
    The Christian’s Speech

    enJune 07, 2024
    What significance do our words have as Christians?
    How should our verbal responses be characterized?
    What is required to tame our tongues, according to the text?
    Why is it important to choose our words carefully?
    What should our words ultimately aim to achieve?

    Podcast Summary

    • Christian speechAs Christians, we should use gracious, tasteful, and edifying words, avoiding lying and corrupt communication. Through prayer, God helps us tame our tongues to build up and testify to His grace.

      As Christians, our words hold great significance and should be gracious, tasteful, and edifying. Every verbal response we make should be carefully chosen and substantiated, avoiding lying and corrupt communication. Our words should minister grace to others and be helpful and thoughtful. It's humanly impossible to tame our tongues on our own, but through earnest and consistent prayer, God can help us. The ultimate goal is not just to avoid negative speech, but to use our words to build up and testify to the grace of God. Remember, our words will be judged, so let them be worthy of that scrutiny. Subscribe, rate, and review the Days of Praise podcast to help spread biblical truth and encouragement. Support ICR's ministry with a donation at icr.org/forward/donate.

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