
    The Dan Bongino Sunday Special 02/05/23 - Gen. Mike Flynn, Rep. Lauren Boebert, Matt Palumbo

    enFebruary 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering Easy Ways to Boost NutritionPodcast host Dan Bongino recommends Field of Greens by Brickhouse Nutrition for convenient and effective fruit and vegetable supplementation, sharing his personal positive experience.

      Proper nutrition is essential for good health, but it can be challenging to consume enough fruits and vegetables daily. Dan Bongino, the podcast host, recommends Field of Greens by Brickhouse Nutrition as a solution. This powdered product contains high-quality fruits and vegetables, making it a convenient and effective way to supplement one's diet. Dan personally endorses it and feels it has contributed to his good health. The podcast also features an interview with General Mike Flynn about the Biden document scandal and its connections to Ukraine, the Obama administration, and Soros's group. Flynn, a former senior intelligence official, shares his insights on the situation and his experiences with the deep state.

    • Dan Coats believes he was targeted for speaking out against intelligence community's failures and Trump administration roleFormer intelligence official Dan Coats believes his opposition to intelligence community's actions and role in Trump admin led to a Mueller investigation. He sees a globalist elite trying to control US.

      Former senior intelligence official Dan Coats believes he was targeted for speaking out against the intelligence community's failures and for his role in the Trump administration. Coats, who was twice appointed by Barack Obama and fully confirmed by the Senate, claims that had he stayed on as National Security Advisor, there would have been no Mueller investigation. He believes there is a globalist elite trying to take over the US, and Trump's presidency was a roadblock. Recent revelations, such as the Twitter files and information from Heidi's laptop, continue to shed light on the ongoing story.

    • Global elites influencing policy through real-life conspiraciesGlobal elites, including those funded by George Soros, manipulated U.S. policy during the impeachment process, undermining the constitutional republic. Globalist organizations like the WEF, World Bank, WHO, and UN aim to create a globalist system of government.

      There is a real-life conspiracy of global elites working to influence policy in the United States and worldwide. This was exemplified during the impeachment hoax, where Joe Biden's son was collecting money from wealthy global elites while the vice president, who targeted Lieutenant General Mike Flynn, was the point man in Ukraine. The embassy in Ukraine collaborated with a George Soros-funded group, which had a list of people to prosecute or not prosecute based on their support for the U.S. The whistleblower, who was instrumental in the impeachment process, met with the head of this Soros-funded group at the White House. This is not a conspiracy theory but a conspiracy that aims to undermine the U.S. constitutional republic. It's an America-first agenda versus a globalist new world order, with organizations like the World Economic Forum, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, and the United Nations playing key roles. These groups aim to create a globalist system of government with unelected bureaucratic organizations. It's important for individuals to do their own research and not just take someone's word for it.

    • Real ideological conflicts with groups seeking to transform AmericaGroups like Hamilton 68 falsely labeled Americans as Russian bots and spread misinformation, a form of fifth-generational warfare, and accountability is needed for these actions, with a weaponization subcommittee formed in the House.

      There are real global ideological conflicts underway, with some groups seeking to fundamentally transform America in ways that go against the America-first philosophy. This includes groups like Hamilton 68, which falsely labeled American citizens as Russian bots and spread misinformation. These actions, according to Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, are a form of fifth-generational warfare and a deception imposed on the US. Accountability for these actions is necessary, and there are signs that it is coming, with the formation of a weaponization subcommittee in the House of Representatives. Flynn also suggested that if Donald Trump had won the 2024 election, he should have been appointed as the national security adviser. Despite the challenges and attacks he faced, Flynn remains a dedicated American patriot.

    • Congresswoman Boebert discusses fiscal responsibility and committee changesCongresswoman Boebert emphasized the importance of fiscal responsibility and diversifying investments with Birch Gold. She expressed satisfaction with the removal of Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell from committees due to national security concerns, acknowledging precedent but focusing on national security.

      During this discussion, Congresswoman Lauren Boebert spoke about the importance of fiscal responsibility, specifically in relation to the U.S. debt, and the role of Birch Gold in diversifying investments. She also expressed her satisfaction with the removal of Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell from significant committees due to national security concerns. The public's reaction to these events was dismissed as forgetful, and the hypocrisy of Democrats was highlighted. The speaker's decision to boot these individuals from committees was defended as necessary for the protection of the nation. The precedent set by Democrats for removing individuals from committees was acknowledged, and the focus remained on ensuring the security of the country. The conversation also touched upon the need to be cautious when labeling all Democrats, recognizing that not all share the same views.

    • Political actions have consequencesIgnoring warnings can lead to scrutiny and financial repercussions. Remember, every decision has consequences.

