
    The Dan Bongino Sunday Special 05/28/23 - President Donald Trump, Mark Levin, James Lindsay and an epic Dan rant

    enMay 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • President Trump Discusses Durham Report and Election IntegrityThe Durham report confirmed President Trump's claims of a politically motivated Russia investigation, which shifted focus from the Clintons and other Democrats, and highlighted issues with election integrity in the 2020 election

      During the radio show, President Trump discussed the release of the Durham report and how it vindicated his earlier claims of being framed by the Russia investigation. He emphasized that the report showed the investigation, which affected the 2016 and 2020 elections, was initiated based on a fake dossier and had no evidence from the start. Trump also highlighted that the investigation's focus on Russia shifted the narrative from the Clintons and other Democrats. He further pointed out that the 2020 election was rigged and that there were efforts to stuff ballot boxes and interfere with the voting process. The president encouraged listeners to look into organizations like the 51 Intelligence Agency and Truth to Vote for more information on election integrity. Additionally, the radio show promoted ExpressVPN as a solution to protect personal data from tech giants.

    • Obama Administration Knew No Collusion but Pursued Trump InvestigationsThe Durham report exposed the Obama administration's knowledge of no Trump-Russia collusion yet they continued to investigate and even interfered in the 2020 election, highlighting the need for accountability and transparency.

      The Durham report revealed that the Obama administration, including figures like Obama, Biden, Lynch, and Comey, knew there was no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia during the 2016 election. Despite this knowledge, they continued to investigate Trump under the guise of a coup. This interference extended to the 2020 election, with Twitter's help in suppressing the Hunter Biden story. The FBI's reaction to Trump firing Comey was chaotic, with the "insurance policy" plan coming to light. This entire situation underscores the need for accountability and a thorough house cleaning of the deep state if the Constitution is to be upheld.

    • Allegations of Political Bias in Trump InvestigationsTrump supporters call for change to bring back loyalty to the Constitution, while alleging political bias in ongoing investigations. Concerns include treatment of individuals during the Russia probe and calls for justice.

      There are allegations of political bias and continuity in the investigation of former President Trump, with Jack Smith, a friend of Weissmann and known Trump adversary, leading the charge. Trump believes that Biden and the Democrats have been embedded in the system for years, and he hopes for change after his presidency to bring back loyalty to the Constitution. The border closure and energy policies have been successful, but there are concerns about the treatment of individuals, such as General Flynn and George Papadopoulos, during the Russia investigation. And there is a call for justice for those who were unfairly treated, while acknowledging that there have been instances of violence and destruction from groups like Antifa and BLM.

    • Appreciating Listeners and Discussing Gold's ValueThe host emphasized the importance of listeners and the value of owning gold as a hedge against economic instability and inflation. He also emphasized the importance of staying true to one's beliefs and values.

      During a radio show, the host expressed his appreciation for his listeners' support and emphasized their importance in the success of the show. He also discussed the value of owning gold as a hedge against economic instability and inflation. Additionally, the host shared a conversation with a listener who suggested he tone down his delivery to appeal to more people, but the host disagreed, believing that his passionate approach resonates with his audience. The host also criticized a listener who suggested he should be more conciliatory towards those with opposing views, arguing that such an attitude could hinder progress in addressing significant issues. Overall, the host's message conveyed the importance of staying true to one's beliefs and values, while also emphasizing the power of gold as a financial asset.

    • Liberal-Conservative DisconnectThe speaker criticizes the liberal dismissal of conservative viewpoints and advocates for a more confrontational approach to bridge the ideological divide.

