
    The Coup Plotters and their Tech Titan Partners (Ep 1361)

    enOctober 02, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Staying informed, prepared, and positive during adversityDespite personal and national challenges, prioritize staying informed, prepared, and positive, and put politics aside when necessary.

      Despite challenging personal and national situations, it's important to stay informed, prepared, and positive. Dan Bongino, in his radio show, acknowledged the difficult news about the president and the first lady, urging people to put politics aside during such times. He also shared his own personal news about a health concern but assured listeners that he would continue the show as usual. The show also promoted products like ExpressVPN and MyPatriotSupply to help protect online privacy and ensure food supplies, respectively. Through it all, Bongino emphasized the importance of staying informed, prepared, and positive in the face of adversity.

    • The divisive political landscape and dangerous wishesUnderstand the seriousness of the situation and focus on fighting for what we believe in, rather than criticizing individuals' decisions during uncertain times.

      The political landscape is becoming increasingly divisive, with some individuals wishing for the death of the President of the United States upon hearing the news of his positive coronavirus diagnosis. This is a reminder of the evil and awful human beings we are dealing with, who consider this existential and are playing for keeps. It's important to acknowledge this and understand the seriousness of the situation, as politics should not be a sandbox but a fight for our future. The president's decision to campaign despite the risks should not be criticized, but rather, we should focus on the importance of staying engaged and fighting for what we believe in.

    • Campaigning During a Pandemic: Trump vs BidenBoth candidates have unique approaches to campaigning amidst the pandemic, with Biden prioritizing safety and Trump prioritizing in-person events. The upcoming debates and potential moderator bias were also discussed.

      Both President Trump and Joe Biden are making their own choices regarding campaigning during the ongoing pandemic, with different approaches and potential consequences. While Biden has chosen to campaign from his basement and backyard for safety reasons, Trump has continued to hold in-person events. The discussion also touched upon the upcoming presidential debates and the potential bias of the moderators. It was emphasized that it's important to address relevant issues, even if they're uncomfortable, and that the media should strive for impartiality. The idea of having ideological moderators for debates was suggested, with Rachel Maddow being proposed as an example. Overall, the conversation highlighted the significance of the 2020 election and the various challenges that come with campaigning during a global health crisis.

    • Suggestion for Fair Debates: Partisan Actors as ModeratorsThe current debate format is perceived as biased, leading to the suggestion of using partisan actors as moderators for fair scrutiny of both candidates.

      The current structure of presidential debates is perceived as unfair due to the perceived bias of moderators. The suggestion is to have partisan actors, such as Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, Rachel Maddow, or Rush Limbaugh, question the candidates instead. This idea aims to ensure a fair examination of both candidates, as they allegedly face biased questioning from the media every day. The debate format, as it stands, is seen as an embarrassment and not a fair representation of scrutiny towards both candidates. Additionally, the discussion touched on the Transition Integrity Project and potential chaos after the election, as well as an upcoming interview with Michael Anton. The show also promoted CUTS clothing as a solution for work from home wardrobe confusion.

    • Concerns of post-election chaos and censorshipDemocrat luminaries call for 'street fight' post-election, social media companies may censor conservatives if Trump disputes results, NYT suggests limiting reach of disputed messages, stay informed and consider alternative platforms

      Leading up to and following the 2020 election, there are concerns about potential post-election chaos and censorship from the left and big tech companies. The Transition Integrity Project, a group of Democrat luminaries, have publicly called for a "street fight" after the election, not a legal one. Additionally, there have been calls for mass censorship on social media, particularly targeting conservatives, if Trump disputes the election results. The New York Times editorial board has even suggested that social media platforms should downgrade algorithms to limit the reach of such messages. These developments underscore the importance of being aware of potential attempts to suppress free speech and disrupt the democratic process. It's crucial for individuals to stay informed and consider alternative platforms for expressing their views.

