
    The Dan Bongino Sunday Special 03/05/23 - TX State Sen. Bob Hall, Sen. JD Vance, Kimberly Guilfoye and Don Trump Jr., Steve Deace

    enMarch 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The threat of an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack and its potential consequencesAn EMP attack could cause widespread power outages with potentially fatal consequences, emphasizing the importance of being informed and prepared for such a threat, and using a VPN like ExpressVPN to protect personal data.

      The threat of an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack is a serious and potentially devastating issue that our government may not be taking seriously enough. Texas State Senator Bob Hall, a guest on the podcast, shared his expertise on the topic, having first encountered it during his time in the Air Force in the late 60s. He emphasized that electricity is now a critical component of modern life, and an EMP attack could cause widespread power outages with potentially fatal consequences. The interview underscored the importance of being informed and prepared for such a threat. Additionally, the use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) like ExpressVPN was suggested as a means to protect personal data from being tracked and sold to advertisers. The interview with Senator Hall served as a reminder of the importance of being aware of potential threats and taking steps to mitigate them.

    • Threat of a Nuclear EMP Event and Its Devastating ConsequencesA small nuclear weapon detonated at high altitude could cause an EMP event, leaving electrical systems and devices in a large area inoperable, affecting critical infrastructure and potentially causing the loss of up to 90% of the population. Preparation and defense measures have been rescinded by the US government.

      A nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) event, caused by a small nuclear weapon detonated at high altitude, could render electrical systems and devices across a large area completely useless and non-repairable. This includes critical infrastructure like water pumps and transportation systems. Older vehicles and electronics may survive due to their simpler designs. The threat is serious, with potential consequences including the loss of up to 90% of the population. Despite the severity of this threat, the US government, under the current administration, has rescinded orders aimed at preparing for and defending against an EMP event.

    • Preparing for an Electromagnetic Pulse eventIndividuals and local power companies can take steps to prepare for and mitigate the potential damage of an EMP event, with Texas leading the way in proactive measures

      Individuals and local power companies can take steps to prepare for and mitigate the potential damage of an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) event, despite government incompetence and delays. The documentary "Grid Down Power Up," featuring Dennis Quaid, discusses the threat and potential consequences of such an event. Preppers may be crucial during the power outage recovery process. In Texas, companies like Centerpoint Energy have already taken initiatives, such as building hardened control centers and designing military-spec substations, to protect the grid. The state is also forming an EMP protection commission to address critical infrastructure needs. While federal legislation has stalled, Texas is taking actionable steps to protect its power grid and scalable solutions will likely benefit industries and households. Despite government inefficiencies, the American people's intelligence and resourcefulness can lead to effective solutions.

    • Nuclear Facilities Threat to Oceans: Potential Catastrophic ConsequencesRecognize the reality of nuclear facilities dumping wastewater into oceans, potential consequences including nuclear exchanges, EMP attacks, loss of farmland, and significant population loss. Take action to protect ourselves and prevent disasters.

      The potential threat of nuclear facilities dumping wastewater into the oceans, leading to catastrophic consequences such as nuclear exchanges and EMP attacks, is a real and pressing issue that needs immediate attention. The consequences of such events would be devastating, including the loss of farmland and a significant portion of the population. It's essential to start taking action to protect ourselves and prevent such disasters from occurring. The Chinese, who have a food problem and limited farmland, could potentially take advantage of a weakened United States in the aftermath of such an event. It's crucial to be aware of this threat and take steps to prepare and protect ourselves. The interview with Texas State Senator Bob Hall emphasized the importance of recognizing the reality of this threat and taking action. The interview also highlighted the potential consequences of an EMP attack and the vulnerability of the United States in such a scenario. It's important to educate ourselves on this issue and take steps to protect ourselves and our families.

    • Senator Vance Stresses Need for Ongoing Monitoring and Support in East PalestineSenator Vance emphasizes the importance of ongoing monitoring of water and air quality, support for affected businesses and farmers, and criticism of the Biden administration's response in East Palestine.

      The situation in East Palestine, Ohio, following the Norfolk Southern train derailment, has left residents concerned about long-term health effects from exposure to chemicals. Senator J.D. Vance, who has been on the ground, emphasized the need for ongoing monitoring of water and air quality, as well as support for local businesses and farmers affected by the disaster. Vance criticized the Biden administration's response, expressing disappointment in their absence and the potential for long-term neglect of the community. The estimated cost to help East Palestine thrive in the future is relatively small compared to other financial commitments, making it a pressing concern. The lack of immediate attention and concern from the administration has left residents feeling overlooked and frustrated.

