
    The Backwards Law: How to Get More by Doing Less

    en-usJuly 24, 2024
    What is the Backwards Law according to Mark Manson?
    How can acceptance of negative experiences lead to positives?
    What are the three curves of effort and reward?
    Why is trying to control others' opinions counterproductive?
    How does commitment influence emotional and intellectual freedom?

    Podcast Summary

    • Backwards LawThe more we try to control or seek positive experiences, the more we may inadvertently create negative ones, according to the Backwards Law. Acceptance of negative experiences can lead to positive ones.

      The more we strive for positive experiences or try to control certain aspects of our lives, the more we may inadvertently create negative experiences for ourselves. This concept, known as the Backwards Law, was discussed in depth during the podcast episode with Mark Manson. According to Mark, the desire for a positive experience is itself a negative experience, while acceptance of a negative experience can lead to a positive one. This idea can be understood through the three different curves of effort and reward. The first is a linear relationship, where more effort leads to more reward. The second is a diminishing returns curve, where the marginal reward decreases as more effort is put in. The third is an inverted curve, where effort negatively impacts reward. An example of this inverted curve can be seen in trying to control what others think of us. The more we try to make people respect or trust us, the less likely they are to do so. This applies to internal emotional regulation and relationships. It's important to note that the principles of these curves do not transfer over to all areas of life. For instance, trying to apply the backwards law to completing an Excel spreadsheet or a creative meeting at work will not yield the same results. Understanding the contexts in which the backwards law applies and does not apply can help us all stop trying so hard and find peace in accepting the unsavory circumstances of our lives.

    • Emotions acceptanceAccepting emotions instead of trying to control them can help dissipate them, as our emotions and rational thoughts come from different parts of the brain and can't control each other.

      Trying to control emotions, such as anxiety or anger, can actually make them worse. Instead, accepting and letting go of emotions can help dissipate them. This concept, known as the "backwards law," is particularly effective in meditation practice. Our emotions and rational thoughts come from different parts of the brain and can influence each other but not control each other. Therefore, it's essential to understand that we can't always decide what we feel, and trying to suppress emotions only causes more stress. By accepting and responding to our emotions rather than trying to control them, we can improve our mental well-being. This understanding can be challenging to grasp, especially for those seeking therapy, but it's a crucial step towards personal growth and freedom.

    • Deep commitmentsDeep commitments can lead to greater emotional and intellectual freedom through expertise, knowledge, and creative freedom, while eliminating distractions and freeing up mental and emotional energy.

      While the pursuit of a broad range of experiences and options can be exciting, committing to something or someone deeper can ultimately lead to greater emotional and intellectual freedom. This was exemplified through personal relationships and career commitments. The speaker noted that the discipline required to go deep in a few areas, such as a relationship or a career, can lead to expertise, knowledge, and creative freedom that is not possible with a breadth of shallow experiences. Additionally, committing to something can free up mental and emotional energy by eliminating distractions and allowing one to focus on what truly matters. The speaker emphasized that this realization came with age and experience.

    • Embracing struggle for happinessEmbracing struggle and growth, rather than constantly seeking new experiences or avoiding discomfort, leads to true happiness. Understanding marketing tactics and individual motivations is crucial in navigating societal influences.

      Committing to something deep and meaningful in life, despite the challenges and struggles it may bring, is essential for long-term happiness and fulfillment. Constantly seeking new experiences and avoiding discomfort may provide temporary pleasure, but it can ultimately lead to a sense of being lost or trapped on a dopamine treadmill. On the other hand, embracing struggle and growth can lead to true happiness. However, modern culture and society often prioritize convenience and comfort over growth, making it crucial for individuals to understand marketing tactics and be aware of their own desires and motivations. Marketing, while not inherently good or bad, can be a powerful tool in shaping our perceptions and desires. Capitalism, as a reflection of human desires, can bring about both benefits and challenges, and it is essential to exercise individual agency in navigating its influences.

    • Love vs RespectLove can be dangerous if misused, while respect is essential for healthy relationships. Avoid trying to control or manipulate situations and instead focus on building respectful and authentic connections.

      Love, while a powerful emotion, can be dangerous when misinterpreted or used as a justification for harmful behavior towards oneself or others. The need to be loved can lead individuals to try and control or manipulate situations, ultimately reinforcing feelings of unworthiness and inadequacy. Respect, on the other hand, provides a solid foundation for healthy relationships, regardless of the presence or absence of romantic feelings. It's important to remember that people have the right to make their own choices and that trying to force love or acceptance can be detrimental to both parties involved. Instead, focus on building respectful and authentic connections.

    • Respect and relationshipsRespect is a crucial foundation for healthy relationships, earned by valuing someone's time, experiences, and perspectives. Giving respect naturally leads to receiving it, while trying to demand or manipulate it results in the opposite outcome.

      Respect is a crucial foundation for healthy relationships, both personal and professional. It's an internal state that can't be faked and is earned by valuing someone's time, experiences, and perspectives. The more you give respect, the more you'll naturally receive it. The backwards law applies here, as trying to demand or manipulate respect only leads to the opposite outcome. Respect is closely related to trust and love, and all three are essential for building strong, positive relationships. Confidence, love, and trust are different, as they involve different aspects of human connection. Confidence, for example, is an internal state that can't be measured directly, and trying to force it can make it more elusive. Instead, focus on giving respect and the right people will naturally gravitate towards you.

    • Internal states optimizationTrying to optimize or change internal states like happiness and confidence can negatively impact overall well-being by sending a message to the brain that you're not good enough as you are, leading to negative emotions. Instead, embrace acceptance and presence to promote greater well-being.

      Trying to optimize or hack your internal states such as happiness and confidence can actually make you feel less of those things. This is because the act of trying to change or control these feelings sends a message to your brain that you're not good enough as you are, leading to negative emotions. Instead, embracing the Eastern philosophy of accepting and being present with these internal states, rather than trying to change them, can lead to greater overall well-being. This concept can be likened to a dog chasing its tail – no matter how hard you try, you'll never truly catch it. So, the key is to stop trying and instead focus on being present and accepting of your internal experiences.

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