    • Tech companies censoring conservatives and promoting critical race theoryTech companies collaborate with media to censor conservative speech and integrate critical race theory into AI models, limiting free speech and political movements.

      Tech companies are colluding with media outlets to suppress free speech, specifically targeting conservatives after the election. They're not only censoring content but also integrating racist critical race theory into their AI models under the guise of "machine learning fairness." This merging of computer science and critical race theory is dangerous because it gives these companies the power to control what messages are seen, political movements that gain momentum, and even the success of businesses. The people behind these technologies believe critical race theory is the leading intellectual ideology, despite it being a divisive and inherently racist concept. If your posts or ideas don't comply with critical race theory, your content may not be seen, and political movements may be squashed before they even start. This is a form of digital totalitarianism, and it's crucial that we're aware of the potential consequences.

    • Preparing for the fights ahead: Get big and protect each otherIn the face of various fights, it's crucial to stand up for ourselves and our principles, protect each other, and prepare for challenges ahead.

      We are facing numerous fights, including election fights, tech tyranny fights, and corporate tyranny fights. It's essential for everyone to get ready and "get big" instead of shrinking back or hiding. This means standing up for ourselves and our principles, even when it's challenging. The Secret Service training of getting big, which means not giving in to fear and protecting those in need, is a valuable metaphor for this time. We all need to be cover and concealment for each other, meaning taking action and protecting ourselves and others from harm. The fights ahead won't be easy, but with determination and preparation, we can face them head-on.

    • Discussing Helix Sleep's personalized mattresses and discountsHelix Sleep provides customized mattresses, free delivery, returns, and a 100-night sleep trial. Customers can choose their mattress through a sleep quiz. GQ Wired Magazine and Apartment Therapy named it the top mattress of 2020. Helix offers discounts for military, first responders, teachers, and students.

      During the discussion, Dan spoke about Helix Sleep, a company that offers personalized mattresses in the US with free delivery, returns, and a 100-night sleep trial. Customers can choose their mattress by taking a two-minute sleep quiz that matches their body type and sleep preferences. Helix was awarded the number one overall mattress pick of 2020 by GQ Wired Magazine and Apartment Therapy. The company also offers discounts for military, first responders, teachers, and students. Meanwhile, in a separate topic, Dan warned about the connections between the Transition Integrity Project and big tech companies, stating that Silicon Valley is working against Donald Trump and Republicans this year and planning post-election chaos and shutting down those who speak against their preferred election results. He mentioned an article by Julie Kelly in American Greatness that exposes the ties between the Transition Integrity Project and a co-founder, Nils Gilman, who is vice president of the Berggren Institute, a California-based think tank with a Marxist agenda. The Berggren Institute was awarded a $1 million annual prize to the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Therefore, the takeaway is that Helix Sleep offers customized and comfortable mattresses with great deals and discounts, while it's essential to be aware of the connections between certain leftist groups and big tech companies that could potentially impact the democratic process.

    • Tech Industry Giants' Involvement in Political OrganizationsSome tech industry leaders, like Reed Hoffman, Eric Schmidt, and Evan Spiegel, have ties to organizations like the Bergen Institute and the Transition Integrity Project, which call for political action. Their opposition to Trump and use of platforms to promote narratives raise questions about their role in political discourse.

      Several tech industry giants, including Reed Hoffman of LinkedIn, Eric Schmidt of Google, and Evan Spiegel of Snapchat, have ties to the Bergen Institute and the Transition Integrity Project, which has called for a "street fight" after a potential Trump election win. These tech titans have been vocal in their opposition to Trump and have used their platforms to promote certain political narratives. While it's important to note that being associated with an organization does not necessarily equate to endorsement of all its actions or views, the potential for influence and the lack of transparency around these relationships raise questions about the role of tech companies in political discourse. It's crucial for media outlets and consumers to hold these companies accountable for their actions and to encourage open dialogue about their involvement in political matters.

