
    The Dan Bongino Sunday Special 02/04/24 - The J6 Pipebomber: The Biggest Scandal in US History

    enFebruary 04, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • New evidence raises questions about January 6th pipe bomb incident and the subsequent security sweepReporter Darren Beatty uncovers potential criminal negligence or a cover-up by the FBI and Capitol Police regarding the January 6th pipe bomb incident at the DNC and the lack of public video evidence of the subsequent security sweep

      There are serious questions surrounding the January 6th pipe bomb incident at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the subsequent security sweep. Darren Beatty, a reporter for Revolver News, has uncovered new evidence suggesting potential criminal negligence or a cover-up by the FBI and Capitol Police. The most intriguing question is why there is no public video evidence of the sweep, despite the availability of camera footage showing the bomb being found. This is just one of many unanswered questions in Beatty's explosive piece, "Secret Service or Criminal Negligence," which is worth reading for those interested in the truth behind this significant event. Dan Bongino, the podcast host, strongly encourages listeners to check out Beatty's work and form their own opinions.

    • Secret Service response to pipe bombs near DNC raises questionsThe Secret Service's lackluster response to the discovery of pipe bombs near the DNC during the 2020 election, despite being informed and Kamala Harris being in close proximity, raises concerns about their level of concern for safety and potential knowledge that the bombs were fake.

      The response of the Secret Service to the discovery of pipe bombs near the Democratic National Committee (DNC) during the 2020 election raises questions about their level of concern for safety and potential knowledge that the bombs were fake. The Secret Service exhibited a lackadaisical response despite being informed of the presence of the bombs, which were later safely dismantled by a bomb robot. The fact that Kamala Harris, who was then the Vice President-elect, was in close proximity to the bombs but did not publicly acknowledge the incident adds to the mystery. The bombs were also not discovered by passersby or security personnel, but rather by undercover officers. The quick response to the first bomb discovery, which occurred just 15 minutes before the second discovery, also raises questions about the circumstances surrounding both incidents.

    • Discovering pipe bombs near Capitol raises questionsThe discovery of pipe bombs near the Capitol during the election vote certification in 2021 is shrouded in mystery, with doubts about their authenticity, timing, and potential role as a diversion.

      The discovery of pipe bombs near the Capitol on January 6, 2021, during the certification of the election votes, raises questions about their authenticity and the timing of their discovery. The bombs were planted in a back alley and were not discovered until hours later, despite the heightened security presence. The former head of the Capitol Police suggested that the bombs were intended as a diversion to draw resources away from the Capitol during the attack. However, the coincidental timing of their discovery and the attack's unfolding raises doubts about the pipe bomber's luck or the existence of a larger conspiracy. The bombs' discovery was not recorded on surveillance footage, and the footage that exists has been tampered with, according to some investigators. These unanswered questions add to the ongoing controversy surrounding the events of that day.

    • DNC's suspicious 1.6 fps CCTV footage vs standard 8 fpsThe DNC's questionable 1.6 fps CCTV footage of the January 6th bombing incident contrasts with standard 8 fps cameras, raising suspicions and calling for further investigation.

      The inconsistencies and questions surrounding the January 6th bombing case at the Democratic National Committee (DNC), where Vice President Kamala Harris was present during the alleged discovery of a bomb, raise significant concerns. The lowest quality surveillance cameras available have a frame rate of eight frames per second, yet the DNC allegedly possesses the only footage of the suspicious activity with a frame rate of just 1.6 frames per second. This discrepancy, along with Kamala Harris' presence at the DNC instead of the Capitol on that day, adds to the confusion and calls for further investigation. Darren Beatty's reporting on this topic at Revolver News has shed light on these inconsistencies, making it a captivating and potentially explosive story for 2023.

    • Kamala Harris's January 6th pipe bombs revelationDespite discovering pipe bombs near her location on January 6th, Kamala Harris kept this information hidden from the public. The Secret Service's lackadaisical response and inconsistencies in official reports fuel suspicions and raise questions about potential attempts to frame the MAGA crowd.

      There are unanswered questions regarding Kamala Harris's involvement in the January 6th events, specifically the discovery of pipe bombs near the DNC building. Despite being in close proximity to these devices, which are considered weapons of mass destruction, Harris kept this information hidden from the public. The Secret Service, responsible for her security, seemed unconcerned, and even allowed children to pass by the suspected bomb. The lack of transparency and the apparent downplaying of this incident in official reports raises suspicions, and some speculate that it may have been an attempt to frame the MAGA crowd. This is a significant discrepancy in the narrative surrounding January 6th, which the Democrats continue to use as a central pillar of their 2024 strategy. The lack of attention from mainstream media and the inconsistencies in the official reports add to the intrigue.

