantly influenced the speaker's perspective and are a must-listen for anyone interested in critical thinking and understanding complex issues.

    • Challenging assumptions about povertyInstead of solely focusing on symptoms, address root causes of poverty. People in the bottom 20% may be there due to government incentives and failures, not inherent inability to succeed.

      The conversation between Helen O'Bannon and Soul highlights the importance of addressing the root causes of poverty instead of focusing solely on the symptoms. Helen argued that there will always be a bottom 20% that cannot escape poverty, but Soul challenged this notion, stating that many people in this group are there due to government incentives and failures. He emphasized that relative conditions matter and encouraged understanding the differences in systems that contribute to poverty in various countries. The conversation underscores the need for a more nuanced approach to addressing poverty and the importance of questioning assumptions about predetermined societal classes. The CEO of Goya, Bob Unanu, serves as an inspiration for standing firm in one's beliefs despite potential backlash.

    • CEO's political views can lead to backlash, but supporting them can show solidarityCEO's expressing political views can face backlash, but buying their products shows solidarity. Unity and standing up for what's right, even in unpopular situations, can inspire others.

      CEOs expressing their political views, even if it aligns with the current administration, can face backlash from certain groups. The recent example is the CEO of Goya Foods, Robert Unanue, who praised President Trump during a White House event, resulting in a boycott campaign. Unanue's stance sparked a larger conversation about the importance of supporting businesses and individuals under attack for their beliefs. The speaker encouraged listeners to buy Goya products as a show of solidarity and reminded them of the power of unity and standing up for what's right, even if it means dancing to an unpopular tune. The speaker also shared a personal anecdote about the power of one person's actions inspiring others, drawing parallels to the story of a man dancing alone at a festival and eventually getting the entire crowd to join him. The overall message was to not be afraid to take a stand and support those under attack, no matter the circumstances.

    • Paula's Critique of AOC's Irrational StatementsChallenge flawed ideas and assumptions from public figures to prevent the spread of misinformation

      During a recent discussion, Paula mentioned her concern about certain ideas she believes have contributed to the downfall of civilized society throughout history. She specifically called out Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) for making seemingly irrational statements, such as suggesting that people stealing bread is the cause of New York City's crime wave. Paula criticized AOC for ignoring the economic factors contributing to the increase in crime, like record unemployment and unpaid rent, which may force people to commit petty crimes out of desperation. Despite the overall crime rate being down, shootings and murders have increased significantly. However, AOC has instead blamed the economy for the crime wave and suggested that people are stealing bread as a cause. Paula found this assertion to be nonsensical and called out AOC for her lack of understanding of basic concepts like shoplifting charges and crime statistics. The takeaway is that it's important to challenge and question flawed ideas and assumptions, especially when they come from public figures, to prevent the spread of misinformation.

    • Importance of keeping secrets from law enforcementDan Bongino emphasized the significance of concealing stolen bread from police and expressed gratitude to listeners for supporting his podcast

      During a discussion on a podcast, Dan Bongino shared a story about a scene in a movie where characters were hiding stolen bread from the police. He emphasized the importance of not letting the police find the bread, even if they get away with the gun crime. Later in the podcast, Bongino mentioned his appreciation for reaching the top 20 most listened-to podcasts in the country on Podtrack and expressed his gratitude to his listeners. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was also mentioned in the conversation, but it was unclear what the context was. Overall, the key takeaway is that Dan Bongino emphasized the importance of keeping secrets, especially when dealing with law enforcement, and expressed his gratitude to his listeners for supporting his podcast.

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