      The speaker believes there is a significant disconnect between liberals and conservatives, with the former group being dismissive of conservative viewpoints. The speaker expresses frustration that liberals continue to hold certain beliefs despite evidence to the contrary and accuses them of being misinformed. The speaker also criticizes liberal policies and actions, such as spying on political figures and advocating for controversial practices like gender reassignment surgery for minors. The speaker expresses a belief that being nice or accommodating to liberals will not change their minds and instead advocates for a more confrontational approach. The speaker also reflects on past political events, such as the Trump presidency and the response to mean tweets, to illustrate the differences between conservative and liberal perspectives. Ultimately, the speaker expresses a sense of urgency and a belief that the future of the country is at stake in this ideological battle.

    • A fiercely independent speaker who values freedom of speechThe speaker is an unapologetic figure who values his freedom to speak his mind above all else and is not afraid to face adversity and opposition.

      The speaker is a fiercely independent and unapologetic figure who refuses to be told what to say or how to behave, even in the face of adversity and opposition. He values his freedom of speech above all else and is not afraid to speak his mind, regardless of who might be listening or what the consequences might be. He has faced numerous challenges throughout his career, from political opposition to personal struggles, but has always managed to bounce back and continue fighting for his beliefs. He is not interested in niceties or political correctness, and instead focuses on the issues that matter most to him and his audience. He is a passionate and uncompromising figure who will not be silenced or swayed by anyone.

    • Engaging with opposing political views can lead to valuable conversations and conversionsContinue debating with individuals holding opposing views, as these opportunities can lead to conversions and the spreading of ideas.

      Engaging with individuals holding opposing political views can be valuable, even if it may seem fruitless at times. As discussed, Democrats, like the individual Schiff referred to, may appear unreachable, but there's always a third person listening and learning from the exchange. The Durham investigation, started with a flawed premise, and its conclusion was similarly flawed. However, it's essential to continue engaging in debates, as these opportunities can lead to conversions and the spreading of ideas. Moreover, the importance of good sleep was emphasized through the sponsor message for Helix Sleep. The company offers a personalized mattress experience and is currently providing a 20% discount and two free pillows for the listeners. The interview with James Lindsay, which is highly recommended, further highlights the significance of open discussions and critical thinking.

    • Understanding the Interchangeability of Western Marxism's MethodsWestern Marxism uses various methods like race, gender, and queer theory to divide and seize control, all with the same goals and structures, posing an existential threat to society.

      Western Marxism, as a system, attacks civilizations by finding ways to divide and seize control. In the West, where class mobility exists and Marxism can't gain a revolutionary foothold through class, it uses other methods like race, gender, and queer theory. These are all different forms of Marxism, with the same goals and structures, aiming to seize power. James Lindsey, a commentator on this issue, emphasizes the need to understand this interchangeability and the existential threat it poses to our society. He encourages everyone to listen to his speech on the topic, available on his social media channels, Conceptual James on True Social and Twitter.

    • Left's goal: Collectivization of powerRecognize the left's threat to freedoms, stay informed, and actively fight for constitutional liberties.

      The left's ultimate goal is the collectivization of power, which they achieve through deception and manipulation of language and perception. They rename concepts like socialism to make them more appealing, and once people hand over their freedoms, those freedoms are hard to regain. It's important for freedom-loving individuals to recognize this threat and actively fight back. This ideology, rooted in the redistribution of shares to make citizens equal, has been around for a long time and is not going away. Instead of waiting for someone else to solve the problem, individuals must take action and engage in the fight for constitutional liberties and freedoms in every generation. The masters of this ideology are strategic, manipulative, and linguistically savvy, making it essential to stay informed and vigilant.

    • The Power of Individual ActionIndividuals have the power to make a difference, no matter the scale, by focusing on their strengths and taking action. Avoid getting caught up in chaos and destruction, and don't blame others for societal issues.

      Individuals have the power to make a difference, no matter how small, and should get involved in their communities and civic life. The chaos and destruction caused by certain groups serve a purpose for them, as it creates a problem that they can then offer a solution to, while blaming others for the issue. To make a difference, focus on what you're good at and take action, whether it's on a local or larger scale. Don't wait for someone else to take the lead. The walking dead theory holds true, as those who give up their freedom and seek the safety of an abandoned prison are those most afraid of what's outside. The left thrives on chaos and destruction, using it to manipulate and offer solutions, while pointing the finger at others.