    • Fear of Abandonment by Leadership in East PalestineCommunity affected by Norfolk Southern chemical accident requires long-term investment to prevent further decline, not to be abandoned or become a ghost town.

      The people of East Palestine, a community affected by a chemical accident, fear being abandoned by their leadership due to perceived political inconvenience. The community, which has seen homes become underwater and residents struggle with affordability, requires long-term investment from Norfolk Southern and the government to prevent further decline. The accident, caused by Norfolk Southern, left residents who did nothing wrong in a terrifying situation. It's crucial not to let this community become a ghost town and abandon working-class people who have been through a catastrophic event. This issue is not new to Dan, who has written extensively about the abandonment and hollowing out of middle-class communities in America.

    • Rebuilding Trust in Times of CrisisDuring crises, transparency, honesty, and action are crucial for rebuilding trust in public institutions, especially when community concerns are heightened.

      During times of crisis, it's crucial for authorities to listen to and address the concerns of the community, especially when trust in public institutions has been eroded. Senator Brown discussed his personal experience with cancer and the ongoing fear it brings, which resonates with the residents of East Palestine who are worried about the long-term effects of the chemical spill on their water. The last few years have seen a significant decrease in faith in public health institutions, and for the government to effectively respond to crises, it must rebuild trust through transparency, honesty, and action.

    • Maintaining Trust During Crises: The Role of LeadersLeaders must genuinely care about their people and be present during crises to maintain public trust. Quality sleep is also essential for effective communication and response.

      During times of crisis, it's crucial for leaders to maintain public trust. The lack of trust can hinder effective communication and response. Senator JD Vance emphasized this point, using the example of President Trump's visit to East Palestine, which led to tangible results for the community. He stressed the importance of leaders genuinely caring about their people and being present during crises. Furthermore, Senator Vance highlighted his own long-standing commitment to addressing issues affecting the American middle class. Additionally, the importance of quality sleep was discussed, with Helixsleep offering a special deal for listeners.

    • Kim Guilfoyle's New Show on Rumble: Amplifying Everyday VoicesKim Guilfoyle, a media and politics figure, launched a new show on Rumble, focusing on various topics and amplifying everyday voices. Rumble, a free speech platform, supports Guilfoyle's mission to connect with viewers and encourage conversation.

      Kim Guilfoyle, a well-known figure in media and politics, is launching a new show on Rumble. Guilfoyle expressed her excitement about the platform's commitment to free speech and the ability to connect directly with viewers. The show will cover various topics, including politics, law, entertainment, and pop culture. Guilfoyle's experience in television journalism and her connection to real people will contribute to the show's content. She aims to amplify the voices of everyday Americans and encourage others to join the conversation. Rumble, led by CEO Chris Pavlovski, has been a strong advocate for free speech and has seen significant growth, with shows like Don Jr.'s also gaining popularity. Guilfoyle's show is now available on Rumble for free, and viewers are encouraged to follow and subscribe.

    • Media Credibility and the Importance of Freedom of SpeechSpeakers express concern over media manipulation for political gain, emphasize the importance of diverse viewpoints and freedom of speech on platforms like Rumble, and encourage open discourse and challenging the status quo in media.

      The speakers express their concern over the state of media credibility and the manipulation of information for political gain. They believe that platforms like Rumble, which allow for diverse viewpoints and freedom of speech, are essential in combating this issue. The speakers also emphasize the importance of challenging the status quo and encouraging open discourse, even when viewpoints differ significantly. They believe that Rumble's success and the increasing popularity of streaming content are indicators of a shift towards more consumer-driven media consumption in the future. Overall, the speakers express a desire for greater transparency and authenticity in media, and a rejection of the polarization and censorship that they see in traditional media outlets.

    • Don's Frustration with FCC Rules and Personal InfluencesDon shares stories about his interactions with his father and President Trump, expressing frustration with rules and highlighting the impact of personal influences on his behavior. He also doubts Biden's ability to win the next election due to past challenges.

      The speaker, Don, expresses frustration with being restricted by rules, particularly those imposed by the FCC regarding cursing on air. He shares stories about his interactions with his father and President Trump, and how they have influenced his behavior on his show. Don also praises his father's actions during a campaign visit to East Palestine, Ohio, and believes it showcased true leadership. He expresses doubts about Joe Biden's ability to continue running for president due to alleged shenanigans and the challenges he faced during the previous election. Despite these challenges, Don believes that the unique circumstances of the previous election, including the pandemic and intense opposition, will not be repeated, making it difficult for Biden to win again.

