
    The Current State of Social Media Marketing, AI & NFTs

    enApril 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Social Media's Unique Landscape for Business SuccessCompanies, especially larger ones, must adapt to social media's creative formats and platforms for effective audience engagement. Small businesses need to focus on prodigious output of free content to win relevance. Influencers can help navigate the social media landscape for larger companies.

      In today's consumer culture, relevance and strategic output are key for both small businesses and large corporations on social media. Gary Vaynerchuk, a serial entrepreneur and media expert, emphasizes that companies, especially larger ones, need to adapt to the social media landscape and not treat it like traditional advertising methods. They must understand the unique creative formats and platforms to engage audiences effectively. For small businesses, prodigious output on free content is necessary to win the battle for relevance. Influencers play a significant role in this conversation as they are more native to understanding the creative strategy and can help larger companies navigate the social media landscape. Ultimately, it's essential to prioritize relevance and strategic content over awareness for success in consumer culture.

    • Content creation's crucial role in marketing evolvesGary Vaynerchuk discusses the importance of quality content in marketing's digital age, the impact of AI, and the potential of NFTs

      Content creation is no longer just an add-on to traditional advertising agencies, but rather a crucial and evolving component that is becoming increasingly important in the digital age. Gary Vaynerchuk, a content creator turned agency owner, shares his perspective on the evolution of content in marketing and the impact of AI on the industry. He highlights that while volume is important, quality is key and we are currently in the social media version of the website era of content marketing. Additionally, the use of AI in creating content is a new frontier, but the legal and ethical implications must be addressed. NFTs, another buzzword in the digital space, have seen a hype cycle but the long-term potential lies in the technology behind them, such as smart contracts. Overall, the future of marketing lies at the intersection of creativity and technology.

    • The Value of Provenance and Decentralization in AI, NFTs, and CollectiblesDecentralized technology ensures authenticity and origin of digital assets, strong provenance and value to collectors will endure, small businesses need a smart organic social media strategy, keep an eye on frontier tech, and focus on education.

      The importance of provenance and decentralization will continue to grow in the world of AI, NFTs, and collectibles. The speaker emphasized the value of provenance in industries like wine and art, and how decentralized technology can ensure the authenticity and origin of digital assets. He also noted that not all collectibles or NFTs will be sought after, but those with strong provenance and value to collectors will endure. For small businesses, focusing on a smart organic social media strategy is crucial, while keeping an eye on frontier tech and getting educated about it is important, but comes with high risk. The speaker remains optimistic about the potential of technology, despite concerns about privacy and societal implications.

    • Understanding and taking control of our privacyGary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of accountability in navigating technology and privacy, encouraging education, conversation, and focusing on the process rather than the outcome.

      Accountability is key in navigating the complexities of technology and privacy in today's world. According to Gary Vaynerchuk, it's important to understand what we're scared of and to recognize that we have control over our own privacy. He believes that people are becoming more aware of their options and are finding their balance, despite the increasing difficulty to opt out. Vaynerchuk also emphasizes the importance of education and conversation rather than banning or stopping things outright. He stays motivated by focusing on the process rather than the outcome and encourages detachment from validation and negativity. Ultimately, he believes that accountability is the solution to the major pandemic of finger-pointing and blame in our society.

    • Understanding AI's potential impact on content creationAI is a game-changer for brand builders and marketers, allowing for the creation of personalized, engaging content at scale. However, it's important to stay informed and adapt to these changes rather than fearing them.

      While the advancements in AI may seem daunting and potentially sinister, it's important to remember that technology has always had the capacity to manipulate and shape our opinions and experiences. The key is understanding this within context and recognizing that everything is forming opinion. For brand builders and marketers, generative AI is a profound technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we create and consume content. It's important to stay informed and adapt to these changes, rather than fearing them. As Gary Vaynerchuk mentioned, the comparison to search engines in the late 90s is an apt one. Just as search engines revolutionized the way we access information, AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we create and interact with content. It's not a pause-worthy event, but rather an exciting opportunity for innovation and growth.

    • AI technology revolutionizing industries with insights and automationAI technology like ChatGPT and DALL E 2 can revolutionize industries by providing valuable insights and automating tasks, but marketers must approach it thoughtfully and consider potential trademark and copyright issues.

      The emergence of advanced AI technology, such as ChatGPT and DALL E 2, represents a significant shift in the creative landscape. This technology has the potential to revolutionize various industries, from music to marketing, by providing valuable insights and automating tasks. However, it also raises important questions about trademark and copyright issues. Marketers can start getting familiar with this technology by experimenting with it and exploring OpenAI's products. However, it's crucial to approach it thoughtfully and consider the potential risks, such as unclear creative sources. The source of creativity is not yet clear enough, and marketers need to be cautious about using AI to create content on behalf of others. AI can be a useful tool for saving time and increasing efficiency, but it's essential to understand its limitations and potential implications. Overall, the integration of AI into our daily lives is a significant development that requires careful consideration and education.

    • Generative AI in Marketing: A New Co-Creative PartnerGenerative AI is transforming marketing by providing co-creative thought partnership, improving prompts and output, and expanding ideas.

