
    The Coronation: Good for Business or Royal Pain?

    enMay 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Monetizing spare assets with AirbnbTurning a spare room into an income source through Airbnb is an accessible side hustle with minimal upfront costs.

      Monetizing what you already have, such as renting out a spare room on Airbnb, can be an easy and effective side hustle. Meanwhile, large events like the British coronation, despite their grandeur, come with significant costs for taxpayers. The podcast host, Nicole Lappin, shares her experience of writing in remote cabins but feeling uneasy about leaving her house empty. She turned to Airbnb hosting as a solution, making it one of her favorite side hustles. Airbnb makes it easy for anyone to get started, and it doesn't require any significant upfront costs. On a different note, the upcoming British coronation is projected to cost taxpayers around $125,000,000, making it a pricey affair. The question remains whether the economic benefits of the coronation will outweigh the costs for the British people. In essence, monetizing what you already have through side hustles like Airbnb can be a smart financial move, while large events come with substantial costs that need to be considered.

    • Britain's Cost of Living Crisis and the Upcoming CoronationAmidst economic hardships due to high inflation and rising food prices, the British public looks forward to the coronation of King Charles III for emotional and financial reasons.

      The ongoing cost of living crisis in Britain, marked by high inflation and rising food prices, has brought economic hardships to many people. This issue has led to widespread strikes among various professions, raising questions about the British government's priorities. However, it's important to note that not all British citizens share negative sentiments towards the monarchy. In fact, a significant portion of the population holds positive views towards the crown. The upcoming coronation of King Charles III is expected to attract a large number of tourists and bring financial benefits to the country. For many millennials, this will be their first coronation experience. Despite the economic challenges, the coronation is also seen as having psychological benefits for the nation. The last coronation, Queen Elizabeth's in 1953, predates the existence of most millennial Brits. Overall, the coronation represents a unique cultural event that carries both emotional and financial significance for the British people.

    • London and UK economy to gain over £1.1 billion from King Charles III's coronationThe coronation of King Charles III is expected to generate over £1.1 billion in economic activity in London and the UK, primarily benefiting businesses in the hospitality and tourism industries.

      The coronation of King Charles III is driving significant economic activity in London and the UK, with increases in hotel reservations, train tickets, flights, and spending on food and souvenirs. The estimated total economic impact is over £1.1 billion. However, it's important to note that not all taxpayers will directly benefit from this spending, and the government itself is not receiving a £1.1 billion windfall. Instead, businesses in the hospitality and tourism industries are expected to see the most significant gains. Some argue that the coronation could help revitalize London's tourism industry, which has been struggling since COVID-19 travel restrictions. However, others believe that the funds could be better spent on addressing the cost of living crisis and investing in areas like health, education, and infrastructure. Ultimately, the coronation represents a short-term economic boost, but it remains to be seen if it will have long-term benefits or if the funds could have been used more effectively elsewhere.

    • Hybrid funding model for King Charles III's coronationKing Charles III could contribute significantly to coronation costs, wealthy donors could fundraise, and attendees should have good travel insurance

      The cost of the upcoming coronation for King Charles III should not be entirely borne by the British taxpayers. Instead, a hybrid funding model could be adopted, similar to how inaugurations are funded in the United States. This model would involve the monarchy contributing significantly to the costs and a committee raising funds from wealthy donors. King Charles III, who is estimated to have a personal fortune of £1.8 billion, could pay for a significant portion of the coronation himself. Additionally, attendees planning to travel internationally for the coronation should ensure they use a credit card with good travel insurance and international protections.

    • Leverage LinkedIn for hiring and Airbnb for earning extra incomeBusinesses can find qualified candidates on LinkedIn within 24 hours, while Airbnb allows individuals to monetize unused space and potentially earn a profit

      LinkedIn jobs can help businesses find highly qualified candidates who may not be actively looking for new opportunities. With over 1 billion professionals on the platform, LinkedIn offers a vast pool of potential hires. In fact, 86% of small businesses find a qualified candidate within 24 hours of posting a job on LinkedIn. Additionally, hosting on Airbnb can be a lucrative side hustle for monetizing unused space. By sharing your home with travelers, you can offset the cost of your own travels and even earn a profit. Brian Kelly, also known as The Points Guy, shared his personal experience of getting a private plane paid for by a card company due to travel complications, emphasizing the importance of not missing out on opportunities, both in business and personal life. Whether it's finding the perfect hire or earning extra income, LinkedIn and Airbnb offer valuable solutions to maximize potential.

    • Explore earning potential with Airbnb home rentalsConsidering Airbnb for extra income? Check out Airbnb.com/host and tune into Money Rehab for financial advice.

      Everyone has the potential to earn additional income by renting out their homes on Airbnb, and it might be worth more than you think. Nicole Lappin, the host of Money Rehab on Money News Network, encourages listeners to check out Airbnb.com/host for more information. Money Rehab is a show dedicated to helping people improve their financial situations, and listeners are invited to submit their money-related questions to potentially be featured on the show. Follow Money News Network on Instagram and TikTok for exclusive content, and remember, investing in yourself is the most important investment you can make. So, thank you for tuning in and considering the possibilities of earning extra income through home rentals or seeking financial advice.

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    1:1 PROGRAM NOW OPEN: For details and to apply https://cheryltheory.com/program/ 

    ABOUT CHERYL: I help side hustlers and entrepreneurs sign clients for your business by standing out via your unique thought leadership and doing the bare minimum in your business really, really well so you can make time for the other areas of your life that matter most to you ✨✨✨

    Instagram: @cheryltheory

    LinkedIn: Cheryl Lau

    Website: www.cheryltheory.com