    • Exploring alternative campaigning strategies and standing firm on conservative valuesDemocrats currently hold an advantage in key states due to the political landscape, but effective alternative campaigning methods like ballot harvesting and staying true to conservative values can help Republicans succeed.

      The current political landscape, particularly in certain key states, favors Democrats despite competent Republican candidates. The speakers expressed concern over the effectiveness of traditional campaigning methods and suggested exploring alternative strategies like ballot harvesting, which has been successful for Democrats. They also emphasized the importance of standing firm on conservative values and supporting businesses that align with those values, such as Blackout Coffee. The interview with Steve Dace was highlighted for his insights on debunking liberal narratives surrounding COVID-19 and the potential rise of a global new world order. The conversation touched on various topics, including the importance of staying informed and engaging in political discourse.

    • The social compact is broken in current politicsLies and dishonesty are the norm, manipulating public with propaganda and gaslighting, disregard for truth and social contract leads to growing divide, potential severe consequences including international conflicts and crises, rise of totalitarian collectivism and disregard for individual rights.

      The social compact, which is the foundation of a constitution, is broken in the current political climate. Lies and dishonesty have become the norm, with those in power using propaganda and gaslighting to manipulate the public. This disregard for truth and respect for the social contract is leading to a growing divide between different parts of the population. The example given of the New York Times bestseller list illustrates this point, where objective sales data was disregarded in favor of promoting a certain agenda. The consequences of this broken social compact could be severe, including potential international conflicts and crises. The rise of totalitarian collectivism and disregard for individual rights and truth is a serious concern that needs to be addressed.

    • Deep distrust towards political elite, unsolved crises, media as propagandist, and disregard for evidence and individual rightsThe political climate in Washington D.C. is marked by deep distrust, unsolved crises, media propaganda, and disregard for evidence and individual rights. The COVID-19 response is used as an example of these issues, and the authors call for policy solutions at the state and local levels to prevent future abuses of power.

      There is a deep sense of frustration and distrust towards the political elite in Washington D.C. The debt, social security, and healthcare crises go unsolved, and any attempt to address these issues is met with resistance. The media acts as a propagandist, and the political climate resembles the lead-up to World War I. The COVID-19 response, including mask mandates and vaccine policies, is used as an example of the disregard for evidence and individual rights. The authors of the book, "Rise of the Fourth Reich," argue that without accountability and consequences for those who enforced these policies, they will continue to be repeated. The book provides evidence and witness testimonies, and the authors call for policy solutions at the state and local levels to prevent future abuses of power.

    • Assessment of COVID-19 vaccines as the worst domestic policy initiative in modern historySpeakers express concerns over clinical failure, post-injection effects, and unprecedented tyranny. They believe this is a human rights violation and recommend resources for potential treatments and protocols.

      The discussion revolves around the assessment of the COVID-19 vaccines as the worst domestic policy initiative in modern history, according to the speakers. They express concerns over clinical failure, post-injection effects, and unprecedented tyranny. Germany and Australia are cited as examples of excess deaths despite high vaccination rates. Dr. Robert Malone, an mRNA technology expert, shared concerns about the long-term risks and the lack of trustworthy data from the vaccine creators. The speakers believe this is a human rights violation and a parallel to the Fourth Reich due to global cooperation in halting normal life for an indefinite period. They recommend resources like FLCCC.net, JamesClinic.com, and TWC.Health for potential treatments and protocols to address the toxic spike protein.

    • Expert Steve Dase stresses the importance of staying informedListen to Steve Dase's podcast on Bongino.com for valuable insights on staying informed and read his book 'Rise of the Fourth Reich' for a deeper understanding.

      Steve Dase, an expert in the field, emphasized the importance of staying informed and encouraged listeners to read his book "Rise of the Fourth Reich" for valuable information. Dase, who has extensive experience, shared insights on the topic during the podcast interview. Listeners were invited to find the radio show on Bongino.com and tune in for live interviews. The podcast is broadcasted on various radio stations across the country. Don't miss out on the valuable information Steve Dase provides, and be sure to check out his book for a deeper understanding of the topic.

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    Topics Covered:

    • Gov. Gavin Newsom and the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) announced that the state’s emergency preparedness campaign (launched in August 2019) has surpassed its goal of engaging at least one million socially vulnerable Californians. The campaign, titled “Listos,” which means “ready” in Spanish, provides the communities it targets with accessible, in-language, and culturally competent disaster readiness information.
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    Additional Information:


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