
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Controversial Topics Ignored by Other MediaThe Dan Bongino Show delves into topics like the authenticity of Biden tapes and the reason behind Mike Flynn's targeting, while also sharing updates on Flynn's case and interviewing Sydney Powell.

      The Dan Bongino Show is providing information on controversial topics that other media outlets are avoiding, such as the authenticity of the Biden tapes and the background of why Mike Flynn became a target of the Obama administration. The Biden tapes, which allegedly show Joe Biden engaging in a quid pro quo with Ukrainians, are being acknowledged by the Biden campaign, and the show has taken steps to authenticate them. Mike Flynn, a former high-ranking intelligence official, became a public enemy of the Obama administration for reasons detailed in a piece by Lee Smith. These stories, along with updates on the Flynn case and an interview with Sydney Powell, are being shared on the show. Additionally, Bongino will be co-hosting on Fox News at 5 p.m. Eastern time and encourages listeners to check out his interview with Powell on YouTube and Apple podcast. The show is sponsored by Patriot Mobile, a company that shares the values of its customers and offers customized mobile plans starting at $25.

    • Democrats' Double Standard on Quid Pro QuoDemocrats argued against Trump for quid pro quo but defended Biden's pressure on Ukraine to drop probe into his son's company

      During the impeachment proceedings against President Trump, the Democrats argued that a "this for that" arrangement, or quid pro quo, was a grounds for impeachment. However, when it comes to Vice President Biden's actions, demanding an official act in exchange for a personal favor, the same standard doesn't seem to apply. In the case of Biden, there's evidence of him pressuring a foreign leader to fire a prosecutor investigating his son's company. Yet, the Democrats and media have defended Biden by claiming he was only acting because the prosecutor was corrupt. However, a recording of Biden's conversation with the Ukrainian president reveals that Biden's primary motivation was to stop the investigation into his son's company. This inconsistency raises questions about the Democrats' principles and selective application of rules.

    • Biden's Pressuring of Ukrainian PresidentDespite evidence, media and Democrats downplay Biden's pressure on Ukrainian leader, raising questions about selective justice in politics.

      The recently unearthed tapes reveal Joe Biden pressuring Ukrainian President Poroshenko to dismiss a prosecutor, despite having no evidence of corruption against him. This situation is strikingly similar to the impeachment proceedings against President Trump for allegedly pressuring Ukraine for investigations. The difference being, the evidence of Biden's actions is on tape, and yet, the media and Democrats are not treating it as an international scandal. This inconsistency raises questions about the principles and selective application of justice in American politics. Additionally, the speaker expresses concern over the growing divide between two distinct groups in America, with one group advocating for socialism, speech suppression, and government power abuse, and the other standing for individual freedoms and principles.

    • Joe Biden's Intellectual Capabilities QuestionedDan O'Donnell questioned Joe Biden's intelligence, citing instances of foreign pressure and lies, and lack of notable achievements.

      During the discussion, Dan O'Donnell expressed his opinion that Joe Biden may not be very intelligent based on his past actions and words. He cited instances where Biden pressured a foreign leader to fire a prosecutor investigating his son's company and later bragged about it. O'Donnell believes that Biden's intellectual inadequacy leads him to engage in lies and constant puffery. He also mentioned Biden's lack of a record of business success or academic achievements. O'Donnell's comments were not meant to be personal attacks but rather an analytical statement. The discussion also included an invitation to a Joe Biden fundraiser, which was presented as an actual invitation and not a joke or parody.

    • Host discusses hypocrisy of Biden fundraiser headed by former Mueller team memberHost criticizes liberal values for embracing speech suppression, government spying, and tyranny, while expressing disagreement and suggesting shrinking the federal government to promote separation and constitutional roles.

      During a recent broadcast, the host discussed the fundraiser for Joe Biden being headlined by Andrew Weisman, a former lead lieutenant on Robert Mueller's investigation team. The host expressed his disagreement with liberal values and accused them of embracing speech suppression, government spying, and tyranny. He pointed out the hypocrisy of the situation, as there would be outrage if a Republican figure hosted a fundraiser for a political opponent after leaving office. The host suggested shrinking the federal government and returning to the constitutional role of the government, as he believes the current state of political division warrants separation rather than negotiation. Additionally, the host promoted Vincero watches, which he frequently wears and endorses.

