
    Podcast Summary

    • Unanswered questions and concerns in Georgia electionDespite media focus on 'Trump tapes', unaddressed election concerns include rule changes, rejection rates, and allegations of vote switching in Georgia. Senator Johnson's transparency efforts met with opposition.

      There are unanswered questions and concerns regarding the 2020 presidential election, specifically in Georgia, that have not been adequately addressed by officials. Dan Bongino argues that Secretary of State Raffensberger has not answered questions about suspicious activity, including unconstitutional rule changes, rejection rates, and allegations of vote switching. The media's focus on the so-called "Trump tapes" has distracted from these issues. Senator Ron Johnson's efforts to question the election results and propose solutions for transparency and investigation have been met with opposition and accusations of creating a "destructive vicious circle." It's essential to address these concerns to restore confidence in the election system.

    • Democratic objections to Ohio electoral votes in 2005Despite media portrayal, Democratic objections to electoral votes in 2005 weren't unprecedented, based on suspected voting irregularities in Ohio.

      During the 2005 re-election of President George W. Bush, Democratic senators and representatives objected to the electoral vote count in Ohio based on suspected irregularities. Contrary to the outrage displayed by Chuck Todd and NBC during the current electoral vote objections by Republican senators, there was no significant media meltdown during the 2005 event. This precedent challenges the notion that the current situation is unprecedented, as some claim. The 2005 objections were a result of concerns over voting irregularities and the obligation of Congress to address them. The footage of Democratic objections to the 2005 election result was presented in the discussion, which began in 2001, not 2005, as incorrectly stated.

    • Objections to electoral votes not unprecedentedDespite media claims, objections to electoral votes are not unprecedented, and the conversation between President Trump and Georgia officials was about investigating election concerns, not overturning it.

      The Democrats' objection to the electoral votes in 2021 without a precedent is not unprecedented as there were similar objections in 2001 and 2005. The media's portrayal of these events as unprecedented and an attempt at voter fraud by President Trump is not accurate based on the full context of the situation. The conversation between President Trump and the Georgia Secretary of State was about getting to the truth about suspicious activity in the election, not an attempt to overturn it. The media's repeated claims that this situation is worse than Watergate without solid evidence is also misleading.

    • Full context of Trump-Raffensberger conversationMedia focus on part of Trump's call to Georgia Sec of State, ignoring questionable election practices by Raffensberger's team and investigation into suspicious activity at State Farm Arena.

      While there has been a lot of focus on President Trump's phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger, the full context of the conversation reveals that Raffensberger and his team are also under scrutiny for questionable election practices. The controversy stems from a conversation where Trump asked Raffensberger to find and investigate votes that were allegedly illegally counted or mishandled. However, the media has primarily focused on this part of the conversation, leaving out that Trump was also pressing for answers regarding suspicious activity at State Farm Arena, where ballots were reportedly counted after observers had been sent home. This double standard in reporting highlights the importance of considering the full context of information before jumping to conclusions.

    • President Trump's Call for Investigating Voter Fraud in GeorgiaDespite Trump's concerns about potential voter fraud, Georgia officials show no interest in investigating. Trump's intentions were to uncover illegal activity, not incentivize it.

      During a conversation, President Trump expressed his desire for investigating potential voter fraud in Georgia during the 2020 elections. He specifically mentioned the situation involving Ruby Freeman and ballots being found under a table after hours. Despite these allegations, the Georgia state officials do not seem to be interested in looking into the matter further. Trump's intentions were not to fabricate ballots but to uncover potential illegal activity. The media's portrayal of the situation as Trump trying to incentivize people to commit voter fraud is misleading. Stamps.com was mentioned as a helpful tool for businesses to handle their mailing and shipping needs remotely.

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      The speaker is encouraging listeners to use Stamps.com instead of going to the post office, offering a special promotion with a free trial and digital scale. He also discusses a conversation between President Trump and Georgia officials regarding alleged voter fraud, which the media has portrayed as a scandal, but the call ended with Trump expressing a desire for the truth to come out. The speaker finds it strange that Trump, who is alleged to have committed voter fraud, would be asking for the truth. He also criticizes the media for exaggerating the situation and calls for transparency. To learn more about the allegations and the Georgia Secretary of State's response, the speaker recommends reading an article in The Epoch Times.

    • Conflicting reports on ballot handling in Fulton County, GAInvestigation ongoing into allegations of potential election irregularities in Fulton County, GA, as conflicting narratives emerge regarding suitcases of ballots being counted after poll challengers left.