    • Understanding the Left's Strategic MovesRecognize the problem-reaction-solution cycle used by the left, stay informed, bring in expert insights, and be prepared for potential crises.

      The left utilizes a problem-reaction-solution cycle as a strategic move to push their agenda forward. They create a problem, elicit a reaction, and then introduce a predetermined solution. This method is used not only in public discourse but also in areas like education and mental health programs. By understanding this tactic, conservatives can better navigate and respond to the left's actions. This conversation with James, a knowledgeable speaker, highlights the importance of recognizing the strategic nature of the left's operations. It's essential for individuals to stay informed and bring in the insights of experts when trying to grasp complex issues. Additionally, it's crucial to be prepared for potential crises, such as food shortages, by having emergency supplies on hand.

    • Preparing for emergencies and taking advantage of discountsPrepare for emergencies by purchasing discounted food kits from PrepareWithDan.com and support those who have supported you in your career, like Mark Levin did.

      Preparing for emergencies is crucial for families, and taking advantage of current discounts on emergency food kits from the nation's largest preparedness company, PrepareWithDan.com, can save you significant money. Additionally, Mark Levin, a renowned broadcaster, played a significant role in the radio host's career, taking a chance on him when he was starting out. The importance of loyalty and having a well-rounded background, including intellect and experience, were highlighted as essential qualities for success in various fields, including radio and politics. The liberal movement was criticized for their infighting and lack of loyalty, while conservatives were encouraged to support each other.

    • Connecting with and respecting the audience is key in conservative talk radioSpeakers value loyalty and independence, acknowledge audience intelligence, and understand liberal motivations. Admiration for DeSantis's conservative values and his potential impact on the presidential race.

      The importance of connecting with and respecting the audience is a fundamental principle in conservative talk radio. Both the speaker and Mark Levin value loyalty and independence, and they believe that their audience is intelligent and capable of critical thinking. They also acknowledge that understanding the motivations behind liberal ideologies is essential to making sense of their actions. Regarding the upcoming interview with Elon Musk and Governor DeSantis, the speaker expresses admiration for DeSantis's conservative values and his willingness to fight cultural battles. He believes that DeSantis, as the most conservative governor in modern history, could potentially shake up the presidential race.

    • Perceived War on Conservatives: Supporting Trump and DeSantisSpeaker advocates for Trump's re-election due to policies and accomplishments, defends him against attacks, and supports DeSantis for his unwavering stance.

      There is a perceived war on conservatives, specifically targeting former President Donald Trump and current Governor Ron DeSantis. The speaker expresses support for both Trump and DeSantis, highlighting their unwavering backing. The speaker believes that Trump deserves another shot at the presidency due to his policies and accomplishments, such as the Abraham Accords. The speaker also defends Trump against accusations and attacks, viewing it as a battle that needs to be fought now for future generations to understand the importance of standing up for constitutional rights.

    • Politically motivated move to remove AM radio from carsCorporations like Ford, Tesla, BMW attempt to silence conservative voices by removing AM radio from cars, seen as an attack on freedom of choice.

      The attempt to remove AM radio from cars is a politically motivated move, with corporations such as Ford, Tesla, BMW, and others attempting to silence conservative voices. Mark Levin, a prominent conservative radio host, believes this is an attack on freedom of choice and a tactic the left has long attempted but never succeeded in implementing. Despite the left's silence on the issue, Levin has been vocal about the issue and believes that if these corporations succeed in removing AM radio, they will have achieved what the left has failed to do for decades. Levin is a respected figure in the radio industry and a friend to Dan Bongino, who was honored to have him as a guest on his show during his two-year anniversary. The importance of freedom of choice and the potential consequences of removing AM radio from cars were key themes of their conversation.