    • Vincero Watches: Affordable Quality and Excellent Customer ServiceVincero Watches provides high-quality, affordable timepieces with excellent customer service, free shipping, 30-day returns, and a two-year guarantee. They prioritize their customers and offer discounts, including a current Father's Day sale.

      Vincero Watches offers high-quality, trustworthy timepieces at affordable prices, with excellent customer service and perks like free shipping, 30-day returns, and a two-year guarantee. The brand's commitment to supporting the Dan Bongino show and delivering on time makes it a great value for your money. Despite the ongoing pandemic, they continue to prioritize their buyers and offer discounts, including a current Father's Day sale with up to 20% off. Meanwhile, politicians like Kamala Harris have made controversial statements about the origin of the virus and the value of human life, which the speaker challenges as unrealistic and impractical. Human beings make decisions that put a price on their lives every day, and it's important for policy makers to consider the reality of such situations.

    • Assessing Risks and Costs in Public Health MeasuresPeople and governments weigh risks and costs when deciding on public health measures. The speaker argues that the economic and personal costs of extended shutdowns for COVID-19 outweigh the risks for healthy individuals under 60.

      Individuals and governments make calculations about the risks they're willing to take and the costs they're willing to bear. Using the example of getting a flu shot, people assess the risk of getting sick versus the inconvenience and cost of getting vaccinated. Similarly, when it comes to public health measures like shutting down economies, the decision to do so should be based on a high risk to public health. The speaker argues that the risk of harm from COVID-19 for healthy individuals under 60 is relatively low, and the massive economic and personal costs of shutting down economies for an extended period are not justified. The speaker also criticizes those in power who put a price on their own lives, but expect zero risk for others. The inconsistency of shutting down for some risks but not others should be considered when making decisions about public health measures.

    • Economic lockdowns linked to rise in suicidesThe speaker urges leaders to consider human cost beyond politics, as lockdowns lead to increased suicides, and new evidence emerges in the Spygate case.

      The economic lockdowns enforced in response to the coronavirus pandemic have led to a significant increase in suicides, and the speaker urges those in power to consider the human cost of their decisions beyond political motivations. The speaker, who has personally experienced the impact of suicide, questions whether those who support the lockdowns solely to harm their political opponents are decent people. Additionally, new information has been declassified in the Spygate case, specifically the Electronic Communication (EC) used to open an FBI investigation into the Trump campaign, which provides further evidence of the FBI's involvement in spying on the Trump team.

    • FBI's Trump campaign investigation started with an Australian diplomat's tip, not Steele dossierThe FBI concealed the true origin of the Trump-Russia probe and used the Steele dossier as a cover to legitimize it.

      The FBI opened an investigation into the Trump campaign, known as Crossfire Hurricane, in July 2016, using a tip from an Australian diplomat about George Papadopoulos's conversation with a Russian intermediary, rather than the infamous Steele dossier. The FBI felt the need to conceal the true origin of the tip and create a false justification for the investigation through a process called parallel construction. They later used the Steele dossier, which they already possessed, as a cover to legitimize their investigation. This revelation sheds light on the complex and deceptive tactics employed by the FBI during the early stages of the Trump-Russia probe.

    • FBI and DOJ's 'rope-a-dope' scheme to open cases based on false premisesThe FBI and DOJ used false information to open cases against individuals, hid the true source, and continued investigations despite the dossier's fall apart. Judge Sullivan's refusal to dismiss charges led to a writ of mandamus.

      The FBI and DOJ engaged in a "rope-a-dope" scheme to open a case against individuals based on a false premise, using parallel construction to hide the true source of their information. This was seen in the handling of the dossier and the investigation into George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn. The FBI was fed bogus information by the CIA, which they then used to justify opening cases, but when the dossier fell apart, they leaked it to the media. In the Flynn case, the DOJ tried to dismiss the charges, but Judge Sullivan refused, leading to a writ of mandamus being filed asking the circuit court to order the case be thrown out. The court's order for Judge Sullivan to personally respond by June 1st is seen as significant, suggesting a strong rebuke of his handling of the case.