      There are conflicting reports regarding the handling of ballots during the 2020 election in Fulton County, Georgia. While some officials claim that the footage of suitcases being wheeled out from under a table after poll challengers left and the subsequent counting of ballots is normal, others assert that it raises concerns about potential election irregularities. The election monitors present during the process have claimed that they were misled into believing that counting had stopped for the night when it had not. The investigation into these allegations is ongoing, and the conflicting narratives have led to heated debates and objections to the electoral college results in Georgia. The stakes are high, with some comparing the situation to Watergate, but it's important to note that the validity of the claims and the ultimate impact on the election results are still unclear.

    • Secretary of State's office misrepresented ballot observer presenceDuring the Georgia election, 76% of absentee ballots cast in drop boxes lack proper chain of custody documentation, and the Secretary of State's office misrepresented the absence of ballot observers, raising concerns about election integrity and potential for significant impact akin to Watergate.

      During the Georgia election, the Secretary of State's office was aware that there were no ballot observers present during ballot counting, but they sent memos stating otherwise. This contradiction raises serious concerns about the integrity of the election process. Furthermore, chain of custody documents for 76% of absentee ballots cast in drop boxes have not been produced in Georgia, adding to the suspicion and lack of transparency. These issues, if proven true, could potentially be more significant than the Watergate scandal. The lack of media interest and investigation into these matters is concerning and warrants further scrutiny.

    • Maintaining proper chain of custody and evidence logs is crucial in sensitive situationsProperly documenting gun transfers, evidence, and self-defense actions is essential for avoiding false accusations and ensuring safety. Personal Defense Network offers high-quality educational resources and a special offer for a premium membership.

      The importance of maintaining a proper chain of custody and evidence custody logs cannot be overstated, especially in sensitive and controversial situations. This was highlighted in a discussion about a hypothetical gun transfer and the potential for false accusations. The same principle applies to the ongoing debate about election fraud allegations, with specific reference to the story about more ballots being cast than voters in Pennsylvania. In the context of self-defense, the discussion also emphasized the value of Personal Defense Network and its high-quality educational resources for individuals looking to protect themselves and their families. The network's extensive library, team of world-class instructors, and commitment to providing practical techniques and tactics make it an indispensable resource for those seeking to stay safe. The special offer of a premium membership for just $2 for the first year, which is usually $69, further underscores the value of this service.

    • Significant discrepancy between ballots cast and reported voters in Allegheny County, PADuring the 2020 Presidential election, over 120,000 ballots were unaccounted for in Allegheny County, PA. Senator Ted Cruz is urging for a thorough investigation before the inauguration, but officials are not following procedure and the media is focusing on other allegations.

      During the 2020 Presidential election in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, there was a significant discrepancy between the number of ballots cast and the number of people who reportedly voted. The difference was over 120,000 ballots. Pennsylvania law requires an investigation for such discrepancies. However, officials are not following this procedure, and votes are still being recorded. Senator Ted Cruz, who has his own presidential ambitions, is taking a principled stand and urging for a thorough investigation before the inauguration on January 20th. Despite this, the media is focusing on other allegations against President Trump and criticizing Cruz for his stance. This situation highlights the deep distrust and polarization in the country regarding the democratic process and the election results.

    • Senators intend to object to Electoral College certification for election auditSenators aim to establish an emergency electoral commission amidst allegations of fraud, while Pelosi implements new rules to prevent gendered terms on the floor, reflecting the politically charged climate in the US.

      Senator Ted Cruz and a group of senators have announced their intention to object to the certification of the Electoral College votes in an attempt to establish an emergency electoral commission for auditing the election results due to allegations of fraud. This move, which Cruz defends as a constitutional obligation, has been met with criticism, particularly regarding his political motivations. Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi, as Speaker of the House, has implemented new rules to prevent the use of gendered terms on the floor. A seemingly trivial matter, but it highlights the politically charged and divisive climate in the US. The controversy surrounding the election results and the ensuing efforts to investigate allegations of fraud underscore the importance of ensuring the integrity of the democratic process.

    • Gender-Inclusive Language Trends and ChallengesThe push for gender-inclusive language is creating new words and changing old ones, causing confusion and challenges for individuals to adapt.

      There's a growing trend towards changing language and creating new words based on gender inclusivity, even when the original words have no relation to gender. This was discussed during a radio segment, where the hosts humorously explored the implications of these changes, such as having to add "men" or "woman" to certain phrases. The conversation also touched on the challenges of adapting to these new rules and the potential for unintended consequences. Despite the lighthearted tone, the hosts acknowledged that this is a real issue that's gaining traction and causing confusion. The segment ended with a reflection on the importance of being aware of these changes and adapting to them in order to avoid unintentionally offending others.