      Political actions have consequences. During the speaker fight, Republicans warned against overriding judicial filibusters and removing controversial figures from committees, but these warnings were ignored. Now, Democrats are facing the repercussions, with Adam Schiff under scrutiny for potential national security breaches. Additionally, the ongoing debt ceiling debate highlights the need for fiscal restraint, as the US approaches $30 trillion in debt. The COVID-19 pandemic led to unprecedented spending, and it's crucial to address this issue seriously by cutting unnecessary expenses and ending emergency funding. The unspent COVID-19 relief funds could be a good starting point. It's important to remember that every decision has consequences, and the current situation serves as a reminder of that.

    • Congress to Investigate Vaccine Side Effects and Government PoliciesCongresswoman Boebert and others plan to investigate potential vaccine side effects and government mishandling of COVID policies. They're also concerned about classified documents and pushing for transparency.

      Congresswoman Lauren Boebert and other members of the US Congress are planning to investigate and hold accountable those responsible for potential vaccine side effects and government mishandling of COVID-related policies. Boebert also expressed concern over the classified documents related to both Donald Trump and Joe Biden, and praised Senator Tom Cotton for pushing for transparency in this matter. The oversight committee, China Task Force, and other committees will be fully funded to conduct hearings, investigations, and potential accountability measures. The underlying sentiment is a call for truth and transparency regarding the vaccine and government actions during the pandemic.

    • Handling of Classified Documents and Influential FiguresThe Clinton email scandal and Soros's influence on law enforcement highlight the need for transparency and accountability in handling classified documents and investigations.

      The handling of classified documents by political figures, such as Hillary Clinton, and the inconsistent treatment of parties during investigations, have significant consequences. The lack of a strong response to Clinton's email scandal may have set a precedent for future incidents. Additionally, the influence of influential figures like George Soros on law enforcement and prosecutors has raised concerns. The ongoing stories of prosecutors being soft on crime and Soros's involvement highlight the importance of transparency and accountability in these matters.

    • Double standard in questioning political donorsThe left and right have different standards when scrutinizing political donors, with the left often getting a pass while the right faces accusations of bigotry

      There's a significant double standard when it comes to questioning the actions and motivations of political donors. While it's acceptable for the left to scrutinize donors they dislike, those on the right who do the same are often labeled as anti-Semitic or other derogatory terms. For instance, the left's treatment of George Soros, a liberal donor with a reported $32 billion lifetime donation, has been a topic of controversy. Critics argue that Soros' donations to prosecutors have led to lenient policies on certain crimes, creating a dangerous ripple effect. Despite this, the media often downplays or dismisses such concerns, instead portraying Republicans as "pouncing" on perceived wrongdoing. This double standard highlights the importance of holding all political figures and donors accountable for their actions, regardless of political affiliation.

    • Soros' impact on local prosecutor racesSoros' funding of local prosecutor campaigns allows him to influence criminal justice policies, potentially bypassing higher office investments, and electing prosecutors with personal agendas.

      George Soros' influence on local prosecutor races is a cost-effective way for him to shape criminal justice policies, potentially bypassing the need to invest heavily in political campaigns for higher offices. This strategy, as pointed out, has been successful in electing prosecutors who prioritize their own agenda over enforcing laws, regardless of party affiliation. The implications of this trend, with rising crime rates, have led to speculation about Soros' motivations, including the possibility of undermining public safety to pave the way for future leftist ideas. However, it's essential to note that interpretations of Soros' actions can be subjective, and the full extent of his intentions remains unclear.

    • Soros's media influenceGeorge Soros's ties to media organizations and personnel raise ethical concerns, with journalists reporting on him potentially having conflicts of interest. Critics are often labeled as conspiracy theorists, but this is a proven fact.

      George Soros's influence extends beyond his business dealings and philanthropy into the media world. According to Matt Palumbo, author of "The Man Behind the Curtain," Soros has deep ties to media people, funding organizations that some media personnel sit on the boards of. This raises ethical concerns as journalists reporting on Soros may have conflicts of interest. The media coverage of Soros is often defensive or presents his critics in a negative light, with the most common criticism being labeled as anti-Semitic. This complex of interests is a significant reason why any criticism of Soros is often labeled as a conspiracy theory. Palumbo emphasizes that this is not a conspiracy but a proven fact, and the tactics used to discredit critics are juvenile and misleading. The media's relationship with Soros is just one aspect of his influence and raises questions about the objectivity and impartiality of the media.

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    Bonne écoute ! 




    Production et animation : Charlène Petit

    Musique libre de droit : Cool Chillhop par Phil Larson

    Générique : Charlène Petit et Yannick Bisson

    Montage et mixage : Simon Lauris

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