    • Discovered pipe bombs near RNC and DNC on Jan 6th, 2021Two pipe bombs were found near Democratic and Republican party headquarters on the same day, raising questions about their intended purpose and coincidental timing.

      The discovery of pipe bombs near the RNC and DNC on January 6th, 2021, raises questions about their intended purpose and the coincidental timing of their discovery. The first bomb was discovered by a random woman just before the certification of the electoral votes was set to begin, and the second bomb was discovered by a plainclothes Capitol Police officer shortly after. Both bombs had been sitting undiscovered for over 16 hours. The theory that they were intended as a diversion to draw resources away from the Capitol during the attack seems plausible, but the unlikely coincidence of their discovery within a 15-minute window of each other is hard to explain without invoking extraordinary luck or advanced planning. The media is grappling with how to report on these findings, as they add fuel to ongoing speculation about the events of that day.

    • Media's refusal to acknowledge investigations now mainstreamThe media's attempts to discredit investigations will be ineffective as they gain momentum and become too big to contain. Connected events like the pipe bomb discovery and Capitol assault cannot be ignored.

      The media's refusal to acknowledge certain questions and investigations, which they may have dismissed as conspiracy theories in the past, are now becoming mainstream. The speakers believe that the media's efforts to discredit the sources of these investigations will not be effective, as the information is gaining momentum and becoming too big to contain. The pipe bomb discovery on January 6th and the assault on the Capitol are seen as connected events that cannot be ignored, despite the media's attempts to coordinate the narrative around other areas of the event. The speakers also emphasized the importance of being prepared for emergencies and having access to essential medications, some of which may come from outside the US.

    • Lapse in Security at DNC BuildingDespite highly trained professionals conducting security sweeps, a visible pipe bomb was missed outside the DNC building where Vice President Kamala Harris was located during the January 6th protests, raising concerns about law enforcement response and thoroughness.

      The discovery of a pipe bomb outside the Democratic National Committee building where Vice President Kamala Harris was located raises significant questions about the thoroughness of security sweeps and law enforcement response. The bomb was visible and not hidden, yet was missed by authorities. This incident, which occurred during the January 6th protests, is a significant issue that Julie Kelly, a journalist covering the events, has brought up. The importance of this oversight cannot be overstated, as the individuals responsible for conducting security sweeps and identifying potential threats are highly trained professionals. The fact that they missed this bomb, which was not hidden and visible to the public, is concerning and demands further investigation. The implications of this lapse in security are significant and warrant further scrutiny.

    • Was there a bomb at the Capitol on January 6?The presence of a bomb at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, is questionable, and further investigation is needed to uncover the truth.

      The presence of a supposed bomb at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, which was initially reported by the media and later investigated by the FBI, is questionable. The speakers on this podcast argue that the bomb was not there during the Secret Service sweep and was likely planted after the sweep to frame the MAGA crowd. They also point out inconsistencies in the reporting and evidence surrounding the alleged bomb, such as missing footage and the disappearance of Kamala Harris from the media radar during that time. The speakers suggest that further investigation is needed to uncover the truth about what really happened that day.

    • Vice President Harris's Close Call during Capitol Attack Downplayed by MediaDespite a bomb threat against Vice President Harris during the Capitol attack, the media gave minimal coverage, and Harris didn't mention it in her speech. The Secret Service hasn't released any information about the investigation, leading to concerns about transparency and prioritization of serious events.

      During the January 6th Capitol attack, Vice President Kamala Harris was reportedly in danger when a bomb was discovered near her motorcade. However, she didn't mention this incident in her subsequent speech condemning the attack. The media also gave minimal coverage to this potential assassination attempt, despite the seriousness of the situation. The Secret Service, obligated by an MOU with the FBI to turn over such cases, hasn't released any information about the investigation. The lack of transparency and attention to this potentially deadly event raises questions about why it has been downplayed or ignored.

    • Investigating threats to political figuresFormer FBI agent Kyle Serphin and others are asking questions about potential threats to Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, part of a larger investigation into the January 6th Capitol incident. Remember, thorough investigations take time and require careful attention to detail.

      The investigation into the January 6th Capitol incident and potential threats to political figures, such as Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, is ongoing and complex. The discussion highlighted the efforts of a few individuals, including former FBI agent Kyle Serphin, who have taken it upon themselves to ask questions and seek answers despite the perceived lack of action from some quarters. The investigation into a potential assassination plot against Harris is one piece of this larger puzzle, and it's important to remember that these investigations can be time-consuming and require careful attention to detail. The discussion also touched on the importance of following credible sources for information and not being swayed by labels or accusations of "craziness."