    • Social media's impact on shaping public opinion through misinformationFact-check before sharing info on social media to prevent spreading falsehoods, and the importance of participating in the democratic process.

      Social media, specifically Twitter, plays a significant role in shaping public opinion through the spread of misinformation. Judd Legum, a social media user who positions himself as a truth teller, recently accused Senator David Perdue of making a white power sign in a photo. However, the truth was that the three fingers up gesture was actually a celebration of reaching 3,000 voter contacts in the Native American community, and the two individuals making the gesture were Native American. This incident highlights the importance of fact-checking and the potential harm caused by spreading false information. It also underscores the need for individuals to be discerning consumers of information on social media and to verify the accuracy of information before sharing it. Voting is another crucial issue discussed in the conversation, with the importance of participating in the democratic process emphasized, regardless of the perceived shortcomings of the candidates.

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    #CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #DrIleanaJohnson #RickManning #DanGainor #WokeCulture #WreathsAcrossAmerica #Build‌Back‌Better‌ #BlackFriday 12-3-21

    Dr. Ileana Johnson was born in Romania during the communist era. A survivor of communist “utopia" and its indoctrination, she immigrated legally to the United States in 1978, and became a proud naturalized American citizen in 1982. Dr. Ileana Johnson earned four college degrees in the United States and Romania. She taught Economics in college for 30 years. Dr. Johnson is a prolific writer, senior columnist for Canada Free Press. She wrote “Echoes of Communism” and, “Liberty on Life Support,” to combat communism and to promote American Exceptionalism. Dr. Johnson will discuss the so-called Climate Crisis and the prosperity crushing taxes and dangerous spending that the climate alarmists demand be imposed to combat the crisis that they have contrived.

    Rick Manning is the President of Americans for Limited Government. He is also a member of the Conservative Commandos family and an AUN-TV alumnus. Rick also served on President Trump’s transition team in 2016. And he is also the co-author of a book with Starr Parker — "Necessary Noise: How Donald Trump Inflames the Culture War and Why this is good for America!” Rick will discuss the current budget and debt limit crisis and what the conservatives should be fighting for. He will also discuss what the Senate can do about the anti-science and recovery reversing vaccine mandates. Rick will also discuss what can be done to promote border security and how the almost 2 Trillion “Build Back Better” plan is really a plan to destroy the economy and fuel even more inflation.

    Dan Gainor is the Vice President of Free Speech America and Business at the Media Research Center. He’s also a veteran editor whose work has been published or cited in most of the nation’s top publications and broadcast programs. Dan will discuss the Cuomo brother’s fall from grace and how Chris Cuomo has behaved so unprofessionally and unethically that even CNN is embarrassed by his actions. Dan will also discuss the most recent developments in Social Media. If you thought Twitter was bad in the past — censoring conservatives — their new CEO is affirmative anti-free speech and you should expect to see online censorship get worse, not better.

    #CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #DrIleanaJohnson #RickManning #DanGainor #WokeCulture #WreathsAcrossAmerica #Build‌Back‌Better‌ #BlackFriday #BIG-7DISRUPT #Pfizer #COVID-19 #Vaccination #ElectionIntegrity #VaccineMandates #ClimateConference #TRUMP #VaccineMandate #LGBTClubs #VirginiaSchools #GOOGLE #CENSORSHIP # VaccineDoubleStandard #Taliban #Racism #PoliticalHistory #JohnDurham #VastConspiracy #Biden #China #MYPILLOW #GavinNewsom #AfghanistanDebacle #CaliforniaRecall #Taliban #ClimateAlarmism #GeneralMilley #CDC #3.5TrillionBudgetDeal #InfrastructureBill #RINOS #GRASSROOTS #AndrewCuomo #LarryElder #California #Georgia-Audit-Fraud #ChineseCommunistParty #GeorgiaElectionAudit #IRSExpansion #ClimateCrisis #Biden #Kamala #CriticalRaceTheory #JusticeDepartment #JANUARY6 #Inflation #BidenAdministration #SecondAmendment #VACCINE-PASSPORTS #Terrorism #StimulusBill #Fauci #GovernorAndrewCuomo #DonaldTrump #ProAct #HR1 #EqualityAct #FACE-MASKS #Coronavirus #MinimumWage #RussiaHoax # O'Biden' #GreenNewDeal #ObamaCare #Hydroxychloroquine #BLM #ANTIFA #NancyPelosi #ElectionIntegrity #ECONNOMY #Anti-Gun #FreeSpeech #CourtPacking #FreeSpeech #Twitter #Facebook #CancelCulture #BLM #FaceMasks #RIOTS #ANTIFA