    • Judge Sullivan faces criticism for allowing third-party briefs in Michael Sussmann caseJudge Sullivan's handling of the Michael Sussmann case is under scrutiny for allowing third-party briefs, which is not authorized by the rules. The three-judge panel has ordered him to respond before the deadline and disregarded his request to consider their briefs.

      The judge in the Michael Sussmann case, Judge Sullivan, has faced criticism and reprimand from a three-judge panel for allowing third parties to file briefs in support of keeping the case open. This is unusual and not authorized by the rules. The judges, including Trump and Obama appointees, have ordered Judge Sullivan to respond before the scheduled deadline and have disregarded his request to consider their briefs. This incident highlights Judge Sullivan's questionable handling of the case. Additionally, Lee Smith wrote a lengthy article in Tablet Mag about the Spygate fiasco that is worth reading for those interested in the topic. In the realm of food, Magic Spoon, a sponsor of the show, offers a cereal with zero sugar, 12 grams of protein, and only three net grams of carbs per serving. It is keto-friendly, gluten-free, grain-free, soy-free, low carb, and GMO-free. With four delicious flavors, including cocoa, fully frosted, and blueberry, Magic Spoon is a healthier alternative to traditional cereals and is backed by a 100% happiness guarantee.

    • Obama administration's spying on political opponents led to targeting of Mike FlynnThe Flynn case, rooted in Obama-era spying on political opponents, involved targeting a former intelligence professional for investigating Al-Qaeda-Iran ties uncovered during the bin Laden raid.

      The Flynn case, which is often referred to as part of the larger "Russiagate" narrative, actually began during Barack Obama's administration with a campaign of domestic spying on political opponents. Mike Flynn, a former intelligence professional and head of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), was a particular target of Obama's due to his role in uncovering potentially sensitive information related to ties between Al-Qaeda and Iran in the documents captured during the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. However, Obama's team did not want this information to be thoroughly investigated, as they had already conducted initial searches for immediate threats and were not interested in future trends or strategic insight. Despite Flynn's efforts to explore these ties further, he was eventually framed and targeted by the Obama administration's weaponized law enforcement apparatus. This context is crucial for understanding the Flynn case and the larger political landscape of the time.

    • Obama administration's resistance to Flynn's investigation of Iran-Al-Qaeda tiesDespite Flynn's evidence of suspicious Iran-Al-Qaeda ties, Obama admin opposed his inquiries, and GOP's lack of action on Spygate and collusion hoax is questionable.

      During Obama's presidency, there were allegations of suspicious ties between Iran and Al-Qaeda. Michael Flynn, a former DIA director, was investigating these ties, which could have potentially derailed the Iran deal. However, his inquiries were met with resistance within the Obama administration. When Flynn became a vocal critic of the Iran deal and later supported Donald Trump, he became a threat to Obama's signature foreign policy achievement. Despite the fact that Republicans knew about the Spygate scandal and the collusion hoax early on, they did not take action. The lack of action from the Republicans is a questionable response to what is considered one of the most significant political malfeasances in US history.

    • FBI's actions aligned with public expectations, says Dan BonginoDan Bongino believes the FBI acted in line with public expectations, but he's concerned about due process and accountability. He calls for reducing government power and supporting strong leaders to protect rights and freedoms.

      During a discussion on the FBI's handling of investigations, Dan Bongino expressed his belief that the FBI acted in accordance with what Americans would want them to do, despite some concerns about constitutional due process and accountability. He also criticized the lack of action on the Spygate scandal and called for shrinking the government's power and giving more control back to individuals. Bongino acknowledged the imperfections of both major political parties but urged listeners to elect and empower non-cowardly leaders. He encouraged listeners to engage in the primary process and support those who would protect constitutional rights and individual freedoms.

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