      Generative AI is no longer a novelty but is becoming a valuable tool for various industries, including marketing. Professional artists have already started using AI to win competitions, and brands are beginning to understand its utility. Generative AI can be used for strategic purposes, such as copywriting and asset production. Although there are concerns about job displacement, history shows that new technologies often lead to the creation of new roles. The key is for individuals to learn how to use these tools effectively. Some people are already seeing impressive results, such as improved prompts and output. AI can serve as a co-creative thought partner, helping to expand ideas and enhance the creative process. As we move forward, it's essential for marketers to embrace this technology and spend time understanding how to use it effectively. The future of marketing will likely involve a symbiotic relationship between humans and AI, with each complementing the other's strengths.

    • Exploring new technologies like AI without delayEmbrace present, learn from past, focus on innovation, navigate responsibly, adapt to new technologies, and ensure ethical use of AI

      It's essential to embrace the present and explore new technologies, such as AI, without delay. The world is moving quickly, and it's crucial to learn from the past while focusing on the present and future. John Licata, the Chief of Innovation at SAP's Future Hub, agrees that we should not be afraid of AI but rather learn how to be augmented by it. While some jobs may be automated, this could open up opportunities for innovation and trying new things. However, it's essential to navigate AI in a responsible and ethical manner, with a focus on compliance and sustainability. As Jay Z and Taylor Swift examples showed, IP and copywriting issues can arise, so it's crucial to establish frameworks and systems to ensure we use AI correctly. In summary, the present is a time to experiment, learn, and adapt to new technologies while being mindful of ethical considerations.

    • Evaluating AI Information: A Necessity in the Digital AgeIn the digital age, it's crucial to critically evaluate AI-generated information for accuracy and potential biases, as seen with the Italian government's pause on generative AI. Human judgment and expertise remain essential for making informed decisions.

      As technology advances, particularly with the rise of AI, it's essential for businesses and individuals to critically evaluate the information they receive and ensure its accuracy. The Italian government's pause on generative AI is a reminder of the potential risks and false information that can arise. The past, from search engines to social media, has shown us that people often accept information as truth without verification. However, with AI, the stakes are higher, and it's crucial to understand its limitations and potential biases. As Gary Vaynerchuk pointed out, we've seen this issue before with search engines and social media, and we must remain thoughtful and accountable. Moving forward, businesses and marketers should view AI as a tool to complement their efforts, not a replacement for human intelligence. It's important to remember that AI models may not always be up-to-date, and human judgment and expertise are necessary to make informed decisions. As technology continues to evolve, we must adapt and find ways to leverage it while maintaining a healthy skepticism and critical thinking.

    • Exploring AI's potential in marketingCompanies need to explore AI's practical uses in marketing, test its limits, and adapt to unlock its full potential.

      AI is a powerful technology with vast potential applications in various industries, including marketing. It's not just about generating content but also about practical uses that can lead to better outcomes. Companies need to explore these applications, test their limits, and adapt to unlock the full potential of AI. The partnership between Bain, OpenAI, and Coca-Cola serves as a great example of this exploration, with a focus on finding valuable use cases and figuring out how to implement them effectively. As for the speaker's personal experience, she has had a career spanning the evolution of the web and considers her most significant "uh-oh" moment with AI to be the realization of its transformative potential across the marketing industry.

    • Revolutionizing Marketing with Generative AIGenerative AI bridges gap between brand, creative, and performance, optimizes content, and proves value. Applications include targeting, briefing, and creative content.

      Generative AI is set to revolutionize marketing by bridging the gap between brand, creative, and performance. This technology can bring accountability to marketing organizations by optimizing content and proving its performance value. However, it's important to remember that there are numerous applications of generative AI beyond just creative content. These include improving audience targeting, recreating briefs, and making the briefing process smarter. While the creative applications may get all the headlines, the practical applications are where a lot of the value lies. Additionally, it's crucial for marketing organizations to be accountable for their marketing efforts, as the industry has long enjoyed a lack of accountability. Overall, generative AI is an exciting development that has the potential to drive significant impact in marketing organizations, both in terms of creativity and practical operations.

    • Exploring Ethical Implications and Biases in AICreating guidelines and guardrails to mitigate unintended biases in AI is crucial. Historical data used to train models can stem from biases, and ongoing dialogue and attention are essential to address these challenges.

      As we continue to explore the potential of AI, it's crucial to consider the ethical implications and potential biases that may arise. Lauren and Gary discussed the importance of creating guidelines and guardrails to mitigate unintended biases in AI, which can stem from historical data used to train the models. This is a complex issue that requires ongoing dialogue and attention. As we move forward, it's essential to remain vigilant and committed to addressing these challenges. In the words of Gary, "we'll find ways to be able to create the right guidelines or and you kinda guardrails around that." Ultimately, it's up to all of us to ensure that AI is used in a responsible and ethical manner. So, let's keep the conversation going and continue to explore the exciting possibilities of AI while being mindful of its potential pitfalls. Remember, your feedback and questions are always welcome, so don't hesitate to share them with us. Happy holidays, and we look forward to diving deeper into this topic in future episodes.

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    Thank you, as always, for your feedback at mlb@resultscast.ai. We are accepting feedback on Spotify comments as well as Twitter @ResultsCastAI. All feedback will be considered for THE FEEDBACK LOOP.

    Podcast site up at https://www.mlbresultscast.com.

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    Thank you, as always, for your feedback at mlb@resultscast.ai. We are accepting feedback on Spotify comments as well as Twitter @ResultsCastAI. All feedback will be considered for THE FEEDBACK LOOP.

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