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    [00:00:00] Introduction
    [00:03:10] Domestic Terrorists or Patriots?
    [00:06:00] The Real Cultural War in America
    [00:09:20] Why Stay Republican After 20 Years?
    [00:12:20] The Appeal of Vivek Ramaswamy [00:17:00] Winning vs Controlling Power
    [00:21:00] Bold Leadership Needed
    [00:25:20] Time to Pass the Torch
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    [00:32:40] Refusing the Slave Mindset
    [00:35:20] Aspiring Towards Exceptionalism [00:38:40] Why We Keep Fighting

    Notable Quotes:

    "When I hear Threat to Democracy, I always wonder, What do they mean by that? Yeah. There is no way that I feel any threat on my part to democracy." - Eileen Saylor [00:03:38]

    "Why should we, the majority, be ruled by the tyranny from the minority? We have to speak up. I don't want that anymore. They call us the party of the silent majority. I don't think we can be silent any longer." - Eileen Saylor [00:20:26]

    "He speaks our values more clearly than I have ever heard a Republican candidate do." - Kathy Barnette on Vivek Ramaswamy [00:22:25]

    "I appreciate that he listens to the voters. I've been so impressed with him. When he has gone to town meetings or meet and greet, whatever, and somebody does protest or speak against him, he is so kind to them. He listens to them and said, I hear what you're saying." - Eileen Saylor on Vivek Ramaswamy [00:27:19]

    Timestamped Moments:

    [00:04:10] Kathy Barnette explains being labeled a "threat to democracy"

    [00:09:55] Eileen Saylor shares why she stays involved in politics after 20 years

    [00:14:00] They discuss political corruption and candidates being "bought"

    [00:18:20] Kathy Barnette on the Republican Party failing to accomplish goals when in power

    [00:23:40] Eileen praises Vivek Ramaswamy's bold stances like shutting down the FBI

    [00:28:10] Eileen shares an anecdote about kindly engaging a protestor

    [00:31:10] They discuss the danger of conflating disagreement with hatred

    [00:34:30] Kathy rejects notions that external factors determine your life outcomes

    [00:37:50] Eileen emphasizes this election is about changing victimhood mentalities


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    Thank you for reading! Please let me know if you need any clarification or have feedback on how to improve these optimized show notes.

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    CONSERVATIVE COMMANDOS RADIO SHOW ...Billionaire just proposed to buy CNN!!!!

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    Devolution is a theory floating around there had been a group of Generals assisting the 45th President of The United States of America. Donald J Trump to help SAVE the Country from A NATIONAL SECURITY EMERGENCY. Devolution is defined as transfer or delegation to a lower level, especially by central government to local or regional administration.

    In an effort to preserve the  Continuity Of Operations (COOP) Planning has been utilized by the United States since the Cold War as an effort to preserve the Continuity of Government (COG). Many believe the USA has been in a never-ending war since 2001. Many including President Trump believe the Coronavirus has been Biowarfare. Remember when he was saying he was a wartime President ? Some believe the foreknowledge of the 2020 election being stolen would be seen as an act of war. As Patel Patriot has collected moments in the Trump Administration from Executive Orders, to Presidential Memorandums to last minute changes in the circle of personnel of military and executives. There seems to be evidence & oddities without full explanation. Only TIME WILL TELL. Follow me through this journey of narrating Patel Patriots theory written for all to read. This is my first time reading this series therefore I am refraining from any personal opinions. Maybe at conclusion I will state something. For now I just want to push out the audio version for all those busy, vision impaired or like my voice.  Thank you for listening. You can Google me, PENELOPENICIA to find other works. 9/2/21 I will have a NEW PODCAST on GROUNDZERO AFTERMATH.FM “THE PENELOPENICIA SHOW”.

    You can find Patel Patriot on TELEGRAM patelpatriot. 

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