    • Limited federal influence on border situation, states may have more powerSpeaker suggests Texas can handle border situation without federal intervention and advocates for states to reclaim powers not delegated to the federal government.

      During the discussion about the border incident in Texas, it was emphasized that the federal government's influence over the situation is limited, making it a "paper tiger." The speaker suggested that Texas, with its large law enforcement presence, could potentially handle the border situation without federal intervention. They also advocated for a 10th Amendment revolution, where states would reclaim powers not delegated to the federal government. The speaker, who has experience as a federal agent, acknowledged the potential damage the federal government could cause but believed that on a large scale, they would be unable to enforce their will against states that resist. The speaker suggested using technicalities and changing the names of barriers as a way to outmaneuver the federal government. Overall, the conversation highlighted the idea that states may have more power to address certain issues than the federal government, and that resistance and creative solutions could be effective.

    • FBI's handling of pipe bomb investigation raises questionsThe inconsistencies in the FBI's investigation of pipe bombs near Democratic Party buildings and their handling of the situation have left many questioning their competence and motives.

      The inconsistencies surrounding the investigation of the alleged pipe bombs found near Democratic Party buildings raise valid questions about the competence and priorities of the FBI. The discovery of a supposed bomb outside the DNC, which was handled by the Capitol Police instead of the FBI, and the lack of evidence or follow-up on subsequent potential bombs, seems unusual and contradictory to typical criminal behavior. Additionally, the attempt to discredit those questioning the investigation adds to the confusion. The FBI's handling of the situation and the lack of transparency have left many questioning their abilities and motives.

    • New information from the FBI about suspicious devicesMiscommunication between individuals and the FBI could put lives at risk during law enforcement operations

      During a conversation between two individuals, it was revealed that the FBI had informed a surveillance team that certain suspicious devices were not legitimate explosives, which was crucial information for their safety during the operation. However, during an interview, one of the individuals, Kyle Serif, denied the existence of a case agent and seemed to have limited knowledge about the case. Another individual, Dan Twano, brought up the name of the speaker unprompted, which raised questions. The speaker expressed skepticism towards Serif's account and emphasized the importance of EOD teams in the military, who put their lives on the line to protect others. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of accurate information and the potential consequences of miscommunication in law enforcement operations.

    • Miscommunication and Human Error Led to Undetected Bomb Near National MallDespite advanced security measures, a pipe bomb went undetected near the National Mall due to unexpected circumstances and human errors. The incident raises concerns about accountability and transparency in ensuring national security.

      The discovery of a pipe bomb near the National Mall during a sweep by EOD teams was missed due to unexpected circumstances and human errors. The presence of a PTZ camera that didn't move for five days and the suspicious behavior of the police officer who found the bomb add to the confusion. The incident raises questions about the effectiveness of security measures in place and the role of media in holding authorities accountable. The fact that this incident went unsolved for three years despite its potential severity is concerning and warrants further investigation. It's alarming that the media is left to ask the questions instead of the FBI and Secret Service. We should demand answers and transparency to ensure the safety of our nation's capital and its leaders.

    • Listen to Dan Bongino's Daily Radio ShowEngage with thought-provoking discussions and stay updated on the latest news by tuning in to Dan Bongino's radio show daily between noon and 3 PM EST on Rumble.com or local radio stations.

      Host Dan Bongino encourages listeners to tune in to his radio show daily between noon and 3 PM EST on Rumble Rumble.com or their local radio stations, as listed on Bongino.com. By doing so, listeners can engage with thought-provoking discussions and stay updated on the latest news. The show is broadcasted nationwide, making it an accessible resource for individuals seeking a deeper understanding of the issues that matter most. So, whether you're looking for insightful commentary or a lively debate, be sure to catch Dan Bongino's radio show each day.

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    Dimelo Lindx.

    Welcome to the 10th episode of Season 4!!!

    Wow we're halfway through the season!!!

    This week the ladies are joined by former prosecutor, trial attorney, and injury lawyer Omar Almanzar from The Almanzar Paramio Law Firm.

    Omar is a recurring guest always willing to explain changing laws that often affect us directly.

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    So drop down and get your legal on with ladies of El Salon.

    If you'd like to speak to Omar directly, you can check out his firm's website at www.almanzarlaw.com.

    The ladies are now recording with Riverside FM and if you'd like to watch instead of listen, head on over to YouTube and check out the video version of the podcast.

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