    • Protecting Online Privacy with ExpressVPNUsing a VPN like ExpressVPN can help secure your internet connection and protect your online activity from being seen by ISPs and third parties.

      Online privacy is important and using a VPN like ExpressVPN can help protect your online activity from being seen by ISPs and other third parties. The speaker emphasized the importance of securing your internet connection and encouraged listeners to use ExpressVPN, which he endorsed and used himself. Additionally, the speaker expressed frustration with the media's focus on allegations of racism against President Trump, while ignoring similar issues in Joe Biden's past. He urged listeners to be critical of unsubstantiated claims and to consider the evidence before forming opinions. The speaker also shared a specific example of Biden's past association with a former Senator who was a known member of the Ku Klux Klan, and questioned why Biden wasn't being asked to address this issue.

    • Inconsistent application of cancel culture for political figures' past associations with white supremacistsThe application of cancel culture for political figures' past associations with white supremacists is inconsistent, and it can be used for political gain to distract from real issues.

      The standard for canceling individuals based on past associations with white supremacists is inconsistently applied, particularly when it comes to political figures like Joe Biden. During a discussion, Dan Bongino shared his experience of working at a funeral for a former Senator with a Ku Klux Klan background during his time in the Secret Service. He expressed confusion as to why Biden, who was also present at the funeral, hasn't faced cancellation for his association with the exalted Cyclops of the KKK. Bongino emphasized that the issue of white supremacy is a serious problem, but the media's focus on it as an existential threat is a distraction from the real issues and can be used for political gain. He also pointed out the inconsistency in applying cancellation standards, as he could potentially face boycotts for his involvement in the event.

    • Uncovering the Truth Behind the RiotsAntifa and BLM anarchists, not white supremacists, are responsible for much of the violence and destruction during the ongoing unrest in the US.

      The ongoing unrest in cities across the United States is not as simple as it may seem on the surface. A New York Times reporter went undercover to investigate the claims of white supremacists being the primary instigators of the chaos and destruction. However, she discovered that Antifa and BLM anarchists were responsible for much of the violence and destruction. These groups are not spontaneous or emotional responses to racial injustice, but rather planned and coordinated insurrections. The New York Times, in an act of actual journalism, has acknowledged this fact. It's crucial to understand the true nature of these events and the people behind them to effectively address the issues at hand.

    • Potential 2020 Election Decision in House of RepresentativesSpeaker Pelosi and Democrats are focusing on key states to flip delegations and secure majority power in House to decide the presidency if necessary.

      The outcome of the 2020 presidential election could potentially be decided in the House of Representatives if no candidate reaches the required 270 electoral votes. Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, is aware of this possibility and is focusing her efforts on campaigning in key states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, where the delegations are currently controlled by Republicans. The Democrats' goal is to flip these delegations, giving them the majority and the power to decide the presidency. Pelosi and the Democrats understand that the election could be thrown to the House, and they are taking steps to ensure they have the necessary votes to determine the outcome. If you're in a district that could impact the presidency, it's important to stay informed and get involved in the election process.

    • Pennsylvania Election Implications and PreparationStay informed and engaged in the democratic process. Vote for every candidate, including those down ballot. Consider using alternative platforms like Rumble and Parler for unfiltered communication.

      The upcoming election in Pennsylvania, specifically the race between John Parnell and Connor Lamb, could have significant implications for the presidential election. It's crucial not to overlook down-ballot races and vote for every candidate, as Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi is strategically focusing on Michigan and Pennsylvania. Pelosi understands the importance of these elections and is taking action accordingly. Additionally, Dan Bongino encourages viewers to prepare for potential election issues by subscribing to his show on Rumble.com and creating an account on Parler. Rumble is a free speech alternative to YouTube, while Parler offers a platform to speak freely without the fear of censorship from social media tyrants. In essence, the stakes are high, and it's essential to stay informed and engaged in the democratic process. Vote at the top of the ticket and down ballot, and consider using alternative platforms for unfiltered communication.

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